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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 213 KB, 1600x900, BSC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28917488 No.28917488 [Reply] [Original]

Post some contract addresses to buy

>> No.28917714

I aped into BRY, CAKE and WYNAUT lmao let's see what happens

>> No.28917896


>> No.28918047

I'm in EGG, WYNAUT, and BFI right now.

>> No.28918110


https://t dot me/Wagmakeit

>> No.28918364

Fuck i still need to figure out how to buy shit on BSC... once i do .. wtf should i buy ?

>> No.28918433

WYNAUT is one of the few with x5 minimum potencial.

>> No.28918471
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Literally just launched and is only 4x since presale with 300 holders and 300k marketcap.

Contract address on their website https://www.beflect.finance/

>> No.28918528

Do these BSC tokens even have a use case. I'm hearing these meme names, and just wondering wtf is even going on.

>> No.28918550

Beflect does it way better, plus has so much more coming and we are already 4x in a day

>> No.28918569
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>> No.28918602

take a wild fuckin guess lol

>> No.28918735

literally just cash and grab ponzis
normans buying late buy our bags at 10x
or we all get rugged by a neet

>> No.28918785

I have 1000 bucks in BRY.

>> No.28918799

if bsc is supposed to replace eth why does all this sound like retarded ponzi pajeetery

>> No.28918857

more like uniswap in spring 2020

>> No.28918911


>> No.28919197
File: 11 KB, 400x400, n3bbisckibe46vrpgzj5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally just launched and is only 5x since presale with 300 holders and 300k marketcap.


BFI is a fork of RFI but on BSC. BFI token is capable of gasless yield farming and rewards are distributed directly to holder's wallet. Rewards are generated from a 2% tx fee on every transaction that is distributed to all holders.
Further, in order to introduce deflation they are sending 500K tokens to our blackhole burn address. The blackhole address will receive a portion of rewards and remove BFI from the circ supply, effectively creating deflation.

10mil total supply

1mil sent to burn address immediately

Check out the website, join the telegram, and DYOR. This is gonna boom.

>> No.28919691

how the fuck do you find these things and buy them early?

>> No.28919805

It's all yield farming or RFI schemes (ponzis). Go ahead and take a guess whether BSC is legit or not.

>> No.28919853

Token that burns some on EVERY transaction until 5,000,000, already got stacking and is earlier than anything shilled on here.
Not even 300 ppl on TG: @cobaltfinance

>> No.28920314

Here's the SMOKE contract

>> No.28920333
File: 11 KB, 378x303, stuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anytime I try to buy this I get stuck on this. Doesnt matter if I do 10 bucks or 200 dollars it wont bring up the confirm or reject page. If I switch to BRY or EGG it works just fine though.

>> No.28920424


gonna moon probably from 0.06 to 0.50 minimum

>> No.28921221

EGG, comfiest of holds. 1k EOY easy

>> No.28921390


>> No.28921905

What coin do I buy to invest in binance smart chain? I'm FOMOing and sincerely do not know how to buy into this

>> No.28921979

Boxmining just mentioned he and his team are farming goose on his yt livestream wtf, he said the devs are in his telegram and seem to be making a good effort. So comfy

>> No.28922278

buy bnb on binance
follow a guide to run metamask on the bsc network
send bnb to your normal metamask eth address
go to pancake swap, swap bnb for w.e shitcoin

imo this is the best time to get in

>> No.28922375

Anon. We know. But this is the equivalent of grabbing a bag of money sitting on the top of an icey lake. Your feet are planted firmly. But don't stay there too long. Grab it and run.

>> No.28922401

thanks anon :) I'm a poorfag though, so what would you say is the minimum to stake in order to make a profit?

>> No.28922497

CAKE is real, the rest are not

>> No.28922579

gross it had a presale and it's up 5x? sounds like a perfect recipe to dump violently whenever the presalers choose. If you want to get in on the original, the first reflect token on BSC then look at Wynaut. strong community, good memes, not just reflect but also token burn for optimal pumpamentals

>> No.28922580

it's probably too late for wynaut and egg

you can still get in on bignite

>> No.28922600
File: 87 KB, 847x787, F233E12F-684D-4CE3-AAEB-0D5505FE3AF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop shilling ETH gas rugs that copied Wynaut

>> No.28922725
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Any of ur guys’ rug tokens have an OST? Oh... no....?

