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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2 KB, 256x256, Everest_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28902669 No.28902669 [Reply] [Original]

Got muted on the Everest TG for asking this question.
And I rly seek an answer.
First wallet holding 80% of the tokens. How much from that 80% could be dumped on us?
I get it that this is the wallet for the team and so on. But I thought it is locked? That's fucking 80% of the supply.

>> No.28902936

Dont go arroynd trowing those kind of questions then let them do the dump and dump

>> No.28902987
File: 251 KB, 500x375, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon you should know by now tg is for pajeets spamming when lambo and sucking the devs cocks, if you do not follow these rules you will be purged

>> No.28903031
File: 114 KB, 1036x652, scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine buying this scam

>> No.28903144

You are literally a third worlder priced out jeet and I love it, keep seething please

>> No.28903197


>> No.28903302

just ask in the tg if the tokens are sellable or not, and get muted.

>> No.28903305

happened to me to
go in there and try
why is AAVE enabling this??

>> No.28903373


>> No.28903435

They are banning streetshitters trying to lower the price? Based, about to buy 10k more.

>> No.28903450
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1613457072370s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>run out of funding for your poorly timed NWO banking project after wasting millions of seed money on a useless Malaysian case study
>ICO a worthless coin to siphon money from fomofags
>post big companies' logos on your fiverr website, tell everyone you're "partnered" even though you haven't worked with them in 3 years
>fomofags buy bags, seed investors instantly dump their worthless tokens
>release pajeet app, convince retards to vault their tokens for a year for 40% APY
>the top 100 holders collectively own 95.99% (767,951,999.22 Tokens) of Everest ID
>token total supply: 800,000,000.00 Token | Total Token Holders: 4,262
>people actually do while investors keep dumping

>> No.28903489

this. I'm gonna buy 1k more

>> No.28903527

desu even if they sell the whole 80% and dump the price to 0.01cents it dosn't proof that the project is a scam, just that its a shitty investment

>> No.28903590

>being this new
That’s the fucking contract wallet. It holds staking rewards. Only 100 mill are in circulation, there are just over 700 mill total. Do the math

>> No.28903655

So I'm not here to FUD or lower the price, I'm here because the admins won't answer the questions. That's why I'm asking you anons

>> No.28903672

Shut the fuck up. This is easily the most legit and comfy hold in crypto right now. Fuck off with your FUD you pajeet.

>> No.28903686

They said you to ask the question in the AMA, and you keep crying like a fag "i want an answer now"

I'm not saying is not suspicious but probably the admins of the TG don't have the answer, lets wait to see what bob have to say

>> No.28903767

Yeah that's that I thought aswell.

>> No.28903766

this guy is correct

>> No.28903776

>Russian nigger
Learn English before you defend a project on biz

>> No.28903820

these investors were probably inspired by the recent GME bullshit and realized they could literally get away with doing this on crypto with no repercussions legally, and no one would ever know
this project might be real but we might be about to hold the bags of the investors.
correct my if I am wrong but a lot of the trading volume is from bots right now, isn't it?

>> No.28903930

wait what the fuck?

>> No.28903947
File: 18 KB, 1252x225, 50101408b298d7085839b19af85f205a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did dyor, that's why im here.
Wallet holds 48% now

>> No.28903999

Alright what the fuck.

>> No.28904005

Huge Mong got banned for fudding again?

Bullish, I thought it was unprofessional the mods letting him screech about price every time it moved a few cents

>> No.28904036

Lol poorjeets can't get their money together quick enough to buy even one $ID so they resorted to fudding again. Just buck up and admit you missed the train, Rajiv.

>> No.28904037

i'm out

>> No.28904112

im not holding your bags kikes. im cashing out with profit. i might pick it up again when you dump it to less than 10 cents

>> No.28904128

Don't address the substance, address the fabricated without any evidence person. Everest .20 eow

>> No.28904132

I really can't wait to see them being priced out for good, priced out by so much that they won't even bother to make threads anymore or post their 3rd worlder FUD

>> No.28904164

Check the Etherscan, here one example, 50.000 tokens where send to a wallet, that wallet just sold on Kyberswap. (Happend yesterday). But i thought those funds are locked or some shit???

>> No.28904187

Why do you guys always fall for these scams? You realize they pay pajeets to spam biz shilling this shit right?

>> No.28904284

this isnt a pajeet scam, this is a corporate scam

>> No.28904290

Lol with that attitude you'll be picking up my dumps alright, you peasant.

>> No.28904300

1) you got muted and not banned because admin are god tier in ID
2) you are missing this stuff because you talk no sense and your questions have already been answered
3) fucking pajeet

>> No.28904302
File: 301 KB, 1999x1920, Edited_20210216_160248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm literally holding 2.8b ID

>> No.28904322

Speaking of pajeets, look at this smelly specimen crawl out of the sewers like clockwork

>> No.28904335

>The reallocation of the funds from the master account to the appropriate locations in accordance with our governance reflected in the pie-chart will happen in double custody with our accountants next week. They are locked by governance (double-custody) rather than technology.
ceo announcement from last week on the telegram.

