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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28923952 No.28923952[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How are we doing today lads?

Dim sim dan is letting us back outside which is nice.
I thoroughly plan to get on the fucking beers when this all blows over.

Presumably this means Melb house prices will rise 50% this weekend now that yuppies can go and spend all of mum and dad's money again.

>> No.28924033

Good cunt.
Got a stack of HBAR and waiting to see what happens.
Am in Brissy though so no lockdown concerns.

>> No.28924373

Nice one. Sink a few xxxx for me

>> No.28924478

Bump for slowcunts

>> No.28924553
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>> No.28924595

And just when I thought auspolitics couldn't get any more fucked

>> No.28924620

Imagine living in shitoria lmao.

>> No.28924674

Extremely based platform.

>> No.28924823

finally 36 degrees in adelaide and its my fucken birthday so going for some sangria at the local by the shore ayyyyyyyyyyyy

>> No.28924844

Shill me somehwere that isn't fucking hot and maybe I will move

>> No.28924890


... literally adelaide. It's cold for 8 months of the year

>> No.28924928

I've got some 8.5% cans of some random shit, keen to get pissed on a weeknight.

>> No.28924929

Based Sydney cunt here, gonna be raining for weeks apparently but the temperature is nice.

>> No.28925011

Every Australian is the same, every board has an Ausgeneral and every thread is the same.

Fucking bogan cunts

>> No.28925013

Almonds: Activated

>> No.28925076

xxxx to stay hydrated, James Boags when you want to drink a real beer

>> No.28925094

Any cunts got some money in the stock market?
Looking to flip some gains into some dividend stocks. Nothing exciting but not sure where to go or who to go with. Seems all so.. regulated and bureaucratic.

>> No.28925105
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Shill me on AusCoin

>> No.28925147

Dangerously based. Partial to a few mercury hard ciders at 8percent. Had a few nights where I would skull about 4 of the suckers and be right as rain for a night out. Cheap too.

>> No.28925162

Thoughts on Great Northern?>>28925011

>> No.28925184

Cry harder burger. The only people we hate more than ourselves are fucking seppo mutts.

>> No.28925193

>hard ciders
Why are you using an explicitly American term? Cider is always alcoholic. There's no such thing as "hard" cider.

>> No.28925237

That's what they're called. Mercury Hard Cider. They're double the abv of regular cider

>> No.28925267
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>> No.28925308


Australia was born too late into history to develop any meaningful culture.

That's why they base their identity far too much around consooming (beers, flatscreens and convenience foods). They're a plastic people.

>> No.28925528

GN is good, I just prefer premium lager as it’s a bit heavier

>> No.28925581

Punching on lebs and railing cocaine is all the culture I need you mutt cunt

>> No.28925624

This is the truth, although there were attempts prior to World War 2. Guys like P.R Stephensen.

>> No.28925660

Guess I'm an idiot then.

>> No.28925782

Eh we have about the same level of culture as any ex colony country.

>> No.28925815

Haha nah you're right might. It's absolute battery acid but it gets the job done.

>> No.28925848

Exactly, look at the canaldians. All they do is skate around in circles and eat pancakes. Oh and argue about whether the french version of them are better than the english version.

>> No.28925884

I keep my long term/safe money in shares. TECH is a an ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) that amalgamates the top technology companies in the world. Pretty low risk. ETFs are diversified funds that you can buy shares in. So rather than holding an equal slice of the top 200 companies on the ASX you can own a slice of the fund that holds those shares. That way you get exposure and diversification without having to do research or heaps of trades. It's a pretty low risk strategy. And if you only deposit and never withdraw it's low stress too. Just watch and let it grow over the years.

I keep my "never withdraw" money in TECH. But the world's your oyster. Plenty of different ETFs to choose from and you can even diversity across ETFs to play it extra safe.

Easy strategy is 80% in ETFs and 20% on gambles. Lot of travel businesses have taken a huge hit in value, high risk high reward play is to load up now and pray that in a few years they're making big money again. ALG (Ardent Leisure Group) who own dreamworld are a popular choice. They've already 2x from bottom in March but still half their pre covid value. Can also invest in moonshots like really low value mining stocks or technology companies or even blockchain companies. Obviously DYOR.

