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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 37 KB, 678x578, 1613269612295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28673559 No.28673559 [Reply] [Original]

What is PLT?
PLT is the first privacy lending platform.
Right guys, a working unique DeFi privacy lending platform standing at 2.5M MCap. (Which is fucking insane)

Crypto Zombie reviewed the token (starting at 07:15):
https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&t=435s&v=491rjrmXqr4&ab_channel=CryptoZombie (embed) [Embed] [Open] [Embed]

Comfy bullpoints:
>-All-in-one DeFi Privacy Platform
>-DeFi lending platform (like ASKO, but in stealth mode)
>-$PLT holders will receive a split of all fees generated throughout the ecosystem.
>-A percentage of all the fees generated on ADD.xyz will be used to buy back $PLT on the market to remove them from circulation
>-Staking, swaping, mobile app and lending protocol coming soon
>-Partnerships: Uniswap, 1nch, AAVE, Sentinel, Changelly
>-Sitting at friggin 2M MCAP (x10-x1000 potential)

Team & Company:
-Fully doxxed team from UK.
-Established company based in London (Companyaddress: London, WC1H 9HQ, GB)
-Over 10 devs (no freelancers!)
-CEO (Arnie Hill) is from UK. He is also the Director of Jacked Supplements with over 50 employees.
-Lead Product Designer is from US: https://www.linkedin.com/in/miguel-leal-6b6905168/.. (Previous experience in the U.S. Department Homeland Security).

>Fully audited code by Peckshield
>Result: Approximately 10 low to informational issues were raised and all were resolved during the audit and re-auditing process.
>One of the best reviews ever (only light bugs)

Forbes Senior Editor talking with Arnie Hill:

Where can you buy it?:
Address: 0x9fbfed658919a896b5dc7b00456ce22d780f9b65
Hotbit: https://www.hotbit.io/exchange?symbol=PLT_USDT
Polonix: https://poloniex.com/exchange/USDT_PLT


>> No.28673847
File: 38 KB, 882x493, addxyz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dip is over, get in now rather than 5 hours from now. I predict 0.25-29 tonight.

>> No.28674799
File: 95 KB, 753x1160, 23634574357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I boughted

>> No.28674964

Surprised this isn't getting more coverage. I think this is a sleeping giant, theres huge potential for a breakout. And with a small marketcap expect some sharp swings and opportunities for buying/selling.

>> No.28676539

50mm supply can make pretty decent moves with price.
Lets post it on cryptomoonshots and spam a twitter

>> No.28677507

Their own mixer releasing friday

>> No.28677609

PLT is just a gem that people won’t believe until it pumps 100x. Get in now or regret later

>> No.28678691

this was so easy to buy lmao

>> No.28678775

What aren’t they using something else? Why is this not even on coingecko?

>> No.28678868



>> No.28679389

Looks like asko's dip before it x6, just bought

>> No.28679991
File: 2.96 MB, 512x288, PLT_PHONE.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28680292

should've bought more of this rather than that shit ASKO

>> No.28680293

rug = pulled
i sold at .19

>> No.28680482

ok pajeet

>> No.28680538

sold asko at $150 dollar loss. Put some into this shit. At least these fuckers can build a fucking website

>> No.28681131


currently in the process of going over from asko to plt, tell me this isn't going to be like the slow death of asko

>> No.28681231

This has just started

>> No.28681294

For all who are getting in on PLT, get in before 0.20, you are still early.

>> No.28681298


estimate eod/eow? btw why is everything so slow on weekends, I didn't think it'd impact the crypto markets this much

>> No.28681309

Really tempted to go in heavy on this. Small market cap and looking very bullish, spike still to come.

Potentially some really big profits to make here.

Its like Stealth, there and you don't even know it.

>> No.28681389

x2 at least, looking at patterns yesterday.

>> No.28681472


since I traded my ASKO for PLT on mxc, should I stay there if I wanna cash out or do I use uniswap despite the gas? i'm asking only cause MXC has low volumes and I can't sell all of it at once

>> No.28681535

I recommend MXC if you want to get away from the gas fees tho the prices are not the uniswap prices.

