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28616073 No.28616073[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.28616112

get a nicotine addiction

>> No.28616129


>> No.28616148

Buy $GRT

>> No.28616160


>> No.28616180

stop eating sugar

>> No.28616205

just dont eat and drink black coffee

>> No.28616211

avoid sugar eat less u should know this

>> No.28616252

in order of importance
combine all four for uber gains

>> No.28616291

less input calories than output calories

>> No.28616304
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This. Read Vince Gironda’s diet.

>> No.28616315

fasting and then eating window control

every time you eat anything your body makes insulin

so fast, try to fast for 24 hours then try 48 hours try to fast 24 hours once a week if you can

only eat twice a day or even once if you like just make sure you don't snack in between

working out won't make you lose weight, if you can do a 30 minute walk everyday that is good for controlling blood sugar and overall health

>> No.28616327

Eat less and do some exercise.

>> No.28616333

Get a life

>> No.28616341

go all-in on rubic... you'll be so broke you won't be able to afford food!

>> No.28616354

Use a calorie intake calculator to figure out how many calories on average you should consume a day, then reduce that number by 500.
Drink water instead of soda.
Less fat and empty calories from snacks and more protein, ideally from chicken or beef.
A solid method is to figure out a meal you could eat 5x a week (I do chicken and pasta or chicken and rice), and just cook 5x the ingredients all at once for meal prep then eat that 5 days a week.
You don’t need to do cardio or lift or any of that shit, weight loss is entirely in your diet.
Eating 500 calories less than required to maintain your current weight is the baseline, everything else is just an accessory.

>> No.28616374

Swimming. And eating protein mainly. Cut sugar and fats. Simple as.

>> No.28616383

Eat steak and eggs two meals a day. Intermittent fast. Fasted morning workouts. No booze, no carbs

>> No.28616404

It's called the "Calorie deficit diet"

>> No.28616406

Keto diet and lifting

T. Former 320lb fatass now 180lb

>> No.28616445

that doesn't really matter if you keep stuffing your face
it just kills your natural appetite, not your urge to eat because your bored and lazy
heavy exercise is just as good

>> No.28616446

Put down the fork after 15 minutes of eating.

>> No.28616452

Unironically stop drinking soda / high calorie drinks, drink 2 gallons of water a day (get the jugs), and limit eating out to a few times weekly max

>> No.28616467

Don’t ignore the anons saying to just eat less
You don’t have to fast, but it’s great for your whole body

>> No.28616504

I lost 50 lbs in 2018 and I've kept it off since, for what it's worth. I counted calories for about 6 months to re-calibrate my macros and appetite. Cut out nearly all processed food, set my macros to about 60% carbs, 20% protein, 20% fay. Began running 5 days a week, very easy pace, and lifting heavy 2-3x a week. I was completely shredded within a year, and I've just been gaining fitness ever since. I put in a minimum of 5 hours a week to training, so it's not exactly time efficient, but the results are worth it to me.

>> No.28616532

Seconding this, I find it insanely easy to lose weight on keto. However CICO is really all you need, and I'm doing it now on a cut from SS+GOMAD bloatlord status and it's not that bad, I'm still losing about 2lbs/week just eating around 2500kcal a day and hitting the gym on a normal SS schedule plus some cardio at the end.

Heavy lifting is way better for weight loss than running/cardio, especially with the impact on your knees. Swimming mogs both though.

>> No.28616552

Everyone is doing pussy mode. Buy dnp, lift three times a week followed by cardio 30 minutes. Intermittent fasting. Black coffee when you're hungry until 5 pm. All chicken and broccoli ( you can't have more than 800 calories of chicken breast, you'll hate life)

>> No.28616559

Isn't keto just basically avoiding sugars/grains?

>> No.28616576

Diet + exercise
>bonus: ritalin
Trust me, keto doesn't work it makes you fat the moment you eat any carbs. Malnutrition is malnutrition, a balanced diet with all three macros and all your micros is ideal.

Exercise being balanced as well is what you want. Everyone tries to do some shortcuttity ass way of going around basic diet and exercise, but the truth is a balanced diet with properly timed fasting and caloric deficits (meaning meal timing) is all you need.

