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File: 471 KB, 1512x2016, rsz_pxl_20210214_012351801mp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28652070 No.28652070 [Reply] [Original]

>40lb bag of rice: $12
>Refried beans: $1/can
>Chickpeas: $1/can
>Frozen vegetables: $2/1kg bag
>Onions: $2/bag of like 10
>Cucumber: $1
The leftovers from this with 1 can of chickpeas and 1 can of refried beans will give me another 2 or 3 meals. What's your excise for not taking the rice and beans pill, /biz/?

>> No.28652126

I don't have a kitchen, I live in barracks. What do I do now?

>> No.28652157

Bud, I really appreciate that you're actually talking about budgeting here but this thread won't last
Also my reason is a fiancée

>> No.28652159

I guess just eat whatever is provided by your barracks

>> No.28652192

That is just a pile of carbs.

>> No.28652194

based and redpilled. ygmi

>> No.28652227

I don't have any other vices but enjoy cooking. so it's like a hobby.

>> No.28652232

>No meat

Ngmi. Sorry about your heightened estrogen levels

>> No.28652273

i can tell

>> No.28652301

Eat galley food you fucking POG

>> No.28652307

>Implying beans and lentils don't have protein

>> No.28652309

>tfw 5g of proteins in that

>> No.28652463

>What's your excise for not taking the rice and beans pill
I don't want to be DYEL

>> No.28652467

Add some bugs and youre good to go

>> No.28652489
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Use brown rice instead for more nutrition and fiber. And look up some actually recipes containing beans. Cuban black beans for example. It'll a bit more expensive but it's worth the flavor.

>> No.28652521

Yep this was my first thought as well.

>> No.28652536

I eat sausages and eggs most mornings. I also buy 10-20lb of ground beef at a time but didn't make it with today's dinner

>> No.28652571

>what are anti-nutrients

>> No.28652584

There's unironically nothing wrong with eating bugs. We already do in anything that's colored red (crushed beetle shells)

>> No.28652621

I like flavour

>> No.28652641

>eats food with dyes


>> No.28652654

I live in Canada and everything is fucking expensive regardless.

>> No.28652666


>> No.28652696

Not bad but you need some meat or eggs in there for it to be nutritionally complete. Beans aren't gonna cut it.

>> No.28652706

Rice and beans arent

>> No.28652745

Its not just meat. Humans need a source of nutrients from either bones or liver, or bugs since they obviously have both.

>> No.28652805


>> No.28652884
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this is all I eat

>> No.28652993
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>going full 3rd world povvo-diet instead of hunting like a proper human

>> No.28653009

this. where the fuck is the protein OP? absolute basedfest with carbs

>> No.28653070
File: 158 KB, 1500x800, gordon-ramsey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fucking disgusting.

>> No.28653139

faggot the only thing around here to hunt that contains any amount of meat are fat chicks because I live in a liberal pozzed city. Delete this, and stop reminding me that I'm NGMI

>> No.28653168
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I’m giving it a try since Wednesday, but I am now farting literally dozens of times a day and it smells horrific.

>> No.28653176
File: 49 KB, 450x450, walmart-chicky-boom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not a meal. That's probably only 10g of protein. I'm short and skinny and that's maybe half a meal for me, IF you stick some fatty dressing on it. At least add one of pic related.

>> No.28653192

Fuck off Gordon I'm not buying $40 tenderloins to eat while I stare at shitcoin charts by myself in the dark. I don't like meals that cost me more than $1

>> No.28653273

You're gmi, hunting is based. I totally would if I lived in a rural area

We don't need 10000g of protein with every single meal

>> No.28653284

Looks bland & unappetizing. Are you really so poor you need to eat $1 meals? Or are you just such a jew you sacrifice taste in the name of hording sheckles?

>> No.28653299

At least eat some chicken or fish

>> No.28653348

Why would you post garbage meat as an example.
>"10lb" bag of chicken breasts
>breasts contain 15% broth and salt.

NGMI if you're eating garbage meat. Chicken is by far one of the worst meats out there. You should only eat Beef and Fish

>> No.28653378

The latter

>> No.28653409

Enjoy your ass cancer.
>what's IARC

>> No.28653539

>Trusts the WHO - which is a china health propaganda group
Enjoy not making it.

>> No.28653542

>muh cancer

Pussy. You probably don't even carry a gun.

>> No.28653667
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Gotta get your overland rig on, my dude. Bitches love guns and overland rigs.

>> No.28653692
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Let's see OPs emergency fund.

>> No.28653744

>spend $3k on shit to larp as militia instead of spending an extra $2/lb on meat

>> No.28653745
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based human

>> No.28653899

I own land in HI as well as in a secret area in southwest (I don't want people looking into it because its super based) that's unzoned. I'm toughing it out in the city for now, living in a small studio and saving about 60% of my tech salary after 401k, splitting my savings between crypto and improving my land. I plan on hopefully retiring either in 3 years or end of year (if my bags moon) and living off of my land.

>> No.28653911

Sure, Corona hoax disqualifies everything they say...

Not pussy. Ass. Ass cancer.
Red meat consumption. Too much of it. Capisce or did you inhale diphenylamine too much?

>> No.28654025
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>> No.28654027

That’s an incredibly unhealthy shit meal. No meat and full of photo-estrogens and low quality frozen shit and low quality carbs. Complete shit.

>> No.28654085

Frozen vegetables are just as healthy if not healthier than fresh. Rice and beans are some of the healthiest carbs on the planet

>> No.28654144

>tfw one cucumber is $4 in your shithole country

>> No.28654158
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1 bull elk is worth ~$2000 in meat, if you count venison equal to the price of beef.

