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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28741364 No.28741364 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Bread:

>> No.28741485
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>> No.28741523
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why did every crypto just take a dump

>> No.28741528


>> No.28741554

Once again, do not buy.

>> No.28741634


4? 4 RIGHT???

>> No.28741663

See: >>28741539

>> No.28741695

If btc goes down a big chunk they usually all do.

>> No.28741737

Elon's retarded tweet + btc not getting past 50k. Literally every coin is in negative 24h %. Fucking everything dumped.

>> No.28741752 [DELETED] 
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if you don't know you don't know

>> No.28741819
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7th Feb: 0.085
9th Feb: 0.070
11th Feb: 0.065
13th Feb: 0.060
15th Feb: 0.050
>(you) are here
17th Feb: 0.045
19th Feb: 0.035
21st Feb: 0.025
23rd Feb: 0.015
25th Feb: 0.001
>*dabs on your grave*
>*nothin personal, kid*

>> No.28741824

Dont buy

>> No.28741847

feb 17th came early

>> No.28741873

what a ride
guess it was a good choice selling 50% at 8cent

>> No.28741917

it's so tempting but I know this is like standing on a rug over the mariana trench

>> No.28741993 [DELETED] 
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>it keeps going down

>> No.28742001

If you dont buy it will go lower.

>> No.28742064
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lmao his doge tweet also fucked literally every other coin too and even btc

>> No.28742078
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>> No.28742146

Get it down to 3, then do not buy.

>> No.28742156
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Looks like its pumping again dogebros!


>> No.28742175

>tries to recover from the dump
>fails miserably

>> No.28742275
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>> No.28742283
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I"m not buying until it hits below a cent lmao

>> No.28742312

Close guys. I repeat let it ride to 3

>> No.28742325
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>> No.28742372

4.5 cents

>> No.28742426

I'm with you on that

>> No.28742467

Maybe lower

>> No.28742469

The eurofags are going to wake up to an absolute dumpster fire lmfaoooooooooooooo

>> No.28742470
File: 16 KB, 326x379, 2021-02-15-1613356828_326x379_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess in the end everyone finally got their classy bubble graph they longed for so much

>> No.28742473

>Elon says whales need to sell to balance the coin
>Retards with 50 dollars worth of doge start selling
Absolute retards

>> No.28742483 [DELETED] 

Global rule 15: "All pony/brony threads, images, Flashes, and avatars belong on /mlp/."
>pony images belong on /mlp/
What you just did is a bannable offence, furry fag.

>> No.28742488

If it drops to a cent, it will likely drop to half a cent

>> No.28742500 [DELETED] 
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>> No.28742522

.03 maybe even .02

>> No.28742537

Definitely. If no one panics and buys in right now.

>> No.28742544


>> No.28742566

What did you expect? Even in these threads people fucking panic about the 5 bucks they put in.

>> No.28742609

Dogger themesong atm:

>> No.28742613

they're gonna "stabilize" it at a new level, people will go "wow bullish!" and then they"ll dump it again

>> No.28742643

>sell now
>buy back when its cheaper from whales selling
how is that retarded?

>> No.28742650 [DELETED] 
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>> No.28742695

The median Doge hodler todler only has $100 worth, what do you think?

>> No.28742702
File: 147 KB, 680x979, 1612905998232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get ready anons, everyone knows whales dont belong in space...

>> No.28742771


>> No.28742781

Cope, pony fags deserve nothing more than a long drop and a short stop after meeting Mr Rope.

>> No.28742820

literally me

>> No.28742843

I've got 10,505 of these shits, I'm waiting to buy in some more once it goes to close to the original price I bought them for at $0.036 a piece

>> No.28742931

I'm confident in it going lower guys.

>> No.28742959 [DELETED] 
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>> No.28742963

Stop replying to him. He's playing this schizo /mlp/fag game where they post crops from their booru and try to find their posts on other boards. You can get 15-day banned for replying to them.

>> No.28742967
File: 48 KB, 694x349, Screen Shot 2021-02-14 at 16.46.32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what an interesting couple hours

>> No.28742999

Literally every altcoin looks the same right now top kek. Whales already started going long, also a fuckton of people got liquidated.

>> No.28743034

strange how he never shows himself from the side

>> No.28743073 [DELETED] 
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>You can get 15-day banned for replying to them.