The actuals of getting setup is laughably easy. Go to selfwealth website, sign up, deposit money, trade. Absolute piece of piss. Godspeed anon.

>> No.28926447

I see AAVE dipping, I AAVE it. That's my plan for this year until $10k.

>> No.28926452


>> No.28926485

Luv Uranium stonks
Luv Australia

>> No.28926533

I suppose you could live in Jindabyne or something.
The biggest thing holding Australian culture back is our sense of cultural cringe. There's been plenty of poets, artists, etc.

>> No.28926541

How early did you start on it, I remember when the first AAVE threads started popping up and I ignored it as something that would probably get little use

>> No.28926921

>I thoroughly plan to get on the fucking beers when this all blows over.
Stop talking like a Neanderthal. Fuck I hate my country.

>> No.28926994

Lol y u so mad bro?

>> No.28927026
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Fuck you on about

>> No.28927062

What’s ye problem ‘ere cunt, you lookin’ to get head bunged by a full on wasp aye, he’ll smack ya head off!

>> No.28927088

if anyone wants 5 free trades: https://secure.selfwealth.com.au/Registration/Plan/5/zMOMd

keep pumping PRL btw, it's not over yet

>> No.28927130

Ty mate have an account now. I was looking at a couple ETFs. Seems easy option.

>> No.28927139
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>Perth housing market
>Everything under offer in days

Only $40K saved and need another $100K

>> No.28927182

i lost all my money of NHC cunt, what do i do? Fucking chink dont want anymore coals

>> No.28927186

Ay cobba fucking cool it with the anti-boganism would ya

>> No.28927226

Why need another 100k?
You going for 20 percent deposit?

>> No.28927268

Buying keto sauce from this guy in woolworths and suddenly he's now full 1488, lmao

>> No.28927485
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I think he was redpilled after his daily diet blurb went viral

>> No.28927580

I don't really want to pay like $600-$700 per week in mortgage repayments.

What should my budget be? I can't imagine buying anything above $600,000. Next year i'll probably be earning only $75-$80K.

>> No.28927636

Chud moment

>> No.28927711

Should I sell all of my crypto gains for a shitty house or apartment? That would give me about $75k all up.

>> No.28927719

Look at the difference between your LMI and what you will need to save to get that extra 10 percent. In most cases, it's 10k. If you can that extra 10 percent at a higher return than the interest accrues on the 10k, you invest it.
Mortgage repayments are low as shit atm, get a 30 year mortgage and throw all your cash at crypto and stonks. They will massively outpace your interest on your loan,

>> No.28927737

*10k lmi vs potentially 60k in savings I mean.

>> No.28927804

Don't do it anon. Crypto is in a massive boom year. You will regret the missed gains to just get on the ladder. You don't want to get into property until you have a very large float in investments. Housing is not a good investment and don't buy the fomo right now, it is just hysteria.

>> No.28927817
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I have like 80% of my savings in crypto right now. I'm gonna freak if the bullrun ends soon. I'm up about $4K but growing increasingly nervous the run is ending soon.

>> No.28927918

Yeah, I figured. Boomer parents are trying to convince me otherwise and I am renting right now, but I'd rather not sell my coins.

So what if the run ends? We will be back. Unless you're in shitcoins.

>> No.28928014

Boomer parents are operating on their knowledge of markets over the last 30 years. For them, the best investment ever was property. This I don't think is the case anymore, and on top of that, the equity in your home is not useful unless you are taking secured loans out against it. You have much greater freedom on more liquid capital.

Tell your boomer parents you are making financial decisions that are longer term than just buying a piece of dirt and a shantyhouse on top.

>> No.28928126

Worrying trend of hugbox generals from zoomer Aussie posters tbqh. I think they are all NEETS too

>> No.28928341

2/3 DOT and 1/3 Chainlink.

I was up like 10% more this morning until Bitcoin started pumping again.

>> No.28928392

link is good, DOT is something I just haven't checked out in any great detail.

