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File: 1.60 MB, 1474x799, FIXED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28925867 No.28925867 [Reply] [Original]

Last time on /XSG/: >>28909133

Americans can still buy XRP on Uphold or Bitrue
[NY can swap crypto on Bitrue with XLM/XRP pair]
or directly on the XRPL https://xrptoolkit.com/trade
or on XUMM wallet (with USD IOU's from Bitstamp)

>Ripple’s Response to SEC Lawsuit:

>Lawyer Explains:

>Flare (FLR) Overview:

>Flare vs Ethereum:

>Flare Finance Intro:

>Flare Finance FAQ:

>Flare Finance Website:

>Flare Finance GitHub:

>XRP Ledger:

>XRP Charts:

>XRP Richlist:

>Past /XSG/ Threads:

>Insiders Threads:

>Insider/UHNWI/Mellon Threads:

>The Myth of Market Cap:


https://twitter.com/PRX113 [Mr. Pool archives]

>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - XUMM, Exodus or TrustWallet
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/Trezor

>> No.28925970

Duck naggers

>> No.28925972
File: 2 KB, 106x125, he knows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I on behalf of XSG apologize to babacugs

sorry we ever doubted you as the chosen insider of pool and bg321

in baba we trust

eyes wide open


>> No.28926011

shut up, baba

>> No.28926042

Finally, a glorious OP image. Carry on.

>> No.28926071
File: 121 KB, 1000x812, 1612603584193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls moar moon

>> No.28926125

Fuck off cunt you don't speak for any of us.

Fuck twitter
Fuck Leafs
Fuck Manlets

>> No.28926149
File: 926 KB, 720x720, XRP.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck kikes, fuck chinks and fuck tether.

>> No.28926190

On behalf of 5'2 manlets out there
I would like to apologise
Babachugs gives you a really bad name

>> No.28926194

t h e s t a n d a r d

>> No.28926253 [DELETED] 

Threadly Reminder that
(starting to count deletions: 1
Total deletions: over 9000)

No one ITT will ever be a real woman.
No one ITT will ever be white enough for the white ethnostate that's never coming.
No one ITT will ever be a man who fucks women.
How will you ever recover.

Trump Won
Q Is Real and Has Won
And 4chan Will Rule the World

Nothing can stop what is coming

Cicada was DIA
Satoshi is DIA
Qanon is now the DIA


P.S. Zhu wel eet ze vugs en ze pod oning nuzing, anz zhu wel b appy YOU FILTHY FUCKING GOYS!

>> No.28926257

Why the FUCK are we at .50

>> No.28926273


>> No.28926294

Anyone here who thinks they know the cugs moon date (you included cugalioni) man up and post it here. Apparently everyone knows and we’re all too retarded to figure it out BUT none of you have picked the same date.

>> No.28926321

Everything except for BTC is dumping.
Alt coins seem strangely decoupled from BTC right now

>> No.28926345

fucking hell

>> No.28926371

You guys I was just in babas discord and they all want you to think they have the "special date" and that they've had it alllllll this time.

It's just a big troll don't fall for it, they said they'll post about it next thread.

Didn't hear it from me.

>> No.28926496


>> No.28926501

X-file anon watcher here, holy shit I just saw the episode where "I want to believe" lore is explained, had goosebumps. Great fucking series, will keep looking out for any crypto currencies mention.

>> No.28926529

If baba knew the date the 'coded dates' wouldn't keep changing. You'd have 1 coded/riddle date and sit with it.

>> No.28926557

They never changed.

>> No.28926563

there is no date
never will be
just memer decoding waste of time
XRP will moon I want to talk about other shit that’s the whole fucking point of this thread and if you don’t like it get the FUCK out

>> No.28926646

Baba has a discord?
Is it just baba setting multiple accounts and talking to himself?

>> No.28926665

Is it worth starting up?

>> No.28926714

Theyre also pretending to have their own secret board/xsg.

I know I know baba yaga is 6 gorrilion steps ahead of everyone.

A group of people here who were bamboozled into thinking a twitter account gets to decide the moon date started a discord.

>> No.28926715

>you'd have one coded riddle
Everything connects to 13

>> No.28926741

March 17 -19 nigger.

>> No.28926762

No decoding allowed guys

Smart people get out

Let's be stupid together

>> No.28926848

Yes! Most definitely worth it. Specially if you saw it as a kid and didn't understood any of it, and then watched it as an adult. If not, then get ready for a wild ride.

>> No.28926891

Bros what if we just waste all our time trying to figure something out that’s gonna happen regardless.


>> No.28926936

I’ll queue it up for the family then if it’s family friendly, thanks fren

>> No.28926962

You should know that you can't speak on behalf of no anon, newfriend. This is not social-media.

>> No.28926981

Now that we are done with the schizo stuff. And we can't talk about how to set up flare wallets anymore. Are we just going to talk about the SEC until monday?

>> No.28926985

Well ideally I want to take a massive personal loan a week or two before moon date and go all in on XRP

>> No.28927010

Moon date is March first
Everything is connected to 13
Good things come in 3

>> No.28927056
File: 38 KB, 681x382, 1607060716634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the MattyGTVpill.


>> No.28927082

lmao fucking retards

I havent been here since XSG #50 or so. I came back because i caught wind baba exposed we know the date.
Seethe more pussies. We stand nothing to gain by telling you.
you will be shaken out. you just don't know it yet.
stay poor and stay mad assholes

>> No.28927087

I have not seen any sexual or violent scenes, and I don't remember The X- Files ever having one. It's like 12 seasons, each episode runs for 40 minutes. I'm going to buy the whole series once I am lucky enough to have a kid so I can get him up to speed on how conspiracies work, you are a blessed anon.

>> No.28927092
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>> No.28927113

Bro you have to solve all the twitter puzzles in the correct order and dm a manlet otherwise the price of xrp won't go up.

