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28749757 No.28749757 [Reply] [Original]

Music producer here. I’m kinda huge on YouTube right now and mix in mostly with the underground guys. Will answer questions about how to make money and other things. Trips get to know who I am.

>> No.28749819


>> No.28749852

fuck off deadmau5

>> No.28749862

Post portfolio

>> No.28749925

Not him

>> No.28749932


>> No.28750067

another music producer here, ive had my label manager and several other notable producers say im the "next aphex twin" yet i hate my own music these days and i want to kill myself because i cant finish SHIT

how do you finish records? i have an album with about 3 tracks finished out of the span of a whole fucking 4 years of my fucking life and the rest is WIPs that ill never finish

>> No.28750085
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Ableton or Logic ?

>> No.28750089

>music producer
hello rabbi

>> No.28750141

we all know you are... fuck off

>> No.28750167

Didn't know you visited biz Mori

>> No.28750306

similarly, i reach points in my tracks where everything sounds good but like it needs more, how do you put your finger on whats missing?

>> No.28750327

How many jewish connections did you have to get started?

>> No.28750375

>Trips get to know who I am.

>> No.28750383

Roll trip

>> No.28750393
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Fuck off Faggot

>> No.28750394

welp better start talking kiddo

>> No.28750406


>> No.28750429

Underground what?
Electronic, rock, punk, pop, jazz, blues,,,, another boring-synthwave?

>> No.28750436

I already know who you are. I work with your father.

>> No.28750460


>> No.28750468
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>I mix in mostly underaged guys

>> No.28750491


Fuck music executives. Indie music will always drive innovation

>> No.28750496


If its him or anyone related just do us all a favor and kys OP

>> No.28750548

based I wish

>> No.28750563


>> No.28750585

Ok, how do I make money?

>> No.28750606

So u make ooga booga music?

>> No.28750650

Think it might be him, even tho mispelled his name lol, dipped after i posted it

>> No.28750914

How do I make it as a rapper in this industry?

>> No.28750993


>> No.28751057

how much money do you make

>> No.28751075

you sign an illuminati homo contract and become transgender

>> No.28751093

Check em

>> No.28751122

>who I am.

>> No.28751190

Rolling + this. OP you're still a gigantic faggot

>> No.28751254
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I'm probably a better producer/composer/rapper/mixing engineer/mastering engineer than you yet I've never tried to make money from it. Where should I start?

>> No.28751382

You posted about grt the other day and now it's fucking crashing.

Just know that I hold you personally responsible. When the gay virus is over and we start doing shows again maybe you should wear a Kevlar helmet.

>> No.28751407

I know the next 100x in music but I'm not telling you

>> No.28751446

Are you nigger mcnigger?

>> No.28751460

Actual music producer here. Here is how you make money
1) have an uncle that is high up in sony music
2) find a young person with some talent
3) get that young person to sign a contract that seems good to a broke 18 year old but actually gives you the rights to their soul
4) beat the shit out of your new property until it makes music, doesnt matter if it's good or not
5) have your uncle at sony music force the garbage music you made on the population
E-z p-z

>> No.28751473
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no one gives a fuck. check em

>> No.28751739

Oh i forgot step zero
Come from a rich merchant family so that you can waste time doing dumb shit like calling yourself a "music producer"

>> No.28751933

is he rlly that popping on youtube i only know him from DJ Smokey and stuff on SoundCloud

>> No.28751934


same, i make anime rap

>> No.28752113


>> No.28752161

check em

>> No.28752376

I run a record label out of San Francisco,
mostly focused on the Indy Gospel Chillwave scene.
I think you and I might know some of the same artists.
1 (734) 930-3030
Give me a call so we can chat

>> No.28752496
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I’m about to call this number just to do it

>> No.28752543

let me know what kind of pizza you ordered.

>> No.28752650

>how to make money in music
Be a freemason

>> No.28752658

faggot larp

>> No.28752724

Did you get signed or what? Totally independent? How do I get my indie music out there, I don’t want to get rich from music just want a nice fan base and a nice amount of Spotify streams

>> No.28752761

You don’t like making music anymore. You’re dried out.

>> No.28752814

Get fucked. Nobody cares here

>> No.28752869

How is this a thing? How do you not want to finish, to me it’s all fucking worthless unless it’s finished. That’s motivation enough on its own for me

>> No.28752905

Make emo and grunge trap music. Had a 13 percent steal all my equipment. Drop a proton or disposable email I'll send you my music.

>> No.28752915
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Youz a rappa

>> No.28752918

another music producer here
have around 2-3 mil plays on SC/spotify
I've been wanting to get into sync licensing but can't seem to get my foot in the door
help anon

>> No.28752977

Take a few songs you really like and deconstruct the fuck out of them bar-by-bar, include stuff like random swells etc
Eventually you'll understand enough about song structure to write a song off one loop

>> No.28752992

Oversaturated market. How to make any kind of art $$$$ in 2021? I doubt it's even possibile unless you are in the .01% of producers/musicians/artists/whatever

>> No.28753004

How do you fix this?

>> No.28753044

"art is never finished, only abandoned"

work on it as much you can without ruining it
and call it finished

>> No.28753076

OP is T-Pain, I checked his IP address

>> No.28753127

>hasn't got down the 70% done in first 2 hours routine
You make it and structure in 1-2 hours then spend the next 2 years mixing and remixing anon

>> No.28753144

Get to a point where you'd rather kill yourself than not be making music, and then try not to kill yourself

Figure out how to stay alive around that

>> No.28753177

Fucking gross. Leave you dirty fucking kike.

>> No.28753192


>> No.28753316

So you make nigger music? Fuck off. Sage.

>> No.28753321

lil link

>> No.28753338

Rappers are pretty gay

>> No.28753361

yung gud because sherm or whitearmor dont troll like this

>> No.28753390

choose one

>> No.28753403


>> No.28753405

I don't think sherm and gud speak English that well

>> No.28753439

New instruments, merging genres, messing around to find something new

>> No.28753452

I really liked your work the new 100 gecs remix of One Step Closer.

>> No.28753473

This sounds about right, how much Kike bullshit do you have to witness on the regular OP? Is the music industry ever gonna get Nigger fatigue? I’m beyond tired of rap music/negro worship it’s all they’ve pushed for the past 30 years.

>> No.28753539

tell us who u r,

>> No.28753544


>> No.28753606

Best way to market? I have a synthwave trap EP im releasing in March. Tik tok, Cameo, promo ads, youtube ads spotify ads what else

>> No.28753621

I have a couple questions-Why do you think anyone gives a fuck whether or not you’re a music producer? Why would anyone ask you anything about.”how to make money”?
You have to go back faggot

>> No.28753889

Is that you, dark0?

Also, if you're not larping, what do you recommend for absolute beginner morons who want to make chill electronic music? Like, any good tutorials or videos for people who are fucking braindead morons? I tried downloading reaper but couldn't figure my way around it.

>> No.28753936

Ah, I was close. Not like he'd tell us anyway.

>> No.28754169

Taking a break, watching a movie, getting new life experiences, it can be difficult though because music follows you around everywhere you go.

>> No.28754522

>Trips get to know who I am.
A faggot

>> No.28754629

serioulsy, fuck off DeadMouusss

>> No.28754725

Unironically, watch YouSuckAtProducing.
thank me later

>> No.28754738

I'm whynne. My meme is kinda huge on the internet right now.

>> No.28755022
File: 28 KB, 640x423, NNN4LEGumAf7h1MZeryz0EgtIdtmsGMSNhL1PJDCVYg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont give a fuck famefags get the rope here faggot

>> No.28755147


OP is a larping F A G G O T