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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28802927 No.28802927 [Reply] [Original]

I shilled AUTO and Bunny. and they each pulled a 15 and 20X. If you missed AUTO and Bunny, here is your next chance.

- TVL >22M on day 5 of the project!
- More farms are being added everyday
- Certik audit report expected to be out on 20/2
- Boxmining and Trevon James spoke about $EGG
- Insane unique burning program.
Total EGG Supply 180,665
Total EGG Burned 91,959

This thing is gonna moon so hard while y'all just sit and wait

Here is your clue ;) look at the tweet.


- CZ Binance is following this person on twitter.
- He bought Cake when it was 0.18 cents.
- He is calling out EGG as the 'BSC gem of 2021'

>> No.28804052

This isnt on blockfolio yet right? hard to keep track of egg without it :(

>> No.28804212

If you're going to shill put contract links

>> No.28804407
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This is Bunny before it 50X'ed. There are massive token burns. Also look at the screenshot.

TVL is growing extremely fast.

>> No.28804439
File: 4 KB, 835x16, ss (2021-02-15 at 03.22.56).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought some after i lost all my shit from asko jump

i will NEVER fuck up like that again

this is how much i would have had if i stayed on BSC. i now have $730. fuck my life

>> No.28804485

>Boxmining and Trevon James spoke about $EGG

>> No.28804548

Team literally did a buyback worth of $300k. /Biz/ doesn't deserve these gems, keep them to tg and let the reddfugees here buy high.

>> No.28804594

^ i switched over to egg, i dont even care if it's a scam. i know it's gonna pump at least 10x this week. i know how it goes

ive seen some other youtubers talk about it. thank god most crypto investors are retards(besides me). and i can get a position early on some of this shit.

>> No.28804682

fuck you man. some of us need a break. split some breadcrumbs off shitdick.

>> No.28804825
File: 1.53 MB, 1792x1352, Screen Shot 2021-02-15 at 4.01.39 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here is boxmining.


listen, I know most people here don't deserve this, I told them about Bunny and Auto a month ago, only if they had listened.. everytime, they fud, they disagree, then miss out, and get upset.
Having said that, I want biz to make it, before twitter and reddit. Egg is still in accumulation phase, like bunny was ~5$. I want biz to learn and buy just so that we can make it before reddit and twitter fags.

>> No.28804967

i appreciate this anon. i won't squander this opportunity again. i wont fail you.

>> No.28805299

So when you stake there is no IL and you can unstake and receive your harvested tokens at any time?

>> No.28805334

what is the current mcap?

>> No.28805368

Yoloing on this lol

>> No.28805753

>here is boxmining.
gib link

>> No.28805814


Yes, I personally just staked in the nests (pools). No LPs. APY ~950%. Printing money with my 200K investment ;) This one is just getting recognized. Volume is 5ml USD on pancake swap, TVL has gone from 2ml to 20ml in 2 days, yet price is still in accumulation phase. Expect this to go parabolic soon.

>> No.28805910


>> No.28806133

~4-5m market cap. Having said that, team has been buying massive amounts to burn. They also released their new unique token burn incubation program. TVL gone from 2m to 20m in 48h, come back in a week :)

>> No.28806183


>> No.28806250


For example, right now circulating is ~180,000 and team has burned 91,000. The token burn is what makes this stand out because it will allow these APYs to remain sustainable otherwise like bunny at one point there will be a massive sell off (we saw the first one from 70$ to 27$ in bunny).

>> No.28806279

nvm I found it

>> No.28806300

Can you maybe tell me what the difference between compound and harvesting is?

>> No.28806417

>>Yield farming on BINANCE blockchain (1000% BAO pump potential)

come on take your 10/100 eggs suicide stack i paid like 0.07 USD fees for BUSD/EGG pairs

>> No.28806477

Ok, I aped in

>> No.28806512

compound = harvest and put it back into the farming
harvesting = taking the farmed tokens into your wallet like metamask etc

>> No.28806626 [DELETED] 
File: 620 KB, 880x1280, ape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you but I think I will stick with my bananas

>> No.28806727
File: 8 KB, 1245x79, egg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y is the price so much different here

>> No.28806832


BAKA... cause the pairs.. one is USD one is BNB....