>> No.28927133

Even if you “decoded” the date and they told you, you can’t be certain it’s true, could be a way to demoralize you
No use sliming around in greed fren, but I also underhand why you’d want that advantage
Hope you could find some satisfaction with what you got, as any idle thoughts toward more will leave you always unsatisfied

>> No.28927136

>we get the dumps of the alt market, but every time there's pump intent we get more dumps.
Gotta love this swinger's coin.

>> No.28927180

Checked, wise words
Greed is something I need to work on

>> No.28927181

You're right, how could we possibly financially benefit from knowing the date xrp moons? Pha! Smart people get out

>> No.28927238

Yeah guys don't be greedy



Xsg is full of shills, sad

Setting the bar real high here

>> No.28927249
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>> No.28927250

Be less obvious that you're a discord trans.

>> No.28927267

I won’t deny that there is the loan scenario, and great, I’m happy you figured out their breadcrumbs and hope it moons on that date for you

>> No.28927334

That would be my cope if i were you also.
>are the trannies in the room right now, anon?

>> No.28927341

In this world we’re in I don’t blame you for wishing on more. Just hard to draw lines

>> No.28927350
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>> No.28927366
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Hey Baba

Aren't you just the messenger?
Weren't you given the timeline?
Why do you act like it's all your doing?
Why is it #ibwt?

And why do you block everyone that points out your previous failed attempts at predictions?

>> No.28927386


>> No.28927388
File: 324 KB, 754x811, babacugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting this gem

>> No.28927390


>> No.28927428


>> No.28927454

Yeah we better otherwise he wont flip the switch.

>> No.28927535

Blessed be the lord.

The attention you guys give Baba is the only thing keeping him from anhero.

With every thread gives vitality and health.

Blessed be the lord.

>> No.28927642
File: 11 KB, 124x128, masonlogio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You Need To S33 To Understand
Those Who Do Not S33
Will Not Prevail

>> No.28927644

Kek babafag.

>> No.28927673
File: 1.02 MB, 1424x1064, 1613184768674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The standard

>> No.28927682

What the fuck does IBWT even mean.

>> No.28927693
File: 3.44 MB, 5872x3380, 74868406-EEEF-4958-8AEA-BFDB4FC2B49E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28927701
File: 443 KB, 2048x1796, Screenshot_20201127-225640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek and checked

Let's go back to this arrangement where you disappear and stick to your word to not return.

You can always pretend to be an Arabic mystic when you need your hit of dopamine.

>> No.28927702
File: 33 KB, 482x649, XPLAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baba seems to post in the threads I bake, what should I make of this?

>> No.28927765

yo mama

>> No.28927768

My liege, from whence do thee proclaim thy kingdom as finished?

>> No.28927799

Itsy bitsy widdle toddler-man

>> No.28927829

fag in id lol rofl lmao

>> No.28927833
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>> No.28927847

The thread's are either dominated by cugs talk or Jews talk, sometimes doomp talk. You're probably in the same timezone as him, after a long day of jerking punks off under bridges he posts here.

>> No.28927890

Is booba? we troopa

>> No.28927922

XSG is christian.
Meds were created by Jews
Christ is King.
Baba Always Wins

>> No.28927970
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>> No.28927997
File: 201 KB, 828x396, DE40F46F-D968-4F7F-BEE3-A27075814D34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the amended complaint? Does it have anything to do with their policy change on granting waivers? Can the current SEC leadership torpedo their own case by amending the complaint?

>> No.28928024

Look how twisted these people hating on baba are lol wtf is wrong with you

>> No.28928025

based frinkanon. good to see you m8. hope all is well.

>> No.28928053
File: 1.22 MB, 640x640, 1612558069463.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After hours schizo posting is truly the best /XSG/

>> No.28928089

Holy shit based frinkanon comes back. Is he part of the shadow /xsg/?

>> No.28928113

if brown, watch tensely

>> No.28928129

he should really fucking die

>> No.28928150

Imagine being that upset over what a person you dont know says on twitter

>> No.28928154

I mean yeah, in a way, you're just giving yourself too much credit babacord member

Low iq: Woah baba, le riddles, is this the real Q I'm smart too see woah *openmouth soijack* ToooookayyyyENDOFSECOONNDDDD!!!!!!!1

Midwit IQ: cripple what who rewound ever buy that the SEC is gonna shrekt bro, just sell BTC is the coin man, decentralize everything yo get with the program you have the evil bankstee coin even if moon that's bad bro, oh BTW have you ever heard of chainlink?

High IQ: Ripple will subsume the entire global economy into the XRP Ledger and fix all the economic problems, by helping sooth the friction of an economy that needs constant money printing. What? Baba? Who's that?

>> No.28928163

Where we go one we go BABA.

>> No.28928201

in baba we trust
we never left. we just have been waiting. crumbs found.

>> No.28928217

You're supposed to pretend to be part of the shadow /xsg/. The larp doesn't work otherwise.


>> No.28928227
File: 638 KB, 1600x1307, this-is-fine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still sitting on my 173 xrp since 0,57.

>> No.28928246

post your wallet anon.

>> No.28928271

ur rich dude...... jeloz.....

>> No.28928366
File: 443 KB, 932x973, brute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Debating whether to adopt you into the pleasure dome or not

>> No.28928372
File: 284 KB, 828x719, 776F0226-BEFE-4704-9622-0960E57F21F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To add to that... 2...2...2... seems important. Keep listening.

>> No.28928386

Guys, I only returned to crypto.
Last time I sold all BTC's during the january.
There is nothing interesting I can show, sorry.

>> No.28928412

Shadow XSG is the discord fags that posted during the first couple of generals.

It's totally not s honeypot, and the purpose of this totally not a honeypot is definitely NOT simply to troll XSG for kicks and to shake people out.