Very based, my friend. You should look into beekeeping. Love me bees.

You're a hypochondriatic pussy. Nothing you say matters.

>> No.28654217

They are just as reliable as the American Food Pyramid. And Yes, corona has revealed that all big "world" organizations have agendas behind them to normies. If we cannot trust them to report accurate and truthful information about a WORLD virus, can we trust anything else they have reported in the fast. As I stated before I liken it to the FDA in Burgerland (where I live). The FDA issued statements on what is considered to be a "healthy meal" but later on we came to find out that these statements were agenda driven by subsidies and lobbying. Government entities can no longer be trusted, because corporations control their pockets. Further bio-diversity is a thing, what works for one human is not going to work for another human. You cannot put out food guidelines for the entire world because everyone and everything is different.

Red Meat may cause Ass cancer for you because you probably have bad genes. It doesn't mean it's going to cause ass cancer for everyone else.

>> No.28654286

leaffag here also, i share your pain

>> No.28654301

Typos - anything they have reported in the past*. Is what I meant.

>> No.28654302

Fuck off. That's a great meal.

>> No.28654447

Pork is just as good as beef nutritionally speaking. Deer, elk and bison are good as well.

>> No.28654499

>rice, beans, vegetables
based. it's also a very healthy meal. literally what those who live 100+ years eat every day.

>> No.28654564

>literally what those who live 100+ years eat every day.

>> No.28654618

I live in America so I do not trust the pork here, but that is because we feed our animals(especially pigs) literal garbage and chemicals which in turn ends up in our bodies. With that being said, bacon is a guilty pleasure food of mine, but I try to avoid cooking it at home whenever possible. Beef, I trust more, but only from grass-fed cows. I eat alot of bison as well, but it's kind of expensive where I live.

>> No.28654636

Nope. Frozen destroys the cellular integrity and makes it’s much harder to metabolize, also most bulk frozen shit comes from industry farms that use chemicals, same with your bulk cheap rice. Legumes are full of phyto-estrogens and the protein isn’t as easily metabolized, compared to meat which has all the amino acids necessary to metabolize protein.

If you want to eat cheap and healthy replace your beans with eggs, replace rice with baked organic potatoes or sweet potatoes or yams, and use fresh organic vegetables. Brew your own kombucha for probiotics. Or better drink raw milk or make kefir.

>> No.28654657

There is no meat

>> No.28654776
File: 3.20 MB, 4032x3024, C70D03E3-E46F-413B-9BB6-34AFEBC13AA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had pizza tonight - well worth it

>> No.28654808

>uninformed burger spotted
frozen veggies, contrary to fresh ones that lose their vitamins quickly, dont lose their vitamins.
also there are parts of the world where people eat rice and beans every day and live extremely old.
cope more amerilard.

>> No.28654860

my lord that looks like dog food you poor ass nigga

>> No.28654868

You can just read that shit yourself, there's no jew in this one to trick you.
>colorectal cancer diet

>> No.28654880
File: 2.75 MB, 3024x4032, 22574EB5-1BDC-4409-AE20-E3AB5D55092E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP get chicken breast with that like this anon said and yup thats a healthy low budget meal plan. Buy liquid eggs too in bulk. You need protein because I am assuming you are a man and you take care of yourself by working out.

Pic relate a hearty meal of eggs rice chicken thigh and some thai sauce

>> No.28654950

>I also buy 10-20lb of ground beef at a time
KEK imagine buying store bought ground beef. ngmi boyyo, gotta grind your own hamburg its' cheaper and the quality is 10x even with cheap cuts

>> No.28654965

>replace rice with baked organic potatoes or sweet potatoes or yams
Ok Connor O'Sullivan, please tell me about all the times in history where all the rice just died

>> No.28655013

>no meat
into the trash

>> No.28655035

>up to 15% broth
this nigga paying for chicken soaked in chemicals so it soaks up water weight and gives the chicken a horrible rubbery ass texture, ngmi lad

>> No.28655060

>incomplete protein, if at all
>look at me, Im so clever!

>> No.28655110

You're forgetting about other things that factor into their longevity in those areas, such as quality of life, having fulfilling lives, lack of pollution, low stress, lack of poor white people on the streets on meth who scream all night affecting your sleep, etc etc.

>> No.28655123

You're such a miserly jew you can't even put some basic seasoning on it either?

>> No.28655182
File: 240 KB, 911x3123, meatconsumptioncancer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "red meat causes cancer" meme is one of the biggest health cons of the century. See: pic related and read this study: https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M19-1621

>> No.28655240

Post bodypic with /biz/ timestamp

>> No.28655250

that's because most people are absolutely retarded. it's not red meat it's over cooking meat so that it chars which causes problem. also the fucking nitrites in processed meats are horrible and another cause

>> No.28655257

>Frozen vegetables: $2/1kg bag
Lol they are £1 here... the rest is about half the price too except rice which is £18.99 for 25kg. America is collapsing!

>> No.28655279

I actually put onions, salt, pepper and cayanne with some oil on the beans/chickpeas. It was very flavourful

Why do I get the feeling that all the people making posts like this are 300lb hamplanets? I can practically smell the diabetic breath over the internet

>> No.28655296

I had a little george foreman grill and rice cooker when I was in the barracks. Frozen veggies that you can heat up in the bag. Worked pretty well.

The chow hall was always closed early and I would still be hungry so I usually made 1 meal a day at night.