>> No.28922917
File: 1.57 MB, 2016x1584, E027EF19-5FF8-4898-AA1D-5544442D9EEC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to buy infographic *gets in you way*

What’s the matter shitcoiners? Your community doesn’t care enough to create quality material in support of ur TOTALLY-NOT-A-RUG? You don’t have organic growth with a beyond optimistic outlook? Or genuine connection to your fellow bag holders?


>> No.28923011
File: 577 KB, 1920x1200, 1DA51AC5-8308-450E-AEEE-36203F9C906E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I oop-

>> No.28923131

it is pretty early on these fren
normies arent being shilled it heavily yet

>> No.28923228

Twitter isn't in. Reddit isn't in. Youtubers are just starting to spread awareness. Very early, WAGMI

>> No.28923846

ok, I'll buy this. but how do I SELL?

>> No.28924003

you won't be able to when they pull the rug

>> No.28924153

kek like a normie could manage his way through the hoops to buy this trash

>> No.28924433

fuck. I am destined to be a bagholder then. Guess I will just swap it tomorrow or something then.
Reddit has already been talking about it


>> No.28924459

Why would anyone invest in what is ostensibly just an invitation for a Nintendo lawsuit?

>> No.28924480
File: 463 KB, 2000x1299, Delphinapterus_leucas_Steve-snodgrass-CC2-Att-Gen[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a single thread or post about my bsc ponzi
feels good

>> No.28924552
File: 353 KB, 572x472, F9C33041-B34E-41F5-84AE-ED9458BFFBA5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u convert on pancakeswap back to BSC with an incredibly low fee and rapid transaction time?

>> No.28924612

Then dont do it, its too late

>> No.28924659

Can't find much on bignite

>> No.28924690

How can i get in contact with the developers of wynaut? I want to be part of the next scam

>> No.28924701

if nintendo even looked at the wynaut page the price would quadruple

>> No.28924714

and that's how you know you're in a the right time
it's dipping rn, probably the best advice you'll ever hear on here from anyone is to buy this shit

>> No.28924724

Because the gas fees are so cheap that you can just throw a few bucks at a lottery ticket and hope it moons. I almost tripled my initial investment.

>> No.28924779

Where the fuck do i buy it? Im not even sure where's the contract

>> No.28924795

That would increase the price
That was the main reason why people bought MCDC

>> No.28924867


bsc network senpai

>> No.28925007

Yeah i just wanted to be sure that's the one. Im guessing that it works with pancakeswap

>> No.28925155

Same here and then staked bnb-bry

>> No.28925240


>> No.28925344

Wasn't ETH all about being a retarded Ponzi pajeetery in the first place?
This time is Chink based instead of Russian based.

>> No.28925400
File: 80 KB, 1353x307, bridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to send some eth to my bsc wallet on binance bridge and the coins disappeared. What do?

>> No.28925696

checked and auch :/

>> No.28925740

Looks like its because there is another order open but I cant cancel it.

>> No.28925766

comfiest hold in existence

>> No.28926077

Thank you so much for this. Swapping ETH for BNB is mildly confusing and I don't have patience for half-hour YouTube tutorials. This is all I needed.

>> No.28926778

Pancake swap: 0x34efd7b870310a5f42ef4fd9bfaffcc2e2b1f9a3

tiny liquidity, just ape $20 in, just came out less than 20 mins ago, easy 10x.

>> No.28926814

t me disbanter

will be mooning soon fren. cause i know you just want to make money

>> No.28926832






>> No.28926963
File: 6 KB, 225x225, SAV333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We know. That means you should be entering SAV3 right now and getting in the LP until $10 SAV3.


>> No.28927310

Am I able to actually cash out on Binance with just a basic "unverified" account? I just tried 3 times to verify my identity and the app crashes each time it gets to the face verification.

>> No.28927397

because of your digits I will answer.
click settings and increase your slippage

>> No.28927504

None of these tokens do anything

Ponzi shit

>> No.28927761

EGG all the way. Comfiest hold in crypto rn.

