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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28837686 No.28837686 [Reply] [Original]

How the Fuck do you guys live a WageSlave Life? i just Finish my first day at KFC & already want to Kill myself

>Crime is 100% a Option right now Gonna try & Save 2 months of pay & go back into the Drug game If not the Drug game serious Crime

Risking Death/Jail through Committing crime is 100% a sensible option over wageslaving for minimum wage. Risk it all to get it all Life have no value any way

>> No.28837811

>"Risk it all to get it all"
>steals $1000 from bank teller

>> No.28837885
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I tried Killing this egotistic part of myself after losing it all & felt like my soul died but what benefit does becoming a slave who the world fucks around brings

there is so much options why do people choose the slavery option

>> No.28838076
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i listened to moralist idiots about being a good productive member of society & left the drug game & went into crypto & lost all my gains

gonna commit 100% this time death or jail or others opinion doesnt matter anymore becasue when i went dead ass broke & borderline homeless the moralist faggots was no where to be found

>> No.28838622

Work minimum wage until your savings aren't compounding at 30% or more per year then leverage your savings for bigger things like investing or education

Nobody cares, do it or don't. This board doesn't give a fuck about another street rat selling drugs

>> No.28838724

will you give discounted drugs for your bros at /biz/?

>> No.28838730

>Work minimum wage until
nigger i dnt even think i can do this for 3 months much less get education on it

>> No.28838848

Your mistake was getting a job at kfc. Why get a job where you’ll be having to deal with niggers 80% of the time

>> No.28838881


>> No.28838933

Lmao I worked for a friend of my dad in highschool, first and last wage job. Wagies are slaves.

>> No.28838949

might just rob someone leaving a bank to get funding

3 months of slaving for $6k vs robbing someone in 1 day for $10000+

>> No.28839041

If you stick to just selling pot and you live in the right state the penalties are minuscule and you can clear an easy 50k a year if you know the right people. People that hate on it are 99% of the time bitter wagies waging for shekelstein and using morality as a cope, why uphold/participate in a system that shits on you at every opportunity?

>> No.28839044

I take solace in sitting comfy on fat diverse portfolio. I wageslave as a security guard but it's barely a job if I just show up and do the same shit I do at home like playing video games or researching investments. Compared to the rest of my family and people in my community I got it good, and don't see any reason to throw everything out the window. I turn money into more money while I'm sleeping and work to get out the house and have stabillity until my portfolio carries me.

>> No.28839101

Work every extra hour KFC will give you, invest everything into crypto’s and trade them in your spare time for extra gains. Do this for a few years and you can buy the KFC and run it yourself

>> No.28839366
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The older you get at wage slave level the fewer options you see instead of breaking bad you start using the coping mechanisms of slaves to stay sane & coming to their deaths they turn to religion to justify their slavery

I seen so many walk this path & i choose chaos over that shit

>> No.28839396
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>sup guys, gonna do crimes

>> No.28839406

Why do you type like you're black?

>> No.28839482

Grin and bear it for a while and look for an office job or something

>> No.28839489

Your thread is cringe but this one post you made is based

>> No.28839615

Dude, ditch the fried chicken job. Get a job that gives you skills or useful experience for your future. It’s worth it. Don’t waste your time with a crabbing job.

>> No.28839695

Look for a serving or bartending gig. If you get in at a nice place you'll make insane tips. That's what I did before making it.

>> No.28839709
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>Compared to the rest of my family and people in my communit

>>Get a job that gives you skills
well i cant even afford to reach to work next week if i dont ask the manager for a advance this week so even so there is nothing to throw out the window its already empty

trying to make up a little funds to jump into crime is the only real option available other than blowing my brains out

>> No.28839804

I'm black so the bar wasn't set very high looking at the people/places I grew up around is the point.

>> No.28839806

based and vikingpilled

>> No.28839816

If you are so set on committing crime, at least look into doing something safe (i.e. crypto-related cybercrime)

>> No.28840198

>>at least look into doing something safe
>thats the plan the only reason i took this job & gave myself 3 months to save over robbing people on the streets was risk factor

>> No.28840289

If you're going to do crime get a job where you can be the inside guy or a job that allows you to case the joint. Selling drugs or armed robbing randoms is retarded.

But if you're posting here I don't think crime is for you. I get your frustration with the world and your current situation. Yes wage cucking is not the answer but right now you may not have a choice. Just get 1 paycheck and then play the uniswap scam coin roulette and pray you can find a 3x or above then take half and try and do it again until you get $2-3k then stop buying shitcoins and research low to mid microcap coins. IDLE for instance if you had $2-3k right now would be a safe 2-3x within a months time. Point is you could get to $10k quite quickly with just a few hundred starting point and some luck with uniswap roulette.

So the major point here is just suck it up get some bluetooth headphones, put one in one ear and listen to podcasts as you wage cuck for a few paychecks so you can invest the correct way into crypto during on the biggest bull runs in history.

Good luck anon.

>> No.28840296

guy in the fedora is somehow the least trustworthy here

>> No.28840403
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Here you go anon, something to think about

>> No.28840579
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>> No.28840644
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you gotta upskill yourself. try and get more $ out of your labor.

plus if youre gonna do crime, drugs and violemt crime is shit compared to fraud. you can even justify it kinda if you steal from rich fucks.

