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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28788379 No.28788379 [Reply] [Original]

Currently on Coinbase if you attempt to send ethereum to another address (really the only purpose of Coinbase), it will take your money and then sit indefinitely in pending.
People have been aware of this since last night and Coinbase is nowhere to be found. Nobody can get in touch with them to find out why our money is being disappeared into the void

>> No.28788789

testing of an alt gas system?

>> No.28788850

thanks for sharing anon srs I was about to send to my metamask tomorrow

>> No.28788908

Coinbase is so fucking bad, I had more problems using it for 3 weeks than I have with Binance which I've used for 3 months now. Seriously, fuck coinbase

>> No.28788968

Maybe you should stop being a stupid pleb and use a layer like loopring or something

>> No.28788989

it's fucking over bros. we got too cocky

>> No.28789016

Yes I've been waiting since last night. The token I was going to swap for is starting to moon and these jews are making me miss it

>> No.28789019
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>> No.28789024

Can confurm, sort of. I sent some eth out of cb last night. It was stuck pending until about an hour ago, finally arrived in my mm but it was stuck for 11 hours or so which sucks because I wanted to buy the dip....thanks goybase

>> No.28789059

I had a transaction stock for an hour 2 days ago. It's because gas is a congested fuck show lately.
You'll get your transfer eventually. Hope there's nothing you need to buy this instant.

>> No.28789088

If you're in the US you may be able to file a complaint with your state's securities department:


>> No.28789097

Good thing I removed my eth days ago. I've got nothing in Kekbase now and am using Coinmetro.

>> No.28789205

3k GRT been stuck for 10 hours.
Not in any rush as it’s just for delegation not swinging or selling but fuck coinbase for doing this.

>> No.28789204
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>> No.28789215

Binance never verified my account. I literally submitted all my shit over a month ago and haven't heard back from them.
Is there an exchange that isn't complete dogshit?

>> No.28789281

there will always be poorfags crying over $5 in fees, so no

>> No.28789423

Probit doesn't require kyc

>> No.28789482

I had a situation where the funds in my brokerage account hadn't fully cleared the 2 day hold when I attempted to make a purchase on CB. It caused a bounceback that eventually got fixed up all well and good. But they ended up flagging my account that I had used for 3 years now as "suspicious" I was transferred to a "specialist" Tuesday. I have heard NOTHING since.

So today I started to move all my funds out and to Gemini but now I have all my ETH based stuff stuck in transaction hell.

Fuck Coinbase

>> No.28789532

sent 500 dollars worth of eth to a metamask and it is pending and still not even showing on the eth network having left coinbase

>> No.28789599

I use Gemini took 2 days for me to get verified and you can spend $500 right away. Active trader mode is super nice. Was able to pin point the bottoms of yesterday’s dip. They do have a limited selection of coins though

>> No.28789609

just bought and sent money on coinbase (used ltc). worked fine

>> No.28789691

did it show up anywhere? I think the same thing happened to me too, but it was really late and i was sleep deprived after watching big gains
could have sworn i sent eth but CB didn't log it and it didn't go to the ETH network

>> No.28789705

and that's a good thing

>> No.28789714

yeah this is affecting eth network not ltc

>> No.28789741

ETH miner fees are so damn high right now as well, good luck if you want to swap anything.

>> No.28789795

My transaction for $2000 isn't showing up anywhere. Kikebase is laughing at us

>> No.28789813

It's not coinbase it's ethereum that is the issue. Are you new?

>> No.28789865


>> No.28789886

>why our money is being disappeared into the void
2/16 is tomorrow Anon. Don't you remember what is about to happen?

>> No.28789975

i had roughly the same amount that I thought went missing too

>> No.28790089
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>2/16 is tomorrow Anon. Don't you remember what is about to happen?
What is about to happen?

>> No.28790190
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I'm still not sure what happened or if I lost it.

>> No.28790348
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yeah im in that boat too. Ive transfered some bitcoin to convert to Cardano but I would much prefer to just buy with fiat. The fuckers have my drivers license and social security number what the fuck more do they need

>> No.28790426

Tether rugpull

>> No.28790538
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>> No.28790544

Gemini gang rise up

>> No.28790638

I don’t want to give my bank account info to a non-compliant exchange

>> No.28790673

It's probably saving you from yourself unironically.

>> No.28790688

Weird, they literally accepted my verification within 5 minutes

>> No.28790787

Binance tokk a couple minutes. I tried Kraken months ago. Now that was a fucking shitshow. Never wen't through, but they got all of my documents.

>> No.28790952

Kek, shitcoin roulette hasn't always been the best for me

>> No.28791174

>really the only purpose of Coinbase
No it's not the only reason. If you would have immediately started accumulating cheapies and other supported shitcoins based retard style when you first got on there you would be rich by now. Instead you are trying to use it to store and transact eth when their are places with cheaper fees to buy eth. And you can't even do that right. Durr.

>> No.28791325

fuck so that’s what’s happening
had 0.5 eth pending for about 8 hours now

>> No.28791425

best place to get eth for shitcoins?
or is it just time to use BSC?

>> No.28791547

Bros I went to go buy more RBC with my ETH but Coinbase isn't sending it

>> No.28792535

coinbase is doing you a favour

>> No.28793098
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>she fell for the coinbase meme
Time to move to a real exchange which cares about her customers.

>> No.28793183

>still using coinbase when you could be using coinmetro

>> No.28793494

This is the one to onramp fiat. So much fucking hassle with the others.

>> No.28793502

coinmetro is pretty great tbf
just wish it had more listings, suppose that will come in time
prefer the layout to Binance and Kraken

>> No.28793610
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>> No.28793677

You know what sucks?
That they announced all those new coins on their TG but haven't listed any of them yet.
Hurry the fuck up.

>> No.28793982

not sure what's stopping them from listing more stuff

>> No.28794033

Ask him about USDT, kek.

>> No.28794156


>> No.28794294
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>> No.28794367

Chill guy, they’re down for maintenance because they’re adding AVAX

>> No.28794571

Thanks to the delay my transfer took $6 in fees instead of $23

>> No.28794821
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>> No.28794822

Done. Thanks anon.

>> No.28795057

t.illiterate mutt

>> No.28795121

>withdrawal canceled
how the fuck is this even possible?

>> No.28795271

Seriously, why do you faggots keep using Coinbase? Getting raped by Conbase fees and cucked by downtime while Lex Luthor gets rich and doesn't give you jackshit.

1. Buy low cap gem $NEX token on Uni / 2. Stake $NEX on Nash.io / 3. Start using Nash.io Layer 2 exchange with 0 fee fiat ramps / 4. Get daily dividends from 75% of exchange revenue / 5. We pump Bitcoin, USDC and Eth volume on Nash / 6. We all get rich from revenue sharing

Use the fucking staking calculator already... stakingnex.io ...we get passive income and become the new elite

>> No.28795521


Wtf what Im supposed to do?

>> No.28795668

I already know the answer. It's a scam.

>> No.28795935
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>> No.28796096

>shit token selection, missing mayor players like Cosmos
>shit liquidity
>shit volume
lmao no

>> No.28796339

> Seriously, why do you faggots keep using Coinbase?
I'm not a huge fan of them (and goddamn is their UI bad in terms of giving you actually meaningful statistics) but they do have 2 good benefits.
> They're a legitimate business in the crypto space. It's not a fly-by-night operation that's going to suddenly shut down and steal your moneys.
> They're one of a handful of BitLicense holders in NY that allow you to purchase legally as a NY resident, which I want to use until I get out of this godforsaken shithole.

>> No.28796376

is their wallet good at least? I avoid their other stuff and use binance