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2860069 No.2860069 [Reply] [Original]

>be hot girl
>pretend to date beta asian guy
>other asian guys tend to be engineers, software developers, and doctors
>get paid by betabucks to play video games all day

>> No.2860213

probelm is you are not a hot gurl

>> No.2860225
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>> No.2860231
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maybe shes not using him for anything and they genuinely like each other for reasons not immediately apparent, but mainly because she is a down to earth chick who doesn't have her head up her ass?.

i know that seems strange to someone like you...
but that does happen, in the real world, ya know?

>> No.2860234

>shoulder day
That chink needs to slip her some var. I can't see any delts

>> No.2860239

who are these people

why can't i get a gf like that when this ugly subhuman that isn't even whtie can?

>> No.2860244

you'd get more by pretending you're single so your theory doesn't hold up

>> No.2860245

>why can't i get a gf like that when this ugly subhuman that isn't even whtie can?

Cause you hate those who have what you want

>> No.2860287

yeah but i deserve that girl more than that faggot she looks perfect

>> No.2860310

what kind of fucked up split is she running lmao
>brb time for calves and obliques day

>> No.2860317

Well the mere fact you say that means you don't deserve her, in the sense that she wouldn't like you cause you denigrate people

>> No.2860324

>virgin spotted

>> No.2860364
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thats a mature response .
you seem like a very well adjusted human being.

care to share more of your enlightened views on interpersonal relationships?

>> No.2860394

There are obviously outliers but for the most part the bulk of women are naturally hypergamous. It is an ingrained trait and for good reason...it allows the success of potential offspring.

>> No.2860395

she's ugly as shit what the fuck are you guys talking about jesus christ

>> No.2860420

you are gay, just admit it to yourself, its fine it's accepted now in most countries

>> No.2860455

>be loser insecure white guy
>try to hold up the only this that people can't take away from you as the best most important thing ever
>Still be a loser
Get the fuck off /biz/ please.

>> No.2860464

no I just geninely don't think she's attractive

or is just a terrible fucking picture of her

>> No.2860470
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>> No.2860479

life is different from movies.

>> No.2860481

i have seen STPeach IRL when she went backstage at TwitchCon

shes about 4 foot 10 and flat as a pancacke. She looks horribly average in real life and you are a pathetic faggot if you lust over e-girls.

>> No.2860493

gay, gotcha

>> No.2860564

>going to (((TwitchCon)))
Are you 13?

>> No.2861871
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>> No.2861938

that bitch needs to stop skipping upper-lip day

>> No.2861973


Humans have became a dominant in this planet because not of physical attributes but its brain power.

198cm 120kg muscular guy won't last 5 seconds battle with chimpz.

Brain is the new alpha attribute.

Engineers, doctors, software developers are the real Alpha.

>> No.2861991

>ugly subhuman
>some random asian guy you've never met

Maybe this is why women don't like you?

>> No.2861992

The problem is that while you can work out and become more "alpha", dumb fucks stay dumb fucks regardless of how much they try. Dumb fucks and women who like them aren't going to go extinct because they're the ones having children.

>> No.2862007
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>> No.2862011

>not ignoring /pol posts on /biz
Its like your first time on 4chan. Stormniggers will be stormniggers

>> No.2862020

genetic defect spotted
mongrel spotted

>> No.2862023

I'm more white than your americunt ass

>> No.2862025

Post your foreskin muhammed

>> No.2862028

oy vey! Don't forget to buy Bancor! Otherwise you're a racist, white-supremacist, nazi, hater, stormtard

>> No.2862032

t. virgin

>> No.2862044

Literally fucked a girl each day this week kiddo one was your sister the other was your mom I don't usually fuck fat and ugly women but I felt they needed some levity in their life after dealing with you.

>> No.2862051

t. virgin

>> No.2862060


alphas are alphas. engineers are engineers. software developers are software developers. understand? if you're a gangly timid overly friendly software developer with low confidence and a gold digging hot wife you will get cucked pretty fast.

>> No.2862065 [DELETED] 
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stay mad

>> No.2862107
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>Don't know who the fuck stpeach is
>google search


>> No.2862111

whats wrong with getting cucked ?
its the thinking mans fetish.
to watch the woman you love and respect connect with a lesser animal purely for her pleasure
no different than a deep couples massage.

>> No.2862122

why do you care?

>> No.2862201
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yeah ok m8

>> No.2862236

Of course it is, in movies "love" is the most important thing. Whereas the reality is closer to "security" being the most important thing.

>> No.2862260

This is the truth. People with low self esteem date asians because
>asians are easy to please
>our opinions and judgments are less valuable than a white person
>we are ugly so we arent as judgmental
>we behave like mindless drones

people consider it like dating robot but they dont consciously think that

this is truth unfortunately. im asian so i know

>> No.2862265

Cancer like you can only be treated with nuclear radiation

>> No.2862280
File: 60 KB, 614x525, 1495260220448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its just the opposite. in reality . the people doing the most fucking are the people who are the least worried about "security" lol .

the only security your concerned with is securing your virginity so cut the troll.
nothing is going to change.
things are perfect just as they are .

if you want to be with someone just find a way.

>> No.2862288

Please take your dog-whistling to somewhere where it has at least a modicum of relevancy

>with a lesser animal purely for her pleasure
Amateur! The real thinking man's fetish is getting cucked by a dog... no wait.. by an assortment of lizards, only then can you truly feel your innate superiority as those chains of reptiles writhe over and in her for her pleasure.



>> No.2862411


>> No.2862533

Says the tripfag with the retarded nerd virgin name. Go watch some more cartoons you beta faggot.

>> No.2862578


>Ice Poseidon tries to get in her pants.
>13:20 Gets told he sounds like a virgin and she doesn't think he'd be able to get a girl.

>> No.2862755


>> No.2862871

the asian dude admitted they are in an "open relatioship" lmao

>> No.2862894
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Thanks for the laugh, anon.

>> No.2862908

Your twenties are going to be rough if you don't change your mindset quickly.

>> No.2862909

Where did he admit this.

>> No.2862912

Retards like you are the reason whores exist and are enabled you fucking cuck.

>> No.2862914
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>> No.2862927

>r9k thread
>doesn't even make a point
you know there are attractive doctors and programmers right? she's with these guys because she herself is an autist without any real sex appeal.

guys need to have a decent job, girls need to hit the gym. or you can "compare" the two and post on r9k all day.

>> No.2862950

If you have a brain developped enough you understand why physical traits are important and why you need to take care of them for mating and health purpose.
Physical and intelectual improvement go hands in hands, it's a remnant of Athens education on which western education is largely built, it comes from the need to have citizens cultured enough to take the good political decisions while being fit to serve in their hoplites.

This balance was one of their main strenght which made the greeks the strongest individuals in the pre-Rome antiquity allowibg them to crush a persian Empire still far bigger than a united greece.

>> No.2863107

does she actually play videogames? i thought most of her streams are "irl" streams where she shows off her ass.

oh you sweet summer child.