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28814373 No.28814373 [Reply] [Original]

Ready to stake this bad boy anons?!?

>> No.28814451
File: 1.17 MB, 1280x1280, umbtruck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get in mother fuckers

>> No.28814683

now proper marketing can start. Can't wait to see the partnership announcements this week and next

>> No.28815006

Why can i buy the rumb tokens? Theyre 20c and can be redeemed for 1:1 umb worth $2. Am i missing something or is this an instant 10x

>> No.28815209

rUMB are rewards for staking umb

>> No.28815385

You stake UMB for rUMB and they'll be redeemable 1:1 for UMB when the milestones are met or a certain time criteria is met (6-12 months) but can be sooner due to milestone. This prevents short term farming and dumps

>> No.28815592

Picked some up this morning before I even heard about the staking being released. Holy shit moon mission boys make this 45x into a 450x

>> No.28815811

whats the make it stack and suicide stack

>> No.28815822

But i found rumb token on uniswap and bought it there so did i dun goofd and bought a useless token?

>> No.28816017


>> No.28816042


>> No.28816588
File: 7 KB, 371x122, crazyreturn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol if you can hold for a year you can make a nice profit. But yeah you done goofed. these babies are free atm

>> No.28816721

CAn you link the contract adress for rumb btw?

>> No.28817208


>> No.28817493

thanks fren.

Hope you make it

>> No.28817582

Someone explain how this isn't an exploit

>> No.28817689
File: 8 KB, 200x175, pepe-raincoat-raining-blue-umbrella-thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm staking all my UMB and it feels soooo good

>> No.28817785

Holy shit

>> No.28818175

Huge fuckin scam. I suggest you to stay away from this shit. But do as you please, of course

>> No.28818250

Pff, fucking ridiculous. Red flags everywhere

>> No.28818342

you priced out already, pajeet?

>> No.28818457

wtf are you people talking about, or are you really just trying to FUD

>> No.28818487

No, ICOs here. Sold at 1.90 at almost 40x after extensive dyor. Team is basically monkeys with keyboards. Buy this, idgaf

>> No.28818606

yeah sure you did. you probably don't even know that there was a $400 cap for ICO buyers

>> No.28818623

kek, stinky linkies already afraid of the competition.

>> No.28818748

0.3 ETH if I recon well. But again, go on, buy this.

>> No.28818770

As someone with staked umb, I was looking for a technical explanation and seeing as you're the bright spark, why don't you explain

>> No.28818824

Yeah, I’m terrified
Pro tip: TP and get the fuck out

>> No.28818904

What exactly do you want explained? That's simply the contract for swapping rUMB1, that's all.

>> No.28818956

They think because people can sell rUmb on uni for cheap means it's an exploit.

Nah rUmb is useless until they offer the 1:1, so if someone wants to sell rUmb for cheap as a type of 'bond' for an investor, go for it. It doesn't change anything. It actually is cool, it's like leveraged Umb for anyone who wants it.

>> No.28819035
File: 28 KB, 750x430, DeepBrainChainLogo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I want to be a no-brainer when I could be a Deep-Brainer instead?

>> No.28819085

yeah that's a cool little feature.

>> No.28819093

2 months worth of work and they didn’t even came out with an elaborate scam. Lol.
Scam aside, how this shit can be deflationary?
Not that the project will survive long enough to give rewards in any case

>> No.28819797
File: 66 KB, 680x680, 1612426660740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4+ partnerships going to be revealed soon and big news in two weeks. yeah, total scam you pajeet. There's a reason these dips haven't lasted and it's bottomed out at $2.00 every time. You're a retard if you actually sold at $1.90.

>> No.28819874

K champ have fun holding bags

>> No.28820137

m8, you can hardly type anything that resembles a coherent sentence. what is it that you are trying to say?

>> No.28820333

Wait a second, this retard >>28819093 is OP. I guess the goal is to spout low-effort FUD in an attempt to keep the thread bumped? I'm so fucking confused.

>> No.28820495
File: 103 KB, 598x1024, 1613351350630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's the fag that made a now-deleted thread about being banned from the telegram so he's fudding umb from now on.

>> No.28820603

so he liked umb but then he got banned from the telegram for being a retard so now he hates umb

>> No.28821336


>> No.28821762

How much UMB is required to make staking worth it. Is 150 too small

>> No.28822638

Yup it was probably this guy. He tried blackmailing the team for banning him from the main TG

>> No.28822708
File: 180 KB, 654x405, Screenshot 2021-02-15 at 5.47.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28822784
File: 121 KB, 680x284, Screenshot 2021-02-15 at 5.46.41 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28823123

That's some 6th grade level FUD.

>> No.28823687

It was honestly hilarious lol