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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28763570 No.28763570[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I an going to kill myself
I made it crypto but my gf left me.
I was abused as a kid by my mother
Now I cant get off without thinking about my mother
My gf left me.
I loved her
I loved her
I am broken
How can I ever be happy
I am goi g to kill myself
Thank you biz
You were the only thing I had close to friends
Im sorry Abby
Im so sorry
U am going to give all my profita to charity
My life was worth something
Im sorry

>> No.28763608

no give it to me

>> No.28763632

You have to go back

>> No.28763648

nice blog

>> No.28763691

I don’t know if this is appropriate to suggest, but I’m autistic so, is it possible to get a mommy gf who will treat you right

>> No.28763703

if you're going to kill yourself, unironically seclude yourself and fast for anywhere from 3-10 days
cease all dopamine activities, be outside and chill out nigga shit

>> No.28763708

People who off themselves without contributing something to the world are those whose graves are defiled. If you are going to throw your life away, at least make it count first, so you are remembered for being something other than a faggot.

>> No.28763743
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this helps me feel better when i am angry or sad. i hope it helps you.

you are not alone.



>> No.28763748

Give green text mommy fap story

>> No.28763780
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Wtf faggot go to the stirp club and use some of those gains to get a nice escort you'll forget about that bitch who left. You'll get over it fast trust me

>> No.28763785

Nooooo bro, give these profits to me...

>> No.28763824

Why'd you tell us the part about jerking your mom off

>> No.28763866
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this may very likely help.

you need to detach and meditate.

maybe consider going to a nice environment with a friend to baby sit you and try taking a psychedelic.

or maybe try exersizing very intensely to get feel good endorphins and dopamine detox and shock the body.

a dopamine detox in general will help. you need to recalibrate.

alot of people feel alone right now. but in truth you are not alone. we feel your pain and are in this boat together. try to hang on and work every day a little bit towards a higher purpose.

>> No.28763867

>Now I can't get off without thinking about my mother
What did he mean by this?

>> No.28763911

Dude I am in the similar boat. Don't worry just stay strong.

My gf of 2 years lied to me on valentines day she said she was working but I went to her work )which is 200 miles away because I live out of town) and she wasn't there. I looked like an idiot in front of her coworkers. I brought her gifts and everything and her phone has been off this entire time. I was played

>> No.28763920

He told his gf, she knew he was a fucked in the head and a fucking schizo, and dumped him

>> No.28763921

>U am going to give all my profits to charity
>My life was worth something
still WORTHs something you PUSSY.

>> No.28763924

Don't be retarded. You'll get over it. Both your mom and your GF. (Weird thing to say.)

As you get older you learn to not get so emotional over women's BS. Just be patient.

>> No.28763925

I mean it’s a pretty central aspect of the narrative

>> No.28763936

Don't do it anon you are 21 you don't realise how little understanding of yourself you have. In time it will get better and it will make sense in hind sight.

>> No.28763974

pics of your mom?

>> No.28763976

Looks like Jamal enjoyed his valentines sex, I am sorry anon

>> No.28764043

buy coke

>> No.28764066


>> No.28764081

cool story brah

>> No.28764109

nice after /pol/ we have /r9k/ refugees

>> No.28764123

so murder suicide it is?
all of them are cunts, it's not worth being bitter about it

>> No.28764143
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>made it but gf left me

same here, top kek

>> No.28764221

Ur gf was the sex dealer and u were the addict, she was your momma, all of her bad qualities. You were fine without the gf, and another one will be added to u as u live ur life. Godspeed anon.

>> No.28764244

reminder that your fake currency so called crypto and stocks are crude mockeries of attempting to fulfill human satisfaction came from none other than the jewish black man's pedo billionaire elite shill force establishment; and posts like these break my heart to see when people are being led away from what can fulfill the human mind and pleasure

>> No.28764317

You will never be a woman

>> No.28764337

Just get back wit her, and by her, I mean your mom

>> No.28764348

the weak die, the strong soldier on

>> No.28764362

same here
funny thing is, she pursued me when I didn't have any money

now that I have money she left lmfao all those faggots telling me women only cared about money and status...