>> No.28927932

Haha what? Eggs will explode

>> No.28928181


stop... im accumulating as much as I can before it hits $100. let the normies fomo after we cross $100. any day now Dev's going to burn a shit ton of tokens again and it will like last time make a huge rise in the price / fomo. enjoy fags, we are printing money on egg.

>> No.28928260

based. it works, thanks brother. sadly after it didnt work for me I already aped into EGG and BRY so I have a pittance of BFI now

>> No.28928545
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>> No.28928625

it's gone you retard

>> No.28928811

Hey, where is the settings on goose? I cant find it and having the same issue now losing cake lp. Worked fine before.

>> No.28929293

stay poor nigger

>> No.28929651

thoughts on BAKE, BURGER and SPARTA?

>> No.28929711

Problem might be with your face. Remove pimples and dorito dust, try again.

>> No.28929770

Is there something like DexTools for BSC or does it show all coins actually?

>> No.28929855
File: 16 KB, 448x321, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be fucking ready

>> No.28929856
File: 172 KB, 300x294, 588A1D9E-F660-45C5-B188-BF040653B002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Word on the street is that EGG is based. You’d be a Grade-A Moron to not join the GOOSE GANG HONK HONK

>> No.28930027

Being early just means you know how to use BSC. All you need to do is say the words "10x" to people and show them how to buy and they'll fomo in without thinking and we make bank.

>> No.28930113

how do you trade this stuff? the graph is boomer-level detail....like zero granularity on timeframes..for instance:

>> No.28930137

I am right in assuming that its more profitable to nest EGGs instead of LPing now the price of EGG is rising so fast? I'm LPing right now and half of my money is caught in BUSD....

>> No.28930161

God, it feels amazing to know I finally got in early on something. Putting in just a little bit of effort paid off. I hope you make it, anon. I’m so bullish on this

>> No.28930216

Do 50:50 fren. Farm some more eggs and become a golden goose

>> No.28930327
File: 164 KB, 1024x1530, 1601924098552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly op is right and this is ico mania from last time. Don't get greedy and take profits, anon. What a time to be alive.

>> No.28930383

Hmm, yeah. Might be better than LPing 100%.

What is everyone else doing with their EGG?

>> No.28930684

click the gear icon and increase slippage to at least 3#

>> No.28930891

how did that end again?

>> No.28931041


i have 10 eggs and just holding, dunnow if i should stake or nest i'm a bit lost kek

>> No.28931085


oops i was answering >>28930383

>> No.28931476


Cant find it on pancakeswap any other place to get it?

>> No.28931999

So what is EGG's end game? Compete with pancake?

>> No.28932035

EGG is just another PnD shitcoin. Buy BNB, Cake, Venus, Berry and you'll make it.

>> No.28932130

Why is boxmining on it?

>> No.28932185

how much are you buying?
it only shows up if you have a min 1 bnb on the smart chain. just like any smart chain presale

>> No.28932193
File: 24 KB, 831x228, 451561523416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EGG is literally CAKE but safer
>pic related

>> No.28932686

i keep getting invalid_output_amount on metamask or bsc wallet when i try to trade shitcoins, what do?

>> No.28932839

Increase slippage before swapping - 3% should be fine

>> No.28933385 [DELETED] 
File: 648 KB, 822x608, 1611903282425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i literally need 6 fucking cents worth of bnb to change my etherum i have on bsc network to bnb so i can start trading


i dont even fuckin care anymore i spent like 12 fucking hours learning how to use this godamn shit someone take pity on the poorfag 0.0005 BNB away from being able to trade REEEEEEE

>> No.28933480

bsc is the front runner, closely behind we find API3

>> No.28933590

Anon I'm having a good day so I sent you .0009, just pass on the favor to someone else eventually

>> No.28933601

fuck you im giving you a dollar

>> No.28933603
File: 73 KB, 720x711, photo5188291228117086372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No address yet you're early on this rocket gem


>> No.28933863
File: 393 KB, 750x834, 273672B3-F161-4FB3-9248-662CE7485832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain to me how does yield farming works ? BNB - BRY for example? Also how all these new bsc tokens pump like that ? Is it a vapor price? Rly confused about all these

>> No.28934327

The transaction cannot succeed due to error: PancakeRouter: INSUFFICIENT_OUTPUT_AMOUNT. This is probably an issue with one of the tokens you are swapping.
Still. Is it a scamcoin?

