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28675867 No.28675867 [Reply] [Original]

Don’t trust this VC funded circle jerk, these guys are wolves in sheep clothes. They pretend to be all about permissionless innovation, claiming they solved the trilemma, bringing everyone a prosperous future blablablabla, but these are the simple facts:

- Relay nodes on the Algorand Blockchain are 100% permissioned and managed by the Algorand Foundation. Right now it’s only (undisclosed) Venture Capital and some Universities running the nodes that really matter.
- ALL the transaction fees go directly to into a fee sink. Guess who owns the fee sink? The Algorand Foundation.

They're hiding these facts from the public.
Don't be fooled.

>> No.28675947

And don't even get me started about the tokenomics, I mean, look at the supply! See how much the Foundation and VC's own?

You will be dumped on anons.

>> No.28676521

this is the blockchain of the military industrial complex, shame because the tech is dope

it's cardano all the way btw

>> No.28676615

you don't understand how it works

>> No.28676821

That's bad why? Do you really think crypto is going to take down the MIC or the gubment. Those that succeed will be those that are adopted and used as tools to crush the little man -- HBAR, ALGO

>> No.28676865

this 100%
the tokenomics are so fucked the foundation actively controlling supply is the only thing preventing vlue diluting itslef to zero
The moment the don't want to play ball, they don't even need to do anything, just to stop doing what they are doing, the retarded distribution model will take care of the rest.
Shame, everything else about it is A, but it's a rugpull waiting to happen. Turns out maths nobel prizes don't guarantee understanding of supply and value theory

>> No.28676959

how much algo do I need to make it?

>> No.28677089
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>> No.28677144

>Algo fuds now
No longer comfy guys ):

>> No.28677182

It's literally a Jew coin, look at the team. They won't lose. Seethe harder, faggot.

>> No.28677196

FUD is getting better every day

>> No.28677215

old but quality fud. however, serious question, does it even really matter for those of us who just want to see gains?

>> No.28677580

It might do well in the short term, but know that there is still 85% of the supply waiting to be dumped on you in the next 9 years.

>> No.28677751

Furthermore, there is no concrete incentive plan for nodes after those 9 years. That's why Algorand needs to collect all the transaction fees themselves, to pay VC's and Universities to run the nodes to make it look decentralized.

>> No.28678089

I still hold 5% of my portfolio in Algo. May as well hedge against a possible glowie takeover

>> No.28679433
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Best FUD yet here we go.
You can run your own node for 1 ALGO.
You do not gain anything for running a node except for helping the network.
This gets rid of any need for "pools" once you start having pools it becomes more centralized.
So, would you rather have 8000 nodes (ETH) running off a few pools, or the as many as you want? (algo currently has 1600).

Now with the fee sink
Of course the algorand foundation own the fee sink fren!
That 85% of supply will be "dumped" on us by the means of get ready
>8% APY

>> No.28679564

>blockchain of the military industrial complex
Thank you, just bought 10k

>> No.28679686
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Algonauts time to check in, this is our new general.

>> No.28680181
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This confirms it too btw.

>> No.28680957

Algo finally has dedicated fudders. We are in the big league now fellow algochads.

>> No.28681020


Sure, you can run your own participation node, but the relay nodes route the transactions first so they decide which transactions participation nodes can approve.

Again, Algorand maintains the list of relay nodes. This is a completely permissioned, centralized system, maintained by ONE organisation, namely the Algorand foundation.

So yes, I would rather have a couple of Eth staking pools (which is also not ideal, agreed) then just one organisation managing the supply, the fees and the rewards.

I think you should too.

>> No.28681040
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I had a big smile when I saw this thread
We are forever comfycozy, hows your 8% doing?

>> No.28681280

It's premissionless, please continue though maybe us algochads missed something


>> No.28681281

Just claimed my daily three free coins this morning. By 2025 I will be retired and the OP will be shilling KFC coin for $100

>> No.28681429
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We are going at the same rate then, i'll still be here when I make it, will you?

>> No.28681682


No, of course it's not on their website. You have to dig deeper. This is from the Algorand developer portal:

''A node is a valid relay node if two things are true:

- The node is configured to accept incoming connections on a publicly-accessible port (4161 by convention).

- The node's public IP address (or a valid DNS name) and assigned port are registered in Algorand's SRV records for a specific network (MainNet/TestNet).''

Guess who owns the SRV records?

Proof: https://developer.algorand.org/docs/reference/node/relay/

>> No.28681696

Yep, exactly why I prefer cardano and polkadot

>> No.28681700

Recommend me a desktop wallet and not a mobile wallet for algo, chads

>> No.28681714

I will check in every now and then to laugh at the fools chasing pumps on pajeet shitcoin scams.

>> No.28681750


By that time I will be comfortably living from my IOTA stack.

>> No.28681836

Who cares. I only care about investing in the crypto that will be adopted by the powers that be and thus make me money. There isn't going to be a decentralised revolution so stop sperging out about your autistic fantasies. They own and control everything, and they always will.

>> No.28681856

Lol kek - you come in here and FUD Algo, we take OVER the thread - and then you shill IOTA - 2017 shitcoin with barely any volume - Algochads stay comfy - get rekt anon

>> No.28681967

lol true
>It's not on their website!
>Posts link to their website
All you do is tell them you want to be added who cares

>> No.28682110

permissionless innovation! we got premissionless innovation here! see? noone cares. nice hat

>> No.28682818

haha, the zealousness all of a sudden...bye bye 90-110 IQ anons

>> No.28683070
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Nobody is zealous here and isn't that just the average IQ?

>> No.28683933

Thank you my dear sir i will do the needful and sell