Remember, it's NOT a honeypot
And it's NOT to shakeout normans
Nothing like that at all


>> No.28928461

anybody telling lies about xrp is bad
this is my molney ticket

>> No.28928475
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>> No.28928490
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>> No.28928530
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When will be FLR available on exchanges?

>> No.28928617

this link never worked for me, frinkanon

>> No.28928636

So you are a desperate poorfag who cares about crypto twitter, got it

Cant you tell im ironically pretending to not be in it?

>> No.28928662

>people who would like to have money want to have money
amazing observation

>> No.28928668

I was going to help you stack anon.

>> No.28928724

I hold a bunch of xrp.But i feel like it s gonna crab for a long while...

>> No.28928746

Im okay with retarded niggers on twitter not holding XRP personally

>> No.28928751

I want to invest in EGG later too.
I'm using bitnumb global, btw.

>> No.28928804

Lets see the greentext.

>I was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.28928833

well if you post your xrp wallet...

>> No.28928877

Baba makes retarded niggers hold XRP

>> No.28928929

Im done with other coins in this market, im full schizo now.

>> No.28928932

so you're against him?

>> No.28928978

true schizos are celebrating the XDC pump

>> No.28928979

He literally does the opposite lmao twitter hates him, he trolls them left and right

>> No.28929016


>> No.28929172

is there a tag or a memo anon? if you are using an exchange there probably is? if so ill need it otherwise itll go to the exchange wallet most likely. xrp has a funding minimum for opening new wallets of 20 xrp fyi so some exchanges dont open wallets for everyone always and use tags to locate specific ones.

>> No.28929212

Well no one can see his "trolling" anymore anyway since he privated his account out of shame

>> No.28929245

Holy shit, https://xrpcharts.ripple.com/#/ had a big update, it shows a lot of currencies now and other neat shit. Those stuff weren't there yesterday

>> No.28929262

Overpriced bags; as soon as XRP pumps it will go below a cent as it's dumped into nothing

>> No.28929291


>> No.28929302

Oh shit good find.

>> No.28929478

good luck anon.

>> No.28929481

>posting amounts


>> No.28929502
File: 79 KB, 1080x999, D89wqVSX4AIDdP3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude. thank you very much, got present from u

>> No.28929542

Why is that a bad thing?

>> No.28929622

Usually it's people flexing their stack.

>> No.28929669

>be USA illuminati
>have to get rid of globalist illuminati
>three city state corporate control of USA
>2020 happens
>fraud in election
>fast forward

>end of February doom gloom
>total SEC shakeout FUD
>March, Trump declared the rightful winner of the election
>forced to redo election with blockchain voting
>or not and Trump just assumes presidency
>total smear of course from globalist illuminati
>market "crashes" (all nations freeze economy)
>le evil orange man
>election redone/officially admitted fraud
>wait le orange man is not bad
>trump "this is a tremendous success for america, yuuuuuge"
>right normans placated
>AOC types: "come on guys Trump is bad vir if you cheat we're the bad guys."
>left normans placated
>only ones reeeeeing is deepstate and paid by deepstate
>finish that problem/job over time
>Trump "and it just so happens that we can bail out the blue states, I know I know, we'll come around to all of our great nation, oh and BTW this couldn't have gone any better, my good friend, I don't know how it could have happened without me, that I pardoned at the end of my last term just might have the solution for all of this."
>fast forward after March, April into May
>XRP declared defacto standard
>is officially who knows how many digits
>all the imf 2023 plans accelerated
>Ripple saves global economy
>normans just happy economy not fucked
>redpill operation was success
>women economy fixed or accelerated to boom
>XRP is of course better than others
>true decentralization
>continued slow disclosure adv. technology
>slowly public develops the technology
>health improved overall
>increased longevity
>ice age/solar minimum conquered
>all normans who are reading this
(Not that retarded normans)
>will become based
>drop their skewed manipulated ideas
>overtime internet destroys present media
>new arm of decentralized global media rules

>> No.28929685

It's like 100$, man.

>> No.28929689

im guessing you have a 4 digit stack now?

>> No.28929699

How much was it, I need to know if I should rob you or not

>> No.28929715

As if everyone else in here doesn't constantly go. OH MY 10K STACK, MY 2K STACK, MY 100K STACK, MY 50K STACK. Fuck off and leave him and his 150 xerps alone. Don't worry poorfriend WAGMI.

>> No.28929763

Threadly Reminder that
(starting to count deletions: 2
Total deletions: over 9000)

No one ITT will ever be a real woman.
No one ITT will ever be white enough for the white ethnostate that's never coming.
No one ITT will ever be a man who fucks women.
How will you ever recover.

Trump Won
Q Is Real and Has Won
And 4chan Will Rule the World

Nothing can stop what is coming

Cicada was DIA
Satoshi is DIA
Qanon is now the DIA


P.S. Zhu wel eet ze vugs en ze pod oning nuzing, anz zhu wel b appy YOU FILTHY FUCKING GOYS!

>> No.28929817

It was 111 xrpies

>> No.28929838

Did anyone call me?

>> No.28929841

It's dumping.

>> No.28929851

Sound good.

You're fine, just explaining why some don't like it.

>> No.28929869
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Reminder to Qfags that this is all a copy paste of an operation post revolution in Russia to entrap and subvert genuine resistance into staying at home and trusting the plan.

>> No.28929898

Nice, that's 220k worth of XRP. Based philanthropist schizo anon.

>> No.28929934

Pretty good, hope he can buy some more before the mooning.

>> No.28929950


>> No.28929976

No, I wish so.
Why do you care?
It's not like I got 1000$+.
I'm not a streamer gamergurl.

>> No.28929984

Can I have some xrp hope frens

>> No.28929991

Fill me in, what happened.

>> No.28930042
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The shills are a sure sign that there are bigger things going on. People don't put this much effort into ruining a thread if there's nothing dangerous about it to them. WAGMI (except shills)

>> No.28930053
File: 686 KB, 2160x3840, 20210215_041031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28930082

>distributed ledger technology
what is a ‘block’ explorer ?