If you really don't know how to make a good diet through a meal plan, there's plenty of apps that will help you, so will a good personal trainer (who will basically get you on apps and follow up with you)

>> No.28616588

Shit tier over complicated advice >>28616374
Good tier advice
God tier advice
Meme tier advice that would probably work anyway

>> No.28616590

Zero carb. However you go about doing it it's just easy and effective

>> No.28616601

Stop eating high calories high carb sugary shit and do a lot of cardio if all you want to do is lose weight

>> No.28616641

keto + IF + exercise

>> No.28616642

>Swimming mogs both though.
really wish it were easier to find good places to swim
why would pavement apes stand around in the shallow end polluting the pool with their niggergrease if they can't swim at all?

>> No.28616697
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Keto with intermittent fasting, you wont be hungry on keto anyways so its not hard.

>> No.28616706

This is the way
Personally tho, keto is too restrictive for me. If you cant commit to curbing your carb intake to the point where you keep your body in a ketogenic state, its not worth it. It wont work. Its easier to just practice healthier eating habits and portion control than to do keto, in my opinion. Just because carbs are in absolutely everything. The fasting running and lifting is top tier advice also. If youve never done it. Try a 24 hour fast. Then try a 3 day fast a week or so later. Research the correct way to break a fast, also. If youve got no experience in running or lifting, i suggest the beginner programs, couch to 5k, and stronglifts 5x5

>> No.28616730

Do not listen to this guy you will develop a health condition. Your body needs energy. Overconsumption of carbs, however, causes them to be stored as fat if you don’t use the energy they provide.

>> No.28616747

Keto makes you fat when you get off if you're a fucking fatass. If you gain ten pounds as soon as you come off that's just water weight retards

>> No.28616748

Anyone interested in learning more about this post should read Dr. Fung's "The Diabetes Code". It's great and easy to understand if you passed high school biology.

60% carbs is insanely high dude. Swap to 30% carbs, 30% fat, 40% protein, you'll feel much more satiated and still have the carbs needed for heavy lifting.

>> No.28616764

Swimming is the best, so low impact but great for conditioning. I do it on my off lifting days

>> No.28616796

The BEST way?
Believe in yourself and change your life. Never doubt that you will feel better in the end.
Most people get lost in methods and forget to have mental strength, but it's the most important thing. If you put your mind and heart into it, the body will follow and you'll never be fat again.

>> No.28616810

I'm mainly a runner and a cyclist. My typical projects are 50 mile mountain runs. 60% carbs is right on the money for endurance athletes.

>> No.28616818

Sugar is your enemy Anon

>> No.28616820

Stop drinking soda and eating candy. What I do is run on my treadmill and set it to a fat burning program. The first time was difficult, but I felt great the next day. It was like 45 minutes on the treadmill. Also on other days try to workout. If you have the space buy a bench and two 25lb dumbells, then look up dumbell workout routines. I currently use one on bodybuilder. The worst part is the soreness

>> No.28616837

Checked for addition to god tier advice

>> No.28616839
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>> No.28616934
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keto gang

>> No.28616982

>eat non processed shit- that means no Mcdanks, no burger kangz, no Kentcky fried cocks, etc.
>weightlifting, along with cardio
>good sleep
>a daily routine
>eating lean meat/proteins, good carbs such as baked sweet potatoes, potatoes, pasta, whole grain pasta,etc.
>minimum fats
>calculate your macros and do as accordingly

>> No.28617012

Calories in calories out

>> No.28617015

Keto is a meme, OP. Don't listen to these people. I actually did keto for about 3 months while losing 50 lbs, and it was complete shit. My performance suffered in running and lifting and I didn't lose weight any faster.

>> No.28617024

>your body needs energy
I wonder what all the fats and proteins are for

>> No.28617077

I started eating one meal a day, whatever I wanted to eat in the evening so I didn't feel hungry at bedtime. I stopped eating breakfast and ate a few carbs during the day, so my blood sugar didn't drop. I've lost 20 pounds so far and don't get cravings or feel uncomfortable.

>> No.28617093

Common sense is uncommon these days...
Peace, my friend.

>> No.28617102

Confirmed for not getting enough electrolytes

>> No.28617111

I lived next door to a gym with a pool for three years and never used it. Now I'm finally on a cut and want to swim and all the pools are unironically closed due to aids (corona). It fucking sucks. At least I live near the beach but ocean swimming is more annoying in my opinion than just doing laps in a pool.

Hey dummy, your body gets energy from protein and fats just fine.

You still have to count your calories no matter what you're doing. And there's nothing wrong with just staying on keto permanently if you're a weak willed fatty. I did it for two years straight just for the mental clarity benefits.