>> No.28904364

I’ve been one of the main ones shilling and I can confirm that we’re not pajeets. One possible explanation is that there are a group of people who were a part of the founding team that were in the AMA asking about when they’d get their cut of the tokens. That’s the only thing I can think of.

>> No.28904386

So you guys wanna admit this fud was coordinated or should I start posting screenshots from telegram? Everyone is done buying except for you idiots.

>> No.28904402

You are literally a fat poorfag gipsy with only 3k worth of ID. Cope, seethe dilate.

>> No.28904401

Pls sir feed my village

>> No.28904419

that would be acceptable if the fucking seed investor account didn't start dumping yesterday

>> No.28904470

Lol, post wallet address or gtfo.

>> No.28904503

Hugh back at it again

>> No.28904557

I said "muted" u fucking ape.
Check the chat and the pictures. Circ. supply 112m but the supply that is locked is getting sold right now.

>> No.28904581

God damn it. Here comes the fucking price suppression from the baseless fud again.

>> No.28904631

I just showed you the 2.8b. keep talking trash and I'll dump on your head you little ant.

>> No.28904677

Wallet address or rope.

>> No.28904691

who fucking cares if 1 seed investor dumped. they've had those funds locked up for 3 years its pretty normal for them to take a bit of profit. I'm betting he won't dump much more and will let the rest ride. its not going to mean shit long term anyway, give it up already hugh and stop reading hourly charts.

>> No.28904701

The locked supply is being now distributed to exchanges you mongoloid :)
I’ll send you a souvenir from Mars

>> No.28904724
File: 1.91 MB, 1200x963, 1599198727260.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes sense. We'll moon when we moon guys. Have some faith.

>> No.28904746

In what universe is it being sold? Wasn't there posts that coins were going to be moved around to team wallets for governance or some shid a few threads ago

>> No.28904751

It’s not getting sold you massive retard. It’s getting distributed according to the pre-IDO chart

>> No.28904771

You literally exposed yourself as a 3k poorfag fat retard ape mongoloid in the last thread begging for ID handouts LMAO, fuck yourself monkey you will STAY PRICED OUT and you will LIKE IT

>> No.28904790
File: 80 KB, 704x712, 1638697839683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Violates the NDA, sorry champ.

>> No.28904871

This Faggot posts in every thread, and every thread, he gets called out for being a Low IQ Fudder.
Keep it up, this is the funniest shit I've seen all week.

>> No.28904881



>> No.28904891

Grabbed a pic and a wallet from the telegram. I'll keep fudding until you faggots stop spamming.

>> No.28904947

>early buyers are selling at 6x
>I got scammed
Honestly something like SHIB or HOGE might be better for you

>> No.28904954

okay then, bizretard

>> No.28904982
File: 484 KB, 1434x1112, 1694937357397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$2 eow you stupid nigger

>> No.28905014

Go drown in the fucking Ganges

>> No.28905017

When do you think you'll stop posting? There really are better things to do with your time.

>> No.28905021

There's only 800 Million tokens in circulation, ignore any post this man makes from now on, it will save you from FUD

>> No.28905105

Should I fuck with your wallet address? Guaranteed it's yours and not some "random" you grabbed from telegram

>> No.28905129

Trying to manipulate us. He'll never get my ID

>> No.28905139
File: 101 KB, 500x500, 1613062928809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys check ether scan, millions of ID are being moved between wallets recently

Are we getting listed ? Seems like

>> No.28905143

idk, but it's funny for me cause I know it's FUD
I just worry about /biz/ frens who believe the FUD and make 1k now when they can make like 10k later

>> No.28905226
File: 39 KB, 453x420, IMG_20210215_115505_927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me, anon?

>> No.28905629

You're caught Ranjesh. Never getting my tokens.

>> No.28905688
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, image_2021-02-16_155313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is going to keep fudding because he is priced out and hates us now
3 chickens can only get you so far Mr. Singh
get em next time bud

>> No.28905759
File: 230 KB, 1024x1024, feels-good-man-circle-1024x1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when an anon copies your post word for word and uses it as fud pasta

>> No.28905763

haha fuck off mungus

>> No.28905979

Holy fucking shit its real can anyone disprove this before I get the fuck out how can any shill try to justify this?

>> No.28905998

ask yourself, why would anyone go to this much effort to knowingly spread misinformation about a token in an attempt to paint it in a bad light.
it comes down to the same thing it always does when money is involved.
See you in the green wojak everest threads next week, anons.

>> No.28906142


>> No.28906177
File: 167 KB, 1280x720, everest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait fren

>> No.28906199

Read the thread its already been debunked, but you knew that already, didn't you hugh.

>> No.28906222

So its like discord but instead of ecelebs its rugpull gurus?

>> No.28906358

yeah except these are just regular wallets
sell this shit don't let some faggot kike investors cash out on you like they did to GME redditors