>> No.28929090

mosman is comfy

surrounded by water

$$$ keeps the riff raff out

>> No.28929165

Do I have to deal with yuppies and fat boomers who tie their sweaters around their necks?

>> No.28929232

i swaped out 50 of my 500 eth when eth MKT cap was about 10x dot.

so I have a bit over 4K dot now.

That way if dot overtakes eth, I will be in a similar position.

If it goes to zero I lost 10% still have 90%.

Stakeing is shit though. I dont trust exchange stakeing and it seems to just not work.

>> No.28929282

no plenty of fit yummie mummies

I sit in my 4M AUD 5 bed townhouse near the Orpheum as we speak.

>> No.28929366

Based. If there is one thing I cannot stand more than chinks, it's fucking yuppies. I live in melbourne, so you can imagine my situation.

>> No.28929424


Just depressing how expensive everything is though.

You need 20M now to just make it.


>> No.28929526

I chose DOT because I think it's a promising project that addresses many of ETH's problems. It's already large mcap and looks set to grow steadily over time. I'd be absolutely excited if my investment 2-3x in value. All of this is contingent on Bitcoin and crypto markets crashing.

>> No.28929584
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>yummy mummies

there's a mosman in perth and this is equally applicable

>> No.28929640

Do it anon we will crash soon

>> No.28929654


Anon: only cos you are an Aussie biztard.
Look into BDM (burgundy diamond mines), it's unironically going to a billion MC.

>> No.28929658

fuck yeah broke my hand a few years ago after drinking a dozen of these cunts

>> No.28929721

>tying yourself down to a piece of land infested with niggers, poos, and chinks

>> No.28929774

Holy fucking based

>> No.28929802
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>> No.28929821

Fuck you and your politics incels
We're going to Uranus

>> No.28929829

Cunt, are we neighbours?

>> No.28929958

yes you fuc-King Kunt we are if you live near the Orpheum.

>> No.28929961

I've done that challenge before. I ended up in an alleyway for the night covered in my own sick. Good night

>> No.28929981

Ty anon
I'm moving in next month kek

>> No.28930047
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>Shill me somehwere
>Suggests Adelaide of all places.
It's worse than fucking Melbourne bro.

>> No.28930048

imagine straight faced saying mosman isnt full of uppity cunts. military road is a shithole. do you need to go to cbd often? only reason why id even consider living there

>> No.28930247

LOL. Mosman is full of posh cunts. $2.5mil entry point for a house there.

>> No.28930278


Fuck yeah.

>> No.28930336

It's also a shit joint.
Mosman is unapologetically a b grade suburb.

It's overpriced af.

>> No.28930397

buy SE1 on the asx

>> No.28930456

I'd rather spend the 2.5mil traveling SEA, SA and EE. Or just put it all in dividend aristocrat stocks.

>> No.28930504

Shill me 3 good stocks and i will drop 5k tomorrow

>> No.28930525

shit do u want to meet at the front of dominos?

>> No.28930619

funny enough I kinda agree.

but it's on this side of spit B

and its 10~7 mins to Wynyard by bus

>> No.28930624

4chan meetup, kek.

>> No.28930631

That's an index mate.

>> No.28930727


kek im near there too

>> No.28931065

But seriously syd cunts, where are you looking to settle down with a house and non-peasant sized price of land?

>> No.28931067

Guys I hate niggers

>> No.28931473

shit I will go there in 10 mins from now at 7.14.

>> No.28931549

I don't think I want to be in dystopian Sydney itself. I'm thinking of getting something modest in the Southern Highlands area. I heard Queensland is supposed to be more conservative, more white and lower cost of living. But I don't have any idea where I would go and it's hot as fuck.

>> No.28931734

Mate try the raspberry flavour, it goes imo

>> No.28932017

>Maybe if I say cunt on the internet every second sentence foreigners will know how tough I am
>please notice me America :3

>> No.28932028

anyone turn up?
depends what you want.. no need for city? wherever the fuck you want, go wollongong, avalon, north coast, anywhere but here.

