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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 10 KB, 417x267, askovsplt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28716780 No.28716780 [Reply] [Original]

I'll keep it simple.


>> No.28716940

PLT no doubt, not even questionable.

>> No.28716996
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got bags for both
like a true genius

>> No.28717036
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weird question

>> No.28717096

Fuck asko plt is serious thing. Asko pnd

>> No.28717120
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same, wgmi

>> No.28717220

Both are pajeet shitcoins, enjoy losing money

>> No.28717229

ASKO has code, PLT doesn't ... :\

>> No.28717236

Both are literally being pnd'd by the same scummy discord faggots. There's a reason why PLTfags are shilling in literally every ASKO thread.

>> No.28717394

Then where do I go to make the money I've won with them>\?

>> No.28717506

ASKO and their highschooler website ?? Fuck this pajeet project, all in PLT

>> No.28717548

wait what, PLT's code was audited by Perkshield, it looks bulletproof. Report is out here you want it?

>> No.28717555
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See you at $1 faggets

>> No.28717777

>PLT has one running working project
> ASKO has not
yes yes.. ASKO has code..

>> No.28717856

ASKO will probably be on Binance tomorrow or this week. That's what the massive buy was for. Probably safe to just buy ASKO, sell some at 1$ and get bags of both before EOW.

>> No.28717885

If you are trying to go for a moonshot just go 50/50 both desu, no need to put all your chickens in one egg

>> No.28717977

Just look at the websites it's a pretty obvious choice...

>> No.28718064

what makes you say that they will be on binance? You got a link? Im thinking of buying

>> No.28718100

Massive buy on feb 12th, where the volume spiked and price spiked over 60c. Someone had a screencap of them saying that it's unprofessional for them to announce a Binance listing before Binance, PLT we probably have some time because the swap to ADD is going to come before they move forward. They aren't going to integrate PLT into the current code, they will only launch token specific products once the swap to ADD is complete.

>> No.28718200
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hmmm, asko whale that bought with 130 eth is still holding, and all of you retards are selling because of your gay little "mainnet dump". you will all be seething in a weeks time

>> No.28718203

>what makes you say that they will be on binance?
>I'm thinking of buying

>> No.28718202

Ignore this, some retarded whale bought 350 ETH worth at one point and retards assume it's Binance. Except exchanges don't buy at market price and certainly don't buy on Uniswap. They buy from the dev's liquidity pool directly.
refer to the above, you are one of the retards I was referring to.

>> No.28718234

Open first site
Ponzi staking garbage

Open second site
Ponzi staking garbage larping as if its associated with cardano and charles will shell out money for a defi ponzi

Passing on 400% pumpung and 600% flavor of the day shitcoins in peak alt season. Get 3x levers on real coins like eth, ada, dot, etc for consistent large gains. You can at least sleep at night

>> No.28718327
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>> No.28718375

Thanks brother, fucken retards talking shit like a pajeet

>> No.28718495

regardless of the buy itself I guess I should have said, someone speculated in the TG BECAUSE of the buy and they said they can't announce anything about the listing before Binance because it would be unprofessional. someone here might have a screencap I didn't save it.

>> No.28718613

Pajeet scam or pajeet scam?

>> No.28718765
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hahaha, still playing with shit coins on eth. dump asko and plt. buy avax!

>> No.28718775

PLT is the new sherif in town. ASKO eternally BTFOD

>> No.28718778

To the next pump and dump scam. Shhhh

>> No.28718845
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also this. kek. you think normies aren’t going to pump the fuck out of this when their favorite YouTubers and influencers are shilling it?

>> No.28718862

>Get 3x levers on real coins like eth, ada, dot, etc for consistent large gains. You can at least sleep at night
>leveraged position on highly volatile assets
>sleep at night
pick one. your chances of getting liquidated are extremely high. you are unironically better off holding hot garbage, at least you only lose as much as you put in.
I saw this screencap, but it was a generic answer from the admin, if they were to list on binance or any other exchange they would not announce it first. doesn't really provide a hint. also remember this conversation was a few days before mainnet launch, it wasn't in the admin's interest to completely rule out a binance listing regardless of how likely or unlikely it might be. what I gathered from this anon's post is a desperate poorfag grasping at straws in the hope his shitcoin of choice will make him rich.

>> No.28719525

PLT. Asko has already gone from 0.5c to 60c. PLT shilling only started 2 days ago and it's just up x5 instead of x120

>> No.28719946

Asko is gonna make me much more money. Panic sellers increased my stack due to staking. Also ASKO is gonna have low risk and high risk pooling which I will take advantage of with my dividends. My free money will be making more free money while we moon to $2.

>> No.28720169

ASKO isn't at .60 dude, it's crabbing at .13, it's massively undervalued and people are raking it in in divvies,. your loss though, I'll be sure to shove it in your face when it breaks $1.