Keto was pretty easy for me. Eggs/sausage/cheese for breakfast, snack on cheese sticks and sliced pepperoni during the day, then ribeye steak at night. I felt like a king. Now I'm on /fit/s favorite rice and chicken breast quasi OMAD and it's not bad, especially now that my metabolism is through the roof from all the muscle mass I put on in the last half year.

>> No.28617127

Eat mostly meat. Any thing you eat should have no more than 1 ingredient in it.

>> No.28617157

Eat right and do boxing training.

>> No.28617172

Only drink water and walk up a steep hill every day

>> No.28617191

I went on keto for 2 months and lost 30 pounds just sitting on my ass. It sucks for 2 days and then it’s amazing.

Use this site. Do the quiz and whatever amount it says you’ll loose, you will if you do the diet. Just weigh all the ingredients and meals are easy. They give you the meal plan too.

>> No.28617198

Oh, why didn't you say you were insane just from the start? Please don't hurt me, just take the maple syrup and go.

>> No.28617292

I did a winter alpine expedition during that period. If I was low on electrolytes, I would've just straight up died. No, I did the research and did it right, and it was just garbage. There's a reason professional coaches don't recommend keto to their athletes. It's a shitty meme that you latched onto because it makes you feel like you discovered some secret. Keto is just the bro version of essential oils.

>> No.28617294

>didn’t drink Gatorade zero

You fool

>> No.28617318

You skimped on salt.

>> No.28617322

No, it's the fact that
>you have tons of fats running around your upper intestines not shot out because it's so built up
>the second a carb touches it your body slams it into adipose tissue at lightning speed
>because you're fucking starving

You're undergoing malnutrition on keto, you NEED carbs in your life.

Just get a balanced diet, exercise regimen, and sleep cycle holy shit.

If your brain is too simple for that, just go with the TB12 method and buy their $13/plate meals or make them yourself.

>> No.28617332
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68 hour fasts (any intermittent fasting strictly obeyed and adherence to a healthy diet). Went from 160 to 138lbs from June to August 2020 by fasting. One coffee + green tea on your fasting days. Break your fast with probiotic and chicken. Ice cream is your favourite junk food and source of chocolate, shit just goes right through you are replacing crisps/chips with trail mix and plenty o' H2O bro. You don't need meals you just need Chicken and dairy and grain every once in a while.Haven't eaten fast foood since Feb 2020 and I'm 138lbs, everytime I take acid I get the added bonus of feeling great about my physical appearance as well as feeling great about everything else.

>> No.28617338

Keto, then just stay low carb. I now think of breads and rice as peasant fillers...bread is the devil.

>> No.28617340

You do not have to count your calories. It makes a lot of people feel good and it works for them but it's not necessary. Just be disciplined enough to cut a few pounds when you start looking pudgy

>> No.28617358

Why do I feel like you're from "the old country" (Italy/Greece/Balkans)?

>> No.28617376

ITT: go to your gym and lose 100% of your body weight due to dying of covid
Seriously though most gyms are closed
You don’t need to lift or do any cardio to lose weight OP though they’ll help, if you’re starting off you’ll fuck up and do the wrong programme or if you try running as a fat ass you’ll end up with shin splints or twist your ankle and never do cardio again
Just calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate then reduce it by 500. It’s easy as fuck you literally just need to do nothing except eat less.
If you are incredibly, grossly obese then disregard every single post in this thread because there’s a good chance your metabolism is completely fucked and you might need specialist advice. If you’re under 450lbs you should be alright.

>> No.28617401

Spend any money you would normally on food on crypto instead. Lose weight and get rich.

>> No.28617420

>Hey dummy, your body gets energy from protein and fats just fine.
That's not what they're meant for and you know it. Your body does not process them the way you want them to, they process them the way they're supposed to. Adjust your diet for reality, you cannot just adjust reality for your retarded diet.

>> No.28617457

Pick one dude. Athletes are less than 1% of the western population, keto works for 99% of people because they're all couch potatoes anyway.

>> No.28617483

Get one of those calorie counting apps and count everything you eat for a week, the next week eat less calories. Continue until you reached your goal, don't worry too much about going over one day so long you can make up for it another day that week.

>> No.28617493

Explain to me which metabolic process or body tissue requires carbohydrates in excess of what you get from protein intake. You know as well as I do proteins turn into carbs for energy anyway.