>> No.28932042

Buy SE1. They make cartridges for Nano DX's covid test kits which are getting FDA approval in March. Will go parabolic if / when it happens.

>> No.28932165

Sad cunt confirmed. It's not an insult in Australia you dumb pajeet ape, it has nothing to do with being "tough". You wish you could live in our heaven.

>> No.28932211

Just popped over to the original Dan's, cradle of our fine nation, 3181.
Stocks, look at machine metal printing. It's going to be HUGE

>> No.28932393
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someones gotta do it anon

>> No.28932445

Shit I’m down here right now

>> No.28932490

i know for a FACT you do not talk like this in real life.
>our heaven.
true heaven here with insane covid lockdowns, sky high tax rates, next to no industries and an economy reliant solely on mining and sucking up to china and big daddy USA, flooded with immigrants, no culture, dogshit internet, no innovation.

>> No.28932500

>DUDE say cunt and drink beer and say mean things about shitskins on the internet (but not in real life because you'll get jailed for 10 years)
>I'm going to pretend to do and say things no one around me has for 30+ years to make up for the fact I'm just another cosmopolitan suburbanite consumerist indistinguishable from someone living in London or LA but for accent
Such a unique and interesting culture :D

>> No.28932676

Cenny coast, Wiseman's, somewhere south of Sydney maybe.
Shits fucked. Got my eye on a 380k beauty 2 hrs from Syd. Stay away cunts.

>> No.28932726

Kek is that you moot?

>> No.28932802
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>he's afraid to say cunt in real life
>he thinks he's a real australian
too many white collar faggots on this site

>> No.28932915

the funniest thing is all the faggots who put on that persona are 100% middle class urbanites and dont speak that way in real life. its so pathetic the way they cling onto this manufactured identity from a class of people that they have no association with and are generally viewed with contempt.

>> No.28932948


>> No.28932955


You are one stupid fukken galah cunt aren't you?

>> No.28932986

What the fuck are you on about you stupid cunt?
And for the record I say that sentence daily.

>> No.28933083

kath and kim say fucking no m8

Australia kills most other nations with bantz alone

>> No.28933095

>worse than melbourne
not possible mate

>> No.28933096

you do not speak that way in real life and certainly not with anyone outside of your immediate circle
i guarantee you have a shaky voice, have no association with tradies or the class of people you imitate, and probably live in some faggy city like melbourne.

>> No.28933143


>> No.28933212
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You guys aren't too bad. The /biz/ gems are ChainLink, LinkPool and Stakenet.

Also where do I find the virgin sheilas? I'm not going to marry some used up whore.

>> No.28933241


>> No.28933249
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no they dont. australia is the most sensitive sook nation on the planet and is 100% incapable of handling "bants"
This single joke sign from an american caused national outrage in this country for weeks. Australians are the pathetic people.

>> No.28933312

If your willing to wait 6 months - to a year for international flights to start going again I'd recommend picking up some (SYD) Sydney airport stocks. fukn dirt cheap atm I've got 1k of em

>> No.28933330


>our culture is a guy who died in a shootout

So Australians are the white version of blm?

>> No.28933361

kek, I think it's funny
Australia is a nation of convicts, I don't know how else to put it.

>> No.28933383

leftards aren't people.

Any way Australia's recompense is CNY will invade.

>> No.28933384

Australians revere convicts and act as though they're "larrikins" but are the biggest bootlickers on the planet and thank your overlords for implementing the strictest covid lockdowns in the world.

>> No.28933438

i kek'd

>> No.28933445

melb is full of balxk attacking veitnamese who only want to run a restraunts etc so it's justified.

>> No.28933478

yeah and now we have no covid and we are all doing whatever the fuck we want. cry harder
> b-but my civil liberties
fuck off

>> No.28933569

kek case in point
you are utterly pathetic pretending to be a nation of convicts and larrikins while simultaneously dobbing people in for the most minor of infringements and sucking up to your government overlords.

No group of people in the world have stronger cognitive dissonance than Australians. It's the same way you all larp as rough crocodile dundee outback types while being the most urbanised country in the world.