>> No.28720236

this anon gets it. 45.25% of holders staking is extremely bullish, stupid swingers will get teh rope as always because they cant DYOR

>> No.28720613


the Asko web was rushed and looks unprofessional, so does their litepaper and their CEO did an AMA on /biz/ which is both a good and a bad thing. A lot was riding on the launch going smoothly and it didn't, and on top of that half the team is anonymous or this is their first project, so even if ASKO has a future, it's a lot more shaky than PLT

>> No.28720979
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ASKO still has a pump or two left in it
last night half of biz was saying there would be a rugpull, now they're shitting on the beta version of their new website

I bought at .12 two days ago, which is hilariously exactly what it's at now, next time is pumps near .40 I will offload 80% of my stack, the dog CEO pic is too crazy even for a micro cap coin

>> No.28721049

Well the launch was a disaster, the "new" website looks just as bad at the last one, and it did dump.. sooo...

>> No.28721054

PLT BROS WTF?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?

>> No.28721189

I am just holding both, I think that PLT will probably dump more before it pumps just because we pretty much still have to wait for the swap, wish they would have just done it already. I think that both will succeed personally, and I think that ASKO is going to have a retarded pump soon personally.

>> No.28721507
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>half the team is anonymous

At first I was a bit concerned about this, but now I'm seeing reddit-tier autists going through the non-anon devs' social media looking for non-politically correct stuff. Maybe devs keeping their anonymity, while having a few serving as the face, being backed up by other reputable people, is the way to do it.

>> No.28721575
File: 110 KB, 1080x1349, anais mai lan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think that ASKO is going to have a retarded pump soon personally.
After seeing the insane pump to .40 on Friday, biz and reddit are going to FOMO in as soon as it starts to move upward 10-15%

I admit to coping about the website launch fiasco, but there's just as many faggots who were saying there was going to be a rugpull or dev dump and yet the team is still updating the telegram and the lend platform is up

>> No.28721583

ASKO pnd is over. PLT is in the pump phase. Probably not worth jumping into at this point, gonna dump soon

>> No.28721688

PLT is an obvious pump and dump, the project is shit with no fundamentals and without biz pumping it nobody would hear about it.
On the other hand ASKO is also manipulated buyt it has long term chance of going strong.
Id put my money long term on ASKO and possibly try to ride the next PLT wave nad just dump like everyone

>> No.28721734

I was just about to ask if it's too late to ride the PLT pnd

>> No.28721835

whether PLT is a pnd is besides the point. everything defi is a pnd right now, but that doesnt mean a 5mil cap defi shitcoin wont 5-20x in a week

>> No.28721872

It's likely going to dump a lot, but after a big dump and/or the swap happens it will have a lot of potential. I personally just loaded up on more ASKO during the dump, but I am holding both.

>> No.28721942

PLT might continue dumping to 12 cents if you are lucky, but it will probably not go down much past 15 cents before the next pump, which will be sooner than later

>> No.28722042

any of you guys in FLASH?
5m cap and an actual legit project

>> No.28722101

amazingly these price points are exactly what ASKO is doing

>> No.28722193

dapper labs flow also has a dog as an advisor
look at it now

>> No.28722229

don't worry, AVAX is my biggest bag

>> No.28722290

I just looked and don't see a dog

>> No.28722416

>PLT crashes 3 hours after i buy in
i will never recover from this loss

>> No.28722476

Because biztards are the only buyers, and the PnD whales who set it up a week in advance

>> No.28722516


dont fall for the pajeet scam. u WILL lose money.
got early in asko, made a x3 and left to never look back again.
if u didnt buy asko at 0.05 tops, dont bother.
whales will keep droping bags after bags in ur head.

>> No.28722590

hard to completely compare tho, since ASKO had a major pump, and PLT hasnt yet. if they share an archetypal shitcoin cycle, ASKO is a little later on. IMO ASKO doesnt know what it wants to do yet, but PLT does and that is dumping a bit but then pumping more

>> No.28722607

Look at the teams on LinkedIn and realise that none of these alts will survive for long. But if I have to chose PLT

>> No.28722679

its even bigger than you think.. you know you can spend it twice right?

>> No.28722923

>go to asko.finance
>click partners
>see dOrg
>look at the projects dOrg has coded

imagine thinking like people from reddit and giving a shit about political bullshit someone says on a personal account.

>> No.28723065

or worse, imagine selling a d0rg project because of a smiling dog pic.

>> No.28723228

d0rg stopped working on asko two months ago: https://github.com/AskobarNetwork/Askolend/commit/10d77e2ecc7bbc3afbcdffc632014ca32b49758b

And before you say "they did their job no more work is needed" then why tf is it not finished? Just look at the website.

>> No.28723326

Oh look another retard who doesn't know what a double spend is. Amazing you guys invest in stuff you have absolutely no understanding of.

