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2888825 No.2888825 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, need help.

I spent like $8k in cfi, fucked up hard. So I got diluted hard and out of that all that remains is like $2.5k or around 1 btc.

Should I sell now and put that into an upcoming ICO that i think will moon quickly so i can possibly recover my losses and then some? Or wait a year till cfi does something.

Overall out of 11k im at 6k so this is worrying me a little.

>> No.2888835

You're not investing, you are gambling. You are literally the guy at the slotmachine putting more and more money into it because he is convinced to win at some point

>> No.2888874

I been in this shit like 1.5 months so im learning thru mistakes.

>> No.2888887

Why did you think it was a good idea to speculate with 11.000? Any way, don't sell at a loss as long as cfi is still active. If you have to wait months to break even so be it. Chances are you will lose the rest of the money on some shit-ico and end up with nothing if you sell now

>> No.2888904

Also the problem is that when I got in I had buy expensive eth and btc to get started (eth at 364, 340, BTc at 2400, 2600) so i got fucked hard when ETH dipped to current prices, not to mention CFI did horribly, bought at $.23, shit is at $.9, so I'm learning a lot, especially on identifying shitcoins i think.

>> No.2888940

Don't take it out all at once...take a bit out at a loss and then try to build that up slowly with things that have better fundamentals or potentially a coin you feel strongly is going to moon. I was in this CFI shit as well and this is what I did and I am nearly back to normal.

>> No.2888948

I'm holding this bag till the day I die, I dont care

>> No.2888950

thanks, I did the math, since I bought CFI at 3 different prices, if I sell 12k units (which I paid 8 eth for), right now I would come out with almost 6 eth, so its only a 2 eth loss. I will do that and put it on the ICO along with 5 other ETHs I got, hope it makes me complete again.

>> No.2888963

What exactly is Civic Coin?

>> No.2888992

kek you're doing the same mistake again, betting it all on a shitty ICO no one knows if it will do actually good. you're still gambling. you should seek out coins that have a well established uptrend and buy them at a local low. also research the teams, get as much info as possible. do your due diligence. it's your fuggen money retarded faggot.

recommending RLC and ICN.

>> No.2889020

cfi was probably a terrible bet short term. I need things that will moon in the short to mid term. ETH took a hard fall and thats how i bought most of my shitcoins. Also, good ICOs are mooning quickly again, the bloodbath started by bancor is over. Proof is Metal and OMG, i think i found one like that and also i got one for next month.

>> No.2889461

>$.23 > $.9

>> No.2889566

I bought this shitty coin in 12 sat. I will not sell while this shit does not return to the 12 k sat.

>> No.2889595

Just wait and CFI will be 10k sats. It is an amazing coin with a ton of potential. You buy this coin for the ICOs anyways. I bought at 3650 sats.

>> No.2889638

That's around what I bought it at, fuck them, you got lucky you got it cheap. I believed in them from the get go and fucked me hard. I will sell that and use somewhere else and come back to cfi down the line when they get their shit together.

>> No.2889796

>I bought at 3650 sats.

I wanted to see if you'd bought this shit a month and a half ago if you'd been looking so good.

>> No.2889819

Coin For Idiots will never be that high again.

>> No.2890013

I know that, you do not have to remind me.

>> No.2890016

Has anyone here entered Cofound.it's Slack?
It seems like everyone is retarded, from developers to investors.

>> No.2890022

Musiconomi launches tomorrow.
I hope it moons by then.
I bought at 14000 satoshi.
Pretty much fucked if this shit doesn't go back to at least 12000.

>> No.2890044

Wait, the crowdsale launches tomorrow but will go through 1 month.
> Musiconomi, a blockchain-based ecosystem for the music industry, is holding a crowdsale on July 28 to August 28 to raise $18 million

Fuck this shit.

>> No.2890117

My limit with CFI will be the launch of X8currency. If this fucking coin does not rise until 12k sat I'll hand over my bag.
More and more I convince myself that this is a scam.

Worst of all is seeing the idiots in Slack saying I need to wait a year to see CFI mooning.
In a year while I'm in this currency I could be multiplying my money by 10.

>> No.2890195

Do you know when X8 is launching?
I'm feeling like selling my bags, investing in other stuff and coming back later just before X8.
Musiconomi will take 1 month. X8 probably 2 months or more.
Buying CFI at 14000 satoshi was by far the worst investment in my life.
If I find one of the devs in the street I will scalp and skin them alive. I don't know if they are complete incompetents or scammers. Either one is bad enough.

>> No.2890248

The date has not yet been announced.

>> No.2890262

I'm a bagholder too

>> No.2890619

Are you investing in CFI already been in Cofound.it's Slack charge developers for explanations?
I already went and I ended up being banned but it would be nice if everyone went there.

>> No.2890706

I remember last fall when I participated in the ICN ICO and there were a lot of posts like this. We weren't in a bear market, but there were a lot of people saying "It's just trading sideways and I'm missing other moons!" or "It's eurotrash scammers!". Well I bought in the ICO for like $0.15 or whatever the price was and now its $3+. So you do whatever you have to do, but holding is almost always the right choice.

