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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28618272 No.28618272 [Reply] [Original]

I have been here for long enough to know cash wise most of you will make it. Good job anons.
But I see so many of you who have so much money and are depressed and sad even more so than poorfags.
No confidence, personality or life motivation. I want you to make it on more than just the financial level.
Read pic related.

>> No.28618436
File: 197 KB, 1920x1080, 1613189744888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be in control of yourself before anything else. Get /fit/
Note I'm aware some of you anons have done this and well done, this is directed mainly at neets who are stuck

>> No.28618646
File: 400 KB, 1336x1980, 1596047309381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Understand how you damage your body and mind, then you can fix it.

Remember you are at war.
You wouldn't let them hurt or damage your body, why let them hurt and damage your own mind.

>> No.28618712

I need help.

Like the idea of being a father and raising the next generation. Loathe what we allowed women to become. Keep turning over the idea of going the surrogacy route vs the old-fashion route. Haven't been able to find it in me to trust women of our generation but don't know how to explain to a kid they don't got a mom when they ask.

Wut do?

>> No.28619129

Man I have an erect penis in my pants and im so close to visiting /gif/ and jack off another 15 times. Fuck me cunt.

>> No.28619156

i've been taking an SSRI for about 6 months. it has pretty much eliminated the intrusive thoughts that i used to have daily.

>> No.28619346
File: 241 KB, 1272x1080, 1611343018302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you live. There are based trad women in pockets out of the big cities, big cities seem to bring out the most degeneracy In humanity .
Work on yourself, and search for more based areas to move to.
I'm Not a woman but I'd also say you'd have to compromise a bit to form a relationship as well.

>> No.28619526
File: 113 KB, 468x714, 1b95c3b968922f683c4ca43ec7a2c759f88db2985552cbd4548a89648c4cab47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Addiction is tough. It's a slow process to fix, your will power has been eroded slowly over the years.
Try 2 days no fap
then 3... etc keep trying and rebuild your willpower. Happiness will return.

>> No.28619679
File: 39 KB, 481x720, c17dd7fa9d5e06a921e77eb9165e45e4eed9e45113d81f4e770e5d649100f56b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have seen more naked woman online than all of your ancestral blood has seen naked woman combined.
Psychologically it's the biggest battle of your life, a war on your own mind.
Don't let them control you.

>> No.28620039

Undeniably based. I catch myself falling short more often. How do control my anxiety, since cortisol lowers test as well? I'm 24 and feel inadequate as a man at times

>> No.28620558
File: 78 KB, 850x400, 1612320461589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fail to fren. I can go 7 days no fap now and I'll keep going, confidence and motivation kick in around day 4.
The key is to never give up, when you have a decision to make its like 2 paths, always try to take the better path.

Our generations have to fight harder not physically anymore (even though fitness is key) but our generational war is on a battlefield in our MIND with Addiction, over stimulation and distraction.
Have you ever sat by a river, lake, ocean and just looked at it for 10 min and done nothing else, my bet is No for most people.

>> No.28620707

dont care must coom

>> No.28620855

Kind of scary how accurate this is becoming.

>> No.28620877
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If you're happy how you are, ask yourself if you want to change. If yes then easiest way is moving to a new area or changing routine.
A dreamer never makes a dream come true. You must take action, it's up to you. And you alone.

>> No.28621035

Not happy i mean

>> No.28621252

>Have you ever sat by a river, lake, ocean and just looked at it for 10 min and done nothing else
This always helps me. FUCK social media, it’s brain poison. Based thread OP, thanks.

>> No.28621260
File: 35 KB, 720x400, 1585032156012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its sad, it's like watching the death of everything great in slow motion.
This is important that you anons who will be the future do not become slaves, otherwise all your money will mean nothing at all.

>> No.28621349

OP picture in few words:
>dud, stop masturbating, it's bad for you
Get the fuck back to /pol/, tranny, /sig/ is missing you

>> No.28621371

Based fren. Pass it on to someone else. Absolutely fuck social media.

>> No.28622486

>social media
So 4chan doesn't count?? I use plebbit for the useful info and insta occasionally but that gives me anxiety with how much personal branding and networking take place

>> No.28622718

Adding on to this: do not forget that finances are the greatest weapon of all. That’s why I’m here and I’m sure many other anons too

>> No.28622981

On the whole 4chan is degenerate so yes.
But anonymous is best.
Reddit is very controlled and you can't be heard if you speak against popular opinion, even if it's the truth it will be downvoted because people are emotionally driven and for the most part dumb.
Truth seeking is king. Always find the truth and don't be manipulated with emotions and opinions.
Half the people are anxious and sad because deep down the sense something is wrong but don't want to go against popular opinion.

>> No.28623144
File: 156 KB, 700x472, 1585026214746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes based. I'm glad there is still light in here. Truth is finance is a shield and sword, weild them wisely or be cut to pieces.