>> No.28934332

its 12 cents now im guna fucking kill someone

>> No.28934415

I sent you another .001 cause my portfolio is fucking blowing up today but pass the favor on

>> No.28935180

whats the egg contract code or site?

>> No.28935209

FMA mate

>> No.28935231

get it off coingecko
goose finance

>> No.28935374


Get in now and put it all in a farm or nest.

>> No.28935432

thanks found it.
make it and suicide stack?

>> No.28936473

Noobas check the vid

>> No.28936560

oh tough to say
I would want at least 40 eggs though

>> No.28936881


same logo and abv as b.earn.fi ahahaha
jesus they arent trying anymore

>> No.28936980

literal chinese spamming weeb shit
made two projects at the same time to rinse as much as possible eth and bsc

>> No.28937131

Happened to me, i had to lower the amount so change to supply becomes orange.

Checked in chrome console and there is an error

> Error: gas required exceeds allowance or always failing transaction for approveAndCall method.


I think anon was right and it's about the slippage, but you can also try sending directly via js code as mentioned in the github link. For me i just lowered the amount kek

>> No.28937339

so is bsc forked meth? why arent the fees astronomic?

>> No.28938644

How are you tracking tokens? Which charts? I also can’t see them on Blockfolio - is it just too early or is there a reason for that?

>> No.28939461

how do you use binance smart chain?

yes i'd like to be spoonfed, be mommy pls

>> No.28940789

Vitalik=N. Tesla
CZ=T. Edison
BNB solved ETH

>> No.28940812


>> No.28940857



>> No.28940880

More like is sept 2020 again...

>> No.28940962

Autofarm gives +100% APY!!!!

>> No.28941013

I'm surprised to see how many people are missing out on Belugaswap

>> No.28941022

Polkacomma is the gem of today

>> No.28941040

So you picked a token name already used by a much bigger project?

>> No.28941042

What am I doing wrong? In metamask, my BSC address is showing the same as my ETH address.

>> No.28941136
File: 264 KB, 453x256, akirapatas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me anons, why should I get out of ADA, GRT, HBAR and ONE for Binance smart chain stuff?
What's a good EOM x10, Ill take even a x5, if it's less than that Im not risking shit for it.

>> No.28941202

Need opinion on SPARTA.
Plus: seems interesting, on binance chain, CZ may pump it. Not mentioned here often, unlike fuckin scam coins you see 10 threads every day.
Minus: site is lacking, branding is taking photos from holywood movie, can't end well. Cheesy token pic. I think it will need rebranding in the future.

>> No.28941236

Can someone help with a quick rundown on how to get set up in BSC?

I’m from the U.K. so can access binance no problem. I’m using pancake swap I know that is like the uniswap of BSC.

What tokens do I need to buy on binance and what’s a good wallet to use? I’d like something similar to meta mask but for BSC

PLEASE do the needful and help me so I can buy your already pumped coins and then you can dump

>> No.28941268

egg is a shit tier clone that didn’t even bother to replace the links to pancakeswap on their site

>> No.28941324

Don't sleep on pancakebunny folks, TVL increased x2 again today while price unchanged. It is going to explode in next few hours. You have been warned.

>> No.28941345

Usecase is the same as all the other trash. Staking, yielding. Gaining more coins.

Except you pay 4 cent fee instead of 100$

>> No.28941351

i think being backed by binance is pretty safe at this point. i trust binance more than some copy paste niggers who don’t even bother to fix up the website they ripped

>> No.28941715

All my homies love BFI

>> No.28942967


>> No.28943767

god damn how many pajeets are in this thread?

