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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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28625736 No.28625736 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.28625793

pls keep fuding your shorts, it's funny to see

>> No.28625828

is it true they can't sell?

>> No.28625878

Yea wow that must be ass. Whether or not people are FUDing rn, I'd be pissed if I didn't even have the option to sell.
Also does anybody know a good place to sell POLS coin? I wanna pull out my investment but want to avoid uniswap if possible. Thanks.

>> No.28625967

Thousands of crypto fags have discovered Zero Exchange with sub second settlement and cheap fees.

Like the landing page for zero.exchange says, ‘Powered by Avalanche’.

AVAX will take Ethereum’s market cap, it’s inevitable.

>> No.28626090

Initial investment*

>> No.28626215
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>> No.28626284

500 AVAX short reporting in from 51

>> No.28626300

kek, I didnt even realize that when I opened my short

>> No.28626328
File: 117 KB, 920x950, 1613112906881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the seethe is fucking hilarious, holy shit, like 3 threads a minute with you short fags

>> No.28626389

No, they can sell on OKEX.

>> No.28626394

the whole network is down KEK

>> No.28626422

You can unstake at literally any point and immediately sell.
Low tier fud.
Try harder banjeet.

>> No.28626452

How is it Avalanche's fault that Binance can't get it's shit together please? The chain is working fine.

>> No.28626514

wth you talking about? if you want to fud just be honest, the network is working fine, EXCHANGES are updating their nodes and xingxong Binance is taking way too much time because its chinese new year

>> No.28626537

baseless FUD, OKex works fine

>> No.28626589
File: 88 KB, 957x883, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet these people also don't realise or are trying to hide the fact that every single sell above 0.05eth is from a wallet that looks like this.

>> No.28626607

>You can unstake at literally any point
you can't, unless you talk about binance which is not staking, it's margin lending

>> No.28626645

Can sell on OKEX and Pangolin right now
Entire network is up

>> No.28626654

I dont really see any big orders on binance either lol, this is like a perfect storm of sell signals

>> No.28626682

no. you can sell on pangolin, okcoin, any exchange. only fud they have going for them is that binance hasn't opened deposits yet. btw smart money swung the dip

>> No.28626763
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Is this a double bluff fud? Are you a roach trying to convince people to stay in AVAX with this shit? You should absolutely sell your AVAX despite OP's weak attempt at reverse psychology.

>> No.28626877

>the whole network is down KEK

It's literally not you nigger: https://cchain.explorer.avax.network/

>> No.28626908

Sell it for what on Pangolin? There is no liquidity. And then what? Hope the x-c chain starts working again at some point? Still no assurances from the devs on when that's gonna happen...

>> No.28626965
File: 130 KB, 500x820, Holy Avax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hodl anons this will skyrocket soon

>> No.28627115

You can already swap things between X and C chain. The only thing that isn't up rn is the Ethereum bridge.

>> No.28627167
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You're wrong, but go off I guess...

>> No.28627328

yeah honestly I can't be too sure on what's going to happen price-wise next 24 hrs. sold most my stack at a 4x, just watching for now as the price plunders.

>> No.28627431

i opened my short before this.

>> No.28627538
File: 138 KB, 827x1430, A53D8E88-DA41-427E-9FE7-607C62BD7EBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah so what? You sell for fakeETH on pangolin and you can do absolutely nothing with it because the bridge is down. Binance is not accepting deposits because they don’t want to be liable for pushing a knowingly bugged coin to people. All those who staked thinking it was an ok project have their assets frozen. It’s literally dead

>> No.28627658

they call it staking to lure noobs like you, it's not staking on a node

>> No.28627683


>> No.28627768

Ok. So with regard to 1. What are AVAX sellers buying on Pangolin if it's so easy to buy (without slippage)? and 2. Without ETH bridge, they can't sell on Uni so there is no sell pressure anyway.

>> No.28628078

Whats your price target?

>> No.28628190
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That face is filled with fear

>> No.28628378

Ok retard.

