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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.06 MB, 3072x4096, IMG_20210214_211019364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28745027 No.28745027[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Some of you are alright, don't go to my house in 5 minutes xdxd

>> No.28745150

haha funny thread

good thing nobody is foolish enough to put in more than they can afford to lose right

>> No.28745191

Make sure you write down what so that bitcoin dumps some more.

>> No.28745248

>isolated margin
look at this responsible retard not even going cross like all chads

>> No.28745259

don;t do it
there's more to life than money, power, success and happiness

>> No.28745266

delete this

>> No.28745281

stream it. I want to see a full Bud reenactment with the paper bag, letters and all.

>> No.28745291

No no, he isolated an amount, I'm sure it wasn't that much

>> No.28745344

Imagine not being willing to declare bankruptcy. Fuck the jews.

>> No.28745387
File: 621 KB, 1125x987, ED35063E-0F55-4AC3-BC32-11E86ACCA4BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

killing yourself BEFORE the bulletin is just plain stupid

>> No.28745412

Next time use a shitty pistol for your larp. Only Chads with good taste and money have 6guns like that. Looks like a python from my side.

>> No.28745452

I think he should do the fight club scene. See if he can manage to skim his jaw without blowing it off entirely.

>> No.28745457

I guess it's relative
Will do in 10 mins
I grew up poor made a small fortune on my own without even going to school
I have 2 white twin daughter's
Dead> being poor

>> No.28745497

Lol fuck off

>> No.28745500

Don’t do it bro

>> No.28745514

>shooting yourself instead of the nearest banker or politician
ngmi pussy ass faggot

>> No.28745517

Damn rip, I only managed to shovel more money into my margin account by minutes to avoid liquidation

>> No.28745530

>leaving 2 white girls fatherless

>> No.28745533

babbys first liquidation?

>> No.28745553

Your daughter's need you OP

>> No.28745560

Link to livestream?

>> No.28745561

gotta rewatch that now

>> No.28745587
File: 455 KB, 954x1088, 7550AFA9-6546-4B83-B5DA-D5B96B7E94C2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your daughters need a father. They need you. Do not do this.

>> No.28745592

Check the news tomorrow
Washington is going to shake
In minecraft

>> No.28745620

your daughter are better off without you if you for one second would consider leaving them alone in this fucking clown world.

>> No.28745639

if you're not going to take some non-whites down with you you've failed. at least you have a chance at doing something positive with your life.

>> No.28745645

Do you want your daughters to end up like sluts? Cause that's what happens to fatherless girls. Don't do it for them at the very least

>> No.28745687

>there's more to life than money, power, success and happiness
don't do it OP.

>> No.28745713

take one for the team buddy.

>> No.28745734

Same time tomorrow?

>> No.28745742

>leaves his kids

Scumbag move don’t do it

>> No.28745748

good morning Shenzhen.

>> No.28745752

cya tomorrow fren

>> No.28745758
File: 84 KB, 489x699, 1504552291967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember, reporters are always east targets in minecraft

>> No.28745765

can somone tell a newfag why this pic will make OP Ultra dead faggot?

>> No.28745769
File: 160 KB, 249x299, 1613247934646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, this crazy. I have 4 kids... bought 12k worth of dogs before the dip. You should be shooting me instead man. Choose to live dude. Our kids need us.

>> No.28745770

Call the Reddit hot line but don't do it faggot you are still on the ground floor

>> No.28745773

Don't do it for the sake of your daughters at least, everything will be fine

>> No.28745780



>> No.28745797

Do not do it...there are better times ahead

>> No.28745807

where in wa? I just wanna know if i have to watch komo/king5 or that shitty network on the eastside krem

>> No.28745817

it's relatively easily to kill yourself with benzo's and alcohol

>> No.28745837
File: 130 KB, 1242x1554, EcepiaFXgAAIUiC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes... you know they had some great ideas in that movie now I come to think of it... have you read siege?

>> No.28745854


Don’t be weak OP it’s just numbers, please stay with us for the bantz. We love u fren

>> No.28745865
File: 27 KB, 489x499, CKe-dloUwAE6_je.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll date your daughters don't worry OP.

>> No.28745866 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 640x597, 3c04d7d9-0799-4a0b-bfce-a110ee880f51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help a poorfag out before you go fren...if you got a crumb left


>> No.28745867
File: 51 KB, 1024x436, Palpatine-1024x436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good...good...give into the anger!

>> No.28745873

*easy. christ I'm dumb

>> No.28745901

Binance is China right.? Didn’t they coordinate this?

>> No.28745922

Only paper hands take the easy way out. You're a diamond hand remember that.

>> No.28745924


>> No.28745993

hey i just lost everything i invested, if i can stomach it, so can you

>> No.28746041

Your daughters need me OP, if they're cute I will take them.

>> No.28746057

Does anyone have the picture of the mexican bogdanof f that people ran through that 3d face transformer?

