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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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28759921 No.28759921 [Reply] [Original]

Can bancorfags refute this?

>> No.28760426

can we stop fuding bancor its already underperforming hard

>> No.28760959

Already been done in a previous thread. Long story short, it's the same as if everybody were to withdraw all their money from banks causing collapse of the system. No different than what would happen on any exchange if everybody decided to withdraw everything. But continue fudding, still accumulating.

>> No.28761051

same thing would happen to aave if people would try to withdraw all their collateral start using your brain nigger. APY would shoot up into 1000% ranges and people would deposit tokens again to farm that sweet APY

>> No.28761205

Bancor is token not needed.
The market has spoken.
It's one of the biggest value traps in crypto.

>> No.28761214

if bnt is a desirable protocol it is more highly arbitraged. Hopefully the arbitrage creates some sort of price floor. Since many of the people paid out will be users and not bots they might not have a cascading effect on orderbook. But seems like an issue if something like an amazon or google pump happens to link.

>> No.28761247

>Already been done in a previous thread. Long story short, it's the same as if everybody were to withdraw all their money from banks causing collapse of the system. No different than what would happen on any exchange if everybody decided to withdraw everything. But continue fudding, still accumulating.
What's the incentive for LP to not gtfo once the reward program ends after one year? Just seems like a blatant game of musical chairs.

>> No.28761453

More use-cases of the token, such as collateralized loans and implementation of trading fees to stakers will increase the value of it. Lower apy will still be insane compared to similar exchange tokens.

>> No.28761641
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also this

>> No.28762644

OP I am sure you can still get a spot in LINK pool of you try hard enough. No need to try to get other anons out

>> No.28762782

what makes you say this vs something like UNI or SNX? genuinely curious

>> No.28762970

Do u connect ur ledger to bnt pool or metamask? My links are in a ledger
There was an link opening in the bnt/link pool
I have metamask with bnt in bnt pool
Help a brainlet
Dont wanna lose my stinkies

>> No.28763345

Rewards will run until fee generation is so lucrative that rewards aren't needed. That will take a lot less than 18 months.

>> No.28763729

You connect your ledger to metamask and then connect with metamask to bancor.network you absolute retard

>> No.28764115

Thanks big dick anon
All the extra info would be highly appreciated, gonna dive in to it propably Tonight(!)
Do u have linkies or bnt staked?

>> No.28764273

I got all my BNT staked in their pools. Its pretty straightforward, just google how to connect your hardware wallet to metamask

>> No.28764347


>> No.28764830

The entire reason uni exists is because the community agreed the bnt token was not needed. look it up.

>> No.28765113

>bnt token was not needed.

the explain the UNI token, kek

>> No.28765292

i tried to look it up. UNI also has a token? or do you mean a token not needed for bancor for another reason?

>> No.28765329

That makes absolutely no sense, bancor and uniswap are not affiliated

>> No.28765778

try voting for the vbnt proposal guys

>> No.28765809

aaand all fudders silenced