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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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28614373 No.28614373 [Reply] [Original]

When do we go up again Avax bros? I want to feel comfy. This crabbing has got me bored (and anxious).

>> No.28614518

Just disconnect for a while if it's really making you feel anxious. Come back in a week or two and laugh at the fud you used to feel.

>> No.28614565

the proof is flawed, it's over

>> No.28614639

Personally im hoping for a big dip so I can get in more for a long term comfy hold

>> No.28614670

It's literally over for AVAX.

>> No.28614704

Yeah, but i am all in on Avax. I don't want to find out in 2 weeks i got cucked. I just want some upwards movement to reassure me we are on the right track.

>> No.28615389

I'm sorry anon but you won't get it. The reassuring upwards movement you're talking about won't happen for a while. It might not be the right play for you if you're feeling shaky after so little has happened, and that's okay

>> No.28615478

See this is what happens when Pangolin devs think it is ok to fud Zero Exchange. You add legitimacy to the retards who want to fud AVAX the platform.

>> No.28615597

Why do people invest in tech if they are afraid of bugs. I work as a software engineer and fix a dozen of bugs every day. I hope all the normies get rid of their coins

>> No.28615761

the software you fix doesn't involve moving massive amounts of money around
crypto chains can't have security flaws, ever

>> No.28615903
File: 9 KB, 250x202, asdwe24s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I invested a lot of money, frens. I didn't know you bought your coins at 2$. I'm ruined...

>> No.28616463
File: 821 KB, 720x805, Efkt52fXsAUi4CW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you never sell, you never lose

>> No.28616533

Fuck off roach shill. You think we can't tell? Coordinated shilling effort by subhuman scammers.

>> No.28616546

Stop fucking posting the same fucking comments in every AVAX thread you spamming cunt. Fuck off. Zero Exchange is a rugpull scam.

>> No.28616624

Damn, not what i was hoping for. I knew the Avax train felt way too comfy and getting justed was a matter of time. Just wish it happened a bit later when i had even more gains. The fucking dev team better fix market sentiment and release some insanely bullish news to get back the momentum. I hate the silence and passivity after the bug.

>> No.28616718

should've been a tip off with the way they accouned shit "today we're doing this!" no schedule, no bulletin board. a real rush to market. I imagine the team though "eh, we'll hit bugs for sure" but didn't imagine one this big.

>> No.28616781

KYS you trash.

>> No.28616898

Zero Exchange will soon have:

- native NFT integration
- Polkadot bridge
- charting
- limit orders
- lower fees
- fiat gateways

The first DEX to launch on AVAX, with support for 3 blockchains. How the fuck can Pangolin compete?

>> No.28616912

>roach confirmed
To no one's surprise

>> No.28617181

I can't imagine they would be that lax. The CEO is gambling with his rep with this project and there's no way he would not try to take every measure to prevent such stuff. I think there is some truth to the claim that such things only unfold under heavy stress under far out circumstances and could hardly be tested in the testnet. I have huge faith in the project but want to see green again real fucking bad to shake out the doubt.

>> No.28617271

Cope and seethe. Reveal yourself rugpuller.

>> No.28617368

Don't get me wrong, I still think AVAX is good and I'm pretty confident it'll go up. All I'm saying is maybe we'll have to wait a while, like two three weeks, maybe a month, to see it break ATH, and it'll probably crab in the meanwhile. Don't get your hopes down. My best advice really is leave your funds invested and come back to it in a couple of weeks. I

>> No.28618059

Thanks. I guess i will just wait it out.

>> No.28618203

Don’t tell me, you’re a Pangolin dev!

Is Zero Exchange’s success getting to you? It should be!

>> No.28619368

we will make it

>> No.28620109
File: 35 KB, 475x538, I dont feels so good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't feel so good.

>> No.28620149

wtf are you talking about, this literally happened to ETH and look where it's at. Fud harder

>> No.28620256

No one gives a fuck, piss off.

>> No.28620397

If it was a successful DEX it would have its own thread and you wouldn't have to copy-paste your spam in every single AVAX thread. It's dead on arrival, no liquidity, jellyswap tier.