>> No.28930106

>continued slow disclosure adv. technology
Just tell me whether I will ever not be persecuted for trying to build rat-hoods Vimana from ancient texts.
Besides, there's always a chance things go tits-up

>> No.28930110

Thanks anons, my fungus is giving me good vibes

>> No.28930131
File: 39 KB, 739x242, 1594561230376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Muh security

SEC is going to get BTFO

>> No.28930132
File: 220 KB, 782x794, 36ED1798-E7F1-41D8-BAB3-880B48A45F86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28930194

So what does it mean whe whales move millions of XRP into wallets? Sell off incoming or holding coz it’s gonna moon?


>> No.28930210
File: 855 KB, 480x270, 1609021959853.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28930234

whatever anon it's free money

>> No.28930241


Sometimes it's exchanges moving stuff between their own wallets for security purposes, or moving stuff to / from cold storage.

>> No.28930264

Fuck all of the "baba" posters, you are complete idiots. This guys is peak false prophet.

>> No.28930302
File: 945 KB, 500x212, 1604538015286.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Based, fuck LARPers

>> No.28930312

The mooning has started

>> No.28930315
File: 3.00 MB, 498x498, ......AHH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just traded some bitcoin for more xrp since it's trading so high. In the US but using exodus. I get raped by fees but it's worth it to fuel my shizophrenic xrp rage. Now I have 714

>> No.28930325

It's pumping

>> No.28930368
File: 30 KB, 500x500, 500full-igor-bogdanoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The veek hanz zold....POOMP EET

>> No.28930377
File: 309 KB, 501x371, 1588456052152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just checked how much it would cost in fees to move my BTC into XRP and HBAR

>> No.28930425

Order of roping by Schizo Death Squads post moon:
1) Twitterfag larper false prophets
4) Pajeets

>> No.28930429
File: 128 KB, 512x512, 1612157449685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank fucking god

>> No.28930459 [DELETED] 

173? you're fucking rich anon, i've got 46 lmao

im gonna get banned soon because some fag has been doing bad internet shit in my area looks like so fuck it, last time i posted my wallet an anon sent me 5 XRP so here goes nothing.



>> No.28930462

do not sell your btc anon. I mean if you don’t have any xrp sure snag some but you are going to want that

>> No.28930484


Why? I'll just buy back when the tether stuff hits. Also what happened with that, I haven't heard anything about it for a while.

>> No.28930514

shut up, Ben

>> No.28930536

this is rich, you think we're shills? haha
another retard

>> No.28930560
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>> No.28930628
File: 32 KB, 461x545, En7vDDkWMAA2tRd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

repost the image dude its small as fuck

>> No.28930663

thats because that’s fucking fud that anyone that’s been in bitcoin longer than a cycle knows. they said the same thing in 2017 anon.

>> No.28930703


it means open your mouth wide cause jed-sama is dumping again

>> No.28930738

I keep my bitcoin levels stable so I always have a little bit, but it makes (for me at least) since to trade some for more xrp while it's above 50k. shitposting aside I think xrp has some great potential in the long run, but I think BTC might crash again before reaching even higher ATHs

>> No.28930742


I mean I already more than doubled what I put in to BTC and I'd rather move it into something I can make some real profits on.

>> No.28930761
File: 396 KB, 1343x932, image0 (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28930826

not the same img bro

>> No.28930834

Daddy, why are you 5'4 now?

>> No.28930845

I heard EGG can moon.

>> No.28930854

The fungus rises (on my ballsack)

>> No.28930880


>> No.28930904
File: 22 KB, 303x291, unknown (13).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28930929
File: 81 KB, 1080x800, 117605750_129298098599817_1530969067586637961_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2k in ID.
Nice. Also I'd moreso look into whatever is in this chart to future-proof your portfolio.

>> No.28930948

ty bro, wonder wtf he's talking about.
context of this?

>> No.28931012
File: 860 KB, 2048x1746, Screenshot_20201221-155513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did some one say daddy?

>> No.28931040 [DELETED] 

test, am i banned yet? fuck

>> No.28931049

OG anons from early /xsg/ days made their own group. Baba knows.

>> No.28931106

yeah i know about that, I was in the discord but nobody still knows the date of moon, so why is he talking about how people know he's "the shit".

>> No.28931130

We have summoned xsg's greatest heroes to take the thread in a better direction.

Based lets go

>> No.28931153
File: 8 KB, 243x250, 1613167412653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that I cant say my boy cant break the code

>> No.28931165
File: 59 KB, 680x368, 1612844719688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's some silver spoon attention starved yuppie leaf with money to throw around and a god complex.
Makes sense.

>> No.28931192

I have ~750 xrps on binance, should I move them to an external wallet? Or only when I accumulate more?

>> No.28931212
File: 16 KB, 424x375, 1612106688110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


One of downsides about generals, faction warfare and muh secret club posting.

>> No.28931217

This place is a mess, looks like it is time to bring back the boys.

>> No.28931245

He finally got that surgery where they lengthen your shins.

>> No.28931278

Always remember November 13th. Fuck namefags and subverters. Baba is cool guy, he likes to troll and isnt afraid of anything. Look for the patterns. Schizo out.

>> No.28931279
File: 683 KB, 847x2086, 320FFDB2-FA6C-482C-A9A3-C559B741C0B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon. bitcoin hasnt even broken 1trillion kekekek. it’s the safest 20x on the market. and possibly 100x. you should take profits into bitcoin and trade btc pairs. xrp is obviously a great play but be careful. also a 2x in bitcoin means you’ve held for like 4 months tops. slow abd steady. time in market>timing market.