>> No.28655330

No, there is nothing wrong with cooking meat. Red meat, cooked or not, does not increase your chance of getting cancer. Read the study I just linked.

>> No.28655481

260, ~25% Bodyfat because I bearmode in winter (also I dont like sweating while its cold outside).
Be less retarded and learn about what you eat.

>> No.28655496


So as far as meat quality selection goes, should i be opting for extra lean ground beef/prime cuts solely? obviously this would be more expensive but does it justify the price to shell out $100 for meat for the month

>> No.28655500

you should compare salaries and taxes sometime anon

>> No.28655568

You are a leaf aren’t you ?

>> No.28655588

That's $2 CAD so about the same price as yours

>> No.28655634

>Globohomo infographic


>> No.28655643

Why yes I love globohomo slavery and the death of property rights too anon, you wanna hang out some time?

>> No.28655665

>Bragging about obesity

You got me

>> No.28655708

Where do you live where a 40lb bag of rice is $12?? I spend roughly $1/lb, am I missing something?

>> No.28655742

Do this and get whatever fish is on sale, GOD tier, no excuses.

>> No.28655768

>posts delicious looking meal without providing a recipe.

Anon I....

>> No.28655790

You're right though, I should have said:

>> No.28655829
File: 64 KB, 640x746, 1610813382516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHAHAHA, yea just drink your tap water and eat your monesto meat. This really is a clown world.

>> No.28655841

nigga charring meat creates cancer causing chemicals and is no good for you. other than that I agree with you that meat is fine if cooked properly

>> No.28655846

It was a crazy sale at the no frills near my house. Asians were bringing their whole families so they could all buy the 4 per customer limit and loading like 20 bags into their mini vans n shit. You just gotta keep an eye out for good deals and buy the dip

>> No.28655851

Ok, literal retard.

>> No.28655876

Today I had Sea Bream with lemon shallots garlic rice and broccoli plus herbs. The Meal cost me $9 $7 of which was the fish and I'm gonna consider the difference worth it.

>> No.28655878

Dude, i'm gonna type as sober as possible, that honestly looks fcking pathetic and digusting compared to my meal. and I'm being one hundred percent serious. Sorry we dont cook sht that was perviously in cans. you're a fuking joke dude, and im dead fuking serious. gert areal family that cooks good food, drinks beer and wine and winecoolers and has a good fuking time, and has a milliondollar house on the beach, im seriously.. dont eever potst your fuking poverty dinner on these forums ever the fuk again bro, and by bro i mean never my bro, fuking phaggot.

>> No.28655880

The type of cuts you buy depends on what you're cooking. Health-wise it makes no difference. Buy the more expensive cuts for grilling/BBQ, and buy the cheaper cuts for stewing or slow cooking. I haven't figured out roasts yet.

>> No.28655946

There’s nothing wrong with mudhuts either if your a smooth brained mong

>> No.28655955

i got prediabetes from eating like you do and im thin. eat less carbs and more fats/protein

>> No.28655979

carbs, some fat and salt is all you need to survive and be healthy. how do i know this? because i am more muscular than you and i don’t fall for all the nutritionist’s fads like some dumb fucking faggot who doesn’t understand that human diets are simple just like every other animals

>> No.28656010

>whatever fish
Not whatever, be picky.

Strawman much? And yes, it fucking is. At least you can own a gun, for now.

>> No.28656017

>I live in Canada
my condolences

>> No.28656021

Get those peasant veggies the fuck outta here. Broccoli isn’t much more expensive and eggs are cheap too, more protein needed.

>> No.28656022

Let him get ass cancer, anon.
Hes retarded.

>> No.28656036

I envy you, I'm this close of selling my shit ass house and moving to czech republic or some place that is not cucked regarding fire arms and hunting

>> No.28656037

Globohomo are the ones trying to scare you away from eating red meat...go look up the WHO recommendations.

>> No.28656052

where's the meat?

>> No.28656100
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>or bugs

>> No.28656099

brown rice is just white rice but with the shitty husk attached to it. the arsenic levels are so high on the husk that the FDA recommends on limiting your daily brown rice intake. AND it tastes worse. lmao, dumb fucking faggot vegan xD

>> No.28656103

Cabbage is better than ur gay frozen veggies

>> No.28656130

sounds like you don't know basic biology and more specifically, how protein synthesis works. or anything related to nitrogen balance, for that matter

>> No.28656142

Where's the meat?

>> No.28656171

my sides kek

>> No.28656193

if you are primarily buying ground beef I'm telling you buy an electric grinder used off ebay and learn to grind your own. I bought a fucking grinder off there rival grind o matic electric that had the sale receipt in the box from when a boomer bought it in 1968 and it still works beautifully. you can buy up chuck steak or roast for cheap and grind it up and it's fantastic over store bought ground beef. I like to throw in some of the fat cut off rib eyes for flavor in my grind though. since I've been grinding my own the difference is night and day between store bought. I also like to buy primal tenderloins which you can get under $100 anywhere from 6-9 pounds and cut myself out basically fillet mignons that are about an inch thick versus the traditional 2-3 inch cuts and cook them on my foreman grill

>> No.28656198

I eat meat for breakfast

I'm frugal not being starved out by stalin

>> No.28656256

what kind of a fuckwit peels their cucumber

>> No.28656273

Spaghetti with sauce and ground beef costs less than a dollar per serving. Only 40 cents for me since my family owns cattle. Take the wop-pill.

>> No.28656309

What kind of fuckwit eats cucumber

>> No.28656322

Prices are different outside India, Rajeesh.