>> No.28933577

Great test if you are a Boring dude or a BoringDAO holder

>> No.28933661

Australia has no or few actual civil liberties explicitly in the constitution except for XXIIIa freedom from any form of civil conscription in relation to the provision of medical services and the HCA read that down.

The HCA has, for the most part, read into the Constitution the righ to political speech by way of it has to be implied if the consitution contemplates elections.

But most people have no idea about separation of powers, don't know who simon de montfort was and don't know that the Prime minster is mentioned nowhere in our Constituion.

>> No.28933767

okay lawyer boy, old mate whinging is clearly a burger though.

>> No.28933812

I got a nice bag of xrp

>> No.28933878

Whenever I see 'australians' saying cunt this or cunt that it disgusts me. 95% of the time will be some nerdy fuck that would have gotten shit all through highschool and has somehow latched onto this bogan cultural cul de sac as some way of compensating for the fact they are pussies with no cultural heritage. Any /aus/ thread will have at least <50% parrots screeching cunt back and forth.

>> No.28933881

no, im australian and this country is genuine dogshit.
Australians are just such ignorant fucking retards blinded by MUH AUSSIE EXCEPTIONALISM that they are incapable of actually making this place better.

>> No.28933889

>old mate whinging is clearly a burger though.


>> No.28933905


>saying "cunt" is my culture

When Lee Kuan Yew said (like 4 decades ago) that Australia could become the white trash of Asia, he was spot on.

>> No.28934069

Yeah tell that parrakeet fuck to shut his cunt hole

>> No.28934112 [DELETED] 

>need another $100K
what crypto you got? will a 40-60% pump do it?

invites just opened on this pump for saturday
discord gg/Ug6PHtWtPY

>> No.28934220

fuck off cunt they're called lorikeets

>> No.28934312

>Lee Kuan Yew
he's gonna do what on me?

>> No.28934318

Suck my dick you fukken dog

>> No.28934404

Fuck VB is gods beer, shame it comes from such a cold miserable shit hole. I woudn't move back to Vic for a blowjob from Gladdy B

>> No.28934450

Look he's a nice bloke if a bit dead, but I never heard of him till the ray incident.

>> No.28934482

Fuck yeah straya

>> No.28934495

Go back to /pol/ you fucking loser this isnt your blog and no one fucking cares except other newfags

>> No.28934528

Did you just call me a parrot you fucking galah?

>> No.28934548

literal schizo

>> No.28934564
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happy birthday fellow adelaide anon

>> No.28934630

The real redpill is that this OP literally samefags all day, came over with doge hordes like the newfag he is and basically lives in aus/pol/

total cancer

>> No.28934693

Thats the spirit champ

>> No.28934952

You're a plebbit tourist faggot self loathing cunt. kys.

>> No.28935313

are you me?

>> No.28935496

Auatralia is not Asia you soulless bug
Fuck off and fuck your cult leadership

>> No.28935552

Is it just me or do you think gladys would be a demon in the sack?

>> No.28935667

This guy knows whats cracking

>> No.28935728

She'd have to be bro, the sad goblin face screams "I WORK HARD" I mean she smashed a corrupt fuck for the lulz.

>> No.28935884


Fuck off cunt, no one asked you

>> No.28935935

Actual lawyer here. You're mostly right but still, fuck up ya nerd cunt.

>> No.28936059

Implying we don't get away with whatever dumb shit we need to. Have you been to Aubanistan? the wild west is here.

>> No.28936207

Wtf happen to pol, why are u faggots over here?

>> No.28936211

It's quiet and comfy down here.

>> No.28936257

need a full thread on this

>> No.28936490

Why cunt, this is the crypto gambling board you dumb cunt, not some hoity toity fukken law board. Give me my gives.

>> No.28936617
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>ackkkktuually it's Oceania

You know damn well what he was saying. There's a reason why you grugs are now ruled by China, and no amount of bogan-speak is going to turn back the clock.