>> No.28743084
File: 165 KB, 1352x956, Screenshot 2021-02-15 at 12.46.23 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladies and Gentlemen, say hello to the new high. Enjoy it whilst it lasts, the train will be falling off the station in a couple hours from now.

>> No.28743098

All altcoins have been doing this the whole day today

>> No.28743103

It kind of has to.

>> No.28743168
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>> No.28743177

Possibly true but at a cent i'd be sitting comfy until
grimes cock throws a billy at it

>> No.28743196

2 cents is the buy back kiddos

>> No.28743201 [DELETED] 
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im sick of it twitter
i invest a billion dollars and you LAUGH at me

>> No.28743217

Doge needs to go even lower because whaleniggers keep choking the life out of it

>> No.28743234

My confidence in people not buying right now is dwindling though.

>> No.28743327

Made 3 grand from the dip

>> No.28743340

And were back. Hope you paperhands didnt sell!

>> No.28743413

man that was crazy but we're back in the bull flag hope yall are excited

>> No.28743417


>> No.28743437

I'm happy for you, really

>> No.28743464
File: 61 KB, 960x953, EV7TrXlU0AA_BFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a) Who do you think is buying up hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of coin from "whales"?
b) What do you think these people are going to do once they acquire whale sized bags?

>> No.28743468

Nothing ever happens. This is literally the only interesting thing in my life atm.

>> No.28743501

We are nowhere near back kek

>> No.28743525


>> No.28743537
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>And were back.

>> No.28743546
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The copium in this thread is off the charts!

>> No.28743563

momentum won't change unless it holds above 5.4 cents
almost certainly won't happen

>> No.28743574


>> No.28743596

> whales end up having more

>> No.28743609
File: 34 KB, 500x658, wx21r12ayih61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back down to .045 right now you little faggot.

>> No.28743642

Imagine how much you could make if you dont buy now and just let it drop to at least 3

>> No.28743647
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Ahem, gentlemen,

>> No.28743682

>we're back
yeah back to fucking 0.05
I sold at 0.057
Going to put my money in something with actual purpose
If this thing goes sub .04 Ill buy back in

>> No.28743698
File: 65 KB, 856x540, fuckmylife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>panic sold at 0.0498
>immediately starts pumping again

>> No.28743700

how the fuck is this stupid ass coin recovering almost all the drop.

>> No.28743702

I never sold after buying back at 0.035, I'm thinking of just putting some extra dosh in there while it's "low"

>> No.28743741


>> No.28743775

never panic sell

>> No.28743793

it was the entire market that was crashing

>> No.28743839

Because Musk said he's gonna support it if whales dump it read the tweet again

>> No.28743850

doge is going to .001

sell now sir

>> No.28743870

never underestimate the meme

>> No.28743902

the whole plan was to make whales do that, and you fell for it....
That was the last dip before list off
>all crypto down
>elon pumps it
>everyone fomos their other crypto bags here to nose loose profit

>> No.28743922

>bull flag
oh noo no no

>> No.28743930

No it's not. People keep buying

>> No.28743946

imo bc order books were wiped out
the price is completely arbitrary now

>> No.28743948
File: 83 KB, 900x900, 3he1zw894n741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If we just do what Daddy Elon says Dogecoin will finally be the proof of concept Communism needs! No whales! All equally shared, all equal millionaires!

>> No.28743955

have you not been watching this coin the past month? this happens every heavy dump, it's free money if you're willing to risk a little on timing the bottom

>> No.28743972

Bought at 0.06, if I will sell now and buy back if it drops to 0.04, I will get extra +/- 30k DOGE.

I think 0.04 is realistic now, right?

>> No.28743983

dip below .05 again so I can buy back in

>> No.28744011
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>> No.28744038

I'm buying in at 4 if it gets there. It's a gamble now.

>> No.28744059

> communism
> free market trade
pick one street shitter

>> No.28744110

Elon isn't moving market caps worth several trillion you smoothbrained mouth breather

>> No.28744118
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Next stop: .08.

Screenshot this.

>> No.28744127
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You would put your crypto bags into doge if the market was crashing?

