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28849769 No.28849769 [Reply] [Original]

>infinite supply

>> No.28849874

unironically all payment coins trend to zero over time. either that or they fail at attempting to be a worse store of value than bitcoin.there's no long term win scenario

>> No.28850144
File: 210 KB, 400x383, EqEpVbGUwAAcr3u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>be bitcoin
>hard cap
>supply ends
>no one makes any transactions because it costs 0.0005 BTC which equals to $500 dollars and muh store of value HODL guys
>miners move on to other coins
>an entire generation of bagholders will born

>> No.28850154

>inflation asymptotically approaching zero
>less coins than bitcoin until 2040

>> No.28850212


Won't it have less coins than Bitcoin will for the next 20 years? infinite supply lmfao

>> No.28850254

>no one makes any transactions
why would there be less transactions than today, before widespread adoption of transaction-combining fee-reducing cryptography and mass adoption of custodial and non-custodial upper networks for transacting bitcoin?

the "zero block reward" meme is almost as embarrassing as the "energy per tx" meme

>> No.28850283

>less coins than bitcoin
i bet you also think dogecoin can go to $1

>> No.28850337
File: 4 KB, 225x225, mud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>store of value
go back to /r/bitcoin retard

>> No.28850429

yes. it will. when someone brings up "infinite supply" argument on XMR it basically means hes a brainlet

>> No.28850442

if you dont believe crypto can be a store of value you better not own any, because that means a 90%+ drop across the board.

>> No.28850465


Comparing Doge which prints 10k tokens a minute to this tail emission.

Absolute grade A fucking moron.

>> No.28850511

it will take thousands of years to spot a noticeable effect of the supply raising. At which time inflation will make the large market cap irrelevant. No point in bringing this up except to FUD for lower prices.

>> No.28850517

>Absolute grade A fucking moron
yeah, imagine thinking the number of coins a blockchain has is even a relevant point of discussion

>> No.28850527


>> No.28850542


Why the fuck would anyone make any payment or transaction with bitcoin? The only possible thing with bitcoin to flourish is hyperbitcoinization but even then there is a risk of deflationary spiral in which no one spends their bitcoin even for transactions this is not the case with precious metal because other than retail demand there is an industrial demand for those and they will not suffer from deflation. Bitcoin is the ultimate deflationist asset and it will suffer from it.

>> No.28850655


You just said "I bet you think doge can go to $1" and now that's not relevant?

S+ Tier Moron, I'm out this whole thread is actually retarded

>> No.28850679

yeah, but what you're saying is that bitcoin is too valuable to spend. by that logic why would anybody want to invest in something that's less valuable than bitcoin? they might want to USE it, but there's no world in which somebody would choose to buy something they believe is a worse store of value over something that's better.

monero is a great (but slowly worsening) utility today, but it's not an investment, and by your own argument stablecoins obsolete it. fiat is never going away, and it's going to be more important as a medium of exchange for tiny purchaes than some random altcoin

>> No.28850805

you think the number of coins matters, thats the logic people use to shill low-coin-value shitcoins. it's completely irrelevant.

>> No.28850881

ah yes, instead buy XMR with infinite supply and no reason to grow. If anything, this is a stable coin.

>> No.28850967

The number of coins is not relevant, but inflation is. I already explained to you that monero has an inflation that will asymptotically approaching zero.
You can't compare that with dogecoin that has currently a yearly inflation of over 3%.

>> No.28851018
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>infinite supply

>> No.28851087

Falcon Project is gonna end xmr.

>> No.28851288

Each year its worth less and less. Ah yes, buy high sell low.

>> No.28851880

<90 IQ will never understand the massive benefit of Monero's tail emission.

>> No.28852277

>The year is 2080
>The big money BTC holders are either immortal cyborgs or dead
>Either way they aren't touching BTC anymore
>People don't leave BTC in their wills because the government will crack down and confiscate it.
>Those that do pass it down realize that fewer and fewer people will hold it.
>BTC price becomes absurdly volatile, only ~8m of the original 21m still in circulation
>People realize there's no market for people willing to buy BTC anymore when Tari/Ethereum/Chainlink exist and BTC has no use case except soaking up more energy than New Dubai.
>Price collapses as no demand exists for $25,000,000 BTC and the transactions would be immediately tracked and audited by the feds even if they did.
>Meanwhile, XMR doing fine.
>Tail emission means that, even as keys are lost in time, a small amount of XMR enters circulation to keep volume stable.
>XMR transaction fees are kept low by the value provided by this circulation to international mining pools maintaining the network.
>20T market cap in XMR makes XMR worth over a million dollars a piece.