>> No.28656343

wow whypipo really don't season they food

>> No.28656354

Normally I don't but my gf wanted cucumber and she likes them peeled, I just grabbed some too

>> No.28656389


Basically if the media declares something to be unhealthy it becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy, because some percentage of people are health conscious and trust the media, so they avoid that thing. Those people are also more likely to do all kinds of other things which are healthy, not smoke, not drink, eat their veggies, etc.

Then, the studies that find these statistics cannot fully control for all the other habits associated with eating (or not eating) red meat, and so they seem to reinforce the earlier message but it's really just showing the power of the media to control people habits. See also: eggs.

That being said, I do suspect charring meat or cooking at high temps is probably somewhat bad, and nitrates are probably also a little bit bad. However, if you're using wet cooking methods on whole-muscle meat, like a stew or braise, you have little to worry about.

>> No.28656404
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>Where's the meat?
>you know that's not a complete protein right?
>I'm not fat it's called "bear mode"

>> No.28656412

Wait you are making another human eat that slop? What is wrong with you?

>> No.28656414

Can I get a QRD on some brands that you recommend? I buy tons of ground beef because I hate steaks, pot roast, and other cuts of beef, etc etc. This sounds like something I need to look more into to

>> No.28656419

>This meal cost me less than $1
Yes, it looks like it.

>> No.28656433

ayo my lil peppercoin stock be doin sumn

>> No.28656448

See >>28655279

>> No.28656469
File: 281 KB, 1068x404, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The nutritional benefits outweigh the arsenic, there's different types of whole grain rices, and I prefer the complex nutty flavors of whole grain rices, here you go based retard:

>> No.28656489

>gf wanted cucumber
>t-to eat, haha

>> No.28656517

She's also rice and beans pilled

>> No.28656548

First post fag post.

>> No.28656550
File: 258 KB, 1200x788, soyboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I get all my protein from my daily Onions shake

>> No.28656623

The in-store prices. Now.

>> No.28656668


>> No.28656691

what I ate today:

- a bowl of organic cereal with blueberries and 1% milk
- organic chips with shredded cheese melted on it
- a grilled chicken drumstick with honey bbq sauce on it
- a nature valley bar

where did I go wrong, biz?

>> No.28656717

Doesn't matter what it looks like. It all goes to the commode

>> No.28656727

You woke up today.

>> No.28656747

Torontofag here. Last time I went grocery shopping, stewing beef was $15/kg, steaks were $30-$40/kg, ground beef was $12/kg, chicken breast was $14/kg, and pork chops were like $8-10/kg

>> No.28656750

Looks tasty, senpai. Nice work.

>> No.28656794

you didn't do resistance training

>> No.28656847

>t. angry dude commenting only negative things on a manic downswing

>> No.28656856


>> No.28656892

Hongcouver fag, same price points on the otherside of leafland also

>> No.28656893

my grinder is an old rival grind o matic. I bought a new one once and it sucked and broke in like weeks. I also tried a hand grinder which was good but too cumbersome to do all the time.
this is basically the exact grinder I have but you can find them from anywhere between $30+ if you look through listings >https://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Rival-Grind-O-Matic-Model-2100-M-Electric-Meat-Grinder-Chopper/303878449394?hash=item46c09128f2:g:6hcAAOSwwlNfvTyZ

>> No.28656890

>rice with beans
fucking why
at least get chicken, they're inexpensive af

>> No.28656912

Noted. Is that like the exercises with the bands and stuff? my dad’s into that I should look into that

>> No.28656946

>no meat
not a 'meal' then is it

>> No.28656977
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>no meat

>> No.28656997

what’s the one kitchentop appliance I need in my kitchen? I only have a toaster and microwave atm (and oven/stove and dishwasher)

>> No.28657020

>Frozen vegetables are just as healthy if not healthier than fresh

You can't afford fresh veggies? It costs me like $10-$15 a week and it's plentiful. Just have to cook them and cut them myself

>> No.28657025

I've been poor before too, good on you all for being frugal. Hopefully one day when you make it you'll be able to purchase back your health and longevity for a good deal, make sure you shop around. For me, I'll pay a premium to eat well while living, dressing and driving shabbily. Your diet affects you more than anything else besides genetics, why compromise something so integral to your existence for what amounts to worthless fiat dollar savings? You're going to regret it one day

>> No.28657041

that's one example of it
another is lifting weights
you want to keep your insuline resistance low as possible

>> No.28657042
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i do something similar

>can of hormel chili or $1 kroger store brand equivalent
>white rice
>frozen veg
>some sort of sauce like frank's red hot or sriracha

rice is like a magical flavor sponge, it's great

tuna salad is another nice budget option

>> No.28657091

You're the one eating gross shit, my guy.
Dont cry because you asked and got an answer.

>> No.28657113

>organic cereal
>organic chips
There's nothing wrong with buying organic produce, but organic processed foods is an oxymoron. It's nothing more than a marketing scam.

>a grilled chicken drumstick
A? Just one? Jesus dude you're either an absolute manlet, or a spook skelly.

>> No.28657116


Go to your local synagogue get on your knees and beg daddy shlomo for something yummy

>> No.28657163

>Canned chickpeas
You realize how fucking easy it is to cook from dry at a fraction of the cost, right?

>> No.28657183

Basically what I've been saying.
People that brag about food savings (unless they're buying shit on sale) by eating like this are fucking morons.

