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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28660957 No.28660957 [Reply] [Original]

Now that youve made it, are you going to open a mcdonalds?

>> No.28661094

I would feel bad knowing I employ a bunch of suicidal zoomers

>> No.28661093

No, I'm gonna work there

>> No.28661106

After having made a few hundred thousand, my prevailing theory is only sadists would get into the fast food biz instead of doing anything else lol

Imagine spending 1-2 milli on a mcdonald's instead of stonks or crypto

>> No.28661128

>Imagine spending 1-2 milli on a mcdonald's instead of stonks or crypto

>> No.28661569
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>> No.28661734


>> No.28662216

Literally what was your thought process, why did you buy into it?

>> No.28662230

how am i supposed to know what to buy :(

>> No.28662290

the earnings for a fast food franchisee arent complete garbage. 10-6% ebitda. But you live and die by cash flow. 2 mil investment plus a fat loan from a bank and you could have a monthly net operating income of 10k easy, 30k+ monthly in a good location. Catch is that if the cash flow dries up for 2 months or more you are absolutely FUCKED. And of course you need a bulldog of an operator to keep your controllables in line.

>> No.28662315

Well you can start your sesrch by avoiding coins that violate corporate trademarks

>> No.28662407

Word of advice, buy into the blue ticket coins (LTC, BTC, ETH) that have shown clear and consistent growth through this bull run. They might not have meteoric growth like some of the coins, but they're absolutely never going to fail you barring some failure of the system itself. You should only get into Penny Tokens like MCDC or RBC when you've got a strong, sturdy portfolio of a least 10,000.

>> No.28662655

Pick coins that will actually be useful. The actual value of coins is their technology. Defi is more efficient than banks. When you transfer money from your bank account that actually takes a week IRL to sort itself out on machines running COBALT and other ancient hardware. The financial technologies that are offered by blockchain are gonna replace that. Bitcoin is digital gold, etherium is digital contracts, GRT is a digital index of blockchain data that developers can use. You have to look at each coin you find interesting, do the due dilligence and research to see if it's actually able to do what it promises (or if the market even needs it). If you're feeling unsure just buy BTC and ETH like >>28662407 says. Those are good to have anyways.

>> No.28662725

Your saying I can be a millionaire and still be allowed to flip burgers? thank god, my coworkers are my only friends

>> No.28662787

Nice larp, honestly just keep buying whatever is shilled here, 99% of the time they are amazing projects with great fundies. mcdc happened to be that 1% sorry bud

>> No.28662853

The initial investment needed to open one I heard was also pretty steep right? something like a million just to have the right to be apart of the franchise. Since it is a pretty decent and safe cash cow

>> No.28662872

I think it would be funny as fuck to be an ironic wage cuck in a shitty job while your coworkers don't know you're a millionaire. Solid keks for a while. You can fuck around and not worry about whether you get McFired

>> No.28662880

The real money is in the real estate, I’ve met former franchisees that will sell the restaurants but keep the land for a steady stream of income. Also most of the contracts and clauses are certifiable insane.

>> No.28662984

If I open my own McDonalds can I get a 35 year old single mother of 2 employee to give me a blowjob?

>> No.28663011

Yup. When MCDC picks back up, I'll be able to open a whole city's worth of McDonalds!!! R-right bros?? MCDC is coming back....right???...Please, I took out a student loan for this...

>> No.28663027


>> No.28663222

$GME is still gonna moon too bro!!

>> No.28663259

This is the dream

>> No.28663282
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Manager material right there

>> No.28663300

Initial outlay is property, building, equipment. McDonalds isnt going to expect an upfront 2mil, the start up franchise fee is like $40k. They will expect you to have a site (that isnt within a previously purchased franchisee radius) and a loan in hand to build the building and staff it (all out of your own pocket). They are in the business of taking royalties off the top and selling you boxes of frozen burgers. They arent going to pick a site for you and hold your hand.

>> No.28663316

Actually solid advice, I plan on building a BTC/ETC/ADA/LINK base and trade shitcoins with a ~10 % of my portfolio when I can start investing serious money.

>> No.28663465

real estate is probably a safer bet than fast food franchisees. Especially if you have a huge initial outlay of cash, like 5mil plus. But a successful franchisee makes a LOT more money per dollar invested. Its classic risk/reward.

>> No.28663564

*franchise a McDonalds

>> No.28663576

Will someone post texas roadhouse dancing wagie?

>> No.28663627
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>> No.28663692
File: 19 KB, 700x359, 1377704271144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adding onto this (and it'll sound a touch shillish) but LTC is the silver to BTC's gold - it's known for being rather sluggish in this bull economy, but you know what? You put money in, and you'll get money out - it's been an ascending ladder of growth for the past seven days, and it's showing no signs of stopping.

Oh, and another word of advice; stagger your investments. If you're going to invest $800 into a token, put $200 down right away, another $200 when it dips ~$2-3 dollars, and then save the rest for the inevitable ~$8+ dip. This will lower your DCA (Dollar-Cost Average) and effectively make you immune to dips with the "mainstay" tokens.