>> No.28936623
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the weirdest thing about australian threads is everyone starts talking like they're in that episode of the simpson https://youtu.be/WdAun0NpF5A
shitposting is a disease of the australian mind

>> No.28936643


No we don't. There's no argument. Constitutions which grant positive rights don't actually make the citizens they govern any more free, it just gives the illusion of freedom. Every constitutional lawyer in the world who isn't retarded agrees on that. The Australian constitution was drafted after seeing the absolute fucking mess that drafting individual rights into the American constitution caused.

>> No.28936670

The game is to own some shit the dumb chinky wants and take his money, buy back into the ponzi and take more of his yella money. Good luck to them when the septic tanks go to war with them and we seize their shit.

>> No.28936707

To true fukken based words, now tell a nigger from north suburbs how to get rich

>> No.28936712

it's an extension of the habit to amp up your australianess when overseas or around foreigners, but it comes off as really weird when you're just talking to other australians, like...give it a rest fellas

>> No.28936715

bill of rights with a right to bear arms with the implication of the responsibility overthrowing a tyrannical government is not trivial

>> No.28936719

I'm an actual lawyer as well.

>> No.28936762

>lawyers believe the law doesn't work

>> No.28936792

the Australian constitution reads like a rule book for a penal colony DESU and is very very hard to amend.

unlike the state lol NSW 1902 constitution etc which no one even knows about.

>> No.28937040

>some nerdy fuck that would have gotten shit all through highschool
nice projection FATTY-BOOMBA
eat shit and die slow, burger-brain

>> No.28937098


Everyone is born free to do whatever the fuck they want. If you need a document to remind you of that then the problem is bigger than the document. The Australian constitution limits the power of the Government to tell its citizens what they can and can't do through legislative or executive exercise of power. It doesn't mention what Australians have the right to do because they literally have the right to do whatever the fuck they want, unless the Government says otherwise. In Australia freedom is the presumption and the constitution protects that presumption by limiting the powers of each arm of Government.

In America the powers of the Government are tempered by individual rights, which is fucking retarded. You think a fat cunt armed with an AR-15 and a piece of paper that says he has the right to carry it has any real hope of overthrowing a government that can shove a missile up the arse of an Iranian general who said mean things about them? Of course not, it's all illusory.

>> No.28937133

we know, you live in fuckboi mosman, youve told us about your multimillion dollar house and you randomly injected some fuckin law facts into the conversation. next you’ll tell us how law grads deserve to work 95 hours a week for pennies because its what you had to do

>> No.28937136


>> No.28937142

How cucked are we when it comes to taxes on crypto? I'm just gonna assume the ATO goes balls deep in us.

>> No.28937151

Definitely a huge joke tho

>> No.28937200

>NSW 1902 constitution
Tell me more I'm getting wet

>> No.28937206

Shill me a couple tickers mate

>> No.28937225

limits gov power .... heh no. Bound to the chariot wheels of the Cth we are, Parkes-Yoda.

Power to issue Currency/s50 of the Banking Act and Taxation power and uniform tax cases are all you need to control everything or get all other powers

>> No.28937272

it useless no-teeth and easily amended.

the last fun we had was before Australia acts when you could bypass the HCA straight to HL

>> No.28937280

So fucking based

>> No.28937354

I heard someone say something like the australian rights are implicit of the english bill of rights which are from divine right of the king so you are born free is a load of shit. Rule of law and trial by a jury of peers is not definitely not a given
>mischaracterises the gun owners as useless hicks
the military is made of the people you are talking about. Look at the vietnam war to see the efficacy of an armed population against a massive technological force

>> No.28937380

>The Australian constitution limits the power of the Government to tell its citizens what they can and can't do through legislative or executive exercise of power. It doesn't mention what Australians have the right to do because they literally have the right to do whatever the fuck they want, unless the Government says otherwise. In Australia freedom is the presumption and the constitution protects that presumption by limiting the powers of each arm of Government.
lads.. is this that aus-t-tralian ex- exceptionalism he was t-t-talking about .. ?

>> No.28937452

Feels good to be born in the land of Oz

>> No.28937475

>You think [some obviously retarded shit-cunt waffling]? Of course not, it's all illusory.
>it's [rights]
(you) are fat as fuck, cunt.

