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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28651765 No.28651765 [Reply] [Original]

There's something I have to admit. I've known about Chainlink for while now. I ceased to browse /biz/ after the 2017 crash. I mostly browsed /pol/ and every now then some fag would talk about chainlink. I looked a bit into it but honestly I did so bad in 2017 that I lacked trust on this site. Plus there was very good fud. I'm talking about thinking about investing at 1.30 or so. I however never did. I was also really fucking broke and was cucked through credit cards. Then saw it rise to like 4 bucks. I deeply regret it but it was what it was. Later I started paying attention to BTC once it hit like 10k. I was able to put some money in and then yes, I saw link hit 8 bucks.

I honestly felt like it was indeed a legit project. But I also was stubborn that I had missed out so I didn't invest. It's kind of like had to punish myself for it. Then saw it rise to 14, 20, 24 and so on until today.

I just want to congratulate you all faggots who were in here early. I am glad you made it, you truly deserve it. You shilled and held and now you are here. As for me I will try to find the next gem while there's time before the homoglobo crypto gets inserted into people's arms and foreheads. My advice to you is to not get too greedy, go inawoods and seek God above all.

>> No.28651968

>not get too greedy
wrong board anon. sorry

>> No.28652016

theres still time bud
link hasnt mooned in sats yet

>> No.28652470

it's hard for me man. Knowing I could have bought 33 times cheaper. I'm sure there's something decent out there which can give me a decent return. Was loooking into SNX. It's still a good time to make it.

>> No.28652967
