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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28754106 No.28754106 [Reply] [Original]

Bagholders from the Avalanche Discord and Telegram groups are spamming /biz/ claiming that the coin is about to pump in order to prevent people from selling while all of their coins are still staked and not sellable on Binance. They are spreading FOMO bullshit when the reality is that their coin value is about to plummet from coin unlocks in February and March along with deteriorating fundamentals.

Consequently you will see a bunch of bagholders swarm any AVAX thread saying the price is going to pump this week. They don't talk like /biz/raelis because they are not /biz/raelis, they are legit bagholding shills from somewhere else.

>> No.28754230
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>> No.28754512

>Spreading fomo
>A single AVAX thread running rightnow
>1 among hundreds of pajeet fud threads we've seen spammed in the past 4 days

Cringe and hang yourself subhuman

>> No.28754595

So is your short underwater faggot? AVAX is a top 3 coin. Don't spread shit just to accumulate cheaper. Close your short and scale in.

>> No.28754608


>> No.28754654

yeah its going to dump so hard when they can sell

>> No.28754793

The price has only gone down you retarded bag holding pajeet

>> No.28755044

Scared your short is about to get wrecked?

>> No.28755269

It's was -50% off top. That's not what you want to short rn. Especially if you know the project will succeed in the long run. Imagine shorting ETH back at it's first correction. The minting bug was unfortunately bad. But the fix was presented in no time and the whole ecosystem is working rn. If you think AVAX is not coming back stronger you either are dumb or just hate money

>> No.28755393

Shorters are psychopaths, They enjoy the fud and suffering of others above all, rational decisions among them.

>> No.28755449

It's obvious it'd go down after such a run up. Still a nice project with good fundamentals, the bridge is back up so and with everything going down at the same time it's a perfect timing to mine liquidity on Pangolin

>> No.28755513

No serious investor gives a shit if it will pump this week. If BTC goes up so does AVAX and vice versa. Unless black swan and the tech fails then it will dump either way.

My intuition says that if bull continues AVAX will be fine and no one who bought top will be bagholding. It can be another ETH competitor that shits around in the top 30 market cap following BTC in the bear. Alternatively, it might get a huge influx of adoption and community support and start siphoning ETHs market cap. If stars align for this one might be huge.

Just my prediction.

>> No.28755578

This is why I like AVAX. It will either go down to 0 and I lose 90% of my portfolio, or it goes to the moon and I can retire before 30. Honestly, both are exciting outcomes for me at least.

>> No.28755982

> It can be another ETH competitor that shits around in the top 30 market cap following BTC in the bear

It can NEVER happen unironically. AVAX as long as "black swan" event doesn't happen like a consensus flaw, CAN'T be outside of the top 5 for long, It's inevitable. So as dumb as it may sound >>28755578 is right, AVAX can only be a top 3 coin or die, And i would say that the second is very unlikely.

>> No.28756072

Afraid of AVAX? Don't need to express it in such ways.

You can just buy it

>> No.28756148

You retards really dont get it do you? This bug was you’re last chance to buy in into the ‘superior one’ !!

Almost every major blockchain had episodes where a bug caused an issue that threatened the safety of the system. Avax is here to stay and will hit at least $500 eoy, get in or shut up

>> No.28756165

>top 3 coin

You're worse than fuders you fucking retard, it's not even top 10

>> No.28756170

I don't see why not? A lot can go wrong and it is still early.

>> No.28756239

Sell signal. Unironically dropping to $20 this week and then further after the March 9th unlock.

>> No.28756477

I will buy more, after March 9.

>> No.28756619

Like i said the only things that could go wrong in order to stop AVAX from being a top 3 coin is a consensus flaw or severe hack, even more severe than the DAO, Both are extremely unlikely.

>> No.28756621

Only a fool would sell avax now, pangolin was just the tip of the iceberg, ifykyk

>> No.28756812

last time coins unlocked, the supply went up 100% and the price still went up, idiot

>> No.28757210
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Public announcement or are you doing yourself a favour MR Bobo?