>> No.28931308


Lol too late
Look above, you have rats in baba discord you faggots
Don't make me do it anon

>> No.28931313
File: 105 KB, 640x1136, EtHzEVoVgAA7aHN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baba has until april 4th until he unknowingly is fucked.

kek so he went from 5'4 to 5'6 nice

>> No.28931314


I just don't see BTC going to 100k before XRP goes to $1

>> No.28931359

Yes, it is just me and you here. I am you, but also all.
If you are holding long term, which you probably should with 750, then it is always safer to hold in an external wallet.

>> No.28931387

I was skeptical because fuck discord but everyone there is chill. It was for the best because the quality of these threads went down significantly after #150 and the namefag wars against mellon. They even sided with the jannies to ban christians on friday the thirteenth. Very shameful.

>> No.28931406

I want to belIeve.

>> No.28931427 [DELETED] 

if you are me please tell me we at least got 3 digits XRP, the me me is fucking thirdworld ape.

>> No.28931512

Is XRP designed for quantum computing? Bitcoin will certainly be rekt.

>> No.28931531

trust your instincts anon. just be careful selling satoshis. they are v scare my fren. good luck. either way wagmi

>> No.28931544
File: 107 KB, 1200x654, 1586112077998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I deleted discord years ago, never had twitter. XSG is usually comfy at this time unless shills show up. Thread a couple of days ago was nice.

>> No.28931550
File: 5 KB, 160x160, blond-giraffe-logo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you ever watched the original planet of the apes?

>> No.28931578

>long term
ye that's the plan, thanks anon, kek bless you, I will look into the wallets in OP today while at work

>> No.28931589

Why would btc be wrecked by quantum computing? do you have the faintest idea what you are talking about?

>> No.28931608

Lol this started before that
Christians aren't supposed to lie
You were getting banned for it before that
No matter how many (You)'s you give each other ITT to "lend credibility"

Also, you're discord fags admitted word for word Mellon was a psyop from discord leftist trannies baba was using as a proxy to shill his Twitter

That's all this is about, nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.28931625

When XRP reaches the current market cap of btc, it will be over $19. It os very reasonable to expect the market cap to go much higher than that. XRP has not even begun to access the largest global markets.

>> No.28931637

The magic is gone now.

>> No.28931638

Apparently they have accommodated for the XRPL to be upgraded if needed with the advent of quantum computing

>> No.28931652


>> No.28931672

Lol, no I just don't want to trigger them too much, it's too much work
(Hint, attack Mellon, bible bad)


>> No.28931698

>quantum computing
This shit is a such a meme buzzword that doesn't ever really mean anything

>> No.28931713

>Also, you're discord fags admitted word for word Mellon was a psyop from discord leftist trannies baba was using as a proxy to shill his Twitter
wtf are you talking about, begone cUM

>> No.28931718
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>> No.28931793

By hijacking your wallet key. The algorithm has been around since 1994 at least. All it needs is the processing power offered by a quantum computer.

>> No.28931806 [DELETED] 

does it end with the third world ape with a stack of 3 digits XRP? if so im watching that shit right now
based, in my little southamerican shithole i'll be rich with my 46 humple XRPies

>> No.28931818

More like 3-figures by 2022. Adoption is going to be slow. Can't shills be patient?

>> No.28931862


rope poorfag

>> No.28931869

Hell yeah.

>> No.28931883

Things are going to get interesting around here in the next few days.

>> No.28931902

>tether fud
>quantum computing
seriously what year is this? thinking quantum will break bitcoin is iq-bell curve meme territory.

>> No.28931910 [DELETED] 


Lol see
Told you

You will never be white enough for the biblian white ethnostate that's never coming.

>> No.28931940

the whole world economy is being raped by infinite printing, it will crash, when it does, if they do not implement xrpl and blockchain, we will have a depression we will never get out of. so no it wont take years.

>> No.28931976
File: 1.27 MB, 1200x800, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It ends with a man realizing everything he ever knew and loved is gone forever in a world gone mad, filled with apes. He didn't have the internet though. 3 digit xrp could have saved him. You should rewatch anyway. Be sure to touch yourself when he kisses the monkey. It's the only way to guarantee 3 digits of xrp (blessed be its name)

>> No.28932026

very cool thank you "le nigger"

>> No.28932027

My body is ready

>> No.28932039
File: 3.86 MB, 608x342, RIPXSG.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Namefags trying to make a comeback. Cringe! Just name these threads /XRPG/ already /xsg/ is dead.

>> No.28932074
File: 16 KB, 332x332, 1612764714516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a world gone mad
>filled with apes

>> No.28932099

gracias, el niggero.

>> No.28932113
File: 103 KB, 214x257, 1609416789674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have all the shills posting patterns and images filtered

>> No.28932153


ill come back only when we moon to see pink wojaks and peoples reaction, other than that xsg is useless.

>> No.28932166

does that include me, big boy?

>> No.28932171

I think you can kindly piss off. I'll take the namefags in a heartbeat over the last week of Fudders, baba/pool posters, new friends that don't read the OP, abd worst of all the 1MM make it stack/yearposters

>> No.28932194

XSG is so alive bro
Just buy the dip
It's not gonna dump
Totally not at all

>> No.28932294
File: 463 KB, 739x966, 1613189666370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28932357 [DELETED] 

i wish i wanted to die anon, i wish.

>> No.28932416

>troll everyone
>thread is pure comedy
>bans handed out to all
>no shitposter spared
>report jannie war
>dozens of namefags appear
>literal crying filterfags
>officially the most hilarious general ever
>officially the most asfroturfed
>laughter increases quality of life
>diminishes lifespan of ragefags
>become literal energy vampire


Muhhh white race
Muhhh joos anon
You are a kike shill
Soiboy blacked wojacks
Based posts ignored
Schizo tier theories
Called a non schizo
I'm still laughing, trolling
Still extending my life
>Basically I'm still an energy vampire

Not based, but still based for me because I invented based because am basedest anon

>> No.28932468
File: 113 KB, 280x400, sips menacingly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to buy and hold and you're going to like it.

