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28783823 No.28783823 [Reply] [Original]

Title says it all! Go research QLC chain. They're launching their own DEX this quarter.

They work in telecommunications and just built a DEX which a number of global telecom operators will be using for their services (BUYING QLC). We already know they've been working with the likes of China Telecom, AT&T and Cisco.

When the DEX launches and some of these operators start onboarding........

HOLY SHIT BALLS........don't say you haven't been given a heads up is all I'll say!!

>> No.28784031


>> No.28784443

Read this:https://www.mef.net/billing-at-warpspeed-using-dlt-based-smart-bilaterals/

This is the tech QLC chain has built.....quote directly from here:

two MEF member service providers—HGC and DCconnect—are collaborating with QLC Chain and MEF, in MEF 3.0 PoC (130) to create the world’s first Smart Bilateral

Oh and wait...........check out slide 6 of this shit.........China Telecom and QLC Chain.......

Close to zero marketing for the last few years as they've been focused on building. Wait until this all goes public!

>> No.28784512

QLC Chain is to resolve the data trust and security problem in the communication industry, it provides network automation of billing/reconciliation/settlement/payment/custody to telecom operators utilising blockchain technology.

QLC Chain offers telecom operators with inter-carrier connection and financial consultancy services as well.

From the ledger structure perspective: QLC Chain supports each account to have its own chain of ledger integrated with telecom service capabilities, named the multi-dimensional block-lattice structured ledger.

From an adoption scenario perspective: QLC Chain’s mission is to create a secure and trusted environment for communication services and to narrow down the digital divide by leveraging Distributed Ledger Technology, enabling everyone to operate and benefit from network services.

Since few months companies like "China Telecom", "PCCWG", "HCG" or "DC Connect" are doing a POC (Proof of Concept) and are now production-ready, which means that in Q1 2021 first 10+ Telecommunication Provider will go live.

“MEF attaches a great deal of importance to introducing the standards for the use of DLT for billing and settlement into the digital service provider market which is led by many of our 120+ service provider members. MEF is very happy to have QLC Chain playing a central and invaluable role as a MEF member by bringing DLT expertise and telecom use cases into the MEF membership and specifically to this new standards project.”

MEF is an industry forum leading the development of a global federation of network, cloud, and technology providers. QLC Chain is developing for MEF standard APi's which are needed for billing, reconciliation, settlement, payment, custody. Member are as example AT&T, China Telecom, China Unicom, Cisco, Ericsson, Microsoft Azure, Orange, Oracle, T-Mobile, Telefonica, Vodafone and many more.

>> No.28784596

What comes next?

QLC Chain will be a real game-changer when LSO Sonata APIs are adopted to a substantial degree across the service provider community.

In the short term, the benefits to the customers include faster turnaround of quotes, online placement of orders, and faster service delivery.

An own DEX will be ready too in Q1 2021!
The DEX will be for Telecom Operators and the Billing platform but also for publicly.
The support for QLC ERC20, USDT, Stable Coins and some other pairs will be available.
The DEX is really important, because the telecommunication provider need this platform as example for billing and many more services.

At the moment a lot of informations are still under NDA and that's the reason, why there isn't much marketing in public sector. Soon after go live with all the products the price will explode, because the Telecommunication Provider have to install an own QLC Chain Node to support and use the blockchain.
This will reduce the supply of available QLC tokens. At least 1 million QLC tokens are required for 1 node and with 120+ telecom providers it will significantly reduce the offer.

>> No.28784647

No I don't care about your crappy shitcoin and will never read this, I mean the girl

>> No.28784715

She looks disgusting, what the fuck are you on.

>> No.28784814
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Shitcoin but i have a moderate bag of 10k just incase, i like the project and think it has legs but /biz/ just doesnt care and never will

>> No.28784894

I think that's part of the appeal

>> No.28784920

stacklet here with $600

this and LTO are the comfiest hold ever made

>> No.28784980

Riley Reid, she does a lot of Blacked stuff. Not sure which video that's from.