>> No.28744134

4.5 to be more specific

>> No.28744141

i dont sell, i bought in a 2c im comfy as fuck rn lmao

>> No.28744168 [DELETED] 
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I want you fucking dead

>> No.28744233

Dont buy right now

>> No.28744237
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yeah, exactly as you said..just the fucking opposite you goddamn faggoot

>> No.28744242

Are the whales selling?

>> No.28744254
File: 2.03 MB, 750x705, 1613293737469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy 103k bag at 2c

>> No.28744268

How is "killing all the whales" so the "little hodler" can finally make it not Communism 101? We will seize the means of Doge and redistribute it to the masses, lmao. Musk yet again proving that Marxism is little more than Plutocrats whipping the serfs into line with feel good morals

>> No.28744307

>3 mil bids vs 6 mil asks
Somebody sure is

>> No.28744325

no bro, those 103k sell order you see are homless people

>> No.28744352
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Anyone see the timer ?

>> No.28744383
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This is so fucking unstable right now dogebros

>> No.28744394

ur an idiot, communism doesn't have bag holders

>> No.28744403

stupid hobos

>> No.28744421

fuck it i sold. im tired of this . I made a little money and thats good. im sick of this hodl bs. this memecoin has nothing behind it.

>> No.28744422

They probably will be if they don't sell in time

>> No.28744425

Blatant market manipulation is not conductive to a free society. Capitalism, like all systems, must be restrained, and in turn the restraints must be carefully monitored to ensure corruption does not set in.

Whales must die for their pajeet pnd bullshit.

>> No.28744429
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This ain't funny no more
I literally cannot sell, it's not that I cant live without the money, it's that I dont want to lose it when it could meme spike back up any moment like the past few weeks

>> No.28744446

I sold so I can buy back in at a lower point, but it's getting so nerve-wracking trying to track where the new low will be.

>> No.28744458
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>> No.28744467

still swinging my whole bag

>> No.28744493

>trusting le ebin bilionaire from reddit
you all deserve this

>> No.28744499

imagine investing what you cant afford to loose... couldnt be me pajeet
>inb4 $10 yearly salary

>> No.28744503

Why not? What are the implications?

>> No.28744524

>average cost <0.07

OOF y u do dat mane?

>> No.28744544
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It's going to be somewhere between .001 and .005

>> No.28744566

yeah, what's that limit sell order placed, mr diamond hands

>> No.28744567

It does in the beginning and it does in the end, only during the interim the plebs are deceived into thinking their "fair share" is coming. Only what was once primarily owned a select few in the private sector is now owned by a select few in the government, i.e. Musk. He's literally psyoping his followerings into accepting him as the new primary holder and they're all lapping it up.

Complete idiots.

>> No.28744571
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unstable is some nice euphemism right there lol

>> No.28744579

Because a bunch of people are trying to get it lower by not buying

>> No.28744580

Jesus christ, why even put this much money into a meme?

>> No.28744619

Do you want to lose money?

>> No.28744625
File: 326 KB, 612x526, 1612353896122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s-seven cent floor, r-right anons?

>> No.28744643

Yes and you will eliminate bourgeois by seizing all the doge and redistributing it to the proletariat?

>> No.28744646


>> No.28744667

Do not reply to that poster. It's an /mlp/schizo.

>> No.28744668

kek how old are you ? no way you ur over 15

>> No.28744681
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>> No.28744683
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>They sold?
>Buy it up.

>> No.28744704

I have over 100k doge at a penny apiece and already took my initial investment back out. I'm just smoking weed and playing EU4 t b h. My crypto will be fine.

>> No.28744709
File: 7 KB, 247x204, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>s-seven cent floor, r-right anons?
>drops to 0.049
It's so exhausting.

>> No.28744724
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I pick the white pill

>> No.28744743
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those days are long gone fren

>> No.28744748

>if you give wales money you win

>> No.28744781

My dude. If we wait an do not buy it will go down lower. Buy at the lowest.

>> No.28744808

Thats the attitude anon! , Im her taking .01 dabs for every 200k+ buy orders kek

>> No.28744812

the good thing is we've punctured 6h lower bollinger

>> No.28744860

it's funny I had $1k as my limit for how much I was willing to lose on the way up, but now that we're going down I don't even want to risk $100 on the dips. I'm just completely mentally out of this coin

>> No.28744886

Nigger I aint a commie. I'm a man who has realized that corporatist oligarchy bullshit is just as dangerous as the red gulags in entirely different ways. The rich exist in every society, whether its fucking commie, fascist, monarchist or capitalist, and they always inevitably become the problem once they start playing games with the lower classes.

