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File: 44 KB, 574x511, 30y_boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28829539 No.28829539 [Reply] [Original]

So /biz/, let's be real:
>Who here is a 30 year old boomer?
>What makes you one?

Probably me
>liquid net worth over $750k
>rarely play video games anymore
>looking to buy a house
>hairline going up
>started drinking monster energy zero ironically last year. actually kind of like it now.
>diversified portfolio
>boomer metals
>started waking up at around 6-7 to check on stonks
>drive a company leased sporty asian FR with turbo
>literally bought a desktop 2 years ago and younger sibling said it was a 30yr old boomer move to buy desktop since even younger millennials are strictly laptops and zoomers are mostly phone

>> No.28829929
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damn i feel targeted.

was just thinking not 5 minutes ago i was turning into a boomer.

>diversified portfolio and still care about fundamentals
>precious metals interest
>hairline receding
> waking up early to check stonks

>> No.28830159



90k Salary
40k Crypto
35k Stonks
60k In condo equity

Woof... I gotta figure my shit out

>> No.28830262

26 y.o. btw

>> No.28830343

300k equity, paid off, no mortgage
45k invested, diversified
5 k cash
No debt

>> No.28830457

40k salary btw

>> No.28830648

>Complain about kids these days
>Have a fossicking/prospecting license for gold
>Hate dyed hair, tattoos and piercings on women
>Find fat women disgusting and not stunning and brave

>> No.28830780

>no salary
>Precious little hair
>House paid off
>500k crypto
Taking it easy for now and thinking about where I want to go from here and what kind of impact I want to have on the world.

>> No.28830961

Booming material here

330k net, with 80k in muh rreeetirement
Drinks zero energy and reign
Works steady 9 to 5
Views checking stocks as an escape
Missed multiple chances to escape ratracer
Salary 50k, happy to beg for my dollarydoo raiserino


>> No.28830974

My first kid is coming this week (C section). Desktops are where it’s at.

I’m in the Knights of Columbus and I’m literally the youngest guy in there by 20yrs.

>> No.28831025

>live in a wooden box behind 7-11
>get food by stealing food from the truck in the morning
>mastrubate in public daily
>$1.2M net worth, all in crypto

>> No.28831039

Three months till 30, might to escape the shit job life and work a nonprofit

>> No.28831499

Boomer isn’t the $ amt.
It’s the lifestyle and state of mind.
Nice diversity there.

>> No.28831674

30yr boomer problem that money doesn’t always fix is the dating/mating game the way it can fix sex.
Roasties, degens, sugar babies, ethots, single moms, etcetc. Opposite probably true for females.

>> No.28831907

~50k net worth
$20/hr running a shop fixing rich fags cars

could be worse, used to be a depressed drug addict

>> No.28831955

>hasn't bought a house yet

hasn't made it in 30 won't make it in another

>> No.28832314

i just turned 28
had bad is 30 bros? dont lie to me

>> No.28832850

>Started booming 2 years ago when I bought silver
>30k in stocks
>20k in rrsp
>5k in crypto
>Still have the same desktop pc i bought in 2014, dislike laptops
>No debt cuz I dont buy shit i dont need
>Babybfaced till late 20s, but lol nothing but roasted walnuts, trannies and single moms
>Buy vinyl if its an album ill still listen to in 10 years
>Already planning my retirement hopefully 5 years from now.
>Despise anything PC
>Driving speeds bearish

>> No.28832871

It sux but you stop caring.

>> No.28833543
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Feel bad man. Guess I should be a 30 yr old doomer instead.

>> No.28833641

My PC masterace brother.

>>Buy vinyl if its an album ill still listen to in 10 years
That's boomer/10

>> No.28833749


If it aint broke dont fix it. Thats my pc motto.

>> No.28833938

>live in apartment rent free
>rarely play games
>looking to buy house
>hairline still fine
>not diversified portfolio, but crypto and stonk
>all kind of music except traditional crap
>waking up at 6
>2 cars

>> No.28834086
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Damn y'all old as shit

>35k net worth
>no debt
>no college
>800$ in stonks planning to do DCA

small fry

>> No.28834231

>make less than $10K a year helping my pops at the shop but living with folks rent free
>slower season now so my savings are all depleted
>$22 in my bank account right now
>had to sell my crypto to buy food this week
>trying to find ways to make money online
>its hard when everything is shut down due to the snowstorm here in Texas
fuck bros I really want to make it

>> No.28834418
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>diversified in crypto and got BTC mining and actual mining stonks
>boomer rocks
>job starts at 6, so checking markets at 5
>prefer desktop over laptop
>still watch japanese children’s cartoons
I’m more boomer than you and I’m 24.

>> No.28834722

>90k salary
>140k diversified in stocks, metals, and crypto
>no debt
>currently roomsharing till demand goes down or see a nice undervalued property
>wake up 5am to look at macro trends
>go to work
>check futures at 6pm

>> No.28834994

Im your age I have exactly 10k in crypto singular asset lmao

>> No.28835008

What job? I’m making 25k but still am in Uni so can’t take on a legit job yet.