>> No.28681549

an ASKO Whale that sold 18 ETH worth just bought 5 ETH worth of PLT. I think you made the right decision anon.

>> No.28681642
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>> No.28681732

Why is the price oscillating around 14c?
Is this a stable coin in disguise?

>> No.28681763

that is what happens when it is stealth mode.

>> No.28681863


20c spike on unishit

>> No.28682021


>> No.28682093


>> No.28682124


>> No.28682166


my arrival was fucking timely, holy shit

>> No.28682227

Thank me later

>> No.28682279
File: 84 KB, 1280x626, IMG_0606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comfiest hold right now.
holy fucking shit.
needs a x6 to reach ASKO.

aped in with 5 ETH

>> No.28682309
File: 26 KB, 688x284, BULLISH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're going straight to 0.3 today, probably higher it could appear. Americans not even awake yet LMAO

>> No.28682350


how is this still under 3 mil mcap??

>> No.28682358

price prediction EOW / EOM?

>> No.28682417

8M mcap
we are going to 0.30 EOD.

>> No.28682475

It’s 8 mil

>> No.28682531

Its same price movement which Asko did last week. 0.30 EOD 1.2 Eow

>> No.28682539


the fuck why does coinmarketcap show 3?

>> No.28682565
File: 31 KB, 682x312, Screenshot_2021-02-14 0 000163262 ASKO ETH MXC matcha exchange buy bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28682598

use coingecko

>> No.28682647
File: 7 KB, 1092x64, Screenshot_2021-02-14 PLT $0 21465386 - Pair Explorer - DEXTools.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big fucking buys guys

>> No.28682652

We can 0.3 without them, and 0.5 with them

>> No.28682668

Fuck, I missed the dip by a few hours

>> No.28682713

It's still early, sub 10mcap

>> No.28682728

ez x3 to reach ASKO mcap.

>> No.28682776

looking good, burgers haven't woke up and we are already at 0.21

>> No.28682933

Sitting comfy on 19k of these lil niggas

I am 100% white

>> No.28682936
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>> No.28683007

MXC Prices are so different. When will it catch up to uniswap? Fucking hell

>> No.28683037

imo it is quite good because just in case uniswap crashes, you can sell early to prevent large lossses.

>> No.28683127


only problem is the pools there are tiny and you can't sell even a 9k stack at the same time, when I was dumping my ASKO i had to do it 1k at a time and every time i sold it dipped by like half a cent so in fact, fuck mxc

>> No.28683179

MXC seem like the worse option to trade on

>> No.28683202

Smart move.

I made profit on Asko and now shifting to this.

>> No.28683266

Got in at 0.18 lads!!!!!! Moon tomorrow to cheer me up about ASKO lmao

>> No.28683303

gas prices :)

>> No.28683332

Buying whatever coin biz shills the most has been an oddly effective strategy for me. First ASKO and now PLT, was I just really lucky?

>> No.28683351

holy shit buying power strong rn, it went through multiple sell walls.

>> No.28683358

It' good for small budget, because you dont get fucked by gas, when you have the money for gas you switch to uni, i like how they complement eachother

>> No.28683360

rbc, asko, plt easy gainz

>> No.28683367

Just bought 24eth worth after selling 300k ASKO, what an absolute shitshow that was. Thank me for some of this pump frens

>> No.28683386

Been following PLT for a long time. Bought 30k when it was at 0.03. I think this can explode big time

But OP. How come you not mention this:

Quite big, to say the least!

>> No.28683432


thank you fellow ASKO dumper, welcome to the real deal

>> No.28683475


>> No.28683479


>> No.28683677

Honestly that concept looks sick, nice as fuck looking interface. Incredibly useful concept and what looks like a great dev team.
Also the project isnt vaguely named after a meme crime boss. That was the one major red flag for me with askobar.
This looks solid. If they can actually deliver, I would unironically use that app. It looks like an amalgamation of every useful feature from every app around.
Coinbase hasn't released its debit card yet, if these guys beat them to it, its over for CB.