>> No.28746080 [DELETED] 


If your gonna do something stupid man at least help someone out maybe you'll feel better enough not to.

Seriously don't do it, I jokingly put that in there to annoy you guys because anger can be redirected in a positive way.

>> No.28746127

Lost money. Who cares? I don't give a fuck and you shouldn't either.

>> No.28746152


cheer up with funny videos

>> No.28746219

as soon as you decided to have kids you have given up the rights to your own life. this is why I chose not to have children so that I can kill myself whenever.

>> No.28746220

Farley is the greatest of all time.

>> No.28746262

Could you do a demonstration for us?

>> No.28746320
File: 1.88 MB, 3072x4096, IMG_20210214_213151447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a bb gun
I just lost like $20 kek
I got 10k in pinkies and btc
Why would I kill my self? I'm white
I'm not from usa
Future is bright

>> No.28746336
File: 82 KB, 860x397, the goal is to be free.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take the bait just in case. Don't do it op, it is indeed sad as fuck to lose money and I too lost literally a third of my savings during this bullrun by shorting on the way up and it made me depressed as fuck, so if you lost everything I can imagine it would hurt even more, but the pain does go away. Don't end everything in the heat of the moment, you still have family, who the fuck is going to take care of your daughters when you are gone? If you kill yourself you are not ending the pain but simply passing it onto them and others that care about you. Start anew my fren, there are always new opportunities to make it all back, big bullruns like these happen every few years so if you put the next stim check at the bottom of the bear market you can easily get even more than what you owned before. Don't lose hope.

>> No.28746368
File: 66 KB, 720x960, wink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good for you OP.

>> No.28746392
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alright ya know what, kys. you got me

>> No.28746399
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Reminder that suicide is sometimes the appropriate answer to your problems. Also remember that you were born into this world without consent and it's your choice to leave at any time regardless of how others might feel.

>> No.28746416

Just buy link and hbar we can still make it.
Don't do this.

>> No.28746458

Fuck you got me fgt, wish I refreshed before posting lul, but glad you are handling it ok op.

>> No.28746463

that paint & floor, yikes you are already dead

>> No.28746497

Will send crypto to save anon. Don't do it friend.

>> No.28746511
File: 2.29 MB, 480x270, win2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im happy you posted it anon. i needed to read that. asko got me fucked up

>> No.28746576
File: 1.27 MB, 1366x1366, 1584674070723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

choose one

>> No.28746578

>agua walls
You arent white you are a slav faggot

>> No.28746605

It's gonna be okay OP, don't do it. Loss builds character. You'll come out stronger. Being rich is cool, but actually overrated.

>> No.28746611

thats airshit, i have the same one

>> No.28746633

>please do not reply

>> No.28746634

pretty sure all three of these are jews. I know for a fact the middle one is

>> No.28746657


>> No.28746723

don't do it, please in your love your dearly and will be destroyed to see you go, don't make another mistake, sleep on it

>> No.28746735
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>> No.28746803
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>> No.28746844
File: 954 KB, 638x1044, libtard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bill has p decent takes occasionally for a boomerservative.

>> No.28746847

I'm about to. Thanks fren.

>> No.28746887
File: 142 KB, 923x1024, 1613255266768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man TF up. you took the risk of leveraging in this hostile enviroment... now you want to take drastic measures cuz your gamble with a low success rate didnt pay off? Bro, you aint the only one. Theres dudes out there that just lost 100k, 500k just now and still dont care. Just let it go. You aint doing yourself any favors by worrying about it cuz worrying doesn't solve a damn thing. There's always a way to make back what you lost. Wait for the dip to stabilize and buy back in. Long the dips and get out while you're ahead. You're gonna have so many opportunities to make it in this market, just cuz one on those opportunities fell through doesn't mean you should give up completely. That's fucking gay

>> No.28746919

>I have 2 white twin daughter's

piece of shit. if you kys they're gonna get molested by some fucko.

>> No.28746968
File: 21 KB, 700x438, 1606263993010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that looked like one of those cheapo crosman revolvers, but the liquidation notification made it seem real.

Glad you're not gonna kys, OP.

>> No.28746973


>> No.28747047

*Actually wants to KMS and has a loaded .45 on his desk at all times*

>> No.28747097
File: 200 KB, 1100x1007, 1601091195903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this weak pussy dad would let that happen even alive

>> No.28747115


>> No.28747249

I did lose my company that made 400k in 2 years
I lost everything maintaining employee salaries for year and a half
I'm not in the us
So that kind of cash goes a long way
But between living expenses and surviving for over a year on savings fucked me over
I would never kill myself unless it would make the world a better place like killing biden in minecraft
Suicide is for faggots
And my life belongs to my offspring
It's my white duty
That said

I got 5k left on crypto what should I go all in into to get a 2x at least

>> No.28747256
File: 64 KB, 1200x800, cruz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's about as white as nick fuentes, bucko

>> No.28747283

Don't do it anon. Youll make it back.
Go to bed.
Wake up tomorrow and call someone you love.