>> No.28835453

>$16k savings
>no real property
>5 kids
>smokin hot 30 yr old wife
>poor chad

>> No.28835455

>30k/year shit pay art/design job
>8k crypto, 3k in bank

patiently awaiting the bullrun to continue

>> No.28835596

im a wagie enigneer in pharma

i wish i did something like software but i feel my job is very stable and secure and i kind of like what i do. its comfy rn since im single. i also had a full ride in college on merit schoalrship so i graduated with like 30k. 25k in uni is pretty good. do internships in the summer. i dont really recommend doing part time jobs during the school year if youre majoring in something like compsci or engineering because youll pay off any loans you get once you get a decent job. and through internships. try get paid reserach or something

>> No.28835810

Nice, yeah I’m going for business looking at 65-70k when I get out. I put everything I got into crypto and stonks though. Haven’t been paying on loans. I could easily pay off all my loans 5 times over though rn from all my gains. Crypto has been a game changer for me.

>> No.28835962

Own house fully
Own car fully
No job
8k invested
6k in bank

Have trade skill training along with 2 associates. Could easily find 50-60k /yr. job if I wanted. Just have no purpose in life and no desire or incentive to find one. I make enough for food and bills with trading. Dunno what I'm doing wrong

>> No.28836048
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>be landlord since i was 27.
>dont pay rent.
>have some gold
>getting into crypto late
>have stocks
>life is alright I guess
>no cash and always feel broke

>> No.28836334

pretty based

>> No.28836386

Don’t worry so much man, I’ve worked since I was 16, deployed a lot, make good wages but opted to care for my parents bad health, brother is a deadbeat of 3 kids too so I help out with them a lot. I’d like my own family but life just chooses people for certain things and I want to see people happy, even if it means I’m not.

>> No.28836431

>Married with two kids
>100k salary split around 50/50 with crypto and ETFs
>100k net worth
>Balding but not too noticeable

Feels okay.

>> No.28836461

enjoy it lad, you'll close your eyes and one day be a boomer

>> No.28836498

>>100k salary
>>100k net worth split around 50/50 with crypto and ETFs


>> No.28836578
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>4 acres
>Sheep unironically feeding round the lawns for meat
>Few old cars
>Fishing boat
>Losing money on crypto like a dumb cunt

>> No.28836614
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>early 30s
>never had a job ever
>still live with parents
>2million in crypto

>> No.28836739
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ITT: Laarping thread

>> No.28836810


Right under $3 million in ownership of my company.

Nothing else besides a 3 month emergency fund.

High risk still but big upside. Sometimes I wish I would have stayed comfy with good salary and benefits, but I've learned a lot in the last 5 years of building this company.

>> No.28836984
File: 259 KB, 582x522, Suzu_Worried.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Am 28, just bought a desktop a year ago
>Probably on track to have about that networth at 30, maybe a little less
>Thinking about getting a BRZ when my trusty shitbox finally gives out
>Sometimes spend freetime browsing real estate sites for houses, plan to buy one somday
>Precious metals and commodities are 10% of my portfolio and rising
>Was planning to have a can of Monster as a joke on my 30th birthday

uhhhh anon, you're not secretly just a futureshifted version of me right? Right?

>> No.28837140
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Keep at it anon

>> No.28837228
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>NEETBUX salary beginning to bother me, due to principle of handouts not the $
>This conflicts with my other boomer tendency of ranting about the system, FED & inflation
>Early 20s kids working at local deli give me weird looks when I rant to them about boomer monetary system shit
>Diversifying streams of income extensively this year, 2 businesses
>200k crypto
>Paid off car
>Hairline finally receding
>Manmeat & old man strength solidifying
>Waking up earlier
>Rapidly losing interest in vidya
>Car paid off
>Caring more about family
Yea, I think I’m gonna make it into my 30s

>> No.28837227

>no one cheers me up
its ok....

>> No.28837395

dangerously based

>> No.28837584

we are responsible for ourselves and make our own decisions.
>you only have yourself to blame for whatever misery befalls you

>> No.28837708


>31 y.o boomer
>90k net worth
>don't listen to music or watch movies from after 2004
>90k-140k a year job
>full hairline
>company car nissan
>no debt

>> No.28837781

>will retire by 35
>recovering porn addict
>gave up on women
>cat is my bff

>> No.28837835

>buzz pulled
>800k net worth
>precious metals
This hit me hard

>> No.28837964

you're 100% right, I'm just not feeling well is all.

>> No.28837971

3k in bank
21k in emergency savings
5k in individual stocks currently
70ish k in retirement accounts total

Meh could be worse

>> No.28838002

I’m 32, think it’s great. Best years of my life desu. gf is 25, gonna marry her. 100% in crypto, retired.

>> No.28838047
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>BQQMing Hard
>3 children, 4 on the way
>attend church regularly
>Love Jesus, tell people about it
>understand web 3.0 is the future
>use custom built desktop
>dont like the culture of modernity
>read the Bible and other classic works
>invest in stocks, crypto, mutual fund (matched by employer)
>making money is fun
>money isnt evrything
>own guns
>lurk /x/ /k/ /fit/ /pol/ and of course /biz/

>> No.28838106

Thanks mang

Just trying to make it work

>> No.28838165

>turned 25k into 52k my first month
>could've been 72 if i dumped avax at 60
>feel the best iv'e ever felt
>no one can tell i'm even over 30

>> No.28838184

>hairlines pressing back
>gym 5x a week as normal but starting to get a belly
>dicks already off and on
>hello darkness my old friend

>> No.28838249
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>> No.28838280
File: 181 KB, 1342x1148, E9F064BE-10D3-4630-AFBB-39241703D1B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do nothing but hike with my dog and check charts
If you have no money to invest I would honestly advise leaving this place. I’ve been on 4chan for 14 years and the one good thing this place has done for me is get me onto LINK early. Other than that I’ve only wasted my time here. This board especially is filled with some of the shittiest people on Earth. Go work for your parents and spend time with them and show them that you are working hard. You will make it and your parents will be confident in your ability to make it

>> No.28838503

>This board especially is filled with some of the shittiest people on Earth
I completely disagree. We often have boomer and oldfag threads where you see some of the people who are really here, best group this site has ever produced. Skin in the game changes the whole dynamic.