>> No.28723445

dOuBLe MiNt lololololol

>> No.28723472

stan36 (lead dev) is literally a part of dOrg kek


>> No.28723508

Alan shut the fuck up lol

>> No.28723733

every shitcoin rugpull these days actually has a decent looking website they keep online until the rug is pulled. this doesn't mean jack shit.
bitcoin whitepaper was done in notepad.

>> No.28723886

bitcoin chink scam confirmed

>> No.28723980

right on. pretty str8 take right here.
honestly would be thrilled to swing between .20-.30 with dividends forever and ever.

>> No.28724150

How did you get early on asko?

>> No.28724169

d0rg wasnt hired for that and afaik doesnt do fucking front end css coding. jesus christ..
lead dev is a d0rg guy, active in chat a bit ago.

>> No.28724212

literally and unironically both shilled by the same group of shills

>> No.28724394
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>> No.28724541
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This is one of the only non anon person involved with with asko lmao

>> No.28724766
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you just posted this in the other thread Ranjesh

you posted 1 dOrg dev and here is the other one :

>> No.28724878

anyone who takes two seconds to go to the website and click team can see that's not true kek

>> No.28724907

>Get 3x levers on real coins like eth, ada, dot, etc for consistent large gains.
ok anon that's enough larping for today

>> No.28725205
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I agree 99% of alts will die, but the ones that have a chance at survival are the ones that pay dividends, because that's something that can actually be sold to boomers

kind of like how Bitcoin was originally incorrectly marketed as a currency but has now shifted to being "digital gold / store of value", financially-stable boomers don't want daily 5% swings and would rather just park their money in a lending crypto rather than BTC

>> No.28725279

asko devs cant even make a fucking responsible website anon

>ceo has a dog as pfp
>they banned everyone that asked about the dog pics
>devs keep saying shits on the chat like: HOLD DON'T SELL PLEASEEEEEEE WE WILL FIX THE WEBSITE SIRRRRR

>> No.28725344

it is anon, the minds. com profile is linked at the "team" section

>> No.28725429

>>devs keep saying shits on the chat like: HOLD DON'T SELL PLEASEEEEEEE WE WILL FIX THE WEBSITE SIRRRRR
if they're actively fixing the website and giving updates, then what is the issue?
oh, I forgot, you're a faggot dothead

>> No.28725511
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>> No.28725723

it's okay that you sold the bottom anon, happens to plenty of people.

also I meant that he is not the only non-anonymous person, alec, felipe, victor and chris.

alec, felipe and victor are all also part of quai dao

>> No.28725757


>>devs keep saying shits on the chat like: HOLD DON'T SELL PLEASEEEEEEE WE WILL FIX THE WEBSITE SIRRRRR

ive been on the tg for the past 24h and i never saw a dev asking ppl to hold. fuck off nigger

>> No.28725801

founder of BAT was cancelled 8 years ago for donating to an anti gay marriage politician
doubt crypto bros give a fuck about some autist coder who likes conspiracies

>> No.28726921

thats actually based, anon

I'll buy 10k bat after knowing that

>> No.28727148

I've been browsing here for years and I haven't seen anyone post a source for where they find 'new' coins. Where do these developers post their shitcoins for you cunts to find? Or is everyone here just selling air to morons?

>> No.28727451
File: 221 KB, 742x806, z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>planning to cooperate
I mean, I made lots from Asko but the devs are incompetent. I was one of the original shillers here too, see metadata on attached pic for creation date of a shitty pic I made in oaint3d for the first Asko general on here and check the charts. That's when I bought in. You are currently on that day +2 with PLT so fucking early you retards. Buy and hold for at least 14 days, probably longer as this is actually more serious than Asko

>> No.28727797

I usually discover new coins on /biz/ and on my twitter bubble

>> No.28728176

PLT - it will ride for the next week so if you want quick profits the momemtum is with them.

Asko is a horror story. Discord all silent and people getting banned on their telegram for questioning them.

>> No.28728514

MERV is a good site, you can see newly minted coins on Uniswap I think. I'm half retarded though, so don't trust me.


I don't even know how to read this information

>> No.28728785

PLT is the biggest scam. Some dude posted here last week pumping it. Then when it hit 12¢, said goodbye and cashed out his bag. Fucking /biz/ just saw the pump and jumped on. It is shit. It’s not worth anything. Bigger dogeCoin.

>> No.28728873

Yea look at the whales who staked last nights movement for asko. They fucking killed it . I have a micro stack and still did fine. You fools are part retard.

>> No.28729055

Asko with 2 devs vs. PLT with 11 devs. At the end product matters and Asko's devs can't even code a proper web site

>> No.28729797

Both projects have potential. ASKO is far from dead, but the launch was a definite shitshow. PLT has potential as well, but no woking product so right now everyone is operating on hopium. Would be worth picking up a bag when it dumps back down under 0.1

>> No.28730848

really stupid take, the mcap has a long way to go still.

>> No.28731933

a s k o

>> No.28732050
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