>> No.28617516


>> No.28617517

The way to be fit and stay fit is to take up a sport that motivates you to be fit and stay fit. It's not rocket science.

>> No.28617526

You're a faggot, why would you do a diet designed to make obese people thin when you're clearly already fit.

>> No.28617591


>> No.28617594


>> No.28617609

No bro. Pick one:

1) no electrolytes
2) weren’t eating enough
3) not meeting your macros
4) have weak genetics

If you’re a professional athlete, why would you be on a diet that’s mostly fat based? Higher protein meals. No carb diets are for Cheeto finger’d link marines.

>> No.28617611

If you're a fatty coming off keto you absolutely need to count your calories. They have extremely fucked up perceptions of portions so they need to be autistic about it. The reason they balloon up is because they replace a cheese stick with a slice of cheesecake and think they're equivalent, and they think that because they're basically addicts/mentally ill. Obesity literally changes your brain permanently.

>> No.28617625

I was overweight and lost 50 lbs like I said.

>> No.28617680

You are really trying to tell me your body doesn't use fat as energy. You are really trying to say that

>> No.28617711

calculate tdee, eat in caloric deficit, do that consistently overtime???????????? profit

>> No.28617722

Fats are literally processed for energy. Protein breakdown can be diverted for energy if needed but mainly supports tissue repair/growth. You don't need carbs at all.

>> No.28617731

So it did work then lol

>> No.28617775

Take in less calories than you burn. Dieticians don't want you to know this secret

>> No.28617785

Well that's why I recommend fasting/psmf instead personally. Psmf is the best at changing fat mindset and body, but nobody ever wants to try

>> No.28617820

sure if you have no brain, but your brain wants glucose and carbs and the most efficient way to get it

>> No.28617830

Of course you can lose weight on keto. I lost about 20 lbs on it. I also lost another 30 lbs not on it. It's a shitload of effort to accomplish very little. Running by itself trains your body to metabolize fat.

>> No.28617847

dis nigga never heard bout KEY TONES

>> No.28617873

Literally that is what ketosis is. Turns fat into something usable by your brain

>> No.28617912

Easy mode: Adderall
Hard mode: Exercise

>> No.28617935

Okay nutrition expert. Fats do specific processes, proteins do specific processes, and carbs do specific processes. Interconnected, and they can cover for each other loosely. They still have their role, and you want a high carbohydrate(50-60%), moderate protein(30-40%), and minor fat (10-20% max) intake.

If you need a nutritionist to explain to you why your meme diet is unsustainable at a nuanced level go pay them.

Also for your question, it's not that you can't get conversion of protein to carb, it's that you'll get poisoned eating as much protein as you'd need to sustain yourself, not to mention you have to "restart" your ketosis (starvation) process when you run out of ketones, thus "water" weight you can't lose in the sauna or steam room returns.

You lack a holistic understanding of what's going on in your body and I'm not about to play professor with you, you're plain wrong and it's evident to anyone that's taken a nutrition class and paid attention to it.

>> No.28617950
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how do you guys stay motivated?
all this advice is good but motivation is the hardest for me

>> No.28617956

No you fucking moron read my post, re-read it then go read a fucking book. This is completely false. Protein is for maintenance of your entire body, because it maintains muscle, and the majority of your body is made of muscle. Does it contain carbs? Yes. Enough? No. Because carbs are used to generate energy as they’re essential to respiration, which creates ATP. Does fat contain energy? Yes. But it’s an energy storage for when you no longer have sufficient carbs.

>> No.28617978

Fucking around with insulin and eating carbs all day just to make your brain happy is inefficient. Getting into ketosis and having perfectly stable blood sugar and energy for your brain is way better and that's why lots of high powered executives do keto just for the mental clarity and ability to power through 11 hour days without having to stop for snacks for muh blood sugar every hour or so.

>> No.28617983

Fasting. I went full survivor mode during the first lockdown and stopped eating. I lost 2 stone in 2 weeks before they put me on antipsychotics.

>> No.28618010

stop eating food

>> No.28618049

this for real

>> No.28618063

This is the hardest thing for anybody, honestly I'm autistic as fuck and love the numbers game. So every pound lost was a big celebration to me, same with setting PRs when lifting.