>> No.28758493

Losers like you sell, winners BUY...this is why you will never make it

>> No.28758710

Hurr durrr I flipped a coin and it landed on heads. Surely the same thing will happen again.

>> No.28759658

Double spend approved is a consensus flaw dumbass

>> No.28760573

Educate yourself

>> No.28760740

there was no double spend. I'm impressed by the supidity of many anons here. It was a bug on the client which let to a minting bug. There was no problem with the consensus or the protocol. This shit happens when a protocol gets battle tested. Happend to BTC, ETH muliple times. The important thing is the reaction of the protocol and the devs and this is bullish af. The bug was fixed in no time. A analysis was published and the protocol is stronger than ever.

>> No.28760884

>the superior one
>this happens to everyone!
it doesn't. And saying this is just reflecting the incompetence of this project.

>> No.28760982

>Technically its not double spending since both parties got paid.
>it just means that the amount of tokens was increased and someone basically got free money through a bug. This is a feature, not a bug. p-p-please stop coping guys, avax is not vaporware

>> No.28760993

Teams fucking gay, all the admins are useless and mute anyone who asks them half technical questions because there all dumb turks that can't communicate. Such a cocky bunch of fuckheads in that chat, thank fuck i dumped this shit coin at $50... Coinspot is and was the only place taking the coin... very few ppl know this and now it's almost too late, especailly if ur stuck in there shit blockchain.

>> No.28761052

Pedodot / ALGO tards going schizo over AVAX. Literally mindbroken

>> No.28761061

You are a total retard. May God help your pitiful soul.

>> No.28761118

Any coin that has a double spend is worthless and will never have legit devs, avax is dead

>> No.28761283
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>Happend to BTC, ETH muliple times. The important thing is the reaction of the protocol and the devs and this is bullish af.
are you kidding me? they handled it like complete amateurs, with silence from Mr Emin's twitter until the day after; they tried to hide the double spend/mint and tried to cover-up their cover-up. also their logo is a blatant rip-off of picrel. don't care if you buy Avax or not, but if you do so after this event you're a complete idiot.

>> No.28761651
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Someone knows something

>> No.28761704

Hahah OP is a jeet faggot who thought he could short a top 3 coin. FUCKING JUSTED YOU STINKY SHITSKIN!

>> No.28761815

Good think AVAX didnt have a double spend then isnt it anon?

>> No.28761978

They're waiting for you to give them attention as they can only profit from it. See how they mass jump on you like dogs out of nowhere? They don't want to listen nor to understand, They've their own blatantly obvious agenda.

Just ignore

>> No.28762012

Do not bother, they are FTM discord trannies

>> No.28762027

DOT is waiting for & only you!

>> No.28762065
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>> No.28762084

cope. double spend

>> No.28762248

>b-b-b-bonus block!

>> No.28762304


>> No.28762339

Have any fudders actually used pangolin? It’s fucking incredible and is the second roll out. Broken tech via serious underlying flaws in the consensus is the only risk to this being top 3-5.

>> No.28762757
File: 1.27 MB, 731x5843, avaxredpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pooling right now, making 600 PNG a week lol. Sure the rate will go down a bit while capital flows in from the eth bridge. But still there's some wild opportunity to mine PNG right now.
If that's too complicated for some anons just hold AVAX or buy the dip, $100 is basically guaranteed within one or two months.
I'm gonna spam some redpill pasta to fuck the fudders.

