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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 755 KB, 1218x1612, AAA3273A-3E5F-4362-8BDB-0775F13655E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28924395 No.28924395 [Reply] [Original]

Get in while you still can, this will be HUGE. A lot of money to be made!

>> No.28924653

I thought this was just a quick PnD. What's the actual deal with this coin? The chart doesn't look good.

>> No.28924789

It's a fake twitter account. This is literally a scam please do not fall for it

>> No.28924790

Oh yay I love Stan from the office and I’m invested in COR too. Quick someone post the pepe Stan meme with coreto incorporated into it

>> No.28924849


>> No.28924872

Thanks for ruining it, seriously thanks tho I was about to share this bs until I read your comment, checked his a count and he has like 5 followers and 2 following lol

>> No.28924926

This is a fake account with two followers and this is its only tweet (from 16 minutes ago)

OP obviously made the fake tweet just for this thread, which tells you everything you need to know about the project they're shilling

>> No.28924938

even if it was real accout that dumb fat cunt did nothing noticeable after the office, why would anyone trust him?

>> No.28924944

Shit there really are pajeet scammers on here. Thats spooky.

>> No.28924946

he literally just made the account. its his. he will be posting about it on his 400k follower ig too. better pick up a bag incel

>> No.28925051

No problem, don't fall for this kind of bullshit, fuck these guys

>> No.28925093

This whole thing looks crappy and suspicious

>> No.28925108
File: 92 KB, 1000x1000, 1612851592632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got his page open right now, lmk when it goes up fucko

>> No.28925238

his literally best friends with the coreto manager. its the real stanley, even look on his reddit

>> No.28925248

You can see it’s confirmed to be his it’s new but confirmed there’s no lie. He has asked anyone who questions it to feel free to contact him. It’s connected to his social media and will be verified by twitter. He’s also already shared on reddit this is not a lie

>> No.28925251

holy shit someone really donated money to that nigger show he made up like a year ago
some people a sure retarded

>> No.28925288

Yes this is very easy to confirm. It takes very little research, do some. It’s him and more big celebrities are coming

>> No.28925338

No it’s been confirmed by him, send a message to him on reddit and he will confirm

>> No.28925406

ETH why would anyone use that shitcoin

>> No.28925412
File: 292 KB, 1018x652, SmartSelect_20210118-170647_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be pajeet
>search "American business office celebrity" on google
>fat black man appears on images
>this man is the man for my pump
>create fake Twitter account
>post one tweet
>screenshot it and post it on biz
>collect your 0.5 ETH from retards aping

>> No.28925493

this is the saddest shill I've ever seen I just can't stop laughing

>> No.28925599

It is not hard to verify that it’s him and it’s his new written account. Simply contact him on reddit to verify.

>> No.28925638

Ok you fucking retarded pajeet ask him on reddit and verify yourself. It’s called doing a little research

>> No.28925640

its him idiot

>> No.28925745
File: 756 KB, 500x375, 1599331149064.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Simply contact him on reddit
>ask him on reddit

will you niggers just leave already

>> No.28926037

stay mad and stay more shitskin

>> No.28926089