>> No.28840818

>Selling drugs or armed robbing randoms is retarded.

its not really drug dealing. its drug supplying i dont deal i buy off the darknet & sell to dealers pretty easy when my shipments dont get seize

did it for a while made good money went into crypto lost it all. spend a year trying to recover my shattered ego. then joined 2 cults to cope & give up control to someone else, but the little ego i had left pulled my out from selling my soul now im here trying to recover

>> No.28840888

Literally most retarded idea ever, all that will buy you is a ticket to prison
>especially when you describe your activities on a Turkmen goat milking forum

>> No.28840905

True. You don't have to do customer service. Become a security guard. Work labor, construction, dish washer, cleaning. Anything but customer service

>> No.28840906

>you can even justify it kinda if you steal from rich fucks.

i long gone past justification morals morals & others judgment didnt feed me when i was borderline homeless

>> No.28840963

not in the US or any where anyone pays attention to

>> No.28841185

>resenting others for not feeding you when you are so weak willed that you wont even get yourself a decent job and instead resort to petty crime
>acting like you have the moral highground
ngmi, maybe go back to being a worthless junkie, literal human trash

>> No.28841236
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I quit waging a year and a half ago to sell pot, I live the NEET life and make more money than 80% of wagies I know, plus crypto has made me a bigger net worth than any wagie I know within a 15 year age difference as me. It’s pretty comfy, best advice is avoid niggers and kids that glorify nigger culture. Stick to hippy kids that don’t dabble in harder drugs and regular working class folks that just like to get stoned and you can fly under the radar and live a maximum comfy life. After you stack up enough cash put some money aside for bail/lawyer if anything bad ever happens and don’t put all your eggs in one basket ie store everything in a single location and you’ll decentralize your risk. Good luck fren, waging is literally a nightmare to free thinkers/artistic types.

>> No.28841756

>moral highground
i know exactly where im standing

>> No.28842123
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have a banana anon

>> No.28842383

You're just insanely bitter and too lazy to put in hard work and make sacrifices

>> No.28842415


>> No.28842506

I remember when I worked my first retail job. It was fun at first but then it got repetitive and just downright soul numbing. After a couple incidents that left me feeling dehumanized, I vowed to never work in such a shitty job ever again.

>> No.28842550

By risking it all on crypto when you are done. Be happy you are paid by the hour, not on contract like some govt slave intern.

Go home, forget work and trade retard. You aren't special and you get what you put in. Wanna play stupid and risk jail, go ahead. But at least sòmeone warned you.

>> No.28842687

Loling hard at “first day at KFC.” Hahahahahahahaha

>> No.28842920
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>> No.28842958
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>nametag in second panel isn't flipped even though it's a mirror.

>> No.28843103

No one withdraws 10 grand and walks out, moron. This is 2021, you’re gonna hold up a normie carrying plastic, and you’ll spend years in prison thinking about how stupid that was.

>> No.28843266

i think crime is my method of doing suicide without doing it

>> No.28843412

Nametag is flipped, the mirror corrected it

>> No.28843525


You think wage slave is bad? Imagine being locked in a fucking cell all day, no pay, no privacy, no entertainment...nothing but alone time with your cell mate, Jamal who is praying you drop the soap

>> No.28844095

Kek nice larp was entertaining

>> No.28844339

Work nowadays is so easy. Except teaching, that is objectively the worst job.

>> No.28845350

How did you lose all your gains on crypto you fucking retard? Literally just buy BTC, ETH, LTC, maybe Link, Graph, Tezos, whatever Grayscale is investing in, Uniswap, AAVE, Compound, and then just hold. Just hold it.

The only way you could have lost all your gains is buying some dumb shillcoin pump and dump. That's literally the only way. Start investing money into the above coins and plan on holding them for FIVE YEARS. HAVE SOME FUCKING PATIENCE AND PERSERVERANCE AND DISCIPLINE. KEEP LOOKING FOR A BETTER JOB WHILE YOU WORK THIS ONE. It's not complicated bro.

I am fighting a Homeland Security indictment right now for possession with intent LSD, MDMA, and Psilocybin Mushrooms.

I used to make 250k a year. Guess what? You're obviously not clever. When they come for you, asset forfeiture is gonna take all your shit because you didn't put anything away, you don't know how to save or budget or make your money work for you.

Learn how to manage money and you can make the KFC job work. You were probably just some runner piecing out an ounce of weed anyway, you will make more money at KFC.

>> No.28845507


If you do go back into the drug game, keep your circle small, don't brag like a dumb faggot runner, reinvest your whole profit in getting a bigger reup every flip, USE FUCKING SIGNAL and don't communicate on snapchat or insta or FB messenger, change phone numbers every six months, cultivate your clients, respect your custies, develop relationships with other friendly hustlers in your town.

Besides drugs and fraud and hacking, there really isn't any other criminal career that pays well compared to the inevitable consequences.

Also, take money out and stash it at your mom's house faggot. Hide it under a floorboard and don't touch it, ever. Open up a small business to launder money. Start a lil LLC or Sole Proprietership and claim you repair phones then have your friends send you money in exchange for a percentage kickback to them to help you do your laundry.

Then invest that money in stocks and crypto, buy some actual cell phone repair tools to make it look legit, leave a half-disassembled phone or two on your work desk and develop a realistic set of books so it looks legit if you get audited.

>> No.28846469

You're literally doing it wrong, just learn to fucking code anon and you can earn over 6 figures sitting on your ass and writing a few lines of code a week

>> No.28846538

Delivery is a more fun job OP do that. Kitchens are Hell