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28652693 No.28652693 [Reply] [Original]

You faggots are going to miss out

>> No.28652715

Can’t win em all

>> No.28652734
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Holy Based

>> No.28652959
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I'm in

>> No.28653308
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what is it

>> No.28653329

Been researching the coin. bout to sell everything other than xmr, xlm, & aave and put everything I can into Nu. Shits gonna go to $1 by monday.

>> No.28653423

I like you nochin i like you. your going to make it

>> No.28653430
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my nuggas we finna pump tonight i can feel it what are you guys drinking its makers mark for me
found a good video to help anons understand its importance for web3

>> No.28653450

it is a decentralized secret management network where a group of nodes (workers) perform proxy re-encryption to manage permissions on encrypted data instead of a centralized server. It allows safe data exchange without ability for proxies to learn the plain text info

>> No.28653584


>> No.28653599
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Cyberpunk af

>> No.28653634


deFi encryption. nu will act as the intermediary to send info while never seeing the info themselves. so you only send the info to who is needed. can grant access to those who need it. use cases are group chats where you can revoke rights to accounts, health care to store patient info. all that

>> No.28653661

What's the min amount for staking?

>> No.28653686
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am I gonna make it?

>> No.28653712

What do you think for EOM?

>> No.28653736

Do any of you faggots even know how to use pyUmbral?

>> No.28653806

>bougth at 19 (nineteen) cents
feels good not to be a retard

>> No.28653845


send proof and I may join

>> No.28653862

Dumped $450 into this last night on a feeling. That market cap gives me an erection.

>> No.28653922

$2-3 it's getting added to binance soon. It's been secretly mooning know ones noticed yet get in while you can

>> No.28654035

ITT dirty filthy neckbeards flipping a token that makes them feel 'cool' despite not know how to even use the underlying technology.
I love NU, but this is pathetic lol. You faggots will pump anything lmao. Ill be busy learning how to make dApps and use smart contracts to re-encrypt ciphertext while you ninny's jerk off into crusty anime pillows

>> No.28654037
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Here's mine kike

>> No.28654109
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isn't that what public key cryptography is for

>> No.28654218

15k and 130 iq

>> No.28654231

Look at Hashicorp Vault, that is essentially the centralized version of what we're looking at here, if I understand correctly, just bought a couple, not going to beat myself up for not buy this when it was .10c a few weeks ago, ego + investing != pain & regret

>> No.28654327
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== pain and regreat I'm high and have a headache

>> No.28654807
File: 231 KB, 383x344, diavlo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse me mister menie! what in the sam hell is wrong with jerking off to crusty anime pillows?