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28890704 No.28890704 [Reply] [Original]

Peer to peer payments? Bitcoin
Need smart contracts? Eth
Blockchain too slow? Need a DAG? NANO
want smart contracts on DAG? Fantom
Want privacy? Monero
Want privacy with smart contracts? ???
Want privacy with DAG? ???
Want privacy with smart contracts and DAG? ??????
Solve these problems for me

>> No.28891579

Privacy is an abondonted concept in crypto. Somewhere in 2018 people realized that there won't be institutional adoption without KYC. All major projects are now steering away from anonymity and adopting DIDs.
Privacy coins are dead.

>> No.28891607
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FTM can't scale

AVAX, IOTA, and HBAR are literally the only working smart contract dags

Nano is the only truly decentralized dag

Nano cannot be anonymous due to how it records transactions as quoted by Colin; you could however easily tumble it since it transfers instantly and without fees

>> No.28891649

What's the joke

>> No.28891778

the whole point is taking away money from the government. If you lose anonymity, you can't avoid taxes.
Mainstream will do whatever they have to do once the wealthy make their funds unreachable.

>> No.28891924
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>> No.28892074
File: 167 KB, 826x864, welfare done right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Privacy is an abondonted concept in crypto

Have you ever heard of this little thing called tax evasion that everyone will be doing with monero in the following years?

Your average joe is done giving money to the government so its given to low IQ people to reproduce like rabbits

DISCLAIMER: This post is unironically INCREDIBLY based

>> No.28892949

>FTM can't scale

Explain this technically, you stupid fuck. You're hyping AVAX, compromised turkish shitcoin that's 100x (diluted mcap) instead of Fantom who's working with ukraine, dubai, afghanistan governments

>> No.28893283

The more nodes FTM relies on to reach consensus, the slower the network takes to confirm. The numbers I saw suggested a serious impediment in regards to growth and scalability.

>> No.28893876

Guys I think I have got a promising coin for you. It has a low market cap and it is still undiscovered, HYVE. Do your own research and thank me later!

>> No.28894068

"The notion of a DAG (directed acyclic graph) was first coined by DagCoin [9]. DAG-based approaches are a promising alternative to the PoW and PoS blockchains. Unlike a blockchain, DAG-based system facilitate consensus while
achieving horizontal scalability."

I propose that you read all the Fantom whitepapers again. Then come back and dare to spew the same vomit