>> No.28838632

>130k in a 401k
>12k crypto
>7k cash
>Single no kids
>60k year job

If I hit 7 figs I'm moving to SEA and fucking asain whores there rest of my life

>> No.28838805

The vast majority of posters on this board are literal shills and scam artists who are posting with the intention of dumping bags on unsuspecting victims. The way that /pol/ schizos think everyone is a glownigger or a tranny, that’s actually what /biz/ is with pajeets. An occasional good thread where we talk to each other as humans for 30+ posts without someone trying to shill a shitcoin doesn’t make up for the sea of shit that is the rest of the board

>> No.28838808

How do you like the KoC, what does it entail? Im thinking about looking into it.

>> No.28839074
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People give me shit for years living with my Dad at 29 but it let me spend all my 20s savings on crypto and now I'm nearly out of six figure purgatory while my friends are in debt

>> No.28839103


35yo boomer
140k salary
1.5MM Crypto
100k stonks
180k liquid cash
700k home w/ 500k mortgage at 2.5%
Married and father of 1 (so far - aiming for 3)
Living the dream

>> No.28839439


I thought this until I realized 99% of people think I'm 19 and no one can really tell unless you're noticeably balding. Feels good flirting with highschool girls like you're a college sophomore on the make.

>> No.28839510

how? You're just me but younger and investing in zoomer crypto

Ouch. Esp the 32 part. Will agree with the other guy in being on 4c less. Go hang out on reddit if you need someone to cheer you. 4c is for memes and shitposting,

>> No.28839558

>>smokin hot 30 yr old wife
how? you in russia or import one to the west?

>> No.28839605

Kek Im almost 40 and half the people I grew up with are more tech knowledgable than zoomers

>> No.28839635

29 ( basically 30 y/o boomer)
110k salary
75k crypto
112k stonks
30k cash
13k in silver
No real-estate :(

Bought a desktop two weeks ago (3090 w/ 10900kf cpu) this confirms that I am now a 30 yo boomer.

>> No.28839654
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Sounds like you need to have a trip. Maybe go somewhere.
Even if you don't discover shit. The trip will help your mental state.

>> No.28839799

>>have some gold
not physical right?

I was just semi-joking about the home thing. But houses in the costal cities are insane.

It's good you're making others happy buy you should focus on helping yourself before others.

>> No.28839840

+1 boomer point there.

>Married with two kids
>Feels okay.
shouldn't you be happy?

>> No.28839888

>literally bought a desktop 2 years ago and younger sibling said it was a 30yr old boomer move to buy desktop since even younger millennials are strictly laptops and zoomers are mostly phone

This is why I have no hope for the zoomers. Using a phone for what you can do on a desktop is gay

>> No.28839912


Fuck, we’re boomers now? I make about 180k a year. Married. Driving a shitbox that I’ve been using since uni. Paying mortgage on a house in a mostly white and asian suburb. Wife doesn’t know about my crypto until it’s enough to finance our kid’s health and education.

Fuck, I guess I do sound like a boomer.

>> No.28840035

no kids
no house
Autoimmune disease
$180k in crypto

Would probably an hero if it wasn’t for crypto

>> No.28840100

no job*

>> No.28840138
File: 84 KB, 700x570, BF845544-63BE-415A-ADEB-C027C18AA0BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to masturbate onto birds at a local park. Not a thing that I'm particularly proud of but I became quite good at it. I was taking zinc supplements so I was shooting massive loads and it became something of a sport to me. For anyone interested here is your best strategy. first, you need to find an isolated spot so you don't become a sex offender. I found a short kind of channel area where I saw the pigeons would congregate. Next, you arouse yourself. I was usually content with envisioning the occasional jogging lady coming over and taking a shit on my chest and that was enough to fuel the fire but if you're not as sexually charged as me just take some porn on the go. After you're good an horny, you get some bread. My pigeons preferred white bread but healthier birds might have a taste for honey wheat or maybe even multigrain. Fat, unhealthy birds are slower and easier to hit so remember that. Once you are seated on the bench and ready to do the deed, whip your roosevelt out and scatter bread out within a few feet of you. use your judgement based on how far you know you can cum. I was a lonely and depraved soul who could hit targets the size of a thimble at distances up to 4 feet. You wait for the pigeons to begin eating and to get comfortable with your presence.

>> No.28840192

At this point, you want to coo gently and talk sensually to them to gain their trust. Now you're finally ready to cum on your bird. This is a tough part because the rapid motion of masturbation is very frightening to the birds, so you have to be subtle. Once you master a technique, you simply wind it up and let it go, aiming depending on your past cumming experiences. I always came high so I would aim for the neck of the bird and catch it right in the face. It's an extremely satisfying and erotic feeling, seeing those birds reel around covered in cum and maybe even transporting it to other places in the city. Either way I haven't done it in years but every now and then I catch myself gazing wistfully at a flock of birds, cock throbbing and waiting for them to land close to me.

