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2870659 No.2870659 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2870681

>spend $3 worth of shitcoin on a Big Mac
>week later shitcoin moons
>big mac now cost you $12.50


>> No.2870689

>mental accounting

you're not going to make it

>> No.2870699

I see things like this a lot but it's somewhat of a fallacy. If you bought that Big Mac with 3 USD you would feel like you didn't lose any money since fiat is stable, but you still lost money in the opportunity cost of not getting the mooning shitcoin.

>> No.2870814

Buy gift cards with bitcoin

>> No.2870855
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>> No.2871135
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>insert bitcoin
>wait 45 minutes for the transaction to confirm
>food is cold by the time you're allowed to eat it

>> No.2871153

>you would feel like

Wrong. That's exactly how I feel every time I'm forced to spend any money. Every shekel that I'm not biologically required to eat in order to live I put straight into crypto.

>> No.2871171

yeah it's a problem

>> No.2871181

You use this you stupid faggots:

Visa debit - ltc, eth, btc


direct from Cuckbase

>> No.2871542

inb4 McDonalds will let you eat as soon as the first confirmation comes through

>> No.2871565

>Stealthily connect your 4 gpu portable crypto farm backpack to that power outlet on the counter
>use free wifi to connect to stratum server
>mine fresh shitcoin awkwardly standing near the counter for an hour
>sell it on bittrex for bitcoin on your smartphone
>order a burger

>> No.2872395

I'll buy you a Big Mac if you give me 3.95 BTC.

>> No.2872482


>> No.2872626


Next question?

>> No.2872727
File: 70 KB, 725x483, ltc fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just pay in ltiecoin

>> No.2872754

How do i buy a house with bitcoin?

>> No.2872766

>chronic hodlitic gainphoria

>> No.2872833
File: 40 KB, 600x485, dumbpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I buy a big mac with gold?