>> No.28785006

Wtf how have I not heard about this? What’s the make it stack?

>> No.28785129
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100k+ make it stack
10k suicide stack

>> No.28785187

>tfw 11k stack

>> No.28785205

I'd let you decide on that........last ATH was well over a dollar. Personally I think this is going over a billion dollar marketcap if they achieve their goals.

Go read the links I sent above.........it's all legit........just no one has a clue due to lack of marketing

>> No.28785239

On binance already?

>> No.28785313

been for ages

>> No.28785334

Got myself a bag the market cap is so low for something that’s been in development for this long with good partnerships AT&T, Cisco

>> No.28785384

yes, I wrote about it today. The moon is near

>> No.28785513
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$QLC looks to be rather promising. 10 huge multinational tel companies to on board within 6 weeks. Nodes are required for telco's. V interesting.

>> No.28785646

if this style of autistic typing and wording doesn't give off any pajeet vibes to you, you deserve to lose all your money

>> No.28785687

no . finance ? You son of a bitch I'm in

>> No.28785795

Literally a chinese coin bro, what do you expect? I promise you this shit is clean though, some of the smartest chinks ive ever seen, these fuckers even have a deal with a chinese central bank, i havent heard of any other crypto project being able to do so

>> No.28785997

Buy at Bittrex-BTC and sell at Binance-BTC. Ratio: 1.39%

>> No.28786287

Partnership with one of the biggest banks in the world that’s crazy enough

>> No.28786428

>she does a lot of blacked stuff
And she also put out a press release "hey boys I'm single!" - and got no takers.

>> No.28786828
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>> No.28786882

............ it's all legit sirs............. i promise u........ rajesh dont shit next to me there is plenty of room in the shitting street

>> No.28787157
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再次在这里张,记得买一袋 $QLC,保证5x

>> No.28787412

Suit yourself, enjoy being poor :)

>> No.28787558

link for partnerships? cant find it online but could be because i am retard.

>> No.28787607

great opportunity to get in early.. will not stay at these levels for long

>> No.28787734

Qlc must be in top50 with all those news coming out!!!! Fingers crossed team will deliver all this. Got couple tokens

>> No.28787791

Sounds like the shit version of enreach

>> No.28788593 [DELETED] 

Someone genuinely explain why i should buy this and what price it will reach

>> No.28788664

all these info have been public for years, this is just a dead shitcoin that someone is tryin to revive to make some quick gains

>> No.28788751

Realistically how high could this go? Is it a dump at $1 shitcoin or an actual competent piece of software that you’re throwing money out because it CAN (not “well probably it might”) do what the dev team set out for with a roadmap and actual development cycle?

>> No.28788960

"Every year, telecoms transact hundreds of billions of dollars worth of wholesale digital services, including voice. These transactions always involve ordering and billing. (...) Service providers spend untold millions of dollars on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and other systems for external-facing commercial transactions with their telecom partners. Because these systems of record are not typically synchronized between telecoms, there are considerable inefficiencies, and thus increased costs, in commercial transactions: disputes, lost inventory, inflated capital costs, regulatory actions, etc. This inefficiency can be mitigated by creating a common frame of reference for commercial transactions between two telecoms—for communications, a common language, and commercial state of documents.(...) recent major advances in cryptography, messaging, and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) make it possible to deliver secure and private synchronization of systems of record between telecoms that is cost-effective, dynamic, and automated. This synchronization is achieved by establishing a DLT-based shared ledger. We have coined the term for such bilateral agreements as ‘*Smart Bilaterals*.’"

>> No.28789022

Uhm, okay. So price go up?