>> No.28840263

Although millennials on /biz/ might have certain things in common
>likes tech
>likes /biz/ things
>most likely first world males

>Suzu tied for best girl with Kurisu.
>Kyoko best girl by far in Initial D.
>still ingrained to like toyota/subaru and dislike evos & nissans
>You might wanna get your petro/manual fix before tesla/electric catches on and really kills petrol cars like iphone did boomer motorolas/nokias

>> No.28840264
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>> No.28840313

Where is this

>> No.28840429

>old man strength solidifying
Yeah I missed that one.
2020's been good to my profolio but horrible on my bod. Really turned from /fit/ to bear quick. Need to hit the gym when they reopen.

>high income
>low net worth
What did you spend it on? Hookers? Vinyl?

>> No.28840449

If I had to guess, I'd say Mauritius.

>> No.28840576
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>schizoid neet
>$2k in bank, $600k in crypto
>still have hairs

>> No.28840577

>Low 5 figures
>WFH junkie even before COVID
>Lucked into GF
I'm a financial dud but that's why I'm struggling here

>> No.28840661

>>literally bought a desktop 2 years ago and younger sibling said it was a 30yr old boomer move to buy desktop since even younger millennials are strictly laptops and zoomers are mostly phone

There’s nothing wrong with having a desktop man. Only peasants and absolute retards play games on phones, consoles or laptops. Being PC Master Race is a richfag thing.

As long as you stay on top of new tech and trends and don’t become delusional about the state of the world you will never be a boomer. There’s nothing wrong with doing things that make you rich or having equipment that only rich / intelligent people have.

>> No.28840749
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>make 130k/yr
>360k diversified portfolio
>sold my property for 100k profit
>put all that profit into crypto (feels good), precious metals, and guns
>thinking about getting a truck because my 2nd child is coming
>working from home because of the snowstorm in TX

>> No.28840756

>disability NEETbux
>mildly autistic
>wake up at 5 regularly
>addiction history
>boomer metals
>boomer etf
>boomer car
>real estate
>play money in a margin account
>only +1300% on crypto
>blast&cruise + fin, hairline actually advancing
>85kg 12%bf, bicep veins
>no gf
>3pl8 bench, 4.5pl8 squat
>desktop, about to buy 3rd screen, never use my phone for more than calling and texting
>hate fat women, niggers and democracy

>> No.28840853

>110k salary
>125k net worth (70k Stonks, 50k cash)

Spent too long at uni. Earned shit salary for most of my 20s and invested very conservatively. Feels like it could be better.

>> No.28840999
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>30 in a month
>barely $50k networth
>just starting getting into investing
ngmi looming. Why didn't I get there earlier for free retard money?

>> No.28841221

You probably spent too much time on /pol/

>> No.28841620
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I was too busy wageslaving from a third world and not investing my money.

>> No.28841761
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>100% Litecoin

>> No.28841852

No job
No degree
Live with parents
100 million in crypto

>> No.28841854

>60k cash in bank
>10k in boomer stocks
>5k in shiny rocks
>50k in crypto
I'm just floating around a bit until I find a new job. Neeting is nice tho

>> No.28841921

Fuck do i miss quake 3

>> No.28842065

>with same girl for years
>younger generations are actually worse
>enjoying bbq and just sitting with friends
>admiring the perfect lawn of my neighbor, it’s so smooth guys believe me
>hardly break the speed limit
1990 here

>> No.28842108
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My sides are in orbit.

>> No.28842147
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Who will inherit this? Also buy Wynaut liquidity Pool

>> No.28842151

q3 really was the best game ever made

>> No.28842301

Based af

>> No.28842424
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>> No.28842492

50k sounds a lot for a third world company. Just don't buy any scam PnD tokens here, stick to the projects with good tech and actual usage and you'll be fine in a year/two.

>> No.28842513

Choose ONE, you stupid shit

>> No.28842590

>70k sal
>50k crypto/stonks
>boomer rocks
>qt 3.14 azn gf
>mow lawn everyday

>> No.28842611

kys newfag

>> No.28842648

Disgusting filthy reddit. Go back.

>> No.28842787
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>36 boomer
>hairline strong
>Own business
>No games besides masturbation and drugs
>If not working researching stocks, crypto, NFTs
>100k stocks, 100k crypto all MMEDF and BTC no diversification
>50k cash
>40k debt
>Trying to buy first house, market fierce
>gf 26 super hot super insecure
>fuck laptops
>just want to do eccentric shit and get to the 4th dimension

>> No.28842943

>75k salary
>liquid like 5k :(
>10k in stocks
>uni degree tho

>> No.28843130

>uni degree tho
as if that's something to be proud of lol

>> No.28843194

computer science degree.
At least i'll always be able to make money some how.

>> No.28843265

how much did you pay for that?

>> No.28843355

>no debt
You fucked up. You should've taken a loan to ride a 10x shitcoin. Scared money makes no money.

>> No.28843447

9k in subsidized student loans, which are still being subsidized.

Praying bidenbro comes through with 10k relief.

>> No.28843546
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>> No.28843785

>mid 30s
>married, 1 kid
>wife hates me
>no debt, about $45k in crypto. no other assets
>living with wife's family
>$30k/yr dead-end wagecuck job that drains my soul
if it weren't for my kid i would kill myself. really. i am profoundly unhappy.

i love you anons.