>> No.28932538

Time truly flies over, it felt like yesterday. Good laughs.

>> No.28932551 [DELETED] 

I've noticed some of the XRP Twitter influencers talk about the imminent crash of CRP price back to ~30c.

Where is rhetoric this coming from?

Is it based on tether FUD and a possible BTC crash?

>> No.28932583

I heard it is connected to some kind of lawsuit.

>> No.28932596
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>> No.28932647

I've noticed some of the XRP Twitter influencers talk about the imminent crash of XRP price back to ~30c.

Where is rhetoric this coming from?

Is it based on tether FUD and a possible BTC crash?

>> No.28932725
File: 46 KB, 362x362, 1612707210294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wheres stupid .xx piece of shit stablecoin poster?

>> No.28932772

He was fudding his own bags but got sick of the retards and probably left

>> No.28932789

Nah Ripple has it covered.
SEC has a weak case, and that did the rounds yesterday on Twitter with legal briefs video.

>> No.28932828

Minimum 1000 or NGMI

>> No.28932833
File: 243 KB, 1000x999, qt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6k stacklet
>all this asshurt over price action (or lack thereof)
>swingies getting caught in their own noose
>literally just have to wait til like early-march and we're all fucking rich.
>less than a fucking month
The whole point of this shit is value derived from utility. Speculative price action =/= utility.
Wouldn't it be more fun to jack off eachother's shopping lists in preparation for the impending
Tether will get skullfucked on a sacrificial altar, all coins will be retraced back into the fucking earth's crust. Clarity happens, XRP adopted. We Win
Now please post shopping list.

>> No.28932943

2000 XRP here.
If it doesnt 2x/3x in 2 weeks top i'm gonna kill myself

>> No.28932987

Why not?
I'm just playing with it, I can afford spending 100$ per month on my little hobby.

>> No.28933041

i'll bite. what will you buy first, fellow retard?

>> No.28933128
File: 87 KB, 488x373, Screenshot_20210212-041915_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here, but the last .xx I called was .63. can't homerpost again until .64

>> No.28933171

-Small plot of land/home in lax gun/marijuana laws state
-equipment/essentials for growing my own food/weed/filtering rainwater
-decent battlestation for vidya
-bow and arrow/targets
-some art supplies and shrooms
-my girlfriends student loans
I guess that's all I need really. I just want to live a simple private life with passive income so I dont ever have to wage slave again.

>> No.28933177
File: 9 KB, 300x400, soon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related
As well as a bunch of bigdick-capacity SSD's/M.2 drives, so I can fucking fill them with porn
Also a vive pro.
And a rickenbacker bass
And some other shit.
It's not like I'm buying a sports car.

>> No.28933248 [DELETED] 

*updating for next thread*

Threadly Reminder that
(starting to count deletions: 2
Total deletions/bans/IPbans: over 9000)

No one ITT will ever be a real woman.
No one ITT will ever be white enough for the white ethnostate that's never coming.
No one ITT will ever be a man who fucks women.
Almost no one ITT will ever be a based namefag.
And biblian watermellon spammers deserved the rope on the 13th (jk calm down niggers you were getting banned before that, don't @ me)
How will you ever recover.

Trump Won
Q Is Real and Has Won
And 4chan Will Rule the World

Nothing can stop what is coming

Cicada was DIA
Satoshi is DIA
Qanon is now the DIA


P.S. Zhu wel eet ze vugs en ze pod oning nuzing, anz zhu wel b appy YOU FILTHY FUCKING DISCORD HONEYPOT BABACU.CK SUBHUMAN BRAINLETS

>> No.28933267
File: 281 KB, 300x440, 2000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>-bow and arrow/targets
this is fucking cool, what kind of bow will you get? A recurve or compound etc?
>-my girlfriends student loans
Oh no...

>> No.28933269
File: 1.93 MB, 500x246, 1613242294575.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you post this in almost every thread. How much is that shit anyway friend?

>> No.28933393

The planefag stuff alone is like 3000 euros, I have everything in their catalogue in my fucking basket ready to go. Euros, because you have to backorder that shit from the literal homeland of forklift job/arbeit simulator enthusiasts

>> No.28933471
File: 78 KB, 675x680, 1585091470460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


First thing I'm doing is giving the person doing vaccines a few thousand to lie and say I've had my cuck shot.

>> No.28933502

Why not just get an old fighter simulator from eBay or other websites similar to it? go check around, you can probably find some good stuff from there.

>> No.28933734

I fucking hope so.

>> No.28933758
File: 193 KB, 332x475, msyumqr5bds51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't find anything from VIRPIL on the used market unfortunately. Besides, if I'm using moon money, I'm going to get the nicest shit I can.

>> No.28933766
File: 35 KB, 892x956, 51rUWcCKx0L._AC_SL1001_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pse Nighthawk Recurve because the less moving parts, the less maintenance/bells and whistles id have to do without if SHTTF. Its only 11k, that's like 5-6 xerps haha. She's cool, I pay alot of attention to character and principles. Plus I intend to raise a family on that land so.

>> No.28933785

Friendly reminder, BTC is Kill. Similar to a money pinata.

>> No.28933931
File: 2.86 MB, 1280x720, vidya.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a cool bow, anon. Archery is a fun thing to teach your kids, too.

>> No.28934015

>Now please post shopping list.
- Peace of mind

>> No.28934082
File: 297 KB, 1322x761, 1607625847301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2500 XRP in my XRP swing trading account
>2500 XRP in binance earn program
>2500 XRP in XUMM wallet
>500 x 5 XRP in cold wallets

Every succesful swing profits are moved into the XUMM and Cold wallets pro rata.

Rate me.