>> No.28744903
File: 216 KB, 1125x2436, 47bcikmo5kh61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys better get in now if you want free easy money. Rockets about to take off. Screenshot this.

>> No.28744981

"temporarily lower" = $0.01 . I'll wait.

>> No.28744986

The limit sell is for .075 in case some freakish miracle happens while I'm asleep. But I might just take the 1000 dollar loss and sell before I sleep tonight and it falls even worse.

>> No.28744993

Why would he endorse a crypto that has 13 wallets holding 50% of the total wealth?

I mean, it's not about communism. He's not saying "we should take their coins!". He's just saying: I will not continue to endorse this currency if they don't sell.

Anyways, I think this is just an excuse. He's asking for the impossible so he can just stop tweeting about this. So now he would be like "yeah I liked that currency but you know, fucking whales, now please don't ask me again about this f memecoin thanks lol"

>> No.28745006

Late to the party my friend. Dont buy right now.

>> No.28745009 [DELETED] 
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You need to be killed

>> No.28745013

Temporarily doesn't necessarily mean only minutes or hours.

>> No.28745023
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My sides....

>> No.28745066

I sold and bought xlm while it was .45. Still have a 10k doge stack and i can always swing back to doge after i get a nice xlm pump

>> No.28745072

If it drops to .01 I'm all in.

>> No.28745126
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3 cents or lower I'm expecting. That is if the whales sell.

>> No.28745148

Gotcha alrighty, I got the bulk of mine at 0.002 back in 2019 I was just curious what was going on. I'm just gonna sit and wait then

>> No.28745167
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>> No.28745192

I havent touched DOGE yet, but same

>> No.28745202

You people need to hold and by that I mean do not buy. Wait for the .01

>> No.28745274


Sorry, not dropping below .05.

>> No.28745279
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>> No.28745285
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>> No.28745310

I give it 1 hour

>> No.28745359

If the whale kikes don't sell so yeah maybe

>> No.28745363

My dick in your ass says it will.

>> No.28745380
File: 419 KB, 530x696, 1519329936695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literal fucking tard he means crash that shit to the bottom first not for a dozen of normie coinlets to panic sell you literal autist

>> No.28745391

Do you think the whales are actual people?

>> No.28745401

I'm expecting europoors to dump once they've seen what's been going on, but we'll see what happens

>> No.28745408

it already did an hour ago.

>> No.28745423
File: 38 KB, 681x223, Screen Shot 2021-02-14 at 17.19.21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get on my level

>> No.28745483

they are dumping it so all the big players can get in. Wall Street realized they lose the game and they wanna be on top of crypto. They wanna dump it as low as possible buy everything and control the market.

>> No.28745499

explain what trend says it will double dip pajeet

>> No.28745567
File: 24 KB, 726x273, w4vt9wnyr4w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm putting a limit order when for 0.04 or somewhere in that range, doubt it will go that low but I'm hoping to some extra shiba kerns

>> No.28745595

It depends on how weak you are. If you buy now or not.

>> No.28745598
File: 1.27 MB, 1280x720, 1612835071611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get ready for lift off faggots we gonna moon

>> No.28745650
File: 28 KB, 1108x397, Screenshot_2021-02-15 Dashboard - Binance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life savings... In shambles...
Hope; obliterated...

>> No.28745669

i didint sell and bought like $1000 in .049

>> No.28745683

I always buy with btc, am I dumb?

>> No.28745709

If it doesn't drop before the euros get up I will buy in to ride their pump, and sell before bed. It is what it is.

>> No.28745725

1k by October

>> No.28745777

Look at the chard, pendant break out last warning, you have aprox 1 min to fomo

>> No.28745790

Could have went lower but I dont blame you. I'm just waiting to see when I break.

>> No.28745809

Avg. cost?

>> No.28745826

Should I buy now or wait for it to get to 3 cents.

>> No.28745856

no, i mean i bought the dip to add to my bag anon

>> No.28745880
File: 8 KB, 250x201, biz pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when it's $5 a few years how will you guys spend your monies?

