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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28653538 No.28653538 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only /biz/raeli who has been here since 2017 and has not invested in Stinky linkies?

>> No.28653595

youre incredibly retarded if so

>> No.28653693

no, I didn’t either. actually I did buy a 1k stack and held it for a month, but that was towards the beginning of alt szn and it unironically performed terribly against a lot of other assets. sold it off without second thought.

>> No.28653753
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This fat fuck has been dumping 750k LINK every other month since 2018, it looked like any other chinkscam and vaporware.

>> No.28653777

i hope you guys are lying
it was literaflhluht

>> No.28653781

I talked so much shit to link fags and now I ironically want to buy at ath

>> No.28653795

yes, 500k linky stinky stack big boss here.

>> No.28653824
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I bought chainlink at around a $1, and sold at around $0.80.
I wish I was.

>> No.28653872
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Same. I've made so many anti-LINK threads to laugh at the stinkies, now I'm the one looking like a retard

>> No.28653946

team holding 65% of the supply was probably the most reasonable fud, but you're still a retard. hope you at least made it on something else. Defi has been much worse for /biz/ than the ICO's though because of all the legitimate pajeet scams, kind of sucks it's hard to find a legitimate project anymore

good luck