>> No.28618117

>You lack a holistic understanding of what's going on in your body and I'm not about to play professor with you, you're plain wrong and it's evident to anyone that's taken a nutrition class and paid attention to it.
Right on the money.
Fuck off shit for brains who have no idea how weight loss works. It’s BUILT IN to your biology and no amount of meme diets will ever change that.

>> No.28618124

> ruin your life and torch your endocrine system but get it done fast
kratom, cigarettes, amphetamines & coffee
> do it slow and healthy
Go look at the sticky on /fit/, learn different techniques for building discipline and sticktoitiveness. Meal plan a week in advance so food is always a known variable and thus make no room for last-minute junk food decisions. Diet is important but if you can spare the time lifting will help your body maintain definition and not become an amorphous blob (depending on how fat you are)

>> No.28618146

I'm down to 196lbs from 252lbs since August. I just stopped eating sugar and fast food. Water instead of soda. I don't work out or meal prep. Just figure out your maintenance calories and go below that.

>> No.28618184

Imagine being so deluded you projected the real criticism of keto onto balanced diets.

so in your imaginary world of "high powered executives" and other buzzwords, how do I hold a high power? Or a low power? Or a power through, mrs. Clinton?

Get like >>28617983 and take your meds.

>> No.28618188

You need to keep your metabolism high. You will want to take a adrenal support supplement, multivitamin, 5htp and ltyrosine daily. Get yourself a bowl. Whatever food fits in it is what your portion is for that meal. Be sure to eat every 2 hours otherwise your metabolism will slow down.

>> No.28618275

first, go to fit. then find the FAST general. then learn about fasting, watch snakeman, drink snake juice, transition to keto. cut out crabs and sugar. replace with butter an bacon an avocados. eat once a day if you cant fast. it works, i lost 70 lbs in 6 months. it works. snake man is jesus.

>> No.28618295

I gave you my answer. Find a sport that you find fun, and chase improvement. It completely removes the option of not being fit. Your default mindset becomes training for your sport, and it takes no willpower.

>> No.28618302

This is a good addition. I don’t know whatever the fuck the rest of these things are, but taking a multivitamin a day is really good for everybody and is frequently overlooked. Just make sure you get a good A-Z one with like 60 tablets in, those that only last for 2 weeks are no good because they run out faster than you expect and you’ll forget to buy more.

>> No.28618327

Oh shit guys, it's a "nutrition expert" from the Food & Drug Administration! Hey, have you guys told a diabetic to eat 60% of their calories as carbs today yet? Or do you have the weekend off?

Autism. I made a huge spreadsheet to track everything I ate and all my activity for 2020. I've cooled off since I started my cut around new years but I still keep my daily weigh in log on a physical notebook. Also I started reading translated light novels on my kindle in between sets at the gym so I've started associating the gym with peaceful reading time so I look forward to going.

Based extremist.

Bro you don't understand shit. Read Dr. Fung's books and then go read the literature from the last 3 decades again. The food pyramid is a blatant lie and your medical school training is simply wrong.

>> No.28618426

If I wanted my own comeback you didn't have to get it from the other guy's throat.
Also nice goalpost shift. Do you want to play word battler mod on goalpost shifter all day?

Because you fucking suck at it reading your other posts.

>> No.28618433

I've lost 60 pounds doing an 18/6 fasting and eating schedule.
At 18 hours you get benefits of ketosis and autophagy cleaning shit up without the horrible smell that comes with keto

>> No.28618443

Don't listen to this either. OP, you have to turn on your skepticism when asking anything nutrition related online. There are so many morons who spout nonsense with complete confidence. Multivitamins are linked with higher mortality in healthy populations. There is absolutely no reason to take them.

>> No.28618450

Put down the fork fatty

>> No.28618498

There is no magic bullet for discipline, the reality is that it's like any other mental game. The more you play the better you get at it, but stop doing it for a while and it atrophies. The absolute best thing to do for yourself if you have NO discipline whatsoever, is picking one small, manageable change that you can live with and just do it. Read for 30 minutes a day in the evening, reduce your soda consumption, etc. You'll find it's manageable, and this will tempt you to get cocky - don't fucking get cocky. The biggest problem discipline-less people have is getting into this nirvana state of false motivation where they decide EVERYTHING has to change. You think you'll wake up at 6:30, hit the gym, read 4 hours a day, learn to play guitar, learn a new language, etc. All of that stuff is perfectly attainable, but not for someone who has no discipline whatsoever. Discipline is iterative, develop one good habit or drop one bad habit at a time.