>> No.28934089

apartment or house, don't need much, just don't want to pay rent anymore

>> No.28934098

50 cents is now support

>> No.28934101

Sorry, that hasn't been in stock since the early 90s

>> No.28934256
File: 69 KB, 640x640, 1595730362432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw can't buy a return to the late 90s / early 00s no matter how hard XRP moons

>> No.28934302

No settlement

>> No.28934345

Use your future wealth to build EMP devices

>> No.28934377
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 1610601060402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like the way you think

>> No.28934403
File: 261 KB, 900x889, 1608969026568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feelsbadman. When did everything change? For me im split between 9/11 when everything shifted to ultimate deepstate or 2010 when we really went full post internet social media digital age.

>> No.28934477

I was born after 9/11, I don't know what it was like before this.

>> No.28934514
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>> No.28934542

Real estate, land, gold, silver, a couple of nice cars, a nice home for me and the Mrs, trusts set up for the kids, private school funds, stocks & shares, a boat, and a much needed holiday. Sure my Mrs will think of a million other things to spend it on too, and I'll keep a bit to use with flare and keep the money rolling in

>> No.28934562
File: 126 KB, 750x875, 1607848686145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I actually don't know. I got arrested for something I didn't do in about 2011 and spent until 2017 severely depressed and not leaving the house. I've never had social media of any kind so I wasn't exposed to anything going on. When I snapped out of it it was like coming out of a fallout vault. I worked in the same place for 3 years from '08 to '11, and not one single time was politics mentioned by anyone on staff.

I just want edgy WWF and emo girls back.

>> No.28934622

I was a young lad watching Pokemon. Some girl called me on our landline to ask me "am I watching the news it's terrible?" I said "Yeah it's horrible!" I didn't know what the fuck she was talking about and me and the other boys talked about pokemon the next day. I was 8 at the time and the girl is now a PA for some ceo and I am shitposter on 4chan.

>> No.28934829
File: 101 KB, 1200x801, 145652881_2911415285796461_9040781986070182450_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I always purposely stood away from social media and dont have anything outside of FB for family sake till this day. Now politics faggotry is inescapable its truly awful. Standing from the outside looking in is hell, watching the clown world develop and everyone asleep at the wheel like docile sheep. Thats fucked up anon, you're out though and its in your past. You're one of the people who will enjoy the flippening. Maybe that'll bring you closer to what you're in need of. WAGMI.

>> No.28934904

It was good before this. Watching dragon Ball z on morning TV and recording it on VHS, downloading SNES ROMs at school and playing them at home. Playing Age of Empires

>> No.28935067

Oooph. I'm sorry but also...it may be better not to know

>> No.28935106
File: 440 KB, 1862x795, 1611547294855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A lot of it also has to do with the accessibility of the internet. Back in those days the internet was expensive and a pain to use. You needed a proper computer and to know how to use it. This resulted in the internet being limited to fairly wealthy middle class, mostly white families. This is where the golden age of late 90s / early 00s culture developed. Emos, skaters, scene girls etc all emerged. Was truly one of the greatest times to be alive. No politics in anything. Now the default position for everyone is either far right nationalist or disgusting smelly communist. When the internet became available to any retard with a smartphone, actual organic culture was over because the internet became a tool for propaganda.

>> No.28935311
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>> No.28935361
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>> No.28935373

if ripple wins sec lawsuit, and xrp skyrockets,
what will happen with xlm? does it also follow, or does it need other outside factors to be activated?

>> No.28935443
File: 46 KB, 739x415, BB0A3980-4B1F-4020-BBDD-781CBDC87D3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw Jrws trying to shake me out again

>> No.28935481

I've always wondered why it looked like you could go inside those towers

>> No.28935530
File: 15 KB, 600x400, depression_drinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that image
>this post
I cant make it and fuck off fast enough lads.

>> No.28935659


The nazi subhumans are back, a shame to the real unermensch, the Jews.

>> No.28935713
File: 80 KB, 700x729, 1598421543841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw it's never coming back

>> No.28935726
File: 278 KB, 1080x2520, Screenshot_20210217-114548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All going according to plan. I called 50 cents. Now it should reach 60 cents either today or tomorrow.

>> No.28935766 [DELETED] 

*updating for next thread*

Threadly Reminder that
(starting to count deletions: 3
Total deletions/bans/IPbans: over 9000)

No one ITT will ever be a real woman.
No one ITT will ever be white enough for the white ethnostate that's never coming.
No one ITT will ever be a man who fucks women.
Almost no one ITT will ever be a based namefag.
And biblian watermellon spammers deserved the rope on the 13th (jk calm down niggers you were getting banned before that, don't @ me)
How will you ever recover.

Trump Won
Q Is Real and Has Won
And 4chan Will Rule the World

Nothing can stop what is coming

Cicada was DIA
Satoshi is DIA
Qanon is now the DIA


P.S. Zhu wel eet ze vugs en ze pod oning nuzing, anz zhu wel b appy YOU FILTHY FUCKING DISCORD HONEYPOT BABACU.CK SUBHUMAN BRAINLETS

>> No.28935783

If the price of metals shoot to unimaginable levels, hopefully it cause most normies to regress, and return to flip phones and newspapers. The normies weren't supposed to have this tech, now look where we are as a result.

>> No.28935821

When it's going to be 1$?

>> No.28935837
File: 62 KB, 800x571, pee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you can make it come back in your own community bankrolled by zerps

>> No.28935851


>> No.28935926

Will the concentration camps still have Auntie Anne's? I'd give my friends, family, compatriots and zerps up for a cup of nugs in a heartbeat

>> No.28935997

Do you have a link to the discord ?

>> No.28936011

Hello newfags, Baba has been posting supposed moon dates since last January. Please stop posting his twatter shit, he is a larper

>> No.28936072

That's been my goal for years and years, before I knew about crypto and xrp. Called it my lottery dream. Reopen storefronts, renovate community centers, start charities, fund the food bank. Breathe life back into my small hometown. More than just giving my kids a good childhood, give the entire town's kids the same

>> No.28936137

Don't know man. In a week soonest. In march latest. This assumes that the trend line continues.

