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2875004 No.2875004 [Reply] [Original]

This will happen because of hard fork

>> No.2875014

I though there wasn't going to be a hardfork because bip91 segwit or something.

>> No.2875020

ok sold 100k

>> No.2875081
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No...it's still gonna happen now. Bitcoin Cash fork is going down on the 1st. Crisis has NOT be adverted, in fact it's for sure gonna happen now.

>> No.2875103

*Source: my ass

>> No.2875105

good goys

>> No.2875123
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The fork FOR SURE is coming. Nothing can stop it.

>> No.2875285

jihan saw how everyone was happy about segwit so being the fucking faggot chink he is, he's pushing the hardfork through anyway, even without UASF.

takes a real fucking salty bitch to do that.

Jihan was 100% short on bitcoin.

>> No.2875317

he's right. why do you not keep up with btc at all and flame others who do?

BCC is happening, sadly. Mempool empty, segwit going through, and they fork anyway.

They refuse to give up control of bitcoin.

Proof of work was a mistake.

>> No.2875338

Best part is that bitcoin maximalists is the most decentralized coin on the market, even though the gooks has total control over it, even without any forks

The gook greed will drag bitcoin down with it, along with the maximalists

The next top coin will be proof of stake, or something like IOTA's POW model

>> No.2875344

says bitcoin ***


>> No.2875349

you want to do business with chinks this is what happens

culture of scam artists

>> No.2875357

statistically each one of them is a small miracle of existence, being born male and not ending up in a dumpster and then being in a position to have any capital at all, so who can blame em?

>> No.2875367

So what % of hashing power is going into bcc?

>> No.2875377

I have a feeling Wu is going to end up dead or missing.

>> No.2875380
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something like 20%. The real point is if people feel they have an option will they move to BCC...I think they will and this will cause the split to widen even more.

If you go and read the forum at /r/btc the tone has changed. People see another option now. To most it's just another altcoin.

>> No.2875396

why would anyone do tha

>> No.2875405
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>> No.2875435
File: 1.32 MB, 446x251, ANTIFA punch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people want to watch the world burn. I think a lot of people are sick of Core and Blockstream. They have really fucked themselves. People want bigger blocks...it's simple.

>> No.2875442

implying anyone cares what some pretentious leftist jew cuck thinks

>> No.2875453

are you retarded

did you not see what happened to the fucking price when segwit got signalled?

do you not see the price when BCC is being spread around?

>> No.2875456

>Jihad Wu trolls with the HF
>prices drop to below 2000$
>Wu buys all teh BTC he can
>reveals that BCC was just a bluff
>Wu makes literal billions because of this sick play

get outsmarted small brain white people, Wu is literally playing 4D chess right now and you are too dumb to see it.

>> No.2875472
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The jump after Segwit was because people thought it was over or atleast the can was kicked down the road to November.

The fact is people are changing their tune and see that a fork is eminent. Prepare for chaos. This is gonna be fun to watch.

>> No.2875579

He won't be very smart when I unload my BCC for free money.

>> No.2875637

if 2x isn't activated expect major mining pools to move.

>> No.2876226

I support bcc because iv'e read the bitcoin whitepaper.

Even if in 5 years when core has finally implemented LN and all wallets accept it and everythings peachy, bitcoin will have gotten so slow, expensive to send a transaction and unusable by that time that litecoin, monero and iota will have taken it over. Then the government will ask hubs that might exist to tell them who sends money through them and we're back to banks.


>> No.2876364
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>Wu found dead, it was """"suicide""""

>> No.2876375


>used something like 8 BTC to buy 7g of some good kush on silkroad
>smoke it all
>not even mad today

>> No.2876407

Pretty sure if you hold btc in your own wallet you will have the same balance of btc and bitcoin cash in two different wallets. At least that is what is happening for people who hold btc in their ledger wallets.


So they don't really have to "move" into bcc, more so depends on if they want to stay in bcc. The sentiment I am seeing a lot is to either sell the bcc right away for more btc/ltc/eth for just hold onto the bcc and see what happens. If all I have to do is hold btc in my nano s wallet I don't see right now why I shouldn't take advantage of that. is it a trap?

>> No.2876419

hard fork in november, goofus

>> No.2876486

Is BCC the good guys or the bad guys?

>> No.2876522

I fucking hope to god that this is true

>> No.2876530

If you need to ask you shouldnt trust the answer.

>> No.2876535

But is it big blocks? Why are they forking if they got their way and segwit was activated?

>> No.2876554

>Best part is that bitcoin maximalists is the most decentralized coin on the market
it literally is. this is the chinks last chance to manipulate anything and they know it. they will have no more aces up their sleeves after the hf.

>> No.2876569

yes BCC is big blockers. They DIDNT get their way with segwit, they didn't want segwit. BCC was originally bitcoin unlimited, they want 8mb blocks and no segwit. btc got segwit and core has made it clear they dont want the 2mb part so bitcoin unlimited people are forking off.