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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28739110 No.28739110[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does /biz eat whatever you want or are you saving up to add to your investments?

>> No.28739176

I eat ground turkey burritos every day

>> No.28739211

I eat beans and rice until I pay off my $40k in credit cards by 2030

>> No.28739249

I eat mostly whatever I want. I love food.

>> No.28739257

Enjoy that heart attack bro

>> No.28739289

thanks for the pic OP, I'm hungry but too lazy to actually cook something and your pic reminded me that I still have a shrimp egg roll in the freezer

>> No.28739331
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fucking A bro, do you at least have crypto money?

>> No.28739347

king food = king brain

slave food = slave brain

investing in food is investing in ur health

>> No.28739360

I’m dieting because I’m too chubby

>> No.28739405
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Just buy staples. Screw processed food.

>> No.28739406

no im fasting with snake juice

>> No.28739418
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>>$40K in Credit Cards

Dude what happened?

>> No.28739444

There is a difference? I make my own pizza dough and bread from 45p per 1.5kg flour and tomato sauce from 35p passata and some onions (15p). Garlic (20p), chorizo (£3 but I use 1/5), and some random herbs and spices (~50p). If I am splashing out I add cheese and pepperoni but otherwise that meal above sustains me. I also make hash browns sometimes from eggs, potatoes, and onions. I like to eat these things and they are cheap. Soup is great too!

>> No.28739729

You unironically drink 4loko?

>> No.28739770

I've been training fasting 1~2 days, tomorrow i'll try 3 with juice. Fasting is bretty cool, i feel more focused and calm.

>> No.28739787

I drink a lot and order shit on Amazon and eBay, and I lie to the credit card companies to give me as high of credit limits as possible.

>> No.28739878

I eat whatever I want so that's why I'm a fat fuck, but my girlfriend gets turned on by rubbing my belly so it works out in the end.

>> No.28739881

i spent like 6 years eating cheap cheap food so i could have more to invest in crypto and no fucking joke im a low 7 fig millionaire now

>> No.28739970

I basically eat like a Romanian peasant circa 1930

>> No.28739978

modern food and diet is the biggest jew. fasting has increased my energy and helped me lose 20 lbs in 2 weeks. still overweight and need about 30lbs to go.

>> No.28740016

whats the secret? i cant get them to give me shit

>> No.28740054
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the best investment is in your health. want to live long, disease free, with vitality? eat fucking real food. i follow an animal based diet that includes organs. I recognize plant foods are mostly useless but is still consume fruit and fermented vegetables. it is important to prioritize animal meat and fats in the diet.

what an average day over eating looks like:
>12 eggs scrambled in ghee or tallow
> 1 lb steak or ground beef
> maybe some sashimi or other seafood

Throw in some fruit or veggies here and there, and eat raw liver maybe once a week. It's best if you can get grassfed / grass finished organic too.

>> No.28740136
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i eat baked bananas wrapped in bacon.
net worth $0

>> No.28740198

i can cook well so i eat nice things without having to pay $50+ at a restaurant. i avoid beef though because its so expensive but i prefer pork or chicken anyway. my cheapest meal is i will grab a couple roast chickens about 30 mins before a supermarket closes for a couple bucks, dice them up and freeze them in small 150g bags, then throw them in a spicy ramen soup with some pork paste, narutomaki, chilli oil and s o y sauce. cheap as hell and it will fill you enough for a full day atleast. also gives you amazing farts

>> No.28740259

wtf dude

>> No.28740263
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1/4 of my monthly pay goes towards ordering doordash because the only thing that brings me joy in life is eating greasy fatty foods

>> No.28740296

Actual retard

>> No.28740333

I'm saving. Usual breakfast is about $2 (either a large bowl of oat cereal, a couple slices of toast with organic peanut butter, or maybe skipped with a couple of clif bars to hold me over). Usual lunch is also about $2, either homemade refried beans plus doritos, or a couple mayo sandwiches plus potato chips, plus a couple handfuls of cashews. Dinner is closer to $5, either a large tray of chicken nuggies, a few homemade burgers, or maybe a salmon filet if I'm feeling fancy. Once a month I treat myself with Pizza Hut.

>> No.28740360
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i eat whatever i want and usually that means at least 6k cal daily. work hard play hard eat large know what i'm sayin? big plays take big energy amigo

>> No.28740405
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This. I also do intermittent fasting through the week and have two cheat days where i just eat what i want. The moment you stop thinking of food as some kind of orgasmic source of dopamine, the better off you'll be. I've started working out regularly again too and am getting more toned.

>> No.28740412


>> No.28740481

whats the limits of lying? id imagine if i told them i own a dozen properties and had a million bucks theyd like proof

>> No.28740482

this. So long as you exercise somewhat (a 20 minute walk a day will do) your body will turn this into jet fuel.

>> No.28740488

where's the beans?

>> No.28740600

Add some greens to that mix and some tofu and you live better than 90% of the people

>> No.28740610

getting 40k is easy, just tell them you make 80-95k a year. And opening multiple lines of credit is the ticket.

>> No.28740643

>eating the way that humans have for hundreds of thousands of years is retarded
my food is packed full of nutrients in bio-available form.
shut the fuck up man

>> No.28740769

I pretty much eat what I want but I'm sensible and thrifty anyway. A wife that can cook is the greatest fucking thing on this Earth. Don't underestimate that shit.

>> No.28740771

I can't be fucked to cook much these days so I eat stuff that takes no time to prepare like cereal, sandwiches, muffins. I stopped drinking booze a month ago so I feel a lot better just from that

>> No.28740815

did they ask for any proof?

>> No.28740829
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>> No.28740835

Good for you anon.
Hope you turn that into 8 figs this bullrun

>> No.28740874
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Me eat very nice
it am investment into ones self
splurging on food am only splurging tho

all me need am computer, good food and dead anime girls

>> No.28741110

do you at least cook the bacon?

>> No.28741161

its tasty

>> No.28741239

Never takeout.
Beans and rice with some type of meat based protein.

Splurge on big macs if something goes up.

>> No.28741597

Lol eat healthy and well, just not too much, niggers its not so expensive you cant invest
Im a poorfag student in uk and eat like a king, just super stringent with everything else
Havent bought a single article of clothing except socks for 3 years, no subscriptions, only person i get presents for are my gf and they tend to be things i use too anyway, like gardening equipment or a blender

>> No.28741831

just eat onions instead at that point

>> No.28742030

Dude, i'm gonna type as sober as possible, that honestly looks fucking pathetic and digusting compared to my meal. and I'm being one hundred percent serious. Sorry we dont cook shit that was perviously in cans. you're a fucking joke dude, and im dead fucking serious. Get a real family that cooks good food, drinks beer and wine and has a good fuking time, and has a milliondollar house on the beach, im serious... dont ever post your fuking poverty dinner on my board ever the fuck again bro, and by bro i mean never my bro, fucking nigger

>> No.28742213


>> No.28742228

Nah i thought that but have a mate who does raw carnivore and the like (in cycles), hes way healthier than before and swears by it, says he gets almost high sometimes and feels too energized
1 time he got real bad food poisonning though... like really fucking bad, nearly 2 weeks of flu and shitting liquid...