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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 200x200, 5805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28855882 No.28855882 [Reply] [Original]

avaxbros how are you enjoying your shitcoin?

>> No.28855930

avaxbros bend over

>> No.28855969

I am enjoying my bonus blocks

>> No.28855985

quite comfy with my 150$ daily png payouts

>> No.28856048

not feeling so good

>> No.28856179

i hate that anons lose money and cant do anything about it, i hate that peoples lives unironically might be destroyed because of this shit but damn it feels good knowing my racism against roaches made me get out early and with profit

>> No.28856391

36 fucking bucks

>> No.28856505
File: 20 KB, 378x449, 1612884327797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep the fud up so I can buy the dip

>> No.28856624
File: 28 KB, 326x348, sadpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still at a profit. I just miss the momentum.

>> No.28856840

I bought at $12 and sold at 42. So much shit going on right now with it. Along with the upcoming March 9 token unlocking.

>> No.28856933

are people able to deposit again on binance? are the wallets uncucked? i am out of the loop

>> No.28857115

Last I heard from TG group was that the wallet is okay to use, but it's just Binance not allowing shit.
Waiting for that sweet sweet dump on March 9 token unlocking.

>> No.28857237

so just only the largest exchange doesnt allow selling, yeah i am sure there is nothing to worry about, march 9 will be a massacre

>> No.28857340

4th time they postponed it already, this is starting to look real bad..

>> No.28857420

AVAX is kill, cant be trusted anymore

>> No.28857430


BNB needs to be kept safe from a far superior product somehow

>> No.28857499

I can’t believe the AVAX dream is over

>> No.28857525

understandably, it will crush the platform with all those sell orders
cope harder roach

>> No.28857554
File: 19 KB, 597x165, 44d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


*** ALERT ***

This samefag is pic related on twitter. Part of a lowlife FTM group of scammers, they are trying to FUD AVAX and ADA.

Soon they'll be found out and liquidated (in minecraft), like their ancestors were in Treblinka.

>> No.28857587

it never was alive bro, did you seriously put your hopes in the hands of a roach and expected anything but pain and misery?

>> No.28857589

>Coinbase literally shilling avax on twitter
>Priced out fudders getting more and more desperate

>> No.28857640
File: 69 KB, 650x587, ff452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*** ALERT ***

All DeFi bros (ADA, DOT and AVAX)

Find and remove pic related from real life... minecraft.

*** ALERT ***

This samefag must be... excised (from minecraft)

*** ALERT ***

He posts 200 times a day, obsessed with superior products.

>> No.28857720

Lol, you seem to be posting an awful lot about it.

>> No.28857776

i hate roaches bro, what can i say?

>> No.28857802

I think you are at a very weird place in your life to be so obsessed

>> No.28857831

*** ALERT ***
paid shill detected
*** ALERT ***

>> No.28857856

*double sharts*


>> No.28857881

nah i have hated roaches all my life its not a current phenomena

>> No.28857890

dude you can totally sell avax on binance, I know I did

>> No.28857931
File: 55 KB, 650x710, r455-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Samefag alert. Mark your targets. Remember this FTM little bitch. Stealth them on twitter. Ruin their life.

Do not buy into untermensch FUD.

FTM scammers will NEVER succeed.

HODL and be patient regarding AVAX.

>> No.28857969

i did anon because i had them on the exchange but you cant deposit avax from outside the exchange and a lot of people withdrew them when they bought

>> No.28858004
File: 47 KB, 640x960, hh12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DOT is waiting for you & only you!

>> No.28858036

FTM is one of the biggest homo cryptos of all. Hilarious that this inbred Turk worshipper would think it’s better

>> No.28858048

He is a paid FUDder by the subhumans at FTM.

Soon he will be cracked. If you think you can fuck with ADA you're wrong.

We're going to drag his corpse bleeding from the eyes in the streets of Kiev (in minecraft).


>> No.28858161

2 year project

>> No.28859110

take your meds turkroach schizophrenic, your scamcoin is rugging

>> No.28860097

when moon sirs

>> No.28860154

still up 300%
comfy as fuck

>> No.28860383

Define March 9 token please

>> No.28860528

>Giga-schizo discovers twitter
Crawl back into your hole psycho

>> No.28860615

Most avax bros made several thousand dollars in the last couple months. I don't think anyone is bothered half as much as GRT crowd.

>> No.28861354

the early avax. i mean everyone that fomod in too late.