>> No.28618513

Sorry, I don't respond seriously to incoherent ESL posts.

>> No.28618525

This. I went from skinny fat to ripped just lifting and not eating. Struggled for years but taking “put the fork down” to the extreme was actually good advice

>> No.28618581


>> No.28618605

Did OP say he was diabetic you fucking retard?
Tell Dr. Fung to shove his book up his dick.
I didn’t mention jack shit about the food pyramid, but if you’re going to sit and tell me carbs aren’t essential to your diet, you’re wrong. Plain and simple. Energy comes from carbs. I’m not saying carbs need to be 592738% of your diet but you need them. Same as you need protein fat and everything else.

>> No.28618616

Don’t eat breakfast only water until you accomplish what you need for the day. Food can make you sluggish.

>> No.28618668

looks like all the retards from /fit/ are here
there is no silver bullet (maybe dnp but it can kill you) start with changing your habits (avoid junk food and sugary drinks) eat enough protein and lift

>> No.28618696

>but if you’re going to sit and tell me carbs aren’t essential to your diet, you’re wrong. Plain and simple. Energy comes from carbs.
If this is true, please explain how people do keto diets for years and years and don't die.

>> No.28618761

You make them just fine though.

>> No.28618842

by quitting and returning to it. You're a cultist.

>> No.28618892

But AMD calls, become rich, then get lipo.

>> No.28618927

fasting. lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks. gonna keep going until im not a fat ass

>> No.28619013

Riding a bike is the most fun cardio for me. Running is just too slow and I get bored.
This. Setting PRs on my strava courses and smoking boomers on the trails keeps me motivated.

>> No.28619025

Calories in calories out. Run or ride a bike, drink only water, eat mostly plants and skip breakfast that's literally it

>> No.28619030

Because the human body is fucking based, I assume, or nobody ACTUALLY stays on Keto for years, that’s retarded. But you still need carbs for energy. You literally cannot argue this point.

>> No.28619074

I did keto for 2 years straight, how the hell am I not dead? You SERIOUSLY need to re-read the literature from the last 3 decades on keto. Carbs are the only macronutrient that is simply not needed to survive. Fats are necessary for hormones, protein can cover both energy and materials for tissue repair. Carbs don't provide anything fats don't provide energy wise.

>> No.28619096

Make sure you watch your diet when you stop fasting anon, your body will be primo starvation mode and will store anything it can as fat

>> No.28619097
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>start diet
>after one week or two
>realize nothing matters
>get drunk and eat like a pig again
>repeat this all over again
how do find the strength??

>> No.28619221

Autoerotic asphyxiation

>> No.28619230
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Diet is more important than anything else. You could be a literal invalid and still burn fat by simply eating very, very little. Walking a lot will further facilitate the weight loss though. I burned 60lbs in 3 months by just walking 8 miles a day and eating approximately 1300cal per day (I'm a 6ft male). Fat was just flying off of me. I was also lifting weights, but unless you're lifting hard core (to failure, working the negatives, etc.), Weight lifting simply doesn't have much effect on weight loss in my experience. So, to reiterate, diet and cardio burns fat fast.

>> No.28619255

I've never been a coffee drinker because I worry about caffeine dependency + it's extra money. Does it really help on a cut?

>> No.28619258

>But you still need carbs for energy. You literally cannot argue this point.
Yes I can. You can get all the energy you need from consuming dietary fat. Carbs are literally the token not needed of macronutrients.

>> No.28619276

>fats are literally just complex carbs
>your body only uses them when it has no energy left
>ergo, you need carbs for energy
People are railing against you because no carb diets can cause fucktons of health issues.
Inb4 muh diabetes, not my fault if amerifats can’t portion control.

>> No.28619301

Would your waifu want to cuddle with a gross fatty?

>> No.28619373

It just suppresses appetite. If you don't already drink coffee it's probably better not to start.

>> No.28619396
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>>fats are literally just complex carbs
>my face when

You really need to read a book on nutrition and ketosis at this point, you simply don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.28619400

I'm not about to read your "holy texts," cultist, but here's why you need carbs from the mayo clinic. Look, it has mayo in it, don't you guys love that shit?


