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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28823124 No.28823124 [Reply] [Original]

You can even question anything on the subreddit or telegram without getting banned

>> No.28823195

You didn't sell yet? Anon...

>> No.28823377

Stay strong reefer, there's a FUD campaign atm. Wait out the Q1 prod release at bare minimum so you can collect your x10 return.

>> No.28823423


>> No.28823672

Maybe. The reef team doesn't seem to exist and if you ask anyone about the team in any of the threads they all fly into an irrational, hyper-emotional rage. Got the same reaction for asking about one of the other possible red flags but I can't remember what it was.
Okay. Who is the team behind reef, and why don't they have any info about their team on their website?

>> No.28823954

There is no team, they don't follow the road map, look at the 11 billion supply currently in circulation.

>> No.28823992

10 x 0
do the math

amp is moving. I swapped. no ragrat

>> No.28824018

I don't own it but I don't think so.
Actually considering buying.

>> No.28824032

I don't even see FUD anymore I'm on another level


>> No.28824110

Can you shill me?

>> No.28824152

They hired a FUD team. Next phase is mumbai marketing

>> No.28824202

i bought about 3k reef at .01 back in january

should i sell now or hold this might be a scam?

>> No.28824693

Nope, you can't queef the reef


>> No.28824882
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>> No.28825630

>The reef team doesn't seem to exist
They do if you actually do your research. Their latest video on twitter shows the team in a presentation

>> No.28825907

Reminder Denko's presentation in Dubai was to an empty room

>> No.28826055

Based charismatic Denko doing whatever it takes!
$19.68 end of year.

>> No.28826141

I thought binance just made a big purchase of reef

>> No.28826370

Comfy bag. I saw similar projects do well with the type of FUD they're getting and it has quite the attention.

I also bought polkastarter at .25cents in 2020 so I have the same vibes about this one. Tough hold for most traders, but seasoned ones will hold this until massive gain.

>> No.28826382

Isn't this the case with every crypto? I've heard this time and time again for every project.

>> No.28826516

this guy gets it, newfags have been ruining this fucking board

>> No.28826528
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The devs just minted 500 million new tokens today and sent them all to Binance to dump on you retards. Have fun.


>> No.28826607
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Very bullish

>> No.28826856

So you're saying staking is coming soon, thanks just bought another bag.

>> No.28827076

I have never EVER been so bullish. This is a green flag, literally now I am a laser homing bull cruise missile pointed at Reef. All in. WAGMI.

>> No.28827142

>he doesn't know

>> No.28827315

Might be but not as scam as the rest of shit on /biz, so hop on

>> No.28827339


>> No.28827430
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Gotta be honest, some good comedy in the telegram trade channel

>> No.28827528

What this one?

>> No.28827671


t me/chodecash


>> No.28827729

>Their latest video on twitter shows the team in a presentation
No, it doesn't. Why tell lies that take 10 seconds to debunk?
>They do if you actually do your research.
Not on their website, not on any of their official communication channels, not anywhere on the internet for that matter. If they exist, prove it nigger. No one is going to pump your scam coin if no one can find proof their team even exists.

>> No.28827855

It's down 20% since the first batch of newly minted tokens were sent to Binance. They are going to keep dumping for as long as they possibly can. Until this thing becomes absolutely worthless.

>> No.28828076
File: 168 KB, 1200x675, Reef-finance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Babies first Fud i was there for link

>> No.28828225

its literally on their linkedin, babbys first fud?

>> No.28828558

Again, literally just making shit up on the spot that takes 10 seconds to debunk.
If they have a team, prove it. No one is buying your shitty scam coin.

>> No.28828752

Or wait, is it this one?
They are too stupid to put fucking links to their social media on their official site, so you just have to use google and guess. Not that it matters, because this elusive video of their team is still no where to be found because it doesn't fucking exist.

>> No.28828838


dumb faggot

>> No.28828895


That's not the same REEF. Why make something up that takes 10 secs to debunk?