>> No.28843872

Why does she hate you?

>> No.28844149
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>> No.28844196

because i'm a piece of shit. i have never been violent toward her. i am not a drunk. i just have a harsh temper that stems from self-hate.

if you hate yourself, then the people around you will hate you, as well. there is no escape from self-loahing. it is a beast that consumes itself and grows stronger from it.

live the ones in your life, anons. i have ruined all my relationships and i really want to die.

>> No.28844240
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>> No.28844315

> 29
> 100k salary
> Dumped 100% of my savings into bitcoin at the halving
> Now with over half a million
I feel like it was almost dumb luck I got into bitcoin when I did. I mean once I understood the halving I knew there would probably be a bull run, but I was lucky I read about how it all worked right around a halving. That being said not a single person I've told about bitcoin has bought, so how much is really luck?

This fucking picture kills me every time

>> No.28844364

coastal state?
also how get hot 26 gf as 36 boomer?

>> No.28844391

you whine and make excuses. you just lack the balls to change. stop being such a faggot.

>> No.28845203

This thread (thread): itt (in this thread) thread (this thread) larping t (thread)

>> No.28845392


>> No.28845461
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unemployed cuz coronachan
1 child
150€ in crypto
being invaded by muslims and gypsies

>> No.28845798

Why the fuck do you all have so much money?
Everyone lives in fucking America? Here in Poland $15k/year is considered a good salary, so I know I shouldn't feel bad for my lower net worth, but it's hard

>> No.28846049

Goddammit my sides

>> No.28846253
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They all seem to be rich americanos. A quite different image to what we're used to see about current American economic state (full of obese McDonald's workers earning crap and paying 100k for a broken leg).

>> No.28846447

>btc maxi
>hairline receded -getting a ht in 3 months
>fuck shiny rocks
>wagie and rentoid
>paid car
>literally 0 debts

I dont even know what I am anymore

>> No.28846496
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>/biz/ is either millionaires or 30 year old neets with no savings, skills or job experience living at home

where my middle of the pack average joes at

>> No.28846545

>50k € net worth

>> No.28846573

I make $5k a month taking care of my grandma, go america.

>> No.28846576
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Congrats anon. This is around what I'm aiming for.

100k annually
Self-employed since 2019, expanding this year
300k liquid assets, 250k in crypto
Looking to buy a home around 700k
Have gf of 5 years
Want kids in next few years

I'm entering the turning point.

>> No.28846619


Sir this is a Wendy's.

>> No.28846989

Hello? Diogenes department??

>> No.28847031

>complete new fag too crypto
>based boomer dad gives me 5K
>invested it in 3 rtx 3070s and pc parts for bitcoin mining
Give it too me straight bros did i make a good investment....

>> No.28847160

I just turned 30 and the months and days leading up to it was painful. I got very depressed, but then when the day came it was fine. You realise nothing has changed. Yes, you are older, but you've been getting older slowly and gradually. Just have to keep focused on enjoying life and pursuing goals.

>> No.28847201

you dun goofed

>> No.28847468

They were posting here. They just don’t stand out to you cause they are normies

>> No.28847520

>I suffer in socialist state with free healthcare, living, retirement, etc
Nice b8

>> No.28847579

Some probably real. A few of them sound like bs.

Also net worth =/= liquid net worth because taxes will be due unless you’re into coins

>> No.28847700

500k in crytpo
got a house and car + family land

thinking of moving somewhere else.

any suggestions?

might even make kids if i find someone cool. feeling like its time.

>> No.28847770

>doesn't own a house

>> No.28847937

>used to own diversified funds, PMs
>used to only have a small amount in companies with good fundamentals
>lived in suburbs and mowed the lawn
>spent free time with actual boomers talking about holidays, wine and politics
>used to have gf around my own age, planned for kids and home ownership
>hit midlife crisis
>90% in crypto, rest in meme stocks
>chase 18-25 girls exclusively
>hang around with zoomers and talk about onlyfans and other zoomer shit
>thinking about dying my hair and getting a tattoo
>lost all interest in appearing respectable
*sips* yep

>> No.28848188

>34yr old eurofag
>75k in crypto
>11k bank account
>2k retirement account
>1k speculative stocks
>100k salary before taxation
>renting studio appt for 900 a month
>leased fancy sports car for 700 a month


>> No.28848308

what car and I'll tell you

>> No.28848442

>32, married, kids
>230k w2 salary
>should increase to 600k+ in next few years
>1M house
>250k mortgage,
>no debt - just finished paying off student loans
>150k stocks
>80k crypto (mostly monero)
>10k gold/silver
>40k in foreign currency
>60k USD
>quit monster before i hit 30, only espresso now
>desktop computer
>only play games with friends, otherwise get bored
>both my cars are FR but not asian

>> No.28848520

>1.3m crypto, moving more of it every month into stables with yield
>30k stonk
>25k cash
>40k salary
>Wake up early morning to check the markets (crypto mostly)
>8 year old lenovo laptop is my main station (bought it used for 80$ from my company)

>> No.28848560

>Not a Dodge Viper

>> No.28848585
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>Only debt is 50k mortgage
>Comfy do-nothing govt job
>Grilled in a snowstorm yesterday

>> No.28848648

My plan is too buy more miners with what i make from those first 3 gpus, until i get too the limit of what 2 circuit breakers can handle.