>> No.28657208

>900 calories
Twink mode
>organic cereal
Just eat some oats
>nature valley
Find the cheapest bag of honey flavored granola you can. Same thing

>> No.28657220

die for Isreal

>> No.28657268

I’m getting back into starvation mode to lose weight, definitely still hungry at the end of the day though. appreciate the reply, do you have a healthy cereal recommendation? I guess they’re all kind of carby

>> No.28657280

underrated post. food is the last thing you should be frugal on. Of course, you should try to find good deals and buy what's on sale, but you shouldn't replace real with processed, fresh with frozen, meat with beans etc.

>> No.28657290

>current year
>eating meat

>> No.28657328

thanks for the heads up, will get back to pumping my 15s like a champ tomorrow, I’ve been bad about it lately

>> No.28657355
File: 13 KB, 199x250, pinkymen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bough a 5kg bag of steel cut oats last month but barely put a dent in it, should i just mix the shit with protein powder or how the fuck else can I burn through them

>> No.28657367

>do you have a healthy cereal recommendation
I used to eat oats every morning, but it was fucking my gut up. I've come to the conclusion that whole grains are bad for you (slave food that humans didn't evolve to consume). I usually eat a bagel with something on it for breakfast now

>> No.28657401


You are a retarded faggot go kys nigger

>> No.28657423

thank you, all added to shopping list. and yeah I’m trying to cut

>> No.28657465

how do you make the base? looks great

>> No.28657467

Op here, I'm not going to be /rice&beans/ forever, this isn't a lifetime choice, but the $5k~ (conservatively) that I save in a year of eating like a peasant is worth it. That $5k could very well end up having $100k in opportunity cost over the next 10 years. I'll have a whole lifetime to eat healthy, artisanal, high quality organic meals, but right now I'm content eating like a cliche 50s hobo in a trainyard to accomplish my goals quicker.

>> No.28657485

That looks like something they would serve in prison.

>> No.28657497

bagels are fucking incredible. based

>> No.28657556

Enjoy spending that theoretical 100k on ass cancer treatments.

>> No.28657672

add berries maybe?

>> No.28657681

I personally eat a lot of bone broth. I believe the stem cells are enough nutrition. That said, most older people say liver is a must.
I realize people hate on bugs but the truth is eating organs is whats healthiest, not just meat, and by eating a bug youre ingesting everything which is way healthier than just meat

>> No.28657687

it's about longevity. you may be muscular now but you are far better off in the long run on a meat/dairy diet. preferably raw meat.

>> No.28657703

If you are seriously dieting you should be eating foods that heavily satiate you. (Hight fiber, fats, proteins). There's really no reason you should be feeling hungry if you know how to eat right. Try eating more sweet potatos, avocado's, tuna for ex as it will give you a full feeling longer.

>> No.28657714

I'm Canadian so the treatments would be covered by our healthcare

>> No.28657737

I did this but am now insulin resistant. Turned out all the carbs from rice got to me (the energy drinks weren't helping). Unironically went keto and solved all my problems. Now I'm full carnivore. It costs more, but I can afford a huge steak every night. Now I've never been healthier. Don't skimp on your nutrition. It's the best investment you can ever make.

>> No.28657744

OP is almost certainly eating healthier than most people. Particularly if he avoids fast food for fiscal reasons. A person can enjoy an incredibly healthy diet on a frugal budget.

>> No.28657905

Thanks, noting this and added all to groceries list. I definitely could stand to add more fish and protein in lieu of say, some of the carbs

>> No.28657934

>Canadian Healthcare

>> No.28657937


Soak them in milk in the fridge till soft, might take a night or 2. Extra stuff like nuts or nut butter, cinnamon or maple sugar, berries or fruit chunks good too.

>> No.28657944

Don't listen to these people OP. These people think they have to eat meat every single meal to stay alive when throughout history that has never been the case. Westerns particularly Americans can't fathom that other people in the world don't die from heart disease or colon cancer by 60 years old like they do.

>> No.28658143

Needs black pepper and butter (not margarine).

>> No.28658284


>> No.28658422

Grind it to powder and use it for paper mache instead of wheat flour. Make yourself a nice throne from junk mail.

>> No.28658598

checked and prose-pilled

>> No.28658618


>> No.28658621

Meat is not only immoral because it's murder of an innocent being, but it's also incredibly unhealthy close to being on par with smoking. It increases cancer risks, and heart decease, and all kinds of nasty stuff you don't want. OP is doing the right thing by cutting meat out of his diet.

>> No.28658797

>Meat is not only immoral because it's murder of an innocent being

>but it's also incredibly unhealthy close to being on par with smoking

>> No.28658823
File: 11 KB, 860x773, Egm1PQiWoAEUA9Z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meat is not only immoral because it's murder of an innocent being, but it's also incredibly unhealthy close to being on par with smoking. It increases cancer risks, and heart decease, and all kinds of nasty stuff you don't want. OP is doing the right thing by cutting meat out of his diet.

>> No.28658879

Enjoy the heart attacks, bros. I'll be over here treating my body with the love it deserves.

>> No.28658908

just eat it nigga. oats are good carbs, the original preworkout. oats and squats nigga

>> No.28659029
File: 198 KB, 1125x1305, vegans1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28659079

based anon, thank you

>> No.28659211

This really is true.

>> No.28659243

No, primitive people lived off the meat from game hunted and killed once every day or so, interspersed with very few fruits and vegetables scavenged in between. It is literally the keto diet: one meal of a huge steak per day with not much else. People are astonished how their hunger goes away when they actually try this. The high fat and protein is satiating and holds you over for a long time. No more blood sugar spikes that pump and dump faster than a bubble chart and leave you starving three hours after your every meal of carbs. And all those health problems like heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure are actually caused by margarine, vegetable oils, and plant based proteins like onions, which contain vitamin k1 but not vitamin k2, only found in animals, that is essential for decalcifying your blood stream. None of these common diseases today existed in the western world before 1900 and the mass adoption of margarine.

