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File: 65 KB, 960x640, china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28608953 No.28608953 [Reply] [Original]

Why does China hate their billionaires so much?

>> No.28609185

If you don't control them, they become the figure heads of religions. They become the government.

>> No.28609187

>Why does the state, an entity with power and interests, hate other entities with power and different interests?

>> No.28609194


>> No.28609268

because China is based

>> No.28609470

once they learn how much they love money, they learn how much they hate communism.

can't be long after that they let that fact slip

>> No.28609665
File: 32 KB, 577x324, 3R6j36C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's not a retarded country like amerizog where Jewish billionaires can genocide the white populace while literal niggers so called "right wing" praise them and give them tax cuts

>> No.28609726


>> No.28609771
File: 27 KB, 662x960, based department.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28609877

>Because it's not a retarded country like amerizog where Jewish billionaires can genocide the white populace while literal niggers so called "right wing" praise them and give them tax cuts

Basically. If some SJW billionaire suddenly started promoting Ns in China, they'll kill that fucker

>> No.28610197

China kidnaps billionares and offs them when nobody notices.

Jack was just lucky he's gotten too big and famous to just off so they let him go.

>> No.28610423

Because without capitalism billionaires and their companies would gain as much power as the government if left unchecked. This doesn't happen it capitalist societies because eventually the top companies will be killed by the competition or forced into the pile of shit.

>> No.28610511
File: 70 KB, 700x700, Nostalgic-feelings-all-the-way-through-the-90s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody knows farts aren't socially acceptable.. You can't have a nice loud fart, let it all out..when you're at your job, meeting..just by being around people in general..You can't do that.
Bilionare's farts make no sound.
They can fart whenever they want.Making everybody jealous.. Everybody wants their secret, everybody wants to let it out a good fart without being judged or ridiculed.
It's because of this reason most people hate bilionares.

>> No.28610617
File: 17 KB, 296x314, pure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump had the lower black unemployment EVER.

>> No.28610751


>> No.28610799
File: 508 KB, 1030x1500, 6a00d8341c464853ef017eea7e8d2d970d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China is more honest about authoritarianism than the US which masks it behind a facade of "freedom". Do we really have more freedom than a medieval serf when you take away the material.

>> No.28610842

meh, the media will spin it and say Biden has the lowest black unemployment ever.

>> No.28610860

They are more jew than Netanyahu

>> No.28611028

Americans have way less freedom than even some European countries

>> No.28611099

They want to use capitalism paired with nonexistenet environmental regulations and their massive pool of laborslaves to make themselves rich but they absolutely do not want to bring about a chinese middle class with notions of liberty or basic rights.

The billionaires are needed to actually make them money caus central planned economies suck, have always sucked and will always suck. They need the talented individuals to run the show to make the money but they keep them on a short leash because a commie regime has to squash ALL dissent publicly or it will cease to exist.

Just look at what they did to Jack the last time he fucked up, they clearly put him through the face shrinker machine. Shits not right!

>> No.28611166

Because the Chinese government is not retarded. No one is above the state, not even billionaires. Americans bend over to private companies, it's stupid.

>> No.28611433


>> No.28611495

never outshine the master

>> No.28612008

because they aren't niggers like our west countries

>> No.28612107

yeah, those 48 laws are fucking true
stfu if you don't have the means

>> No.28612190

>middle class
>notions of liberty

Look at what the middle class in the US votes for. Liberty my ass

>> No.28612477

Jack Ma has a fucking baby head, can't take him seriously in the slightest

>> No.28613348

This. Billionaires are parasites.