>> No.28936263

That's $140 anon

>> No.28936299
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x694, sadfrog-emma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i ever going to be able to get my xrp cashed out on coinbase?


>> No.28936394

Investing future gains in EMP shielding. Thanks, anon. jk an emp actually wiped out all my bags.

>> No.28936424
File: 595 KB, 1142x857, 1582790191031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That was sort of my goal, but I'm starting to feel like there isn't a point. At what point do you decide your home town can't be fixed and move on? No matter how much I make, the government will keep funding multiculturalism and diversity. Storefronts closed because of Amazon. Community centers are rundown because the new population doesn't care about maintaining things like that, or ruining them. Charities are underfunded because there are too many people coming in who use them, and the people that donate to them are getting fucked by taxes to pay for the first group so can't give as much. Same goes for the food bank. Not trying to be a doomer but I'm stuck on this question and kinda miserable about it.

>> No.28936472

Should I buy chainlink right now it's $31 and I heard it's going even down to $25 should I wait or buy already?

>> No.28936511
File: 1.79 MB, 1133x960, haul parrel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why the schizo was called by god to xrp. if we all do this in our own lives, the world will get noticeably better. I got caught up in the low quality lately and shitposted too much, lost sight of the true goal. We're gonna make it

>> No.28936526

I meant the remainder of my girlfriends student loans.

>> No.28936567

no probs but checked

>> No.28936608

isn't it illegal to lock sometimes internet meme money up?

>> No.28936665

Go ask in a link thread. But remember token not needed.

>> No.28936677
File: 586 KB, 1024x622, 1609716337364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When shit hits the fan and governments flip to being openly tyrannical instead of covertly oppressive the law tends not to matter much.

>> No.28936732

I couldn't find any.

>> No.28936766

fuck you and cugs

>> No.28936786
File: 79 KB, 653x653, 617960cfa3101bf2ed6ca9501f63b4c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking vintage after hours schizoposting. Yeah we're back to comfiness but at what cost?

>> No.28936810

going to 0

>> No.28936827

>I think BTC might crash again
one BTC transaction requires the energy equivalent of 75 gallons of petrol
also, over 60% of BTC mining is in china, so in theory they could verify fraudulent transactions
buttcoin is a dead man walking

>> No.28936954

i can't wait for the btc bloodbath. the normie tears are going to be palpable.

>> No.28936956

Are any schizos effected by the blackouts in Texas etc?

>> No.28937026

How far is too far gone? When you do start your own community from scratch somewhere new? Clean slate.

>> No.28937033

BTC is rekt by normal computing
see >>28936827

>> No.28937055

Should I HODL my 6k xrp or put it into Eth whilst this lawsuit gets decided

>> No.28937060
File: 495 KB, 827x579, 1609738853478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We endure constant psychological torture. Just another Wednesday.

>> No.28937106

Hold, you nigger. What kind of question is that? Fuck eth. Flare is the way to go, although you may be out of luck unless you buy when it drops.

>> No.28937153

Transfer it to binance and cash out.

>> No.28937162

While I can't discount a lot of the causes you pointed out, they are unfortunately spot on, I'm not completely blackpilled on the prospect of community building. My hometown is pretty clutch for what we can call a pilot project. Year round population around 1500, lakeside village, farmland, old industry. There's an old storefront, the old general store. Buy the building and start a restaurant/tavern. There's no restaurant or bar in town limits, nearest ones are 15 and 20 minutes away. That's a good place to start, hire locals, get money flowing around. Old grange, Odd fellows halls. Start coops and markets with local farmers. Home delivery of fresh produce, meat, dairy. Gauge ways to draw tourism to the town. Hunting/fishing, snow sports. Reopen an old hotel. I could go on, but the gist of it is that there's plenty of potential and I know the populace would respond to it. It's just that such a town has been forgotten and abandoned by time. As an individual it's too daunting to put it all together again, so it slowly continues falling and fading. But if you have fuck you zerps, come in and start working with leaders and bring a vision, the heart can start beating again. Worst case, there are shittier ways to blow your fortune

>> No.28937164

Why did you buy xrp to begin with?

>> No.28937219
File: 729 KB, 850x850, Who's_a_stupid_cunt.You_are_for_investing_in_a_crypto_with_use.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic is you.

>> No.28937267

My initial thought would be demographic change exploding past the tipping point. But that's not always a death knoll, just a TKO. There's coming back from it. But you'll be demonized on social media as a gentrifier (oh nooooo)

>> No.28937277

is there any proof that musk actually put $1.5 billion into BTC? other than a tweet?
given the carbon footprint, it seems crazy

>> No.28937303

I'm waiting for 1$.
284 xrp nigga.

>> No.28937458
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BTC will crash not too far in the future, Quantum computing is starting to become commercialised, which will either hack lost keys and dump or make mining so cheap it becomes worthless again.


>> No.28937531

can't believe nobody checked these digits, wagmi
God Bless.

>> No.28937556

If you were going to do that you should've done it months ago when the lawsuit was first announced

>> No.28937581

will it hit $20 EOY?

>> No.28937615

$1999 or more EOY.

>> No.28937671

lol, imagine...

>> No.28937690

baba discord is planning another insider larp on biz in the coming days

you have been warned

>> No.28937712

>wagecuck poorfag loser
>2k EOY
>i have my 2k stack ready

i would literally cry of joy and finally get my moma in a cozy place and get her to travel for the first time in her life

>> No.28937757
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>> No.28937778

You don't need forewarning when you've become cold jaded and worn, dismissing larp trannies and meme dates sight unseen

>> No.28937827

dead dogshit over it’s a fucking sell

>> No.28937842

Share the discord!

>> No.28937854

This is why we're destined to make it lads.

>> No.28937886

Give details if you can.

>get my moma in a cozy place
Thats why we'll make it.

>> No.28937898

make what? the poorhouse?

>> No.28937998
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>> No.28938013