>> No.28659344

>I usually eat a 7 pieces of bread with something on it for breakfast now


>> No.28659443

You want to know how to make legit fire stirfry ground beef? Trick is to overcook the onions at the beginning, and then add in everything else after that. Dont overcook the other stuff. Leave those onions at a high temp for 5-6 min. The take the garic, green and red bell pepper, and tomato sauce and mix it in there for 20-30 sec. Turn the temp down to min low and then throw the beef. Mix well, raise the temp up slightly but dont let anything reach boiling temp. and then put something over it and let it cook for 45 min. Come back and Stir a bit like every 4-5 min, and to check and make sure nothing is boiling

>> No.28659582

Imagine living in a society that doesnt allow children to work due to exploitation but allows them to be on movie sets, tv shows, youtube working for their asian parents performing, and facebook and instagram being posted hopped up on drugs looking boarding on scary because her mother probably does have her drugged and sharing this far and wide like its acceptable to do that to the mentality of a person not developed. I have never been on facebook and thats something i realizing im lucky to say whereas this child got forced into the public realm of vebom

>> No.28659609

The problem with these diets is the fact that people follow them in a vacuum without also considering the context in which the diet was consumed. In your example you mentioned primitive people. Primitive people were extremely active and did not sit in front of rocks that were tricked into thinking all day. What I've learned is that all diets don't really matter, as long as you are not eating processed foods, you can eat whatever you want as long as you work out 1-2 hours a day. I ate absolute garbage back when I was body building and had perfect blood levels

>> No.28659703

Take your 330 allowance from the branch and use it at the chowhall.
Be sure to eat the maximum amount of healthy shit possible
Enjoy the variety your taxpayer funded nicemeals afford you.
I miss the chowhall and my entitlement.

>> No.28659853

Fat vs lean
Like other anon's said, depends on what you're making. If you start getting into making own sausages, you're going to want to go old school intestine packing (they're a bitch at first), and have a good lean/fat ratio going or sausages will be too chewy and dry. Also, do need fats in diet. Check out rabbit starvation in settlers from eating too much lean meats like rabbit and deer.

>> No.28659919
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Also, there are ways to reduce arsenic content when cooking rice.

>> No.28660114

women are the worst financial decision you can add to your life.
ALL of them dont know how to budget, they cant save money, cant invest it, dont know how to live within their means, and generally try to pressure men into doing horrible things financially.

im a turbo millionaire now that ive been purposely single for 8 years.
you fucking retards in actual relationships cant say the same.

>> No.28660149

alternatively, if you live off the grid, you could distill the arsenic water and use it to make poisons in Minecraft

>> No.28660270

can confirm, my girlfriend eats dairy free and gluten free and tries to make me do $60 ubereats orders every night

>> No.28660302

>the only way to fight speciesism is to engage in speciesism but with plants
veganiggers are so fucking stupid

>> No.28660489
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>The leftovers from this with 1 can of chickpeas and 1 can of refried beans will give me another 2 or 3 meals. What's your excise for not taking the rice and beans pill, /biz/?

>> No.28660623

This. I had a live in girlfriend (2 of them) for 2 years each. I had to drop them both because they were financially ruining me (among other things).

We should remember what our ancestors did in the past and follow their methods when it comes to women. Ancient romans used to go to war / join the army / become statesmen and would not have wives until after their "careers" had ended (around age 35-40). At that point they took on young brides (ages 16-18) and used them to start families. In the modern context, you should not get married or have a significant other until you have already made it or have accumulated a significant amount of wealth (which you should have by age 40) because women are expensive. Just look at what rich men do, they make their money and then they get young wives to have kids with.

>> No.28660628

>>> bones and liver
>>> bugs have both
Bro I have some news for you

>> No.28660731

>bones and livers
>bugs since they obviously have both.


>> No.28660740

Have the nutrition value of both. A bugs organs are extremely healthy to consume theres no disputing that fact. Meat alone is missing something.

>> No.28660800

Bugs do not have livers or bones you brainlet.

>> No.28660878

I was speaking in terms of nutrition i forget the iq of this board dropped 20 points recently so i need to specify things like that

>> No.28660994

Meaning a bugs exoskeleton and organ system provide a more nutricious and balanced set of protein and vitamins and fiber when compared to a steak, therefore if you eat meat alone you should also be eating a minimum of liver or bones. Its exhausting dealing with midwits where i need to do the typing here because youre a difficult lil b****

>> No.28661020

35 year old women are perfect for starting a family with, anon. they already had gone through their wild period and know what they want now. i traveled a lot while you were making that money so i have all the experience that will make you and our relationship and family stronger. i can speak 6.5 languages well enough to get around in their countries. why would you go with a young girl who has nothing to offer to you. it should be illegal to date someone more than 5 years younger than you it's always predatory!

>> No.28661084

>implying that a less evolved organism such as an insect has more nutritional value than an organism that is further evolved with more complex organs and tissue such as a domesticated mammal.

I think the board dropped 20 IQ points the moment you logged in. You're really ahead of the bell curve.

>> No.28661167

Im not implying anything dipshit. Im saying straight up. If you eat ANY ANIMAL YOU WANT consume the entire animal. End. Meat alone isnt enough. Period.