>> No.28764378
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Shieeeeet my bad anon, I was fucking yo girl that day. Her pussy was aight. Might do it again.
We coo my nigga?

>> No.28764448

I am 22. But its surprising how well you understand. Thank you

>> No.28764478

Yes. Find somebody taking the pill

>> No.28764515

same in my case, it just didnt work and we both got tired of trying I guess.

Keep your head up anon

>> No.28764579

thanks king, you too

>> No.28764646


Youre 21, calm your tits...

You can spend the next 2 years shitting on the floor and you'll still only be 23.

Delete socials

Think about killing yourself in 20 years

>> No.28764807

Don't kill yourself over a fucking woman you retard. You might not believe it right now, but there are millions out there just like her. Take some of your gains, take a vacation and fuck some loose sluts. You'll still feel like shit for a while, but not suicidal-tier bad

>> No.28764856

you can use the gains to never work again and meanwhile search for buddha or jesus. often you find quite nice chicks there.
.t buddhist

>> No.28764949

Is your mother still alive?

>> No.28765033

But I cant love
I cant love
I have ever only wanted someone

>> No.28765105

>$60k savings at the age of 21
safe to say a boomer created this meme.

>> No.28765130

Dude you’re only 22. In a few years time literally none of this will matter, I assure you. As a man you just get better with age.

>> No.28765137
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join a martial art.

you'll work out and this will send you feel good endorphins.

you'll have goals and this will help you feel good about your life and your purpose.

you'll have a social group to feel connected to others and like you aren't alone.

you'll get in shape and attract more chicks.

if you take muay thai or kickboxing or boxing is the most popular with girls so you might meet a girl in those. i take bjj and i love it and chicks also take that as well.

>> No.28765144

so what, then learn it. stop watching incel porn and stop drugs. it takes a few weeks to months, but you will recover. many do. just stay away from the disgusting shit and let go your past. move on and let go. enjoy small beautiful things and treat yourself nicely. start lifting and just surround yourself with decent people. works literally for everyone.

>> No.28765214

jesus christ man get a hold of yourself
no wonder she left you.
Only more reason to truly MAKE IT.
Stop being a fucking pussy and do something with yourself. Make yourself worthy. If you constantly need to have SOMETHING give you worth, then yeah just end it

>> No.28765265

I have lifted consistenly since i was 17
I am jacked
But every girl who is good enough
Deserves more than me
Its a paradox
I just wish
I wasnt damaged.

>> No.28765316

I'm the same as you. /fit/ unironically helped me get out of my rut. I was depressed for the longest time, but now I am dead set on making it even though I have a shit poor portfolio.
You're too young, your life hasn't even begun don't sudoku fren

>> No.28765317

How old are you anon?
I've been heartbroken 3 times already, every time I thought I wouldnt be able to love someone again, and I keep getting proven wrong.

I know its cliche, but time heals all things, but you gotta keep moving and doing things, not dwelling in the past.

You can do it, get to 8 figures.

>> No.28765327

You better fucking livestream it on Twitch you faggot.

>> No.28765354
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Do a flip! I’m with ya larper

>> No.28765363

i was never under the delusion women care about money, though. this is mostly cope from men who refuse responsibility for their own downfall
women want attention. i gave her all my attention when i was poor and did nothing, i wasn't as present once i pursued more productive ventures
"being there" is literally the sole requirement for getting pussy. the hard part is doing it forever. anyone with high enough iq eventually gets restless doing the same things over and over

>> No.28765397

Taking a psychidelic while suicidal is not a good idea. I knew someone who was being "babysat" when they tried this and within an hour they physically fought off the babysitter and ran full speed off the edge of an apartment building and killed themselves.