>> No.28943988

Didnt you know? Everyone on biz is a pajeet

>> No.28944078 [DELETED] 

WYNAUT went from 0.5 to 0.16 in 6 hours, and people are still figuring out how to use bsc. This is the wild west in it's true form

>> No.28944148
File: 105 KB, 617x800, GOOOSE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28944264

WYNAUT went from 0.06 to 0.16 in 6 hours, and people are still figuring out how to use bsc. This is the wild west in it's pure form. High risk, high reward faggots, you get rug pulled if you let yourself rug pulled

>> No.28944638

Don’t get paid till Friday, how long do we think this level of volatility is going to last? Might throw $1000 into some of these scams

>> No.28944750

jumped from wynaut to egg, fucking kill me

>> No.28944841

This. I'm boarding the BSC hype train myself, but the ceaseless shilling and spoonfeeding really makes me think this whole thing is gonna blow up once jeets 2x on their 20 dollar investments.
Fucks sake, this cheap chinese blockchain copy really has the potential to give us all 10x gains but not like this.

>> No.28944953

Cobalt.finance still under 0.01

>> No.28945030

Anyone thats good at math know the odds of winning the lottery or at least the odds of getting 2 numbers right?

I'm so tempted to just buy a bunch of tickets fuck I hate being such a degenerate

>> No.28945115

It's not that deep dude, ape in and wait for x2 then get out if you're such a pussy

>> No.28945212

I'm talking about the Pancakeswap lottery

>> No.28945300

Whats this?

>> No.28945421

thats BFI my son. beflect.finance

Now go and prosper.

>> No.28945576

Negative. Read it properly.

>> No.28946354

I made $275 worth of EGG overnight and CAKE pumped to $9, making it is on the menu boys

>> No.28946455

What's the not yet pumped ape play? Also which is better cake or egg?

>> No.28946569

how do people not know this?

>> No.28946584

SMOKE is still going strong. I am earning $500 a day by sitting on my ass grilling steakies.

>> No.28946615

Where do you find new BSC projects anons?
I'm a BNB noob

>> No.28946634

SMOKE. Only 3 days old, not on gecko yet. Dev is based. Already dumped. Rewards are way better than EGG.

>> No.28946693


>> No.28946702

>hey fellow china men let's come up with some memes to shill our coins


>> No.28946975

Please to be buying the needful, sirs. Many fortunes upon your family.

>> No.28947348

pls help sirs

>> No.28947485


>> No.28947614

stuff that's on /biz/ is already late

>> No.28947675

Devs are announcing some new farms today, will likely cause another big pump. Get in now while it's still cheap

>> No.28947683

Shill me this?

>> No.28947791

SMOKE is the most snubbed bsc project on biz. fags here don't buy it beacuse they dont like the colors of the website kek, meanwhile im making bank on these APYs

>> No.28947804
File: 394 KB, 2276x1424, WTF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$EGG. Do you want to know why?
Holders don't want new buys because the price would rise and their APR would go down.

>> No.28947818


>> No.28947942

Erm, no, FUD harder asshole

>> No.28948035

I think people are turned off because on the surface it's just another food token for farming. And many of those end up rugging
BUT this one is different. The devs are based, and fully committed to increasing the price of SMOKE. They also provide incentives to hold aside from liquidity mining, which mitigates dumps
It's been steady in the $4 - $6 range for a couple of days now, and I'm earning 300+ SMOKE daily. It's literally a money printing machine for the moment

>> No.28948145
File: 1.27 MB, 851x720, BFI2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The one BSC token to rule them all.


>> No.28948177

>300+ SMOKE daily
nice you must have a lot of smokies. i'm staking about 650 currently.

>> No.28948463

Yeah I have a lot of SMOKE staked, plus two farms going, which I keep compounding into the staking stack
I also got in right at the start, when they were giving 40 SMOKE per block. For reference it's currently at 3 SMOKE per block

>> No.28948581

Well done man, so you were able to still profit despite the initial dump. I was farming but switched to staking in case it pumps. I hope this is a mid-longterm project cause this passive income is too comfy.

>> No.28948805

boxmining has always been a retard anon...

>> No.28948940

I'm considering BRY or EGG. I think I'm going with BRY since EGG uses the goose from Untitled Goose Game. With copyright infringement like that it'll never get a surprise listing on the Binance CEX.

BRY has a lot more potential it seems.

>> No.28949017

Good choice, just remember BRY is chinkshit and not a long term hold.