>> No.28807134

never buy anything that CT is widespread shilling.


>> No.28807257 [DELETED] 
File: 452 KB, 909x518, apespace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally who

>> No.28807263

how do i buy bsc coins , can i just use binance?

>> No.28807354


>> No.28807387
File: 272 KB, 1198x1182, Screen Shot 2021-02-15 at 11.41.15 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


exactly, the point is no one has been shilling this, the price is still very stable. TVL went from 2ml to 20ml in 48h, while the price has been around $30 but increasing volume on pancake swap and exposure on twitter will make thise go 10X fast.

>> No.28807525

Go back. You have to go back.

>> No.28807601

y exactly, its only a matter of time. Bunny is absolutely blowing up. EGG is poised to go next.

>> No.28807632 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 480x255, elon(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you going to do?

>> No.28807856

I'd like our fellow retards in this thread to look at this perfect specimen of what a true bizlet is.

And in this moment, we know who is gonna make it, and who isnt.

>> No.28807868
File: 166 KB, 1076x844, Screen Shot 2021-02-15 at 4.39.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


3hours later
3million dollar later

this is bigger than bunny, we are extremely lucky to be accumulating at these prices

>> No.28807936

Can't find anything about dev team.

>> No.28807938
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>> No.28807944

Yeah, hold shit

wholesome devs too :)

>> No.28807981

is team anon?

>> No.28808121 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 127x59, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's unironically true though

>> No.28808140

aren't they anon?

>> No.28808189

Where to buy?

>> No.28808227
File: 87 KB, 1120x1094, Screenshot 2021-02-15 at 22.45.59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did they pull the rug already?

>> No.28808267 [DELETED] 

join the ape gang instead

>> No.28808409

works for me

>> No.28808469
File: 65 KB, 1024x652, 1612415711697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know nothing about this. I have a binance account. How would I get in?

>> No.28808538

shut the fuck up. do i buy ape or goose? ape has less tvl, but it seems to be going up.

>> No.28808763 [DELETED] 

Pretty sure 17k is greater than 3k APR
The answer is obvious
Also (((.com))) scream "scam"

>> No.28808855

my whole concern is that the apes have been on a weird coin giveaway campaign on twitter. i noticed apeswap on dappradar earlier today...

>> No.28808987 [DELETED] 

>weird coin giveaway campaign on twitter
can you elaborate on that?

>> No.28809082

Why in the fuck is the token so expensive exactly?

>> No.28809114 [DELETED] 

egg is 4-5? it says 9.3 on bscscan

>> No.28809871

Not showing up on Pancake Swap

>> No.28810106

you need the token address


>> No.28811009

Ok I've bought it lets hope for no rug!

>> No.28811550


I'm stumped - how would you even go about buying Eggcoin

I assume directly from them / straight to a wallet/

>> No.28811650

Connect BSC network to Metamask, buy and send BNB, connect to swap site and buy

>> No.28811959


PANCAKE SWAP -- it's daily volume is 6 million dollar USD... more than 99% of the shit coins on uniswap.

6million USD .... ask yourself who is accumulating at these prices :)

>> No.28812538

explain it to a mongloid how you buy EGG please

>> No.28813158

why the fuck does he keep spelling it eeg lmao

>> No.28813223


niga too excited eeeeg

>> No.28813531

where can i buy?

>> No.28813541
File: 367 KB, 1919x2053, 1606381853690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck your Trevon and Boxmining and your 100x. Fuck your twitter. Fuck your Greek and Cyprian discord shills, such as fucking tetra. We are on the verge of a fucking mass ponzi collapse because of your idiotic farms, all trying to be some YFI bullshit. Every single one of you will get Bitconnect'd any month now, even Trevon is there to make sure of it. Your pain shall be legendary.