I mean if i have intially 5k then can make money from those miners, then i can just keep buying more miners. Then once i get too the limit i start saving the money. I mean might be a few years but thats still a decent plan right anon? I figure thats a good idea bc im still learning about crypto and scared to actually invest in stocks. So figure it might be a decent way to get myself into it.

>> No.28848761

So that’s the power is ultra monster 0 instinct

>> No.28848805
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Damn, congratulations.

>> No.28848812

>quit monster before i hit 30, only espresso now
You’re not a boomer
You are just lame

>> No.28848851


>> No.28849086
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Much further north. You just brush the snow off the grill and grill. It's like these people don't even want to grill.

>> No.28849224

24 and learning how to make it. What do you boomer bros do for your cyber security? I have at least 400 accounts from stupid websites from when I was a kid that changing all the passwords is nigh impossible. Do you use a burner phone? Do you have to explain to your families to watch for phishing emails? So much to learn, wish I started earlier.

My old man will grill at night with a headlight. You just have to want it enough.

>> No.28849229

I prefer stimulants like Adderall. I'm also not a fan of artificial sweetener. I'd rather just take caffeine pills.

>> No.28849250
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> 32
> 25k net worth
> no house, cheap apartment and cheap car

what the fuck biz, should I just neck myself?

>> No.28849492
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If you're not willing to grill in the dark, are you really grilling?

>> No.28849571

Same but I'm 25, into crypto from early but shat the bed twice (2017, 2020).
Will unironically take the compsci degree pill.

>> No.28849576

or you could have bought crypto and x5ed your investment

>> No.28849583

>35 year old boomer
>wasted all my 20s chasing thots, travelling and other bullshit
>fell for self employed meme in 2021
>longhard struggle
>finally about to break 100k in income this year after years of making peanuts
>have shiny boomer rocks
>have boomer Bitcoin
>have boomer S&P 500 ETF shares
>dream of buying a house but eternally priced out
>bought a nintendo switch alst year but havent touched it in months
>started doing crossword puzzles and reading the daily newspaper
>hairline receding
boomerism is not something that you choose. it just creeps up on you.

>> No.28849634

>fell for self employed meme in 2021
meant 2012

>> No.28849970

>working as a writer
>it’s tough but fair
>still feel like igmi

>> No.28850598

30 year olds aren't boomers though.

>> No.28850650

you have to go back disgusting newfag cancer

>> No.28850914

>living in parents basement
>wageslaving for slightly over 30k
>20k in crypto
>13k in stocks
>1k in shiny rocks
>10k in guns
I have never had sex

>> No.28850951

> I'm nearly out of six figure purgatory

What does that mean. You're almost a millionaire?

t. lives with parents at age 33 and saving lots of money

>> No.28850978

Nice man you're winning at life

>> No.28851077

The only thing that makes you a boomer is thinking any of this makes you anything. Imagine thinking being smart and successful makes you lame. Desktops are unironically the most based home computers. Laptops are convenient but can never do as much and phones are for unironic NPCs.

>> No.28851141

>230k w2 salary
>should increase to 600k+ in next few years

That's a nice salary. What do you do?

>> No.28851233
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>> No.28851977

hair gggggone
2 kids, tradwife
117k salary
23k emergency fund
445k home equity (68k owing)
175k in retirement fund
15k stonks
28k crypto

wish i bought crypto earlier and spent less on cars in 20s

>> No.28852081

Hanging out with mega boomers and doing charity work at your local church

They have a really good life insurance plan. I don’t know about your chapter but the KoC is in desperate need of young guys. Think the org has really gone soft.

Last year they got rid of the 3 degree levels and combined them into 1. Very gay

>> No.28852164

Jaguar XE. Drives better then BMW 3er, I can tell, I live in Germany and we have Autobahn with unlimited speed, you can do 160mph no problem.

>> No.28852286

>1 mil in chainstink
>game all day since I left my job
>own a house
>started drinking monster a year ago
>wake up early to do work around the house or go to the gym
I don't know, I really don't feel like a boomer but I also can't connect with younger people anymore. The amount of dumb shit they talk and care about is staggering.

>> No.28852387

I read the newspaper at breakfast and O especially like the financial section

>> No.28852569

30 and I lost my savings last year. Zero friends but hot gf.

>> No.28852749

>1 mil in chainstink
How much $$ did you invest?

>> No.28852779

>I lost my savings last year
How did you do that, Anon?

>> No.28853002

Around 10k back in 2018. Could've put in a lot more because I was still working at that time but that was the amount I was comfortable with.

>> No.28853359

That's amazing Anon

>> No.28854019

you gonna spend ur entire net worth on a hair transplant then? they cost 5 figures, right?

i can relate with this a lot more than i'd like to. good luck to both of us and let us hope it ends well

>> No.28855310

180PS tho :/

>> No.28855433

>net worth $60k
>$70k salary
i need to make up for lost time before it's too late.

>> No.28855531
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>be 33
>still have 25k of student loans to pay off from a total of 70k
>make 90k a year but only have 20k in savings
>unironically looking at putting all of my savings in a diversified portfolio to make more money back
>looking into borrowing against my 403b to put down on a house
>100k net worth including retirement and savings

>> No.28855612
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>> No.28855959

>25 years old
>knocked a chick up 3 years ago
>have 2 year old son
>hairline receding, shaved it and grew a good beard
>love me some monster energy drinks
>saving, investing, looking for a house where he can grow up
>friends are out partying, doing coke drinking beers beers beers
>wake up at 5 am in the morning to work on math skills and check my stonks
>i didnt choose the boomer life, the boomer life chose me

>> No.28856131
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Is this me? I had bought a vga tonhdmi just to play on my monitor...