>> No.28762800
File: 355 KB, 734x2138, avaxblackpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emin Gün Sirer:
>Cornell CS Prof who created the first POW protocol ever in 2003
>Co Director of IC3 which is 180+ researchers and 6 Unis
>EGS shills Link & is in close partnership with the Chainlink team
>Vitalik endorses EGS & already acknowledged Avalanche is a Breakthrough on par with BTC
>like Sergey EGS toured around the world for years educating People about decentralization

Avalanche protocol:
>The third consensus protocol after Nakamotos PoW and Classical
>basically consensus is reached by probabilistic sampling thousands of independent nodes over multiple rounds
>This is not repackaged shit with minimal tinkering here and there its a completely new type of Consensus Protocol
>4500+ REAL TPS (no bullshit tricks, batching, or centralized L2)
>it can scale to MILLIONS of Validators while maintaining high tps & sub second finality
>more decentralized than everything else
>running a Node is easy & hardware requirements are low
>Resists 51% attacks (would need 80%)

Tokenomics & Profit:
>AVAX needed for staking & delegating
>needed to participate in governance of the network
>fees are burned & is burned when Subnets, Blockchains or other assets are created
>currently 10% APY
>only requirement to receive the rewards is 60% node uptime
>node costs ca. 20 bucks a month on a VPS

>sub networks can be launched on Avalanche with near infinite customization
>plug in and use the Avalanche Consensus for your already existing Blockchain so you dont have to build your own (like with decentralized oracles)
>Chainlink already moving to Avalanche
>AVAX node may be a member of many subnets & earn rewards from them!

Full EVM support:
>All ETH infrastructure can work on AVAX out of the box
>Big picture: in no time the best parts of the entire crypto ecosystem can be mirrored on Avalanche and giving it all the TPS, scalability, speed and interoperability that it needs for the next stage

>> No.28762991


Why is everyone so mad about avax it's hilarious

>> No.28763045

And that’s before you even get to the cheap as fuck easy trading. It’s literally already better than uniswap and it’s not even a week old. I’ve got no interest in blindly shilling, maybe the underlying tech is fucked but I think that’s such a small risk to the upside of what this could be.

>> No.28763498

>The only implementation written in Go by people who cant write proper Go. Too stupid to implement error wrappers, returning nils everywhere.
>pathetic ecosystem. No C, Rust, .NET, JVM, or Python library. Only a TS library.
>double spend
>non creative community that copies Chainlink pepe memes.
>Turkroach shills

>> No.28763777

Even rlc has better memes than this shitcoin

>> No.28764047

You know who else didn’t have memes? Jesus. Yeah. Think about it.

>> No.28764117

how many avax do you need to make pangolin worthwile ?
im holding around 600 right now and mining png sounds interesting

>> No.28764172
File: 14 KB, 1268x243, avax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dead chain lol

>> No.28764199

How does just under 600 png a week sound.

>> No.28764262

t b h, sounds pretty good
stay strong avaxbro

>> No.28764326

I'm pooling about 300 avax now

>> No.28764349

That’s not a joke btw

>> No.28764384


>> No.28764395

true. the pade turkroach shills invading biz are ignoring as fuck. i think they've suckered a bunch od bizlurkers into their double spend clusterfuck coin. never trust a turk

>> No.28764466

incompetent gaslighting lying developers who can't even prevent a double spend

>> No.28764500


>> No.28764527
File: 38 KB, 654x619, FC22808E-BC12-49D8-B023-4001CCB8C22D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The minting bug w
it was a fucking double spend, but the lying turkroach devs are selling you more lies and you're shilling them here on biz.

>> No.28764575
File: 23 KB, 320x256, 08105241-50D9-41F4-AEE7-6E00B6F09DB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CAN'T be outside of the top 5 f

>> No.28764623

so more buggy code about to self destruct?

>> No.28764701
File: 927 KB, 300x200, laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shill your max tx count for years
>shit doesn't work literally within a week of having any traffic
R.I.P AVAX pajeets

>> No.28764710

I know. Honestly I'm very excited. If bull continues and we have shit coin mania we not only have everyone switching to pangolin to avoid fees but also a ton of new projects and scams built directly on avax. I want to see AVAX gem generals in the next few months.

I try temper this attitude to not get married to any project but I think it could happen.