>> No.28619411

one meal a day intermittent fasting. you can drink whatever you want dont fall for the water meme i pound diet mt dews all day and i lost 40 lbs so far. normally get a footlong from subway as my meal since theyre only 800-1200 calories and fill me up more than anything else

>> No.28619421

Stop eating except for fat pills, vitamin pills and water. It's literally that simple.
>booohooo my belly welly huuuuurts wahhhhhh am hongryyyy
No one cares faggot, suck it up. The hunger disappears. Get concerned when you are no longer hungry from it and feel feverish instead.
>work out
Unless you have muscle mass to save there's no point, just don't put the calories into you in the first place.

>> No.28619481
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argue with this shitkid im going back to laughing at pajeets

>> No.28619492

You’re losing weight on the form of glycogen and the water that attaches to the glycogen, you’re not losing actual fat tissue which is the goal.

>> No.28619512

i should say you can drink whatever you want as long as it doesnt have calories

>> No.28619522

>The hunger disappears.
Pretty much this. I find that drinking tons and tons of ice water helps to numb hunger pains as well, but then you have to pee all the time.

>> No.28619531

>What’s the best way to lose weight
buy rubic kek

>> No.28619566
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>The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that carbohydrates make up 45 to 65 percent of your total daily calories.
Oh look, more FDA food pyramid bullshit. I suppose you'll eat the bugs when they tell you to, too.

>> No.28619588

stop drinking IPA's and heavy beers, drink straight liquor or mix with sparkling water and lime. Stop smoking weed. Don't buy giant bags of snacks and chips, if you can't control yourself just don't keep shit in the house.

>> No.28619725

look at what bodybuilders do to cut down for shows. They gradually lower their carbs and do 45 minutes of cardio a day.

You don't have to go full keto, although when you first begin it doesn't hurt so you break that addiction that most people have. But generally instead of having a big plate of pasta have about half or less of that... just lower the carbs to the bare minimum you need to still feel normal.

Because the problem with keto especially if you lift is your glycogen is so depleted you'll feel like shit during the workout. Have some carbs before the workout for sure.

>> No.28619811
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>realize losing weight doesn't matter
>eat whatever I want
>drink whatever I want
>do drugs
>openly avoid things that I don't like, like family and social life
honestly If you want to live to be 100y you are just retarded. I'm 24y and when I reach my mid 30s I going to kill myself

>> No.28619997

>Because the problem with keto especially if you lift is your glycogen is so depleted you'll feel like shit during the workout. Have some carbs before the workout for sure.
This is correct and why I'm currently doing a quasi OMAD with about a kilo of chicken breast and about 500kcal worth of rice a day. Enough carbs for the glycogen and to stimulate insulin for muscle repair from all the protein, but not enough to start accumulating carbs -> fat directly. And like I said above I still work out 3 times a week doing an SS routine + 30-40 minutes of light cardio (basically powerwalking on an incline treadmill with a target heart rate of 140+ bpm)

>> No.28620125

>kill yourself
>miss all the new airing anime
>never see the conclusion of all the LN/book series you're following
>never see your favorite mangas' conclusions
Yeah I could never do that. And certainly not before GRRM kicks the bucket.

>> No.28620228

100% this. Losing weight is easy. You literally shed pounds without doing anything.

>> No.28620234

The entire keto diet, demystified:
Daily carbs <20g.

>> No.28620309

fuck bitches, that works for me

>> No.28620680

Holy shit you're mad. Go fucking run an ultramarathon or something sugar addict quit yelling at anonymous internet people

>> No.28620687

this guy right here has got the best advice in the entire thread
memes will get you nowhere if you hate yourself

>> No.28620780

>does protein contain carbs
Please go back this is painful lol

>> No.28620799

Fork putdowns until failure

>> No.28620882

Intermittent fasting is the "easiest" in my opinion. It doesn't have any complex rules. Just set a side a couple days a week where you eat once per. You'll significantly cut your calories and drop the pounds without huge changes to your routine. As you get more comfortable with it, you can adjust based on your needs.

That's all that's required if you want to lose the fat. If you're trying to improve your overall fitness, you'll need to start doing a couple days of cardio and aim for 3-4 days of strength training.

If you want a specific body type, that's the point where you'll need to implement a targeted training routine.