I want a nice comfy house with a cool doge poster in the garage to greet me every day. maximum comfy

>> No.28745909

I would be in back near .008

>> No.28745943

Who knows what is happening with doge right now? Nobody. That's who.
I have nearly 4k and I'm not selling since I got them under 5c. Might even buy more and lower my average even more.

>> No.28745948

Here's hoping

>> No.28745951
File: 87 KB, 751x701, 112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noone on this board is stupider/worse off than me when it comes to doge

>> No.28745982

My HD 7970 almost caught fire...

>> No.28745991

Crippled-Schizofags would disagree, along with Sergay's children

>> No.28746028

Why would you use a crypto whose only real value is converting into a currency (USD) that is likewise 50% owned by 13 people?

>> No.28746052

unfortunately you're going to have to play the long game now anon

>> No.28746077

I have a legit question - Elon tweeted that whales need to sell more, and suddenly they did sold more. What the actual fuck, what is going on?

>> No.28746096

Holy fucking trips

>> No.28746140

Don't worry bro, there are people who unironically bought at 8 cents.

>> No.28746143

Do you think Musk gives a fuck that 50% of Tesla stock is owned by himself? Is he going to be democratising his own shares any time soon, or is this just something else he's seeking to monopolise?

>> No.28746155

That dump was virtually nothing for them. They can still control the market with ease.

>> No.28746170

Tug-of-war between two behemoths over control of Dogecoin

>> No.28746193

Doesn't matter what you think, you will never eradicate the emergent property of "wealthy" and "poor", without bringing everyone down to the lowest common denominator.

>> No.28746194

The purge

>> No.28746203

They have billions of doge my dude

>> No.28746227

I'm taking this as my chance to get off of Robinhood, hopefully Doge doesn't pump before my money is put in my account.

>> No.28746243
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>> No.28746247

Yes, I understand, but why did they listen to him? It's was like straight command - sell, and they sold.

>> No.28746266

Old enough to recognise a pump and dump grift

>> No.28746356

>buying the top of a meme

ngmi. you should have bought 100k doge for ~$350 a couple months ago and DCA'd out when it started getting pumped by elon. and you should not have done any of it on robinhood.

>> No.28746401

Did you know 14 million new Doge coin are mined each day? Do you know what that means if this shit were to reach $1? Someone would have to pump $14 million dollars USD into it each day just to sustain the price. That's never going to happen.

>> No.28746443

Nothing wrong with RH fuck off

>> No.28746447

Because he can probably crash the coin, and fuck up their whole operation.

>> No.28746456

Which is why civilizations collapse and are reborn every 250 years or so.
I didnt say it could be eradicated, in fact did I not say it was inevitable? A new society is formed, the divisions begin, the divisions worsen, the elite overstep and are destroyed and a new society is formed in their ashes.

>> No.28746508

i can't keep watching this all night. someone wake me up when it hits .2 so i can buy in

>> No.28746554
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>> No.28746557

Ok, he crashes the coin, what's the next step? Buy more and send it to the moon? I am struggling to find real reasons behind all this stuff.

>> No.28746561

>sell orders only because fuck you
>can't withdraw crypto
you need to go back

>> No.28746570

If any of you are up when the euros take over tell the not to buy. I'm off for the night.

>> No.28746589

Wouldnt elon be a whale since hes got 2billi of this shit

>> No.28746612

>whales sell
>elon is out
If these are the choices you should sell asap.

>> No.28746616

Based conscientious Dogebro. Sleep thight fren.

>> No.28746683

There are whales, then there is the leviathan.
Whales are bunch of nasty pajeets that nobody likes
The leviathan has at least one worshipper in this thread.

>> No.28746692

Basic math:
1. 14 million coins made each day
2. You want $1 a coin
3. For it to get to that point you'd need to invest at minimum $14 million USD each day
4. How much is that in a year? 14 x 365 = $5.1 BILLION

You would need to invest 5.1 billion into Doge in a year just to maintain $1 price floor levels. You people are idiots to never take into account how worthless something is when it has an infinite market cap.

>> No.28746749

ayy fuck you, I think whales are neat

>> No.28746754

it has a cap tard

>> No.28746757

Who ever said anything about sustainability

>> No.28746772
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Control, anon. Right now the whales control the market because they have a majority of the coins. Elon Musk wants them to sell a large portion of their coins so the "little guy" can get some skin in the game. If they don't he will no longer advocate for the currency. At least that's the narrative that is being presented, believe what you wanna.