>> No.28764714
File: 22 KB, 488x463, B5F89874-D3E8-4194-9666-338288D40882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting more turkroach lies by developers with a proven track record of lying and deception to hide their incompetence. BTC never had a double spend you lying cockroach

>> No.28764786

Imagine trusting turks with your money lmao

>> No.28764788
File: 44 KB, 657x527, DB0F83C6-65DC-47C9-AF88-B0288BC1A356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

avax had a double spend you roach

>> No.28764805

*septuple spend, a new record!

>> No.28764931

this endless supply of double spend fud from these abaolute brainlets is the purest form of entertainment, please keep it up, I will play along I promise anon

>> No.28764935
File: 95 KB, 927x647, 340C9889-8E8E-4747-B802-52FB47C1E50B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all that and he can't properly test his code for bugs that allow double spends and cripple his chain - that he will ater lie about by pretending the definitions of words are different than they are . are we supposed to be impressed

>> No.28764980

imagine fudding the next LINK

>> No.28764982

because turkroach shills you newfag shill

>> No.28765041

*double spends*

>> No.28765045

what i dont understand about the double spend fud is that obviously whatever was the problem was fixed otherwise everyone would be abusing it. It shows that there are fail safes in place and the team fixed it quickly. And this was not reflected in the price and it just followed the market. A serious protocol threatening bug would crash the price much harder.

>> No.28765053


>> No.28765054

facts are fud
>turkroach logic

>> No.28765073

hahahaha you guys are so riled up it's kind of funny. I have no dog in the fight but all this mudslinging is hilarious. I wonder why biz is triggered this hard.

>> No.28765102

no blockchain that is this big of a shitshow will ever be trusted. end of story

>> No.28765155

because paid turkroach shills have been spamming this board relentlessly and now they get to be the goat

>> No.28765187

retard detected yet again.

Look into the github and tell me again that there is no other library beside Go. Just fuck off and don't spread fud.

There was NO double spend but a minting bug resulting in false transactions between the X and C chain. anons like you deserve just to be left behind.

>> No.28765206

man i wish my 600 wasn't staked so i could mine pangos

>> No.28765328

If I'm being honest I never gave their threads much attention till the recent supposed double spend. Why the turkish stuff? Is the dev team turkish or something

>> No.28765364

all the top coins were fudded heavily in the early days.
the fact is the potential for AVAX is enormous. it can flip ETH, maybe even Bitcoin. it already got cryptokitties-tier usage in just one day, ultimately leading to the inflation bug being revealed. more people were using it on that one day than the entire history of ADA, DOT, FTM, all the other "eth killers" combined.

>> No.28765378

I hope so I really need to buy more

>> No.28765395

The head of the project is a turkish Cornell prof which means that every single person working on this project are, indeed, turkish

>> No.28765416

it's only a shitshow if you are paying attention to day to day price action and emotional people. If it is successful nobody will remember this.

>> No.28765484

Oh so it's just retarded pol thing. I thought they all left after gme.

>> No.28766004
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>>28764527seems like some last decade pepe bros won't be part of the evolution and grow up but turn into winning kids and die out... Hence the irony !

>> No.28767266

Not a double spend since 1 coin was spent 7 times you fucktwats

Why did they have to burn supply if only illegal mint happpened? Who cares if 800AVAX waa created but cant be spent. Oh right they got spent.

>> No.28767482

Noone on /biz/ gives a single shit if some anon loses money, I sure as hell don’t give a single fuck if someone lost their life savings.
The only reasons why someone makes FUD posts on /biz/ is to try to bring the price down. So either OP has a 100x leverage short position or he has 0 AVAX and wants to get in.
Either way, OP as always is retarded and a faggot

>> No.28768061

All you had to do was to buy FANTOM

You didn't listen

>> No.28768241

It happen to GRT too not only avax.

>> No.28768444

The obsession in fudding this project is just sad. You missed one of the best buys of the market cycle, get over it

>> No.28768484

lmao imagine buying a pajeet scam

>> No.28768805

> this

chain is up and running, tx fees are low as fuck, liquidity rising,...

you niggers are so desperate, it's sad to watch

>> No.28768846 [DELETED] 

i like the idea of a buy/sell tax to deter bots

>> No.28768940



>> No.28769763

No. Probably not. Didn't happen last time and unlock is smaller now.
Starting to pump. This is it. Its unavoidable with the Ethereum bridge because everyone wants to bail out of those gas fees.