>> No.28949045

Yeah, even though the price is under my initial buy in price, I'm still well into profits because I've minted so much SMOKE
If it pumps to $10 I'll sell a portion of my stack. But I'm keeping at least 500 SMOKE indefinitely. This will be used for future staking, and serve as a moonshot stack in case the price ever goes crazy. 500 SMOKE is also required for access to future presales from the devs. This is something I recommend getting, as the SMOKE presale was very profitable

>> No.28949136

Current infrastructure list. Alot of these are safe enough. I see EGG and BUNNY also being shilled but did not include them because there is evidence of scam coins.


>> No.28949311

This is a really shit ponzi with 10% fees.

You pay 10% fees to buy, to stake and to withdraw. Not even utility to provide liquidity anywhere

>> No.28949330

Where the fuck can I find the official token address for SMOKE??

>> No.28949569 [DELETED] 


>> No.28949592

I got you

>> No.28949625

what about exf? it's mooning hard

>> No.28949644


>> No.28949672

Haha you beat me to it

>> No.28949711

i am in cobalt and bignite. they seems to not have mooned yet, so ill see

>> No.28949717


>> No.28949800

Fuel moon mission starting now

>> No.28949805
File: 132 KB, 1080x930, 20210217_234447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autofarm is increasing in TVL like 100m daily. Remember the defi summer YFI run. Well you have a second chance

>> No.28949980

post evidence, retard

>> No.28949990

What do you mean evidence of scam coins? Meaning they are about to rug?

>> No.28950028

Checked and truthpilled

>> No.28950092

It is reasonable to treat all of them as very-near-future-rugs.
But what is a good one that has not mooned too hard yet?

>> No.28950100

Thoughts on DITTO

>> No.28950193

how-to that worked for me:


>> No.28950266

again, fuel seems very reliable. Has pumped a bit, but not as much as others. Very mature platform and expanding their ecosystem. Also had multiple audits of their contracts.

>> No.28950428

What's the fuel contract? And where can I track the price?

>> No.28950503

>not as much as others

>> No.28950634

Berry seems like a scam if you look at the site tho, the only reason people buy is because they see ''oracle on BSC''

>> No.28950702

What’s the consensus on certix audits? I see a few projects going this route though it doesn’t seem that it would show the project is “rug proof” I think personally if the devs are anon then it’s a strong reason to be sus

>> No.28950739

thoughts on ybull?

>> No.28950859

Still less than 1/3 the mcap of AUTO

>> No.28951137

Nice fud, going to buy more bunnies

>> No.28951284

Unless you're one of the shills:

When it gets posted here on /biz/,
> say the words "10x" to people and show them how to buy and they'll fomo in without thinking
this is talking about YOU.

>> No.28952277

Where can I see coin price data? Pancakeswap site doesn't work properly, astrotools doesn't work properly

>> No.28952472

$EXF is up 30% in the last 15 minutes, 2500 people in the telegram, 2k holders, and the largest wallet (16%) is the pancakeswap one

>> No.28952680

TVL on SMOKE just went over 3 mil
We're gonna make it my dude

>> No.28952830


What does TVL mean bro?

>> No.28952927



>> No.28953187

nice FUD, literally the one project who made it clear they didnt copy the migrator code that makes CAKE RUGGABLE RIGHT NOW.

Now go seethe in the corner, faggot.

>> No.28953207

Total Value Locked (aka TVL) is the most important indicator to evaluate the adoption scale of a DeFi project by calculating the total value (USD) of tokens locked in the corresponding smart contracts.

>> No.28953256

its on coingecko. and on jetfuel.finance

>> No.28953402
File: 501 KB, 1170x1280, fb2aed42ed702af0545427ba0102a9bf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not too late to get WYNAUT

>> No.28953612

already took my x50 on this, its gonna crab between 0.14 and 0.19 forever now

>> No.28953760
File: 149 KB, 1280x1255, 7357B4D8-2EA1-497B-85FD-6B199E9583D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28953773

Which one to take? I'm only in BRY considering FUEL.

>> No.28953774


>> No.28954174

It has charts for BSC tokens
It's kind of shitty if I'm being honest, but it's the best one I've found

>> No.28955352

Sweet, thanks anon!

>> No.28956187

BRY, CAKE, BNB top 3

>> No.28956599

Is the team behind BFI doxxed?

>> No.28956719