>> No.28683682

Where do I track real time price changes, mxc is shit and I don't use uniswap

>> No.28683713

dump this POS b4 u get dumped

>> No.28683728

askobar name was a redflag for me too desu

>> No.28683769
File: 1.03 MB, 1440x1024, 1613240543619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their lead designer is from US.
And I have never ever seen such a smooth UI/UX.

Get in boys

>> No.28683771


>> No.28683774

fuck ASKO, sold at a loss and bought this, can't believe i fell for that shit

>> No.28683780

Thank you PLT for pumping as ASKO was dumping. Let me get out and recoup my losses.
Good luck to the holders!

>> No.28683799


explain or fuck off forever

>> No.28683842

Holy fucking kek i just went on their website and fuck me am i happy i sold shitsko for this

>> No.28683874

Holy fucking shit this is big
It's called emerging markets. They've still got cash

>> No.28683891

Researching the previous threads these scamming pajeets made provided the following arguments why this is, indeed, a curry scam:
(I'll be posting this in every single thread they make)

These shills speak in broken English.
Names like 'Kumar' and 'Pijus' shilling it in telegram groups.
Biggest red flag possible: The shills instantly resort to namecalling the second you say it smells like a scam
Buzzwords galore with 'WOW what a find' 'thanks friend!' 'FUD' 'looks awesome' 'super early guys!'futur gem' 'wow, was searching for this ty!!!' The only thing missing is 'sir'
Just have a look at all the shill comments in this thread alone. It screams scam.
One simply glance at user ID's showed that they were both shilling for the coin AND thanking others for shilling them the coin.
One guy who first commented 'Wow, was searching for exactly something like this, ty!!!' suddenly also wrote ' You fucking morons, we are spoon feeding u there, have fun staying poor, fudders!! As i said already, you ain't getting cheaper PLT!'
Instead of shilling in one thread, they make 4-5 threads at any given time and copy paste the exact same comments.
'We have proof we shilled ASKO at the very start' But they NEVER provide any proof. When pressed, they once again resort to namecalling.
95% of the dev team isn't white. DEV TEAM IS PAJEET
CEO is some edgy chav who uses words like 'rekt' and 'cuck' on his twitter. He also starred on some shitty docu on Netflix and shills use this as an argument that he is legit.
They're saying he's a well known, secret famous guy who didn't tell anyone (?????????)

Don't believe me? Here's the original thread: >>28494394
The second you walk in this thread, you can smell the curry.

>> No.28683899

faggot go suck on a curry dick

>> No.28683922


>> No.28683937

nice, just bought 100k

>> No.28683969

look at the asko chart, this keeps getting compare to asko

>> No.28684026


we can still make gainz then

>> No.28684033

This pasta fud is bullish as fuck mein neger

>> No.28684041

youre 16 years old i bet

>> No.28684054

Thank you

>> No.28684056

nice analysis, just sold 100k thanks

>> No.28684073

hahahahahahhah fuck off concern nigger

>> No.28684119

They literally have their own mixer protocol built in. TornadoCash is literally just a mixer protocol and is in the top 200-300. The more I read about this shit the more I can’t understand how we are this early holy fuck.

>> No.28684160

I actually bought yesterday when I saw this exact Copy Paste written out. Something about pre written fud tells me its generally a good project. Thanks for the buy signal. I'm in good profit now.

>> No.28684222

Piss off, faggot! PLT is the real deal - we both know it. This is gonna fly!

>> No.28684274

smells like curry

>> No.28684276

30 Guys positive
1 Guy negative

And we only see the negative.
Humans are brainlets.

I could have bought ASKO at 0.02$.
WIll never listen to cancer fudders again

>> No.28684307

This. Morons will never learn and will sadly lose their money on these obvious rugpulls. /biz/ mods should really do their job and ban these insufferable pajeets.

>> No.28684387


it's pasta

>> No.28684465

Can someone give me more info on the token swap to add? When is that actually due to happen?

