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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28870106 No.28870106 [Reply] [Original]

this dog will make biz seethe soon. green dog and cope rope posts will fill biz. how anyone on biz buys high and sells low & believes fake FUD after being here through chainlink/eth blows my mind. so many newfags here now.

>> No.28870276

asko was a rugpull PnD scam.
sorry for the newfags

>> No.28870496
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>> No.28870798

we'll see

>> No.28871138

when new site?

>> No.28871219

Who gives a fuck about dOrg, check the price newfag, you've been had by PAJEETS and you are PROUD of it. Peak KEK

>> No.28871399
File: 22 KB, 306x306, 1439034208627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK YOU, i dont care about your shit. I'm holding ASKO with DIAMOND FUCKING HANDS. I've been holding GME since 400$ and that was much harder then this, ASKO at least has tech coming in 2 weeks

>> No.28871408

it's this inverse fud?
Comfy holding.

>> No.28871489

I did check the price you fucking mong
I bought at $.03
Quit fuding and go post your pink wojaks in an RBC thread or something

>> No.28871735
File: 1.52 MB, 2762x1108, Screenshot 2021-02-16 at 16.34.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this being your main dev

>> No.28871844
File: 203 KB, 1476x734, Pasted_Image_2_17_21__1_36_AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28871886

thanks, just sold literally everything. FUCK YOU OP

>> No.28871981

yeah not mad about getting some more but same. biz will always buy high sell low then cope that it’s a scam even when it moons. next few days the fun will start.

>> No.28871989

Haha, self taught qanon retard that lives in a trailer park and didn't even know about asko token burning when working on the fucking loaning app.

>> No.28872064

ohohoho nonono

>> No.28872256

Checked. Any other projects you’re looking at?

>> No.28872443


>> No.28872534

Stop comparing this piece or shit to LINK you absolute mongoloid. "Fake fud", what you're saying the website doesn't look like shit? The co-founder's picture isn't that dog? The only non-anon dev didn't tell the sitting president to blow his own brains out? The dev doesn't know how his own fucking token works? The devs don't participate in price speculation? Because every single one of those things is proven.

>> No.28873455
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>> No.28874069

the fud around this project after that disaster of a launch is fucking hilarious - will dorg be able to pull its corpse over the $1 mark?
dorg have never worked on a project that hasn't gone on to hit a 1b market cap which would be $10 for asko. good look bag holders and praying for you.

>> No.28875390

What other cryptos has dorg worked on?

>> No.28875426

hoge & donut

>> No.28875540

d0rg stopped working on it two months ago https://github.com/AskobarNetwork/Askolend/commit/10d77e2ecc7bbc3afbcdffc632014ca32b49758b

>> No.28875746

This is the best FUD I've seen so far. Well played

>> No.28875857

The Graph, Compound, Balancer, xDai/DaoStack

eToro, Diversifi and Gnosis exchanges

>> No.28875859

Looks way better
Didn't some random dude in the telegram come up with that? They should hire him and give him a stack of ASKO, he's definitely better than what they have.

>> No.28875902

Meh. I made money. Covered my initial and fees with 1/5 of my stack at the top, sold 3/5 of it at .09, and will hold 1/5 for the meme

>> No.28875907

I genuinely don't understand why someone would pay for ASKO to be fudded.

>> No.28875999

That was a proposed design and they have full designs based on it for website/mobile, etc. now. There’s a link if you ask in TG to the design or maybe someone here has it.

>> No.28876323
File: 42 KB, 1200x1899, Askofurniture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're gonna make it.