>> No.28856448
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>> No.28857130

are you me?

>> No.28857193
File: 3.16 MB, 700x718, 4248EFC9-3180-4A55-8465-D8043BC72A3D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm definitely a 30 yo boomer

>31 yo
>worth 2 mil, 1.5 of that is crypto
>literally bought a 90s lambo today
>love monster ultra but can't drink it any more because it gives me heart palpitations
>19 yo gf
>don't play video games, don't watch movies, only 4chan
>enjoy lifting
>long hair with still good hairline
>listen to exclusively boomer shit like 80s hair metal and glam metal. Unironically think van halen and def Leppard are the best bands ever
>only wear vests or band t shirts
>work from home but haven't done anything since last March, they keep sending me paychecks though

>> No.28857301
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I am 31 and 40k in debt. I rent and use public transport. I don't even have a driver's license.

>> No.28857407

Basically, the average millennial in EU. I own nothing, but I am happy.

>> No.28857533

what country fren?

>> No.28857618

Exactly the same as 28

>> No.28857642

get that desktop to download session messenger and hide the fact that you're a young boomer with some privacy chains like oxen. shame is on you right now

>> No.28857709

>younger sibling said it was a 30yr old boomer move to buy desktop

>> No.28857795

I did the same. Honestly I regretted it at the time but looking back it was a great opportunity. I worked for years and barely spent anything. It just all accumulated and before I knew it I had 80k in savings which was then easy to build on in crypto and stocks.

I think the biggest hurdle for most people is getting that stack that gets you going in trading. For people with families or other dependents it is basically impossible. But for people like us who just stayed at home and worked, it just happens naturally.

>> No.28857880


>> No.28857937

>32 year old boomer
>Drink Monster Ultra
>Old M series BMW
>New music is trash
>Attaining "Dad bod" even though I outlift everyone I know and lifted religiously for 12 years
>Socks and crocs, plain t-shirts, not bought clothes for 10 years
>Hair thinning but not receding
>Casual whiskey drinker
>Only play AoE2 or C&C
>Younger people are like aliens, completely different mindset and cannot get on with them
>Got into growing my own produce
>Fold shirts nicely with the 2 second method instead of throw them in the corner like I used to

>> No.28858245


>> No.28858952

I want to be like you when I’m old

>> No.28859056

>Feels good flirting with highschool girls
Nice. Where? Instagram/tinder or real life?

>> No.28859118

which bank loans you money for crypto investing?

>> No.28859218

>39 so closest to a literal boomer
>no kids, ex-wife, couple gfs
>still have hair, beard graying nicely
>Owe 400k on 850k house
>280k in retirement, 300k crypto, 230k cash, 110k salary and pension
>no vidya anymore, just chess and investing books
>random body pains all the time
>exgfs and single moms always sliding in my dms and I know exactly why

you damn kids have no idea what life is about to do to you

>> No.28859221

>prospecting license for gold
is that a mere hobby or can you actually make a side hustle out of it?

>> No.28859248

>29 years old
>3 motorcycles, 3 cars
>no house
>$500K in crypto, $10k in stocks

How bad am I doing?

>> No.28859272

Why don’t people here know what a boomer actually is?

>> No.28859279

>I was taking zinc supplements so I was shooting massive loads
Is this really a correlation?

>> No.28859304

Oh and wagecucking 9-5 for $9/hr. Should I quit already?

>> No.28859338

why would someone invest in a real estate bubble while you could rent and invest the surplus in profitable stonks and crypto moonshots?

>> No.28859367
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>24 yr old europoor student
>$60k net worth, all in crypto
>bought 10 oz of silver this year
>plan to move to a cheaper and smaller city with my gf after the college ends
>will buy an apartment with 30-40% down and the rest 10 yr mortgage, so the monthly pay will be like 200€ per month only
>plan to propose to my gf this year
>plan to have my first kid in the next 1-3 years
>plan to save 50-60% of my salary and invest in ETFs to escape the rat race sooner
>no video games, no alcohol
>hairline is good, look younger than i am cause good genetics
>enjoy nature more than ever before, enjoy my walks in the park or forest
>hate drama and neurotic environment, just want to chill and be comfy in life with low stress

>> No.28859470

You have a lot of money locked up in depreciating assets. You should find a calculator and look at what that 500k would look like in an ETF. You could probably hold that and work minimum wage and retire early for a stress free life anon.

>> No.28859513


Me too op.

>Turned 33 a few days ago.
>Just had a kid
>recently bought a new desktop that i can't even game on bc i don't have the time
>and when i do i play games from the aughts or early 2010's bc i can't be bothered to learn anything new
>haven't listened to "new" music since like 2012
>won't invest in anything riskier in Ethereum bc i simply don't have the time to babysit my shitcoins
>wake up at 7 every day, in bed by 9 or at the latest 10
>fuck the wife maybe once every two weeks, can't do more out of sheer exhaustion from the both of us
>have a gut for the first time in my life
>used to hate beer, now it tastes like sweet nectar of the gods in the last few years

And the biggest thing is, I simply don't care. I'm satisfied with all of the above, just wish I had more time for myself when five years ago I was literally by myself all day, every day.