>> No.28770297

Yes probably. People didn’t dump before, because they were not aware of the double spending bug, nor the whole blockchain being broken for days

>> No.28770298

/biz/ oldfags all have avax, jeet fudder.

>> No.28770563

There is no double spending bug though so why would they dump it?

>> No.28770768


>> No.28770984

I really want cryptocurrencies to succeed on a global scale. Oldfag here.
Calling double spends a bonus minting doesnt help newfags and normies come onboard. Youre doing everyone a disservice.
Call a spade a spade. So what a double spend attempts at lies and censorship. Own it and man the fuck up.

Fuck you avaxers

>> No.28771142

lol how is this still at $39.. CZ has been saving avalanche's ass for 3 straight days now
I'll wait for a realistic valuation before buying back in

>> No.28771155


>> No.28771164

Yes it did, and it multiplied the guys cash by 7 - he transformed it into 10.4 ETH

>> No.28771201

>bonus blocks

>> No.28771407

> Emin - "Haha its just a bonus block :)"
> Emin - "More Avax for me :)"

What a joke of a muslim roach blockchain. You really expect those islamic apes to make a better blockchain than the Chinese and west? HAHAHAHA

>> No.28771408

Hahahaha How The Fuck Is Immutability Real Hahaha Nigga Just Comment Those Blocks Out From The Chain Like Nigga Close Your Eyes

>> No.28771423

CZ is ICO investor and balls deep in with Emin and Vitalik

>> No.28771586

Fuck off back to plebit

>> No.28771672

A shorter

>> No.28771674
File: 97 KB, 1136x1136, smellypepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy my ETH killer habibi.

Türks strong together

>> No.28771741

Sold all my avax
I suggest you do the same.

>> No.28771801

Imagine being a plep and buy avax and not DOT

>> No.28771825

bought all your avax

>> No.28772188

Imagine selling your Avax right now, pangolin is amazing and no fud will change it. Best proper CEX of crypto, I can't wait until this becomes the standard and I don't have to suffer gas anymore. ($50k spent in gas fees all timer and seething)

>> No.28772246

I meant DEX, not CEX.

>> No.28772383

When you gonna buy back in? When its at 50? Or 100? Or 1000?

>> No.28772462

Imagine (((investing))) into this shit coin.

>> No.28772783

>pangolin is amazing

It’s a literal uniswap copy-paste fork. The pajeets the turkroach hired can’t even develop their own dex so they had to copy paste one from GitHub like pajeets “programmers” are used too.

>> No.28772870

shows how superiorn AVAX is

Perfectly interoperable with ETH
things on AVAX work 100x better than on ETH

the pinnacle of what AVAX is. Superior

>> No.28772891


>> No.28772920

its a dex

>> No.28773032

Around $25, I'm guessing in less than 72 hours. And that's a very generous valuation for what would still objectively be a risky investment. I'm willing to dca from there to a possible $15 though.

>> No.28773281

just buy KSM you idiots

>> No.28773763

Lol its never going to $25 ever again you idiot.

>> No.28774150

hahahhaha he thinks its going that low, its already back to $41 retard.

>> No.28774374

>its pumping again
Sucks to suck OP. You can buy my bags at 1,000 each

>> No.28774682

The 7day moving average just crossed the 99 day line. Biz tells me this is a strong buy signal. The second it did the thing exploded. The shorters have been so loud here I think a lot just lost their shirts.

>> No.28775037

I hold no AVAX and don't even really know what it does. But take a page from /pol/ and watch out for obvious faggot shills like this.

This kinda bullish desu

>> No.28775985

What the fuck are you talking about retard? The highest level data with a moving average intersection is the 6 hour chart and it’s bearish

>> No.28776144

This can’t be real, can it?

