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File: 278 KB, 477x292, trezor-Gtfj5jkI0qy_QwAEMn1K2021-02-12_yjEmqDjdgpgW4AISMcEjj_dVrWsAEnWXlINkasMgiopmGkkI8xmrloRxsGgxRpor3ePbTcriiopd2sd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28747218 No.28747218 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously FUCK this piece of shit. I locked in the price back during the massive 2017 bullrun, thought I was so smart, laughed at everyone else bleeding in 2018.

But now I can't unlock the price. Yeah, I'm one of the poor schmucks who bought the 1.01a version of trezor, where there's a hardware defect (PROVEN on reddit and hackernews) that prevents the unlock. So now I'm fucking sitting here missing out on my dreams, watching the price skyrocket without me. The company STILL hasn't acknowledged the defect or admitted blame and court cases are STILL ongoing. Fuck Trezor.

At this point I'm just going to buy in again with some new cash. What hardware wallet is the best these days? The Ledger doxing/hack has me pretty spooked.

>> No.28747275

Buy a coldcard faggot.
I locked my BTC at 49,423.63 and it's still at that price.

>> No.28747308
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Serves you right for not buying the Modetl T you poor faggot nigger. Here I slurp this cunny in your honor mmm slurp slurp

>> No.28747316
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trezor is the best, i bought one of the new ones
you have the early beta version which has that defect
youll have to contact the company

>> No.28747384

cold wallets are for pussies.

>> No.28747492

What's a cold wallet? Isn't that just writing down your private key / seed on paper or metal or something?

>> No.28747560

what is the purpose of the price lock? can't you just, not sell?

>> No.28747576

fucking buy it yourself? unlock it. idiot

>> No.28747607

If you put a hardware wallet in a 0°C container, it lasts up to 90% longer, that's why they call it a "cold" wallet - bit of a misnomer.

>> No.28747698

imagine the smell

>> No.28748165

Well of course, but there are pros and cons. Wish I had the price locked up at 49k right now for sure

>> No.28748579

what’s the problem exactly anon? Can you actually not access it?

If you have a spare one like this with not much btc on it I may be able to help. I can dump keys off many normal ones at least.

>> No.28748675

He literally explains in the OP

>> No.28748757

Send me those weird ass 24 words they make you write down and I’ll see if I can get my brother that works for Ledger to unlock it for you

>> No.28748811
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Meh, my Trezor Model T has never failed me.

>> No.28748873
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i locked my btc at 18k ish too. basically forgot about crypto and just came back recently. now trezor wants 30k to unlock each bitcoin. if i don't pay by the end of the month, they're gonna liquidate the bitcoins into the blockchain. can't believe these dudes are still in business

>> No.28748971
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>> No.28749004

So what's the consensus, ledger nano x or trezor model T? Are the metal cases to store your seed phrase also worth it?

>> No.28749028

>trezor model T
This is the only option.

>> No.28749032

Are you serious? That’s insane if true

>> No.28749071


>> No.28749102
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Don't worry, we're in good company.

>> No.28749204
File: 88 KB, 442x532, 0272B9CA-0A72-4785-8FEC-1EDDDA147140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just hold your coins on mew my ethereum wallet and write down the seed

Is this good for the long haul?

>> No.28749219

This is why they're being sued. They're hiding behind the legal language of that early beta program.

>> No.28749239

good old tradition. kek

>> No.28749300

Im confused why is it locked?

>> No.28749415

it isnt.
You're being trolled.
jesus christ you newfags fucking hurt

>> No.28749420

it's a trezor feature that lets you hedge against losses by locking the price of your bitcoins. it's a nifty little feature when preparing for a bearish divergence but if the price goes above the price you locked at, you have to pay the difference in order to move your coins

>> No.28749464

>write down the sneed
>Is this good for the long haul?
If you seed and feed, yes

>> No.28749471

He locked it back in 2017, now he wants to unlock obviously, did you read the OP

>> No.28749528

That's why you should have made up a silly answer

>> No.28749654

How do you guys store all your passwords and seeds? I’ve been using keepassxc and have copies of it in multiple computers

>> No.28749693

Lmao you greedy fuck. Why didn’t you unlock and sell for huge gains when it was below your locked price for like two years.
I’m waiting to lock at 80k

>> No.28749865

There is literally no reason to "lock in" your coins at a price.

Just fucking hold and let inflation of fiat currency do its work

>> No.28750305
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This is the whole point, there is a hardware defect preventing the unlock

>> No.28750782

This is the first I’m hearing about being unable to unlock a price lock

>> No.28751091

Wtf I locked my bitcoin but I just checked and Trezor SOLD 100k??

>> No.28751219

They can't do that remotely, that the whole point of the hardware wallet

>> No.28751367

Why not just sell at a loss, buy some more on an exchange, get a trezor with working lock software and lock in the current price? Then you can by some more and unlock it later if it goes up?

>> No.28751489

>trezor model T
Did you not just read the thread and see what absolute niggers they are why would you give them your money

>> No.28751590

All I know is my DNA ancestry results just came in and I'm 33% Sugondese so I think I'm gonna make it with my cold wallet

>> No.28752214

Isn't that the one tribe of actual stone age islanders that has never had outside human contact for like 60,000 years

>> No.28752772

i permanently scarred my vision by flashing my list of words with a high powered flashlight with an overlay of the words.

so now I constantly have the words floating in my vision and when I close my eyes

>> No.28752881


>> No.28753327

sugondese nutz

>> No.28753517


oh shit somebody post that frog with the face

>> No.28753554
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>> No.28753806

CC best wallet

>> No.28754398

That's the sentinelise tribe or some shit off the coast of Pajeetland

>> No.28755412

Ledger is still great. Just don't buy direct, buy from a large company that sells other stuff too.

>> No.28755507

OP your bitcoin may be price locked but if they are early minted coins they are always worth more than market value.

>> No.28755602

no one wants dirty old 3rd generation bitcoins.

>> No.28755665

Yes they do. Older coins have priority transaction.

>> No.28756237

You probably freezed it too much, a cold wallet is supposed to be stored between 0°C and 5°C, if you store it in the freezer instead of the fridge such things can happen. A solution would be to put it in the microwave for a few seconds so that it heats up a bit, but not too much or it'll become a hot wallet that could be hacked.

>> No.28756595

I don't understand, what happens if you import the private keys to some other wallet and try to do transactions there?

>> No.28756755
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Fuck my life. I still have a wallet with some old cycle coins that were mined in 2012. The last time I tried to send some to another address the transaction was unconfirmed for over an hour and I had to RBF to get it through.

This is one of those things nobody ever tells newfags, and why buying off an exchange can be such a hassle sometimes. Don't buy old generation coins if you can help it