>> No.28765486


why kill yourself when you have obtained the gift most precious, the ability now to be free from society and norms. be a legend. be ruthless. go forward champion. let others try to stop you. be a hero anon

>> No.28765495

Why don't you spend some of your funny money on therapy? I'm srs. Just make sure you get a man and not a woman because as in every profession they're fucking useless

>> No.28765554

>But every girl who is good enough
>Deserves more than me
Snap out of this kind of thinking. It's dragging you down. Keep your chin up and push on

>> No.28765581

Therapy is learning strategies to walk when you are crippled. You will never get you leg back

>> No.28765626

I wanted to
I wanted to
I am smart
I know
But she was my life
I eanted to be good to humanity
But humanity hurt me

>> No.28765680

Holy shit you sound like a 14 year old woman. Go kill yourself and get the fuck off my board you /r9k/ faggot

>> No.28765716

>I just wish
>I wasnt damaged.
You are but I can share something here I guess.
I've wanted to leave this shitty planet since I was about 10 years old. I tried some teenage suicide attempts but I was too young and incompetent to succeed.
Now I'm 40 years old, I still don't want to live but somehow I'm here and it's not all bad to be honest.
The only reason I am not dead yet is curiosity, when I turned 20 I set my goal is to have fun and make sure I can always kill myself when I want to.
Basically have the exit option always on standby and enjoy the most of life has to offer, because I know I will kill myself when I can't enjoy it anymore.
Make what you will of this, but please consider this as an valid option.

>> No.28765743


But yeah, popping psychadelics while highly suicidal seems like a really stupid idea

>> No.28765810

Send me a little smth and I'll pray for you


>> No.28765832

Tell us about you sexual experience with your mother anon

>> No.28765861
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>> No.28765886
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U am going to give all my profita to charity

just buy Wynaut and use the profits to buy a new girlfriend when it moons

>> No.28765940

literally pay for therapy and get some meds- if you have money move somewhere where medical care is good. Use ur brain and stop being a simp


>> No.28766007

I will consider it
Thank you

>> No.28766013

I'm willing to pretend to be your gf send me ur cryptoshekels

>> No.28766048

abby.. shapiro?

>> No.28766054

I have no gf and broke 5k milestone, but downard, now im at 1k

>> No.28766066

Bro, I think I know what you feel. Almost like I can read it in the way you write. The pain will cease in time. For me, it took a year until it was gone. The scar will last until you find someone good enough to replace her, but this pain will not be forever. I promise.

Leave biz for a while. Visit /lit and /fit. Get some literature and get in shape. It may not help much now, but it will help you onwards in a few months.

And get some psychiatric help if you feel suicidal. I did at your stage and it was good idea. It won't ease the pain, but stort term medication was a godsend for me.

I wish you the best anon. Don't give in now. You still have a long way to go into a new light. It will reach you. Hold the line.

>> No.28766075

I am in therapy
Its only strategies to accept and adapt
Its not fixing

>> No.28766305

Thank you. I can feel you are a good person

>> No.28766418

Don't do it. We need you.

>> No.28766485

Yeah... to dump our bags on.

>> No.28766512


>> No.28766545

i happen to run a nice charity dawg

>> No.28766556

You will get through this bro, I promise. I know it seems like the end of the world & if she came back everything will be okay but you have to be strong and now is the time to work on yourself. You have to heal your inner child, the one that is wonded- you are still young so it wasn't that long ago. I know it sounds weird, but go inside and be his guardian, big brother- whatever, buy him the toys he wanted, love him, heal him... you have the power to fix this. Don't contact your gf, this is important that you give her the break up. Look up coach Corey Wayne on youtube, there are some other relationship coaches that can help you but they tell you to work on yourself & she'll come around. Don't think about suicide, you don't want to die you just want the pain to stop- and the weird part is we create the pain in our minds. Good luck bro. Don't contact her whatever you do. Sorry about what your mom did to you, that is terrible to mess with your life like that. I'm not sure how to navigate that one but I'm sure you'll figure it out

>> No.28766595

Anon. Sorry to be blunt. But I speak from experience. I was once like you.

>she was my life

You probably told her that all the time. You probably made her the centre of your universe.
That's probably why she walked.

Only way she ever steps back into your life is if she can see you don't need her and are possibly even better without her.
Women want to feel like they don't quite deserve their man. They want to feel blessed that a man they admire chooses to keep them in their life.
The moment you make your life about them, they find it boring, unattractive and suffocating.
They want to be a PART of someone's life, not the entirety of it.

Now. Stop being a pussy, dust yourself off and make her come crawling back once she see's you crushing it at living.