>> No.28829033

Yeah already posted that one here:
Still, the video you faggots are claiming shows their team doesn't exist, and they are still incompetent and unprofessional retards for not linking to their social media from their official site. I shouldn't have to google this shit and sift through garbage to hunt them down, it's pathetic and proves they are hiding something or they are legitimately retarded.

>> No.28829133

who cares about this shit, cope harder

>> No.28829170
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>> No.28829193


You're just fudding until payday, I get it

>> No.28829401

Okay so they really do not have their shit together at all then. This is not on their website on desktop.
Again, still no proof their team even fucking exists. This should not be hard to find. Now compare this to an actual project with a future that isn't ran by incompetent retards:
Shill harder faggots.

>> No.28829409

Imagine being so fucking retarded that even plebbit outsmarts you. Good job, you fucking retard.


>> No.28829703

The team does not fucking care, shithead, what are you going to do if the fucking team is on their twitter or website, just buy the shit already or leave ffs. Sell before getting dumped and btfo. This shitcoin is full of normies and will easily at least x5

>> No.28830051
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Uhhh guys?

>> No.28830074

This. There is zero reason, with momentum as it is, to dump now. If it is a scam, they'll dump after another 2 or 3x. Look at the chart. Is this where you would dump were you a whale or corrupt dev? The rug might get pulled, but I doubt it's coming now.

>> No.28830298
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>> No.28830360

Reminds me of when everyone funded chainlink saying Sergey would just keep dumping to keep the price low.

>> No.28830455

reef bros??

>> No.28830510

Yup I was going to say the same thing. It was constantly posted over and over again about how it was all a big scam.

>> No.28830597

Barakovski is a Jew, 100%

>> No.28830710

/biz always has to fud and shit on every single shitcoin else it wouldn't be /biz. Reef is all over twitter and shilled 24.7 by the nigger KSI which is even in top the top 10 reef traders on binance.

>> No.28830798

I mean I was just on the LinkedIn. What is a Reef Ranger

>> No.28831525

I'm waiting for the KSI song shilling to dump my bags on normies

>> No.28831668

After years of playing spot the jew on 4chan, I could tell inmediately he is one of them

>> No.28832348

That’s ksi

>> No.28832775

Fuck. Thanks for this almost sold my bags to the constant fudding. I remember now. Will hodl on fellow reefer.

>> No.28832807
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What about this one?

>> No.28832836

Freelancer paid to market the coin I guess. The alliteration sounds nice.

>> No.28833169

This convinced me, I'm out selling 280K REEF good luck guys

>> No.28833185

There's so much FUD...it's hard to keep sane

>> No.28833507

dumb money will FOMO back in at 10c?
thanks just bought 100k more

>> No.28835208

I ktf. My brain is telling me to get the fuck out, but my heart is telling me to double down on this bitch.

>> No.28835790
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>> No.28837252
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>> No.28837955

guys im a big time reefer but literally can someone explain this? what happened with this project and is this him and why was he both and employe and penis or whatever like what

>> No.28838604

I believe everyone that is shilling against REEF is a stupid reddit faggot or a chinese nigger bot

>> No.28838948

The only thing I know is that Denko creates a new crypto project every year. Maybe this is the one.

>> No.28838964

what is the target price EOY? can we go to .5?

>> No.28839225

It’s not a scam. It just takes time. Impatient fags get tiring. I don’t blame people for shutting people up in forums.

>> No.28839399

Reef general now open, fud away in there frens

>> No.28839906
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>> No.28839930

Thing is, there is no "Product" in REEF right now and probably won't be until Q3 of 2021.

Then, considering its decent the price will explode.

Otherwise eternal crab on speculation until 2022, likely would only go down to like $0.02

>> No.28840355
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Uh have you heard of CoronaVirus no body is going to conferences. You talk to an empty room and stream it

>> No.28840597