>> No.28661198

I realize this is bait but here is your obligatory "You will never be a woman"

>> No.28661273

>bugs exoskeleton and organ system provide a more nutricious and balanced set of protein and vitamins and fiber when compared to a steak,

Sorry it's already over for you anon, since you fucked up earlier I have to hyper focus on your fuck up like a true autist and nitpick you for the remainder of this thread using demoralizing greenposts. It's over for you.

>> No.28661391

Such is life for a 120 iq midwit. Loud hostile hyperfocused wrong to a T since its their own misinterpretation to miss that the context was clearly in terms of nutrition. At this point its clear youre looking for dick in your mouth. I will oblige. Hit me up gurl faggot

>> No.28661657
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>> No.28661764

You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.28661832

I wish there was a rule against gaying on people here. You can stop youing me anytime obsessed faggot

>> No.28661837

I ate shrimp and scallops with rice and vegetables. I don't give a fuck what it cost.

>> No.28661918

This is some faggot ass shit meal. Yo could of at least bought bulk of ground meat which is cheap af and usually on sale for protein and saturated fat which men need for test levels.

Eggs are also cheap af and great for protein fat and raise test levels. Buying cans of beans and other shit is also horrible. Buying bags of beans and other legumes and boiling them yourself is much cheaper.

I would go higher protein and fat which are more calorie dense and fill you up more so stay fuller longer and don't have to eat so much.

>> No.28662025

>since you fucked up earlier I have to hyper focus on your fuck up like a true autist and nitpick you for the remainder of this thread using demoralizing greenposts

>> No.28662120

>No meat

>> No.28662121

bro this is the snack I eat while I cook an actual meal

>> No.28662184

For one, I actually want to enjoy life and not eat poor man’s food

>> No.28662417
File: 201 KB, 421x519, 1611510359835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally go to the chowhall, you stupid nigger. holy fuck, what's the minimum IQ they're taking nowadays?

>> No.28662437

I knew this post would be gold from the first 8 words.

>> No.28662505

Mega retard if you actually believe frozen being better. Then something fresh

>> No.28662684

>basic biology
outed yourself.

>> No.28662886

>Lists $20 worth of ingredients
This board is truly retarded

>> No.28663033

They both don't have any viable eggs either.

>> No.28663105
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>> No.28663146

You should splash out and spend another dollar or two.

>> No.28663403

>muh 20g of protein a day is enough.
>muh vegan weightlifter (downs 6 scoops of pea protein whey a day)
Fat isn't muscle delusional dad bod boomer faggot.
>pumping my 15s like a champ
My sedentary 5'5" gf could "pump" 20s, what the fuck?

>> No.28663414

>gaying on people
what did they mean by this?

>> No.28663960


based, when i make it i will eat shrimps everyday

>> No.28664128

Just woke up the dog and he glared at me and left

>> No.28664153


>> No.28664217

You guys are always so retarded, go work out at the library once in a while

>> No.28664316

just tell her no lol
you fucking cuck

>> No.28664334

I’m like 5 10 at best so I’m not trying to get swole

>> No.28664484

>I don't want to get TOO muscular...
oh you're one of those faggots.
You don't have anything to worry about since it's literally impossible to get swole with 15 lbs even on tren.

>> No.28664525

canada money is also a fraction of usd. you live in a failed state and it will collapse soon and china will pick up the remains.

>> No.28664609

I just want to be taut and define my muscles. I was at like 220 in january of 2020 and then hit 133 in august 2020. now I’m at around 155 and just want to have a firm body, I think that big arms would look goofy on me. not everyone, just me specifically

>> No.28664637

meal for a faggot

>> No.28664707

Thank you for your service

>> No.28664712

The US will collapse before Canada.

>> No.28664726

>220 to 133 at 5’10”
We’re you in a fucking gulag?

>> No.28664737

0 grams of protein. enjoy being skinny fat with your carbs fat diet

>> No.28664877


>> No.28664879

haha it was a hardcore crash diet for sure. I started by having coffee to surpress appetite, then only let myself eat from 1 pm to 8 pm and mostly ate ground beef and scrambled eggs. around april I was able to move better and started running which helped

>> No.28664892

lyle mcdonald extreme rapid fat loss calls for about 250 cals of protein a day and 8 hours of walking. you can lose up to 10-15lbs a week but your hormones will probably suffer near instantly so you want to supplement some peds to offset the mental instability and your body rejecting what youre doing to it

>> No.28664943

Pork is disgusting and no one should eat it. You eat lamb's meat and fish and drink cow's milk. The rest is bull shit.

>> No.28664974

also yoga surprisingly helped a lot

>> No.28665018

>since you fucked up earlier I have to hyper focus on your fuck up like a true autist and nitpick you for the remainder of this thread using demoralizing greenposts. It's over for you.
Holy based

>> No.28665046
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Pork is fine. Not the best tasting meat but there's nothing wrong with it from a nutritional point of view, and it's cheap as fuck which makes it a good poorfag food.

>> No.28665293

There is a reason neither Jews nor Muslims eat pork and it's forbidden for them. Unironically, eating pork makes you a cuckold.

>> No.28666002

The reason is because back in the days of the Bible, pigs were a parasite ridden animal that ate shit and rotting flesh. Today things are different.

>> No.28666566

Pork from the grocery store still has that

>> No.28666697

Not unless you live in a third world country. You can even eat rare pork these days.

>> No.28666972

500g of chicken and 2 cups of jasmine rice and you got at least 2 meals of some gourmet shit depending on your spice rack. its a couple extra dollars but it beats eating brown paste and frozen bugs. life not worth living at that point, might as well sell your clothes and suck dick for coins

>> No.28667013

You have a fucking Galley or DFAC. Use it. Stop eating out on the fast food chains on base.