>> No.28776334

Yes it’s real, there’s an army of bagholders swarming on Avalanche threads trying to cover this shit up to keep the price high. It will probably half from here

>> No.28776345

it is, as hard as it might seem to believe

>> No.28776482

I hate that guy

>> No.28777228

People that are fudding are either
1. Broke ass racists that got priced out and fuming because of its a turkish CEO

2. Shorters that are going to lose a lot of money when this starts pumping

>> No.28777337

Neither. And it's not fud to point out a double spend and blatant obfuscation from the AVAX team.

>> No.28778383

kek the burger smoothbrains are going apeshit over this. It's obvious that burger retards woke up and had to show their mental retardation again.

>muh double spend
>muh bonus blocks
>muh bagholders will dump in march
>muh binance closed
>muh turkroach etc (this one is especially pathethic and low IQ)

the truth is nobody will care in a month or two. the tech is more important. bugs are expected and not a catastrophic failure like the pajeet fud idiots say. they're all teenage newfags new to crypto. BTC had a minting bug, ETH had the DAO hack. they booth succeeded. AVAX is a 3rd generation consensus protocol. no one with a triple digit IQ is selling over this.

t. the anon that originally investigated the bug on /biz/

>> No.28779080

I was sleeping and couldn't buy the dip. Now it's higher than when I sold it. The fud was apparently irrational.

>> No.28779396

have CEX incel

>> No.28779546

you should rather listen to what the devs say and not believe the delusional overly emotional shit that the brainlets on here post. only retards and shills are freaking out. buy dips and accumulate.

>> No.28779592

Fuck off, i am racist and have a lot of avax. I also have a turkish bestfriend that i've known since we have been 6 years old. We hate arabs and niggers together with my ottoman fren. Turks are ok, they are not white, but they are better than arabs.

>> No.28779727

turks and arabs are the most kind and friendly people. when you get to know them they treat you like family. everybody who has a real life knows this. obviously there's garbage humans everywhere.

>> No.28779976

I don't know about arabs. The ones i met in UAE were really nice and welcoming. Some random guy i met in a small mosque invited me and my father to meet his family and was an awesome guy. Arabs in europe are fucking awful though. Nigger tier. Turks are only bad in germany basically. In Poland 9/10 times they are really nice.

>> No.28780556

You're right, although I feel like they changed in Germany over the last 10 years. 20 years ago most of them were nigger tier, but today there are more of them that act like in their homeland. Warm and welcoming. No comparison to the kanacks from back then.
On the other hand we imported the niggers to replace them, so the nigger tier never disappears.

>> No.28780605

>price keeps going up

This coin confuses the shit out of me

>> No.28780939

3. people who like laughing at how piss poor you guys are doing at shilling at broken code coin.

>> No.28781002

IQ'd out much?

>> No.28781166

Whats confusing? Its a good coin with unbelievable tech. Top 3 coin by end of this year. Just filter out the fud.

>> No.28781616

Post tripcode

>> No.28781670

i'm not really, the team took a hit, but there's other places to move my money before confidence is restored.

>> No.28781683

Sell volume is artificially low

>> No.28781746

it's called a dead cat bounce

>> No.28781880

Lol. Ethereum-Avax bridge comes back - same momentum it had before the error. But sure, dead cat. You're going to run out of fud soon when it hits 60.

>> No.28782014

you can tell he's projecting, and barely understands what he's talking about.. most likely he has a script of talking points kek
definitely a larping shill

>> No.28782103

this fud is so bullish, shorters shaking rn

gonna buy another bag, never selling

>> No.28782136

i know you are very nationalistic but this coin has bad tech. rich people are not going to trust it

>> No.28782356

I'm from Poland. What my nationalism has to do I dont know. Rich people are already trusting it. Just because you've shorted it and are going to lose your shirt you make these statements.

>> No.28782448
File: 419 KB, 600x600, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigga actually bought into the fud