>> No.28766743


this is a good channel, also this


>> No.28766762

find a mommy gf or please give me your money

>> No.28766792


Listen anon, I work 60hrs a week in a steel mill, I'm not asking you to give me anything, but if you're just throwing that shit away most charities and corrupt as fuck. My son was born with leukemia, my wife is so withdrawn now and everythings falling the fuck apart. If I can make it with crypto hopefully I can salvage my life too.

You cant give up, first and foremost. Be a man and square your shoulders and fight, brother.

>> No.28766838

I was also loved and abused by my mother, she's a bipolar freak. I am socially inept/I say all the wrong things/I lie without realizing/I contradict myself. I wanted to die for 8 years now.

I was thinking of how with 300M+ I was going to create IPs and fandoms like Vivziepop, Undertale, Five Nights At Freddy, Minecraft, Hasbro do.
I was thinking of how I'd flex on every moderator and janitor on 4chan by buying 4chan outright or discussing with Hiro to buy only a few boards.
Then I realized while I have good tastes, I have no real talent, no connections, no experience, no knowledge. My happiness would rely heavily on digital IPs. Nothing serious like woodcutting, mining, medicine, etc.
I'd dedicate my money to waging internet and IP wars like "Oh man why can't Aliens ever get a good game" "Oh man why did this 1 episode from the PPG have to have such a shit ending".

Now I don't even have enough money to keep myself up. I can't flex on my mother. She thinks BTC is fake and other poorfag retardations who didn't open an exchange in his life.
I could have left her, lived off the real estate APY and teased her if she wants to make money she can learn how to trade and program instead of wasting cash on house upgrades.
And that wasn't even my initial intention. The intention was to leave her the money and then off myself, but that's what happens when she makes you indirectly lose all that money like a retard. She even went through my wallet to throw away the metamask seed because she thought it was a useless piece of paper.

Living in the mountains and getting paid 4000$ a month would had been nice for anyone, except for me. I can't interact and enjoy life properly.

Good luck anon and if you're retardedly humble enough like me to give it to a total stranger I promise to give the money to someone else who deserves. My mother disappointed me.
All my life I've been surrounded by successful people who smoothly passed college and have 80k+ salaries.

>> No.28766912

retard give it to me

>> No.28766943

why do other people deserve anything?

>> No.28767046

Are you saying you lost 300M? or had plans if you made 300M?

>> No.28767047

what you said is true based on your mental state. the day your mental state becomes "i am good enough" is the day you are good enough. until then, you are not good enough. noob.

>> No.28767167
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don't do it man, this is a rite of passage EVERY guy who is destined for greatness has to endure.

She wasn't special, she is just another woman, you WILL find another better woman who will understand you and actually form a healthy relationship with you.

>> No.28767206

I hope you make it, anon.
Good guy.

>> No.28767253
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this is coming from someone who got cheated on last year by his gf with his best friend.
Things WILL get better.

>> No.28767281

you might want consider he had a unhealthy relationship with her, love is more than just being a turbo-simp for your lady

>> No.28767373


Like a real faggot would say, love yourself.

Stop looking at others, your on biz, you got somewhat of an understand and a leg up on most others your age tik toking life away...

No one really loves anyone, the world is a selfish chasm filled with hedonistic distractions.

Make a plan, make 1k, turn 1k into 10k, learn a language... make sure these goals somewhat intertwine with one another so in 4 5 years, youll still be the same retard but in a MUCH better place and with a MUCH better foundation.

She was gonna go bamg someone else anyways, love is always a swipe away.

Buy a dog IF you need unconditional love. Also if you couldnt love you wouldnt really care so much about her leaving.

Dont sulk your youth away as I did.

Please at least try for fuck sakes.

>> No.28767391

This is the gayest shit I've ever read.

>> No.28767466
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Spencer? Are you shitfaced?

>> No.28767476
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Do a flip, faggot.

Or stick it out and wait your turn, you're gonna die guaranteed at some point. But I dont give a fuck do as you please.

>> No.28767488


Ouff, dirty the rats the lot of em!

>> No.28767554

At least send some crumbs to me bro. I'm a fucking poor ass eastern euro. Don't kys though you'll find another path to walk upon.