>> No.28667031

OP comes across as such a faggot
would love to punch his face in

>> No.28667082

OP is a leaf, so yeah

>> No.28667187
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Ground turkey is cheap as hell and you can make a decent meal as long as its got spices like those boxed rice kind of things like dirty rice. The turkey is pretty bland.

>> No.28667228

/biz/ isnt red beans and rice pilled

>> No.28667283

I would be unable to shit for days if I ate that. Namely the beans nd vegetables

>> No.28667441

i love budget turkey tube

>> No.28667549
File: 26 KB, 466x470, 71ZMy-93O-L._AC_SX466_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A can of beans could be had for $0.75 but they add a lot of sodium. I can make cooked beans from dry in my instant pot in a hour.

Just buy staples. You can get by without processed food.

I even started making my own yogurt recently.

>> No.28667604

I heard this is also great for making bombs in Minecraft

>> No.28667725

turkey chili is fire

>> No.28667745


>american livestock practices blocks your path

>> No.28667782

onions increase T you retard

>> No.28667801

Would be expensive. The economy ones from a middle eastern market are much more affordable to destroy.

>> No.28668070

I'm canadian

>he doesn't know about the word filter
hello newfriend, lurk moar

>> No.28668253

Faggot are you religious? because you can’t have an objective moral standard without God, and if you do believe in God you would know that He has permitted us to consume animals in scripture. kys and your baseless, incoherent, expedient beliefs

>> No.28668371

Thank you for your cervix.

>> No.28668373

looks like dog shit

>> No.28668645

Okay Cody...

>> No.28668710

You realise that there has never been a study which has isolated red meat as the cause of cancer or even heart disease? People on carnivore diets are incredibly healthy and it’s even a remedy for a lot of things like auto immune diseases. The reason why people think red meat causes cancer is because the people getting cancer are eating red meat AND a ridiculous amount of processed carbs and vegetable/seed oils in their food. that’s the killer

>> No.28668778

based and red pilled. all vegans are atheists, and atheists believe in subjective morality, which makes them hypocrites for trying to impose their morals about eating animals on others.

>> No.28669250

China owns us buddy, we wont fail unfortunately

>> No.28669878

>chicken is the worst meat
kill yourself. Now

Fish contains a lot of lead so you shouldn't be consuming it constantly, eating too much red meat can give you a meat high which is not good.

>> No.28670039

today they still eat shit, and their own kind. nothing changed, they will also eat human if they can.

Early Christians didn't eat pork, it was only during the 1950's that a Jewish guy working for an advertisement company made eating pork- bacon with breakfast popular with his commercials.

>> No.28670326

1950's and advertising in general absolutely fucked American diets. Isn't pork being forbidden also related to them being unable to filter toxins by sweating or something like that?

>> No.28670504
File: 11 KB, 211x246, what the fug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adding water in 2:1 ratio AFTER 5 mins of rice being boiled
nigger what kind of sloppy ass mushy rice are you eating
rice shouldn't absorb more than ~1.7x of its weight in water when you boil it from dry

>> No.28670659

yes, everything they eat is stored in their meat.

>> No.28670748

>This meal cost me less than $1
Looks like it cost 1 cent

>> No.28670805

thinking about doing this for the next 3 months. Just to finish off this wage cuck safari and save the rest of my gainz for when it matters.

>> No.28670815

That's ridiculous. Cows don't sweat either.

>> No.28670818

Didn’t the others get annoyed by the smell?

>> No.28670886
File: 88 KB, 384x517, i caused that feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it was legal to kill and eat people I would have a cage full of human babies and every morning I would wake up and slaughter one, drink its blood, and then cook it on the grill. I would eat at least one human baby every day. I would pay almost any price for this. And I would enjoy every second of it.

>> No.28670916

Is it the same reason jews bit off the foreskin of babies and drink their blood?

>> No.28670937


>> No.28670942

Not real

>> No.28671082


>> No.28671127

that wouldn't be so cucked if you replaced the beans with eggs or beef or literally any kind of meat protein. ive tried eating like that and it makes u feel like dog shit because theres no animalfats/protein. kys

>> No.28671134

not bad but isn't brown rice much better for you with lower gi?

>> No.28671176

Based, vegetarian myself

>> No.28671185

That looks delicious

>> No.28671213

The high GI of white rice is negated if you eat it with something fatty. It's not really a big deal unless you're eating tons of it every day like a bugman.

>> No.28671331

>sucking on a beasts tits
peak clown world delusion

>> No.28671413
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You sucked on your mother's tits as a babe and she is a gentile animal. What's the difference, you're all cattle anyway.

>> No.28671428

Not vegan but your mistake is assuming that his god would be the same as yours. You got potential to be intelligent but you’re still a bit wet behind the ears

>> No.28671631
File: 70 KB, 700x473, vegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either he's an atheist and believes in subjective morality, or he believes in a false God, in which case his moral convictions are irrelevant.

>> No.28671803
File: 46 KB, 928x732, this goy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no G-d but Yaweh and according to Him it's okay to fuck 6 year olds and murder gentiles.

>> No.28671865

There has never been a better time to trust American farmers if you buy organic.

>> No.28671980

i hate fags like you, you sound like a skinny little chipmunk kid that played backup pointguard in highschool

>> No.28672241

Nigga you are saving like 3 dollars, if you were to only it shit for the rest of your life you would still be poor.
Being frugal is a meme.

>> No.28672427

read: im a fat fuck who is coping