>> No.28747314 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 308x163, 1594972039077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Downgrade to a 9mm so you feel less inclined.

>> No.28747358
File: 2.99 MB, 320x170, 1607372506539.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Downgrade to 9mm to make it less palatable.

>> No.28747390

not worth it
love you buddy

>> No.28747490
File: 18 KB, 474x284, 1609457072908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did your company do? Was it boat building? I like boats. Do you need a fiberglass layer or CNC operator?

>> No.28747748

did he do it?

>> No.28747795

I spammed websites with a mix of highly refined bots and army of brown cheap labor to redirect to cams and dating websites averaging 250k a year profit
Covid made companies step up security and 9/10 females have an only fans now

>> No.28747960

don't kill yourself over money, money literally doesn't matter. go to church next weekend.

>> No.28747990

Wanna start a boat building company? I've seen designs made from 2 sheets of plywood and some 2x4's. Cut em out for $50 and sell parts kits for $200.

>> No.28748061

Nice fucking pellet gun faggot I have that same model, bought it at walmart for less than 50 bucks

>> No.28748074


>> No.28748118

I actually love fishing and boating
I'm in the Caribbean

>> No.28748676

If you do her frontend I'll do her backend ;)

>> No.28748876

You're a cunt. Fuck off

>> No.28749113

Post a pic after faggaroo.

>> No.28749147


>> No.28749349

Do you owe money?

>> No.28749453

Not much

>> No.28749567

Talking to OP.

>> No.28749591

post sharpie in poopie after liquidation.

>> No.28749607

That ID isn't even OP and you people are eating his shit up lol

>> No.28749649

op has 1 post.................

>> No.28749726

Don't kill yourself you have some of the best Mexican alprazolam on your hands buddy

>> No.28749727

just want you to know the death of joe robinette biden would not solve anything.

>> No.28749756
File: 3.99 MB, 3072x4096, 16133638809385142930164601577025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am op
No idea why id changed

>> No.28749768

It depends on which benzodiazepine anon. You have to down comical amounts of, let's say, xanax with alchohol to die.

With that said, don't kill yourself OP.

>> No.28749814

OP apparently changed IP/devices since the first post.

>> No.28749855

why do you guys even consider margin trading
dumbest fucking shit for crypto

>> No.28749860

You already killed? I'm almost going to do it but im scared and i dont have the courage to do it

>> No.28749871

Dios mio

>> No.28749878
File: 45 KB, 500x631, E08BC196-DBEB-4871-A8B4-0E1346E50846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28749926

How much did you lose? From what I remember, Binance doesn't collect debts. I think they have an emergency fund for that. They'll probably ban you from the exchange though.

>> No.28749964

30 2mg bars
For 14 usd
Feels good man

>> No.28749986

If you're going to make a political post, make a good quality one. You're just shitposting.

>> No.28750194

Binance is chinese shit. They cant do anything. Just delete the app. Get a job and try again.

>> No.28750221

I don't owe them they margin called and took the borrowed and like 20 usd lol
I'm fine
My life did go to shit around covid losing my company and parents dying (they smoked drank eat like caligula ) I don't blame the china virus
But I'm not killing my self
I have to reinvent my self and my business at 29yo with 6 people depending on me which is sucky but I ain't some onions fag
Bought land and have like 5k left in crypto
I'm looking for good solid advice to split 1k I to some gamble coins the rest going to long term holds

>> No.28750250

I'm so fucking jealous but don't go too hard. WELL, you're your own person but I'm sure you know how crazy withdrawals and rebound anxiety/depression can get.
Enjoy that bro. <3

>> No.28750312

I ain't a onions faggot*

>> No.28750321

>there's more to life than money, power, success and happiness
this actually made me laff a lot

>> No.28750345

>I'm looking for good solid advice to split 1k I to some gamble coins the rest going to long term holds
XMR good long term hold

>> No.28750384

there's more to life you dumb fuck.

>> No.28750403

Kys now

>> No.28750425

I would pop 1 a day for like a month then stop for 2 months and switch to ritalin for productivity aka methphenidate

>> No.28750485

Not really. But op you did it once, you can do it again. Next time you will be smarter.

>> No.28750506

how fucking fat are you?
your hand is inflated like a fucking elephant you fat faggot

>> No.28750550

>Enjoy that bro. <3

>> No.28750576

Do you live in the virgin islands?

>> No.28750597


>> No.28750616


>> No.28750681

how tf are you retards getting margin called on such a small drop lmao

>> No.28750780

I was already made I kept paying employees during covid shit out of pocket 40 employees plus their families
That bankrupted me

>> No.28750846

Riviera maya
I longed the literal top 1850 eth

>> No.28750870

First day, huh?

>> No.28750997

Don't do it. You can make a comeback, ppl have come back from worse.

>> No.28750998


>> No.28751301

What phone did you use to take the first pic ?

>> No.28751524

good now paint your walls a different color.