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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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28823975 No.28823975 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone who’s been here a while put this dip into perspective for a newfag? How often do these come up, how long do they last, and how deep do they go?

>> No.28823995

poo poo pee pee

>> No.28824040

Just buy it retard, nobody knows.

>> No.28824078

>>28823975 a dip is when your portfolio dips 30-40%

>> No.28824090

Niggers tongue my anus

>> No.28824240

Dips teach you to persevere, not count days or read charts. Simple as.

>> No.28824324

uhh.. what dip, lol? you should be up 100% in the last week or you are legit retarded.

>> No.28824465
File: 130 KB, 699x900, 339EEF64-F945-477A-BFEC-ACFC6D0B9455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have been, is a good feeling

Well then I’m in dip territory

Hodling the line, thanks for the hopium

>> No.28824932

I got in on Friday, so not much of a week to gain with. I am up 65%, but that is down 35% from 100%. Legit newfag, just been lurking and learning a while

>> No.28825072

sell your profits and never touch crypto again. You will have performed better than 80% of biztards long term

>> No.28825347
File: 515 KB, 2275x1667, C5472820-BA14-4322-98E4-CCE92E436FD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the people here really that bad at this? I was told I could make it here

>> No.28826348


You have to think long term. Just a day, and you might be up or down, its a crap shoot. But longer term, like 1 week+ you will be up multiples.

>> No.28826627

lol you think this is a dip? you are way too ignorant to be doing anything besides holding. Don't touch your portfolio for 365 days and you will be good.

>> No.28826855
File: 59 KB, 486x514, 67AA0442-C854-449B-9561-72E57E350DCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. I appreciate this, you are probably right

Kek I am ignorant, hence the thread

>> No.28827157

>I was told I could make it here
You can. You could also lose it all. The "crash" could be over tomorrow or in a month, the important thing is that you are buying right now.

>> No.28827469
File: 36 KB, 402x350, 56D0073C-182B-4E72-A031-BEA9D3AEF115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s good advice. Keep buying the dips then I guess. And also only ever using money I can afford to lose completely so even if it goes to 0, whatever