>> No.28620947
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>avatarfagging as a doctor to give him confidence
>spews nu/pol/ shit and keto

>> No.28621000


>> No.28621061

bread is evil but brown rice with home made butter, a little salt and pepper is so tasty

>> No.28621185

why do niggers season their food in the sink it's fucking disgusting

>> No.28621331

Listen to advice from 4chan. You become a drug addict pervert, invest in every scam, lose your friends and home, end up with nothing left. Lose weight because you are roaming the streets with no money

>> No.28621430

I'm from the appalachian mountains

>> No.28621615
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>UUUUUUUUUUU guys I'm so sad how do I get willpower? UUUUUUUUUUUUUU
>J-just kidding I have a badass live fast die young badass lifestyle!!
Extreme cope. You're gonna continue to be sad but you won't be able to take your life

>> No.28621650

just stop eating shit prepared in factories

>> No.28621767

Count calories.
If you have the willpower, this anon is right. It will take awhile to get into ketosis, especially if you're already overweight. Stop all grains and sugars immediately, stay off them. Keto is one of the hardest diets to maintain, because one cheat day can knock you right out of ketosis. If you can maintain it, you will lose weight and feel healthier.

>> No.28621773


>> No.28621842

Carnivore. Meat only for 1 month. Steak and eggs, do cheap $6/lb sirloins if needed, I recommend $9/lb filets from Costco. Intermittent fast if possible, only eat from 12pm-8pm. Soon you will find yourself only eating once per day. You will be in full ketosis, melting each day after week 1. Drink lots of water, do not deviate from the diet. Carnivore is not a long term lifestyle, just a temporary diet to lose the weight. You’ll also stop shitting as your body is now running on something it can fully absorb with no waste. Don’t freak out at your once every 3 days miniature tootsie roll shits. Nothing is clogged, you’ve just absorbed your nutrition. Post before and after in 1 month, don’t puss out

>> No.28621913

calories in, calories out. It's literally so simple a child could understand it. You body needs a certain amount of calories each day to stay alive. The amount is based on your sex, age, and lean body mass. If you eat less than that amount, your body must get the calories from somewhere to prevent death. Guess where it's going to get them? Fat reserves. If you don't feed your body what it needs to stay alive, it will eat itself, starting with the fat. End of story.

>> No.28621931

You actually enter ketosis pretty quickly, but it takes 4-6 weeks to become fully fat adapted. After that happens though you feel amazing. Not being able to cheat like at all is one of its best features

>> No.28622035

cut out sugar, do hit training using a kettle bell 3x a week, eat more meat and less carbs

>> No.28622091

Slow steady state long distance cardio

>> No.28622455

>baked fish and baked fries
>chicken alambre with tortillas
>stir fry beef with dirty rice

>> No.28622535

based autist

>> No.28622549

>If you don't feed your body what it needs to stay alive, it will eat itself, starting with the fat.
but you will lose muscle mass too right? i read somewhere

>> No.28622594

Eat less. It doesn't matter what the fuck you eat, just eat very little. My diet is atrocious but because I basically starve myself during the work week I'm rail thin.

>> No.28622652

If you eat enough protein then this isn't a real problem. It's true that to get big you'll have to eat more protein though

>> No.28622784

That's only a concern if you're a bodybuilder type. For normal people, your body would much prefer to eat fat than muscle, which is an absolute last resort that it will eat only if there's no fat left.

>> No.28622959

Stake your food money in a shitcoin

>> No.28623227 [DELETED] 


>> No.28623353

Eat less food.

>> No.28623386

Weekly 48 hour fast

>> No.28623509

If anything, I need motivation to eat. I usually only feel hungry when I'm doing work. If I'm playing vidya I could easily do a 24hr fast

>> No.28623727

Use the money you spend on food and buy ALGO.

>> No.28623860
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Sheer, unbridled, rage.

>> No.28623941

Just took a 7-pound shit so that's one way to lose weight

>> No.28623964

Be poor, buy GRT.

Do heroin?

>> No.28624622

calories in calories out

>> No.28624726

walk 10,000 to 20,000 steps a day, don't eat like a dumpster. Seriously.

>> No.28624773


>> No.28624863

came here to post this
used to drink a lot of coffee 2 years ago and especially when i was hungry
i weighed 58kg
stopped early last year
currently weigh 72kg (pure muscle)

>> No.28624967

Just stop buying junkfood and snacks. Its the easiest way

>> No.28624999

Eat less

>> No.28625019

it eats fat first
fat is literally storage for energy
it's what it actually is so when your body needs energy (ie dying of hunger) it starts consuming its reserves
when you're out of reserves it starts using the energy stored in the muscles
when you're out of that you're out of energy storage anon and you die

>> No.28625020

Get an adderall script and start using nicotine