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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 42 KB, 947x911, photo_2021-02-14_23-00-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28915362 No.28915362 [Reply] [Original]

TTT - NFTs & in-game currency (sub $1m mcap)
Working product.
Use, spend and transfer in-game currency.
Already Steam enabled.
Working on in-game NFTs.
Yield farming/staking live.

Has a side token for cutting gas fees by 60%.
Founders public and do a regular update podcast.
The Tap Project Milestones:
Tap N Go Rewards : Over 100K Downloads on Google Play Store
20K Users on the Tap Platform allowing gamers to play, games, and convert game score to TTT
Patent Pending IP
Proof of Mastery Protocol
3 Year Platform Development and Strong Core Development Team



Tap N Go Rewards: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.tapngo.android

What is coming: https://tap-coin.medium.com/tap-project-new-update-what-to-expect-7c08216a1f4a
Price target: $0.03
Current price: $0.003

>> No.28915950


>> No.28916058

Tap is going to change the digital nft space. I can't believe we've never seen it. Just for the NFT pump in the next months alone should 10x this coin.

>> No.28916193

I will ask actually, this coin's been around since 2017, why does it seem to only be getting pushed now? The creators even just started a podcast in December, what's the go with this timing?

>> No.28916203

The shilling is like low-energy right now.

>> No.28916682

Because it takes years for projects. This isn't a pump n dump with a landing page and an er20 token.

>> No.28916759
File: 420 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210216-180029_Wallet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poorfag lurker here. Wtf is with coinbase wallet valuing Tap like this? It's a glitch but shit they're fucking with my head. I dropped around $300 on ttt in uniswap. If I try to transfer to eth it's back to normal price, what am I missing here? Also rate my moonshots. I'm sick of being a useless no gf wagie.

>> No.28916794
File: 50 KB, 1290x275, tapscam5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What OP failed to mention is that the TTT coin has only started going up since the 13th, when he and his coworkers began shilling this on biz. You can check the price history and the archive (search TTT). OP also mentioned steam integration, which is a blatant lie. No steam games offer support for this. What TTTcoin's website offers instead is a service where you can send them any non-private steam account url (doesn't have to be yours), and .002 eth, and they will scan the url for achievements, then send you TTT for each achievement they've decided to recognize. What OP doesn't mention is that the amount of TTT you get is in no way worth the amount of eth you have to send to unlock it. OP also failed to mention that the TTT coin is failed in the gaming industry. It's been around for 3 years, and the only four games which have adopted it were games that the TTT developers commissioned a marketing firm (likely OPs) to make. Oh, OP also failed to mention that TTT coin has only made vague promises to NFT functionality, with no specifics, or even technical details of how it would work. OP also failed to mention that you can freely look up the top wallet holders of TTT coin and see that they are all slowly divesting themselves of this shitcoin over the course of this pump. If you buy this, you're playing hot potato, hoping you can pass the bag to someone dumber than you before it drops. Except by buying this, you're basically guaranteeing there is nobody dumber than you on the planet.

>> No.28916806

it shills itself. just read the whitepaper

>> No.28916874
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Does gaben endorse?

>> No.28916884
File: 758 KB, 1895x1071, tapscam6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

creators are trying to exit the crypto space with their mortgages intact. So they used their last bit of funding to hire a marketing firm, and here we are.

>> No.28917104
File: 81 KB, 1257x996, tapscam7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure nobody at steam is aware of this in an official capacity. Their "steam integration" is just a web crawler.

1. You send them 17$ worth of eth.
2. You link them any non private steam account (it does not have to be yours)
3. They have a robot look at the url you provided, and scan for achievements they have chosen to recognize
4. They give you TTT, which is worthless.

Send me a steam profile url anon, and I'll give you imaginary money. Congratulations me, I'm steam integrated!

Don't fall for a pump and dump. You can't time a rugpull.

>> No.28917554

TTT is the name of another coin at a higher value, coinbase gets confused and gives you the wrong value, same thing happened to me.

>> No.28917661

They are expanding from a gaming rewards platform to utilise the tech they already have and move into the NFT marketplace.Makes sense to expand here as game NFTs are starting to gain traction. The podcast started in Sept last year as a marketing tool. They are just ramping up their usecases to stay relevant in the space.

>> No.28917739

Coinbase wallet is a piece of shit. It does this with bonded finance as well. Confuses price with another token.

>> No.28917848
File: 92 KB, 678x585, 1613475132753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morning Kevin. Don't you ever sleep? Would you care to explain to us all your particular hatred for this token that you paste walls of text in every thread? Did you get banned from the TG or something? You are clearly more butthurt than your average biz fudder?

>> No.28917928

A screenshot a platform user from Indonesia posted on the TG. Not sure what you think the relevance is Kevin?

>> No.28917929

"expanding" would imply that they had a viable gaming rewards platform to begin with. It also implies that they have any sort of technology coming. Given their overall incompetence at anything other than marketing to retards on /biz/, their nft tech is not guaranteed.

Also, "lmao nfts man" is not a good argument to buy a currency. Just give up. Your threads are gaining no traction on biz other than your self bumps, and the price is plummeting down from the high you induced. Eat your losses.

>> No.28918064

It's actually night time in america anon. I can see how you got confused though, it's morning in your native indonesia. The world is round though. It rotates along an axis. This creates a phenomenon called "time zones". May want to research it. Also yikes at the four posts in a row.

>> No.28918098

3 year old project. App on google play with 100k downloads. Weekly podcasts and regular medium updates, devs active on tg. This must be the least well thought out rugpull ever Kevin. I worry about your health, this level of hatred is not good for you.

>> No.28918373

It is nightime here in the UK too lad. Told you before I live in Scotland not sure what your obsession with Indonesia is. Did an indonesian girl reject you?

>> No.28918448

Gotcha. Thanks for the info