>> No.28937485

what he's really saying is the government has a blank cheque and can stop australians doing whatever they want

>> No.28937534

subject to common law

>> No.28937564

as evidenced by >>28937475/>>28937098
when did it get so fucking FAT and BOOMER in here?

>> No.28937586

Adelaidefag back from my sangria and swim Uber eatsing some thai now nice to see I’m 3k up as always the beat goes on fuck yeah dumb things

>> No.28937597

taiwan will win

>> No.28937622

Fuck yeah

>> No.28937664

You little ripper. Happy bday anon.

>> No.28937800



Underlying the currently UNDER-DEVELOPED mass-delusion of "culture" and "civilised society" is cold, hard, REALITY; when a critical mass is no longer entranced, this fact of life [as it is currently configured] will become painfully true.

>> No.28938016
File: 64 KB, 874x654, trxyctyuv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are fucked if might makes right there are 22 million of us

>> No.28938185
File: 668 KB, 613x882, signal-2021-02-17-214302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucked cunt, we know you're jelly. My backyard is probably bigger than your whole shitty village, Renjith.

>> No.28938216

Keep in mind when I said "culture" and "civilised society", the prefix "global" was implied; shared interests, beliefs and the branching of this outward into allegiance(s) will absolutely still exist, but that's not to say that borders will not be drawn - they will be - and these borders/laws/allegiance(s) will [if they are to] be supported and enforced by FORCE/MIGHT.

>> No.28938478


>> No.28938583


What the fuck even is this thread and why is it in /biz/ and what the fuck even is this thread ??

I'm out - probably a bunch of fluorescent african folk in here.

Love you ALL

>> No.28938624

Elizabeth Bay represent!

>> No.28938668

>the only bad thing in his 5 point plan is the solar system colonisation
this retard has better policy's than the liberal party and probably labor too

>> No.28938696

The one I've been following the closest is DYL. Currently on a trading halt cause they're about to announce a fund raising. Every bit of news they release has been good. Good finds in their exploration and now they're moving onto looking at the feasibility of starting a mine. All dependent on whether or not you think the uranium price will rise in the next 5 years.

>> No.28938733

>FOMO general
>property prices
>implying not /biz/ - Business & Finance related

>> No.28939128
File: 7 KB, 300x168, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turned mummies 500 into 4500 on the asx

>> No.28939237

wtf I love activated almonds now

>> No.28939254

Based anon. Don't lose her tendies, sell her 500 and use the rest to make more profits.

>> No.28939333

fishers and shooters have better policy than both majors. it aint fucking hard

>> No.28940027

I just want to own four walls and a roof why are prices so fucked bros

>> No.28940062

get out of sydney, it's nearly double the national median

>> No.28941384

even most wogs wouldn't get this mad, so you must be a chink

>> No.28941469

What area are you keen on?

>> No.28941682

We also have a national icon who started being a highwayman because the Chinese were taking all theunskilled jobs that everyone knows about but 90%of people have no idea of why he did what he did.

>> No.28941893

Premier N S. W

My dear Sir Henry Parkes

I find by the newspapers that you have been very liberal in offering a reward for the Kelly gang or any one of them Now Sir Henry the man that takes I Captain E. Kelly will have to be a plucky man for I do not intend to be taken alive. And as I would as soon die in NSW as Victoria I will give you or any other person who wishes to take me a fair chance to try your pluck. I am at present not very far from Bathurst (in fact I have been in the town of Bathurst and has taken a peep at the bank) Now I tell you candidly that I intend to rob Bathurst and particularly the bank. So now you are warned of course I will not say what time I and the gentlemen that follows in my train will visit the City of the plains. But one thing you can count on that I will pay it a visit. Now Sir Henry I tell you that highway robbery is only in its infancy for the white population is been driven out of the labour market by an inundation of mongolians and when the white man is driven to desperation there will be desperate times. I present my respects to the Sydney police

yours E. Kelly
>He doesn't know why Ned is beloved

>> No.28942353

fuck you I'm a near neet, I don't own the property I'm in a friend is letting me stay there

I could never work for the MAN.