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28820811 No.28820811 [Reply] [Original]

>muh nwo coin
>muh vill gates coin
>muh $10 eoy coin

Lmao you guys don't even try anymore with the PnD's do you ? Well newfags gotta learn I guess, this was not as bad as rubic though

>> No.28820955

if you couldn't tell from the website this is a pump and dump, you deserve to lose your money to these scammers

>> No.28821147

this lmao

>> No.28821203
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>if you couldn't tell from the website
I don't know how people CANT tell just from the website/logo that a coin is shit

>> No.28821236

I was visiting Davos to see one of my friends who works at the IMF. We went to a strip club, and while I was there, I saw Bob, surrounded by women. He was throwing tons of money at them, but not just bills. It was stacks upon stacks of $10,000, sealed up with the white paper bands, like he had just come straight from a bank.

I went up to him and congratulated him on the success of Everest ID as of late (this was about a month ago), and he started laughing. He took a hefty swig from a bottle of Dom Perignon, and said, "Yeah? You think I care, bug eater?" Confused, I asked what he meant, and said that he had obviously put a lot of work into helping disadvantaged third worlders in Asia and he should be proud.

"I don't give two fucks about those gooks, kid."

He was about to say something else but one of the strippers tapped him on the shoulder. Bob pulled out from his pocket the biggest ziplock bag full of cocaine I've ever seen in my life. It looked like one of those gallon bags, almost bulging at the seams. The stripper ran off into a back room with it. He then pulled out a Zippo lighter.

"You wanna know what I think about ID?"

He picked up his bottle of champagne on the floor, pulled about 20 stacks of bills from a duffel bag, threw them on the floor, poured champagne all over them, flicked his Zippo, and dropped it onto the pile. Almost instantly the whole stack caught.

I stared at him, speechless.

"It's called a 'PUMP and DUMP,' kid."

He laughed as he watched the pile burn before losing interest and going into a back room with his entourage of strippers following carrying duffel bags full of what I assume was money and coke.

This is the man you are supporting by buying ID.

>> No.28821300

Bob Reid?!?

I would stay away from this coin simply because of Bob’s conspiracy theories.
I used to know him in college way back when and Bobby boy used to always talk about hidden UFOs in the top of everest.

When I say talk I mean incessant jabbering all the time! I think I know why though because I walked into our dorm bathroom to find him snorting a 5 foot rail of adderall off of a 5’1.5” Mexican cleaning lady — Standing up!!!

he was yelling TO THE MOUNTAIN TOPS WE GO and NO ONE EVER CLIMBS MOUNT EVEREST ALONE all while foaming at the mouth from the copious amount of adderall sniffed off of the poor tied up house maid while he held his smartphone against her face yelling SCAN IT SCAN IT SCAN IT!

it was okay though because he explained it to me later that it’s part of his indonesian “gas” program where he gives away LNG to fund ass biometrics or something.

anyways he would always talk about using the money to climb mount everest and get to the aliens.

The guy is a whack job.

>> No.28821326

nice pasta

>> No.28821366

this pasta ALWAYS gets me, no exceptions
i wish i could post this shit unironically to real situations, like in a business email or something

>> No.28821374

wait? little Bobby Reid who used to go door to door selling DIY KYC using polaroids and fingerprint dust while humming whirring computer noises?

>> No.28821422
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>> No.28821480
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>while humming whirring computer noises?

>> No.28821574
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$10 is just where base camp is. Cope, Peaklet

>> No.28821589
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It’s actually really funny to me how 4chan has latched onto Everest, because I was friends with Bob Reid back in college. We used to go out to Mexican restaurants together, where we’d watch all the people. This is when I think Bob first got the idea for tracking other people. He’d watch the Mexicans intently whilst slowly eating his burrito. Bob would say things like how all he wanted, was to receive a burrito just for showing his face. I would say “that’s funny, Bob”, and it was.

>> No.28821696

lmao i almost bought this shit with my doge earnings. what'd i miss? rugpull?

i can't find any info online, everything seems normal and its still like at .80

>> No.28821751

Everest CEO was arrested in NYC and charged with conspiracy to commit fraud, money laundering, tax evasion etc.

>> No.28821799

anons found wallet with 600m $id coins dumping 10k every 10-15 minutes

>> No.28821829

the story telling is so incredible, i wish i could write like that
not really expecting any replies but.. does anyone have tips?

>> No.28821862

it dumped from 1.20 devs got exposed for misleading tokenomics , some so called seed investor was dumping his bagsthat he got from 400 days ago but coin got listed 1 week ago kek

>> No.28821870

this fud is bretty funny guys keep it up

>> No.28821907

lmao no fucking way. link to article?

>> No.28821988

I fucking love this anon, literally have no idea what everest even is, he probably also doesnt know and or care

>> No.28822013

If a coin is getting this much FUD here, i'm convinced it must be a good investment.

>> No.28822087

here is the seed investor wallet he stopped dumping after he got exposed lmao


>> No.28822134
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>If a coin is getting this much FUD here, i'm convinced it must be a good investment.
jesus christ newfags never learn, you ever heard of parsiq? that shitcoin had 0 fucking fud, and it almost did a 200x
I'm not talking about the meme pastas itt but please for the love of god stop thinking that ever
maybe i fell for bait. eh

>> No.28822227

Go check out their unofficial telegram group, it's all a bunch of jerkoffs bragging about getting lambos with your money. Official channel will ban you in a sec for questioning the party line of Bob.