>> No.28859516

I've been a real for two months now. But I never really got to enjoy my 20s so I have a bit of a Peter Pan complex.

>> No.28859827 [DELETED] 

>have a house that's worth 350k€, mortgage paid off
>no gf, no kids
>wrote trading bot last years, makes about 20% profit each month since april last year (we'll see how it does in the bear market)
>only have $28k in bitcoin though
>no work, live off bot
>alcoholism is on the rise

>> No.28860747
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Unironic boomer checking in
>drink monster zero religiously for several years now
>out of touch with vidya or many social media platforms
>up before the rooster crows to check stonks and make investment plans for the day as necessary
>hardly watch TV, but when I do it's mostly local news or financial market news
>drive truck that's a decade old
>diversified portfolio
>recently getting into precious metals
>listen to "dad rock"

>> No.28860831

How is crypto deprecating asset? Maybe you misread I had 500k cash

>> No.28860930

I'm a retard, forgot I mentioned the vehicles as well.

My vehicles are relatively cheap, 90k total or so.

>> No.28860977

oh fuck

>> No.28861034

Why are people replying to this? nobody gives a shit

>> No.28861039

i wake up stupid early now and make coffee/listen to music/check stonks. it is pure bliss before everyone wakes up. all these years I had it wrong, I was staying up late, needed to be waking up super early like this.
>everything important happens in the AM
this is so goddamn true

>> No.28861173

>money is the only element in all of life
let me know when you move to africa because "your dollar will go further"

>> No.28861350

here's the zoomer mindset: be drug addicts just like the previous 3 generations.

>> No.28861385

I drink the green monster and feel guilty because the acidity eats away my teeth and my systolic is 150 despite pulse being 55. My grandfather died from a heart attack in his early 60s. Wut do. I eat healthy and run.

Also, can relate to anon chasing 25 y/os. Watching them re-ask your age 3 times in disbelief is both amusing and depressing

>> No.28861427

stop talking.

>> No.28861478
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> 29
> 500k net worth
> no gf
Oh god oh fuck what was the point I'm going to die all alone

>> No.28861708

>>hairline going up
My full head of hair in my 30s draws so much jealousy from other boomer males. It's weird. They drive up in a BMW, have a lot of money, and they are wrapped up about hair

>> No.28861784

>Own a rental property and the home I live in
>comfy truck and electric car for wife
>make $78k a year in a reliable industry
>jet ski
>sweet wired up shed in back yard I never use
>trying to have our first kid
>retirement fund but no idea what’s in it right now
>few grand in crypto

>> No.28862355


Nothing weird about it. Looks matter.

>> No.28862596
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nice thread

>> No.28864215

>own house
>own PMs
>minivan for kids
>3 kids
>wake up 3am to check any news and watch pre market open
>Networth around 1.5mil (I own cottage as well)
>monster energy is for fags, drink coffee.
>good genes, hair still here for now
>pc master race
>unironically play golf video games now
you are literally me except working. quit your job faggot.

>> No.28864740

'93 cucks represent

still havent graduated HS desu but still investing in meme stonks

>> No.28864885

I'm 32 and the 30 year old boomer meme is retarded shit started by 13-16 year olds.

>> No.28865416

riviera beach, florida

>> No.28865708

>net worth about 100k
>play vidya rarely
>have apartment, live in inherited house
>hairline going up
>I drink sugar free red bull and battery
>diversified, but most in BTC and ETH
>no metals
>wake up 4 am occasionally to see crypto streams, otherwise 9
>drive dads cars
>bought desktop 2 years ago, but my boomer brother thinks it's awesome

>> No.28866706

t. 32 yo zoomer

>> No.28867616

It's a copy pasta just fair warning( i'm sorry :()

>> No.28868057

>29k anually operating machines in a factory
>dad died last summer
>tries to get into sysadmin via government education program to change myself for the better, dad was sysadmin, i miss him
>3 cats, no gf/wife, but loves his remaining family
>500 € rent
>14 year old car
>build my own 5k pc, likes building pc's and fiddling around with them
>browses /pol/, /g/ and started browsing /biz/ out of curiosity for crypto
>own 54 RVN i mined out of curiosity, mines ETH right now, plan on buying a bit of crypto for a few hundred bucks

>> No.28868208

What music do you like, king?

>> No.28868315

a lot can happen in 4 years.

>> No.28868374

2500 p/month eurofag
5k in crypto
30k savings
Gf is 21

Was neet until 29, just started working.

>> No.28868422

Nice. I’m worried about taxes this year. Not really sure how to file em.

>> No.28868533
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I didn't know being this based was possible

>> No.28868789

bro you're doing just fine. time is on your side and you have way more $ than most your age. read the book of pook (it will help you gain perspective if you're struggling with girls), start gaining some muscle, working on your game and social skills. you got this!

>> No.28868976

I've only just gotten older and fatter since HS ended 11 years ago. I did get a degree and have a comfy job, but I still feel the same.
Fuck getting older this shit is a scam.

>> No.28869290

He's from a generation that isn't chicken shit autist. I bet he can maintain a conversation about anything and gets them to smile.
>net worth $1,000
>no kids
>no car
>color TV & VCR
>8mm projector
>smoking hot 30 yearold girlfriend

>> No.28869353

It seems like guys who build pc's are like the modern equivalent of men who were into customizing and modding their cars back in the day.