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28906507 No.28906507 [Reply] [Original]

>7 figures
What do I do now? I don't even know what I want.

>> No.28906636

you do the needful sir please kindly

>> No.28906685

you want children, you need a wife

>> No.28906770

set up passive income and retire

>> No.28906782

realize that 7 figures is basically pocket change and start to go for 8 figures

>> No.28906796

this is gonna be me soon im gonna have to move out of my hometown with these poorfags, they will all hate me except a few good ones.

>> No.28906848


With your newfound free time, give back to the local community by participating in local food programs, etc (probably not now for obvious reasons).

Money is well and good but doesn't matter in the end, no one really cares how much you had in your pocket, being rich isn't a new thing. What matters is how people remember you by your actions.

>> No.28907094
File: 12 KB, 304x138, 10000xCoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invest in Niggercoin

>> No.28907186

>not having 7figures by the age of 25
Fking poorfags

>> No.28907213

Buy a classroom full of retarded kids Mcdonalds. Seriously anon. Its like 30 bucks and when you see those retarded little faces light up, it'll make your day. Try and find a class with a good looking teacher & you'll get some ass out of the deal.... either her or one of her friends. Shit works every time.

>> No.28907317

Absolutly dont do that OP, remember how poorfags treated you when they thought you were beneath them. If anything bribe local officials to ensure nothing gets done

>> No.28907346


15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. 17 You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.

Rev 3:15-17

Find something. Commit to it.

>> No.28907386

Either pursue a local career as warlord/mayor,
Start a small hobby farm and retire, or
Start some other personal project that you can enjoy without bankrupting yourself.
you don't want to spend your entire life endlessly chasing money, that's something you could have done as a wagie, but you're not a wagie anymore.

>> No.28907411

this. all in.

>> No.28907430


Especially right now with the pokemon happy meals. The boxes look like pikachu and it comes with ears you can attach to the top of the box.

>> No.28907540

Follow your heart. The nice part is you can do what you want without having to stress about money.

>> No.28907581
File: 19 KB, 194x257, elon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


top kek, how would you arrange this, just call schools asking them if they have any retards who want free mcdonalds, kekaroo, they'll probably think you're an eccentric pedo or something.

>> No.28907592

What? You wanted to be millionaire without knowing what to do with the money? Man...

>> No.28907829

ahh fuck. Good call. Last time I was in a school you could just walk the fuck in. I keep forgetting they're more like prisons now.

>t. literal 40 year old boomer

I guess you could pretend that you're the retard and maybe they'll just walk you back there?

>> No.28907848


I disagree. Chasing money only sucks when you need it to survive.

It's like going to the gym when you are already shredded. Feels good to admire what you have built and achieve new heights.

>> No.28907928


I have no clue. I just work in SPED and a ton of them just love pokemon and minecraft. I know my kids would lose their shit.

>> No.28907993

renovate your main house?

>> No.28908059

It shouldn't become an addictive activity though.
There's more to life.

>> No.28908080

Move to Costa Rica and be set for life

>> No.28908162

7 figures isnt enough to even quit your job over.
need 8 or 9 to check out and fuck around the rest of your life.

>> No.28908170


>> No.28908291

this is greed. $1,000,000 at 2.5% in a CD is $25,000 per year, a single male could easily live off that. Realistically you could probably find a safe investment returning 10%, so $100,000 per year for doing nothing.

>> No.28908292

Could be enough if OP is an oldfag

>> No.28908412

Stable coin for 10% staking apr

>> No.28908431


>> No.28908486

>stuck in 9 figure hell
Send help, warren buffet won’t even respond to my email.

>> No.28908529

Yes, if you want to live like shit, or have to move to a third world country.
To really live a GOOD life where you dont worry about medical expenses, can buy what you want when you want reasonably, not too concerned with an economic downturn, can support a gf or maybe a kid, can survive getting inflated to fuck over 40 years, need $100k-$300k passive POST TAX.

>> No.28908579

Damn unironically, is it on uniswap?

>> No.28908656


I'm 28, married, and spending $15k per year. I could live off of 200k in SPY for a long long time if I needed to.

>> No.28908719

>5k usd entry fee for Chinese wife
Wtf did they did to them

>> No.28908823

Nvm that’s Belize.

>> No.28908976

Pura vida amigo
But unironically that’s where I want to move to. America is a shithole

>> No.28909046
File: 50 KB, 200x186, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well you know what advice im going to give

>> No.28909182

All in BTC or LINK, wait 5-10 years, stake it in coin with high APY. Congratulations you've made it

>> No.28909612
File: 823 KB, 450x251, ada girl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could help a student with student debt that just wants to make it buy buying 3D models from the memes/crypto you like in the form of NFT.

Yeah, that's me.
Also, I don't beg. I'll only sell my shit once the final product represents the quality I want. Gif related, made it to dab on the ADA fudders. Still need to fix some of the rigging and add the correct textures + ADA logo.

Or you could just spend it all drowning in pussy and go back to not being a millionaire so you can keep chasing the dragon idk I'm not you lol

>> No.28910272

no you don't top kek, what a greedy little faggot you are.

>> No.28911471

buy land chill

>> No.28912050
File: 42 KB, 460x460, pepiiii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This >>28908529 cringe KEK, he is a cumsumer fell for the materialismjew, sounds like a permacity dweller, lol must be some kind of idiot if you can't live near luxury with 50k passively, if you think you NEED that much for what he listed you ngmi, must be some kind of women