>> No.2890721

Do you sincerely believe that CFI will reach $ 3?

>> No.2890753

oh no I didn't mean to imply that, the 2 coins I'm comparing have entirely different supplies and ICN gets destroyed permanently so supply is deflationary. CFI could hit $3, but I'm not predicting that in the next 3-6 months.

The point of my story is the impatience of young novices on this board and how they make poor choices because they can't handle their emotions and they're too swayed by peer pressure. Don't be one of those people. If you have a solid coin you want to invest in, then go ahead and sell your CFI, but don't get mad when you look back and it's $1 a coin.

>> No.2891022

For what reason do you think CFI will value? What value is added in their currency?

>> No.2891051

Newfag, don't ever put the majority of your portfolio into a shitcoin.

If you don't know what you're doing, your crypto portfolio should be 33% cash, 33% BTC, 33% ETH, and 1% "other". If you want to do ICOs, take 1 or 2 percent from your ETH bucket. Every month, rebalance back to 33/33/33/1.

>When you put the majority of your portfolio into an extremely risky token, you're going to have extremely risky outcomes.

>> No.2891114

Did you really miss the entire value proposition, yet still invest?

>CFI creates tokens
>Tokens allow you to participate in exclusive ICOs >this creates more demand which increases value
>Tokens are used by ICOs to use CFI platform (not really a big part yet, but more to come)
>this creates more demand which increases value

And now with their new tiered approach you will need to buy a lot of CFI if you want to contribute a lot to ICOs. If they were smart, they would create a mechanism to burn some CFI when users participate in ICOs. Build it so that ICOs take place on their platform and are invested in with CFI alone then a small % is burned forever. I have a feeling this is where they will head. Remember ICN didn't plan on buyback and burn, and only after several months did they decide on this.

>> No.2891140

Your first idea was to go all in on another ICO, you haven't learned anything.

>> No.2891165

>Did you really miss the entire value proposition, yet still invest?

All the points you said I already knew before putting my money into CFI.
What I would like to know is currently. What is the current CFI value?
The way Cofound.it is being driven with whitelist before the priority to buy the ICOs the currency has become useless. Plus the 5000 CFI limit will make the currency never appreciate beyond what it already is.

>> No.2891329

Ok well that's pretty much the entire value proposition m8. Not sure why you thought that made sense earlier but now changed your mind. You sound like you're just upset that you lost money, and the 2nd half of your post is overflowing with ignorance/misinformation.

I don't get paid to tell you why you're wrong or why CFI has value, so sell your CFI and see what happens.

>> No.2891338

>people are still reposting my 5 second mspaint shit edit from ages ago

>> No.2891505

I have my doubts if it is not being paid. Your response is being equal to that of the developers.

>Not sure why you thought that made sense earlier but now changed your mind.

It made perfect sense when they were launching CFI and they said that anyone who buys would have priority.

I do not know what the priority in your language means, but in mine it means being the first to be attended to.
If you create three lists and you can only buy after the first or the second, then it is no longer a priority.

Perhaps in the countries that were part of the USSR priority is of no importance and you use this word with some other kind of meaning.

>> No.2891570

Put it all in Tierion's ico right now and recover your losses

>> No.2892017

It's kind of in it's infancy m8 so maybe it will be different in the future. Remember when they were launching ICN ICO and they said they were making a DAA platform? well here we are almost a year later and their DAA platform is still not open to the public. You're acting as if you bought the ICN ICO and then freaked out after a month that there was no platform like they described in their whitepaper. You're kind of a complete faggot dumbass piece of human shit if you read the whitepaper and thought you were getting one thing, then realized you were mistaken and you misunderstood what they were promising, and now you're upset at anyone other than yourself.

Just sell your tokens already man there's plenty of other projects out there.

Goodbye forever faggot.

>> No.2892150

>Just sell your tokens already man there's plenty of other projects out there.

Selling is all I want most. Want to buy?
I'm selling you for 12k sat. If you are so confident that CFI will moon then it will not be that difficult for you.

>> No.2892245

Maybe I missed something but I don't think he said it will moon at any point
He just mentionned a possible scenario

>> No.2892657

> https://tokensale.tierion.com/
Does it end when it reaches the goal or can I put it later on as long as the countdown isn't 0?

>> No.2893428
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Op here, this is exactly what i did

>> No.2893493

CFI is the fucking coin of all. Musiconomi's release is tomorrow and look what it's worth.
And there's still a lot of asshole that comes here to say that you have to have patience, which is a new project and blah blah blah.

>> No.2893535

Thats already priced in. Unless they release news on the cfi platform we're fucked

>> No.2893581

And probably will not have because the developers are shitting for the price of CFI.
Probably the value of this shit will drop even more after the release of Musiconomi with the bastards of the developers playing more CFI that will come back to them with the purchase of Musiconomi in the exchanges.