>> No.28813567
File: 43 KB, 1080x1054, 66taycriu0021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PancakeSwap doesn't even list it anymore.. rugpulled

>> No.28813654 [DELETED] 
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>> No.28813740


Lol, you have to add the contact...it’s always been that way newfag

>> No.28813751

youre retarded

>> No.28813775

how many times do I need to tell you guys this?

>PANCAKE SWAP -- it's daily volume is 6 million dollar USD... more than 99% of the shit coins on uniswap.
>6million USD .... ask yourself who is accumulating at these prices :)

PANCAKE SWAP -- it's daily volume is 6 million dollar USD... more than 99% of the shit coins on uniswap.

6million USD .... ask yourself who is accumulating at these prices :)

PANCAKE SWAP -- it's daily volume is 6 million dollar USD... more than 99% of the shit coins on uniswap.

6million USD .... ask yourself who is accumulating at these prices :)

PANCAKE SWAP -- it's daily volume is 6 million dollar USD... more than 99% of the shit coins on uniswap.

6million USD .... ask yourself who is accumulating at these prices :)

>> No.28813926

Can you please spell it out for a smooth brain anon like me?

>> No.28813949

can metamask hold this coin?

>> No.28813981

who the fuck is gonna by this at 35$ already?

>> No.28814027

yes nigger. connect to BSC network
literally the exact same fucking steps as uniswap, except with BNB instead of ETH and pancakeswap instead of uniswap

>> No.28814077

These are the retards I'm forced to share a board with....

>> No.28814188
File: 2 KB, 268x51, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this not a scam?

>> No.28814356

Lol these pajeets calling ME the retard? Their website looks like some someone just copy + pasted the bunnyswap HTML / CSS (but fucked it up). Looks like fucking hell. This is supposed to sell as legit? Lol.

>> No.28814633

idk, i have been tuning out /biz/ for the past couple of months, but i think this is what we call a copy pasta sir. plz do the needful and buy $egg

>> No.28814674
File: 995 KB, 1232x1518, Screen Shot 2021-02-15 at 1.26.13 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


haha exactly but lets be honest, these guys are the signals that we are here TOO early. Most of the faggots don't even know BSC and EGG and the printing machine you and I are enjoying every day.


Look at the screenshot again to remind you. He tells you that Pancake swap was a clone of SushiSwap and look where it is. BakerySwap is a clone of Pancake Swap and is now listen on Binance. Sushi was the clone of Uniswap.

STFU and thank us for telling you about EGG when its 30$ and not 400$ like fuel or $130 like bunny.

>> No.28814779

you're literally retarded for not knowing how to add token contracts to pancake swap. this coin is a couple of days old topkek. the website looks like utter shit, the telegram link doesn't even work (it's the same for apeswap). all these faggots are copypasting the same fucking code. none of that shit matters right now. get in and get paid

>> No.28814866

Literal Scam gtfo

>> No.28814997

Where can i buy?

>> No.28815113

Get some BNB on Binance and setup your metamask wallet for the Binance smart chain and enjoy trading with low fees.


>> No.28815520
File: 198 KB, 550x535, yike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is pancaque.info and app.astrotools.io so fucking slow? this is fucking unbearable

>> No.28816203

this is a scam. if you go to info to try to see stuff it takes you to pancakeswap.

>> No.28816209




Cant I just send funds from my main ethnet wallet to my BNB wallet?

>> No.28816626


>>transfer ether from metamask to binance
>>sell ether for BUSD
>>buy little bag of BNB (5/10$ to pay fees on BSC exchanges)
>> transfer BUSD & BNB to metamask address (you need to activate BSC network on Metamask)
>> Swap BUSD & EGG on https://exchange.goosedefi.com/#/swap

>> No.28816744

I’ll bite. Where can I buy this? Can it be added to my uphold wallet?

>> No.28817014

rugpull coming

>> No.28817999

Lads might ape into this, do I have to farm or can I just hold this and make price appreciation gains?

>> No.28818024


>> No.28818116


>> No.28818245

what about impermanent losses?

>> No.28819744

its still pumping boys

>> No.28820172

still out here