>> No.28628383

i wish i sold earlier
hope to buy back in when they get their shit together else i will all in with my potential x100, dont give a shit anymore when solid projects like avax go to the shitter

>> No.28628437

Beside the fact that early investors can't sell, we did this investment with long lockup because we don't want to sell anyway.

>> No.28628475

what's your 100x? dont worry i wont judge

>> No.28628560

qlc or pros

>> No.28628563

Cope. Could have turned an easy 100x into another 100x. Stay poor.

>> No.28628613

You are acting like the bridge will never come back up.

You can a) sell shit for USDT and wait for bridge to come back up


b) Sell shit for avax, withdraw and sell that on an exchange.

What is the issue?

>> No.28628818

nice I'm going in on qlc

>> No.28628867

Do you think early Avax investors are poor?
Like ETH genesis wallet who invested?
Avax investors were already rich in 2016.
And they give a shit about your 2021 bull.
You have still to chase pumps poorfag .

>> No.28629100

The fuck is that pic

>> No.28629145
File: 43 KB, 441x269, AVAX holder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pengulin exchange supposed to make AVAX the new hot shit in crypto
>Mass anticipation by AVAXtards
>Suddenly all their nodes collapse, their devs lock their wallets
>Mass dumping starts
>Binance has to ban deposits/withdrawals for this
>Network goes down
>CEO/team say nothing for days
>Admit they had a double spend
>Still won't unlock and let avaxtards unstake
The biggest fail I can remember in crypto history

>> No.28629222

Yes. The ones that haven't sold the top are definitely poor. You only make that mistake once in crypto. I already made it fag.

>> No.28629370

>The biggest fail I can remember in crypto history
Either your memory isn't very good or you haven't been in crypto for very long.

>> No.28629391

>>Mass dumping starts
>>CEO/team say nothing for days
>>Admit they had a double spend
none of these things happened.

>> No.28629454

You made shit. Your comments say it all noobish poorfag .

>> No.28629653

Rofl. Bro. You don't even understand how out of your league I am. I was an early BTC/ETH adopter. Also I worked at Coinbase. I'm about to be richer than you could ever imagine.

>> No.28629723

the whole concept of the bridge is dump, it costs like .2 eth to cross and 100 avax to get back to ETH

I am sorry, i wanted to like this project and hope it would ameliorate some of the gas problems on ETH but I will never put any money on this chain ever again after this experience

>> No.28630167

>the whole concept of the bridge is dump, it costs like .2 eth to cross and 100 avax to get back to ETH

So high Ethereum gas fees are the fault of Avalanche? Kek.

Native ARC-20 tokens will be created, negating the need for the bridge all together. It's just useful to have to jump start activity. TUSD is coming to Avax for example.

Pretty low IQ move to sell because of this imo.

>> No.28630232
File: 12 KB, 183x275, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avax? Never again...

>> No.28630288
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>> No.28630841

>but I will never put any money on this chain ever again after this experience
ok bye, you'll come back begging

>> No.28631054
File: 367 KB, 1196x2048, Screenshot_20210213-125612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. You wouldn't even believe what my strike price was.

>> No.28631070

there isn't a single grammatically correct post defending this fuckup itt
since all of this started there hasn't been a single honest communication, everything feels suspiciously obscured and amateurishly managed
no sane person would stake or use the bridge until some months have passed without incident
that sentiment alone WILL affect avax's price, no matter what cz, vcs or ico investors do to mitigate it
it doesn't mean that the project is dead imo, it should just start price discovery again from mid pangolin's hype ($15?)

>> No.28631548

Yes, everything is a conspiracy, everyone who is bullish on Avax is a turk. Take your meds.

>> No.28631922

if your chain is fundamentally broken, slower, and less secure than eth, yes

lmfao yeah any day now all the best devs will leave eth to build innovative stuff on AVAX, the most trusted high throughput blokcahin

>> No.28632689

>if your chain is fundamentally broken, slower, and less secure than eth, yes
It's none of those. Weak fud.