>> No.28746782

Damn no ps5 cuck in this thread? His shit must have exploded.

>> No.28746787

Why would you want to withdraw it?

>> No.28746797

elon could put 5.1 bil in alone but it's not going to happen unless every whale sells which won't happen unless he some how gets in contact with them to work with them.

>> No.28746807

If you've got a few billion in something thats never going to be sold off, then you have security. Elon wont sell just like he wont sell his Tesla stock. He's not just going to cash out at an opportunistic moment because he doesnt need to, he's already at the top.

>> No.28746810
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this guy

>> No.28746900

No it doesn't, you can literally produce infinite Doge coin

>> No.28746933

Someone tell me what to do, please

>> No.28746970

Checked, but market cap isn't even the term you're looking for. You can only produce 5 billion a year, though. That's a little less than 5% inflation.

>> No.28746983

Sell ASAP and buy back when it hits 2 cents.

>> No.28746987

Hold and buy at the dip.


>> No.28747007

Sounds reasonable, Dogebro. So what you want to say - if there is going to be a massive dip, we prolly going to the moon after that? I am not talking about 1-2 weeks and we are mooning, no, maybe 3-4 months or so.

>> No.28747043

I should buy more if it goes to 2 cents

>> No.28747052 [DELETED] 
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Anon how did you do that?

>> No.28747074

>Elon crashed it while I was at work
Fuck I couldn't even swing on this shit

>> No.28747094

what elon did wrong was pumping the coin, pumping only benefits whales and those who were in before the pump, so hilariously all he did was transform even more people into whales. if he was serious about the coin he would have accumulated slowly with a long term goal in mind. but it's just a meme to him so why be smart, right?

>> No.28747103
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>> No.28747147

Don't come here unless it's doomping or poomping. Watching retards bickering about market caps or deciphering Musk tweets gets old fast.

>> No.28747159

It needs to crash more stupid

>> No.28747193
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>> No.28747220

We don't know his endgame, anon, we can't see real reasons. I mean he could be really smart ass, or he just dumb faggot. I guess we have to wait and see.

>> No.28747230


>> No.28747281

I'll eat your lunch.

>> No.28747309
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>> No.28747322

Can someone explain to me how whales make money? Is it just basic swing trading for small, frequent profits?

>> No.28747370

They have enough doge that they can swing trade and make thousands off a few percentage points. Its not hard to understand.

>> No.28747442

Based, glad you could make it.

>> No.28747456
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And the train has left the platform. Strap in boys.

>> No.28747468
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I can't say for certain, but that's my takeaway for the time being. If we take Elon at his word, and the whales dump then this coin will officially have the backing of the richest man in the world. That being said these are uncharted waters, and anything could happen at this point.

>> No.28747486

Which assuming current prices would require you to spend $275 million a year just to prop up for something you would hypothetically need to bleed ever more into. Is it worth $0.1? Great, now you need to spend $550 million a year. It isn't like other cryptos where their cap allows your holdings to appreciate, the inflation driven from the infinite amount is designed to work against any intrinsic value, that is the whole point of the meme coin, to be as worthless as possible by design.

>> No.28747533

So basically what I said? I didn't think it was hard to understand, I just wanted confirmation because I'm new to this shit.

>> No.28747567

Already looking forward to the posts of confused Euros waking up and seeing their gains vanished into nothingness.

>> No.28747655

how will I make money then?

>> No.28747713


>> No.28747811
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You weren't ever supposed to. The flash in the pan which skyrocketed the price from nothing the past ten years to "something" was only because of new investors diversifying off the Bitcoin boom late last year. They have no idea what they're doing and don't understand why it was worthless for so long. It will soon return to that historic average in no time, in typical boom to bubble to bust fashion.

>> No.28747813

Thanks for dialogue, Dogebro, wish you a comfy day.

>> No.28748124

So why not make money along the way?

>> No.28748347

Because despite the price crashing 5% everyday there are people still here that think it's pumping ever again.

>> No.28748555

Who is withdrawing doge?? Who cares that much? No one is long on doge.

>> No.28748604

Lol no.