>> No.28789185
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In a couple of weeks corporations and institutions will be all over this once DEX releases, they have working partnerships already confirmed however they are unable to disclose these due to contractual obligations, one of them being telecom giant DCCONNECT Global. I think this has the potential to 100x once their DEX releases in a couple of weeks

>> No.28789191

This is where QLC comes in. Together with MEF and two of its service provider members (HGC, DCconnect), QLC has built the first 'smart bilateral' that adresses the issues mentioned above. And not only did they build it, it has been tested and is now ready to be implemented by more MEF-members. According to the just released roadmap for 2021 (https://twitter.com/QLCchain/status/1356815544557522948?s=20)), 10+ operators will be onboarded in Q1 2021. Keep in mind that just about every major service provider is a member of MEF: AT&T, China Telecom, Orange, Verizon, Vodafone, just to name a few (see here for a full list: [MEF Members](https://www.mef.net/engage/our-members/)).)). So: not only has QLC built a solution that has the potential of saving service providers millions of dollars, they are in an ideal position - as an MEF member - to have their solution adopted worldwide in the telecom industry. This adoption is about to kick off (Q1 2021).

>> No.28789393

I just bought a significant bag (for my crypto portfolio) of this one. It doesn't have the best marketing out there. I don't know if I will hold for a very long time. But I think that at 14m marketcap, it really can't go any lower. The team looks solid and has been working on this for years. DYOR, but I would throw a 100$ at this, for the least.

>> No.28789559

Holy shit! I remember this one from 2018! I handpicked a few projects in 2018 for further research and this one was among my top 20 picks!
Glad to see they survived and grew the past two years. I'll buy a couple hundrend bucks, for the cause, if nothing else.

>> No.28789663

About QLC

QLC Chain is to resolve the data trust and security problem in the communication industry, it provides network automation of billing/reconciliation/settlement/payment/custody to telecom operators utilising blockchain technology.

QLC Chain offers telecom operators with inter-carrier connection and financial consultancy services as well.

From the ledger structure perspective: QLC Chain supports each account to have its own chain of ledger integrated with telecom service capabilities, named the multi-dimensional block-lattice structured ledger.

From an adoption scenario perspective: QLC Chain’s mission is to create a secure and trusted environment for communication services and to narrow down the digital divide by leveraging Distributed Ledger Technology, enabling everyone to operate and benefit from network services.

QLC Chain solution suite includes:

1. A blockchain-based DoD (Data on demand) platform to process inter-carrier settlements in a trustable, auditable and automated manner and enable frictionless on demand commerce and federated network for information and communications service providers

2. A blockchain-based A2P SMS settlement platform with its product suite including an A2P SMS settlement solution; Anti-SMS swap solution, and QLC Chain soft-sim identity for IoT devices.

3. A blockchain-based DID (Decentralized ID) communication authentication solution which is intended to authenticate, authorize, and access blockchain identities and security properties in network service such as SD-WAN/MPLS/cellular network/5G slicing network.

4. A solution that enables enterprises and operators to use crypto wallet and stable coin payment for supply chain.

>> No.28789776

u forgot to get on ur vpn pajeet, gonna dump this solely for the bad shilling

>> No.28789870

this aint reddit fuck outta here

>> No.28789972


>see how they try to shill that trash system on /biz/

looks like this biz is already dumped with scammers
hope I am smart to forget about it and don’t go for hell

>my purse has been connected to Bot Ocean project and I wait for full open to use their bots for trading and analytics

but you nay follow them and buy this fuck

>> No.28790239

This is a good project, but you're terrible at shilling.

>> No.28790520

Yes, price go up......big time.......no one has a clue about half this shit due to lack of marketing. Once the DEX launches people will pile in

>> No.28790596

LOL enjoy staying poor. Screenshot this and come back in 6 months PLEASE

>> No.28790744

LOLS........I can agree on that much!! :D Not a clue how to fucking shill......

Just go DYOR and see for yourself. Don't want people aping into something they know nothing about

>> No.28790974

When we will see some marketing and product release?

>> No.28791142

What the Twitter tweet about Polkadot means?