>> No.28684531

It's pasta because I was calling out you retards pajeets in the very first thread and made sure I could post it in every shit thread to come

>> No.28684537


indeed, I wanna know that too

>> No.28684538

this week or next week I think

>> No.28684607


holding in metamask will do, right?

>> No.28684715

Admin said soon announcement for it

>> No.28684936

Also, Paolo Tasca is an adviser. That's what got me into it initially. He is one of the most influential digital economists in the world.


>> No.28685053

so it's a new 2 day old pasta? currynigger

>> No.28685075


Thats actually bullish af. WTF IS THIS GEM?
After rebranding and token burns, we are in for some serious pumps

>> No.28685092

yeah he's great

>> No.28685231
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just look at the investors.
APE in or just stay poor

>> No.28685285
File: 2.16 MB, 540x960, 1611737753307.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought in faggots. Please don't fuck me over

>> No.28685407


>> No.28685432


first tiktok zoomer that made me kek

>> No.28685454

Jesus Christ that was riddled with typos and grammar errors. Think I might be out of this one

>> No.28685587

Did you seee the grammar of the CFO of ASKO?
Hop in for tha x10 gainz.
This is looking rock-solid

>> No.28685736

This, plus their list of collaborations is pretty solid.
Kind of wish I bought this morning and not last night though. Would have had an extra 3rd.
But still, dont want to miss this.

>> No.28685765

Pajeet wrote this, I'm out

>> No.28685776

Asko is also dumping right, so that probably makes his point even more valid.

>> No.28685866

Enjoy my dip btw

>> No.28686065
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Yeah getting frontrun fucking sucks. Higher gas next time I suppose

>> No.28686141

did you sold the bottom anon? kek kek kek NGMI

>> No.28686501

Fuck you, I bought in at .19

>> No.28686622



>> No.28686664

dont worry faggot, literally after every pump, weak hands will take their profit. if you cant take that, dont be in crypto. you will be up at least 50% before you go to sleep

>> No.28686809

Wait a little. It just pumped so wait for a pullback below 0.15, then buy.

>> No.28687230


>> No.28687448

Saw this when it was at 6 cents but didn't buy, now finally loaded up and got my bags

Moon pls

>> No.28687526
File: 287 KB, 1862x1772, lending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lending looks simple, just good for every brainlet in here. oh wait. brainlets are selling rn.


>> No.28687590

its not too late to jump ship asklet

>> No.28687609

Does the lending work?

>> No.28687783

dont waste my time.

not yet, seems that theyre working on it rn.

>> No.28687841

dont waste mine, go back to your own thread nig

>> No.28687922

which side is lending and which is borrowing? confusing af website.

>> No.28688102

see the headline: left is ledning / supplying your coins, right is borrowing coins from the pool.

>> No.28688178

why didn't they just add those headers at the top of each table? wth...

>> No.28688287

Still waiting for someone to post the PLT github.

>> No.28688337
File: 8 KB, 973x92, aave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take a look at aave's website. they have a separate page for borrowing and lending so that retards can't make a mistake. imagine accidentally borrowing money in the high risk pool and losing it all.

>> No.28689166

Friday the 19th privacy mixer in online, mark the date boys

>> No.28690054

what are the chances of a massive dump when it does though

>> No.28690697

not much since no one ever knew that was incoming

>> No.28691244

for sure the release will be better than the fiASKO.

>> No.28692542
File: 25 KB, 657x527, 5f4hb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfiest stack I've ever had. This is literally cheat code to life.

>> No.28693748

Will ASKO bros buy Add.xyz, we dont have to be enemies antmore

>> No.28694001
File: 477 KB, 720x1019, DE51DAAC-97D4-4E18-9EC8-9B67BC36C112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I summon the overlay network, add.XYZ!
Number 39: Utopia!

>> No.28694067

It's still so stupid to think I'm gonna be a multi billionaire just from shit posted on 4chan

WAGMI everyone, I have cool news, Bot Ocean algorithms will be Q2 2021

don’t use this trashbots that every fucker try to shill here

Don’t go for their ref links and etc, ths is STUPID SHIT

>> No.28695152

same anon, same