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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 78 KB, 1080x721, DC6bwaRUwAE0rCG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2855738 No.2855738 [Reply] [Original]

It's waking up edition

>> No.2855747

Next 24 hours are going to be big. Excited af

>> No.2855755

Wait so are my ANS going to be automatically converted into NEO or is there something I need to do? I know that I should get what I have in the wallet asap, other than that though?

>> No.2855756

they're laughing at the stupid laowai who are gonna get pumped and dumped

>> No.2855758


Yup, a nice crash. Don't say I didn't warn you.

>> No.2855767


Stay in one thread or we'll shit up your coin again

>> No.2855909
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>rebranding tomorrow
>inevitable FOMO.

>> No.2855962

I fucking hope so. I only have 40 Antshares. Need more

>> No.2855970


Not how it works, generally.

>> No.2855993

kys you filthy no-ans

>> No.2856002
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>> No.2856010


>> No.2856019

i have Antshare gore wallet, do it work tomorrow when this change to NEO?

>> No.2856027
File: 8 KB, 290x231, ansneo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ant share general section on /biz/cord now

>> No.2856030

Is there NEO desktop wallet availeble yet?

>> No.2856037


go to your local chinatown, there should be a quest giver by the gate

>> No.2856106

According to leddit the website relaunch has been delayed. What about the rest of the rebranding (wallets, nodes etc) I'm not so sure. AntShares/neo team will release a statement tomorrow.

>> No.2856177
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>> No.2856265

Heard dat

>> No.2856580
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Fuck me. They're as useless as a dogcatcher in Chinatown.

>> No.2856598

Everyone always seems to forget. Buy the rumor. Sell the news. Should be a dip

>> No.2856653

you're pretty good

>> No.2856669

this was the moon...
expect it to crash all the way back to 200k. but when it starts to rise again buy immediatly

>> No.2856705

we're uptrending you fool

>> No.2856749


This is nothing yet OP, wait until it gets on Poloniex or other major exchanges .. Then 100 dollar will be 1 neo for sure

Make no mistake.

Neo = next BTC and ETH together

>> No.2856813

site down for rebranding, prepare for the moon

>> No.2856947

Not it isn't . It was delayed.

The site is up and crash is NOW.

>> No.2857071

Yeah what a crash...... Kek

>> No.2857110

Goddamn why is bittrex freezing everybody's wallets
where else can I get ans

>> No.2857188

But seriously you don't have to move it off the exchange. It's a rebranding not a hard fork

>> No.2857225

with the political and economic disaster chinks have caused for bitcoin, does anyone really want to be left holding some other rando chinkcoin? i think not. you better hope china alone makes this shit moon because people have learnt their lesson already.

>> No.2857232
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What a mess, Someone put this shit down already. LOL "rebranding"

>> No.2857273
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1 NEO = 100 USD by end of year at the latest. Period.

>> No.2857286
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all haters and doubters: kys

>> No.2857288

not for long fool. I've seen this so many times already, SELL THE NEWS YOU MORON


>> No.2857289

KEK at all you dumb anon neets buying this chinese shitcoin. this is inferior to QTUM coin, which is the real chinacoin. Have fun getting ripped off by dog-eaters. buy QTUM faggots

>> No.2857295

this. does /biz/ remember what happened to DGB?

>> No.2857300
File: 380 KB, 780x773, 1499196646405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao. QTUM is run by a scam artist and they paid bittrex to be at the top as a "sponsored" coin. it doesn't get any more pathetic than that, faggot.

>> No.2857305

Qtum = scam


>> No.2857309

Yep DGB, MUSIC before that, and many others.
I'm just tired of seeing the pink wojaks honestly because people don't follow the simplest mantra when it comes to crypto

>> No.2857314
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>hurr durr, maybe if I compare NEO to DGB for the 10,000,000th time, it'll become an accurate comparison

>> No.2857317

>Bought some because potato
>Saw that sell wall
>Sold at the same price.

Thank god I didn´t hold, sell when you can guys, seriously.

>> No.2857328

ah yes, that big scary 3 BTC sell wall we are currently facing. whatever will we do.

>> No.2857347


I sold al my ANS at 320k a few hours ago, then I regret it because maybe it will moon cause of the NEO and shit... Now the 320K wall is 30BTC

>> No.2857356

>if i say this coin is different, that must be true
all shitcoins have 0 functionality. so you have the rumor (DGB/ANS will eventually do this and that and everything!) which brings up the price, and then you have the news (we updated our twitter!/here is a picture of a boat) which kills the hype.

does that mean DGB/ANS will always be down or they can't develop functionality? nah, but prepare to lose a fuck load of your net worth after this week.

>> No.2857359

this IS the moon, the rebranding is already accounted to the price. the only way for NEO now is DOWN

>> No.2857374
File: 45 KB, 519x591, 1499275419437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you NEO haters called me a moron for even suggesting we would moon this weekend at all. How'd that work out for you? shove it. up. your. ass.

again, you are clearly a retard who has not researched NEO at all if you think comparing it to DGB is accurate. it's clearly just a stupid meme designed to attack NEO holders, and it's tired. kill. your. self.

>> No.2857375



poor fool

>> No.2857390
File: 22 KB, 250x358, 875785479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if by 30 BTC you mean 3.48 BTC. you FUDers can't even read numbers right.

>> No.2857402

and you have not researched DGB. wow what an argument.

>> No.2857414
File: 490 KB, 449x401, IMG_0197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol you're lost buddy. QTUM has no actual product and is 2-3 years behind in development.... oh and run by a known scam artist. Kys.


>> No.2857425

>tfw bought at 217k
>tfw also bought at 315k just breaking green now.
I feel like selling at least half, of it to rebuy back when it drops after the conference, but some mad FOMO is kicking in.

>> No.2857431

anyone not buying ANS/NEO or IOTA is retarded full stop

>> No.2857433

I'm talking about the sum, and 330K is 55BTC. It's not going to be easy to beat this now that the news were sold.

Do whatever you want. I think it will dip from here, and I sold mine. If you think otherwise go ahead and good luck.

>> No.2857450

If it mooning to 400k, should I sell it and wait for the next dip to 330k?

>> No.2857466


>> No.2857471

>DGB = fast transactions shitcoin
>ANS = next eth
pick one

>> No.2857474

This I believe, I'm selling at least half of it once it peaks before the conference

>> No.2857485

>next eth
DGB was the next bitcoin. wow what an argument.

>> No.2857486
File: 112 KB, 700x792, 1499991702130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing wrong with selling some at the peak to get more when it dips.

The problem is retards saying this coin isn't going to eventually explode into one of the biggest coins in all of crypto.


>> No.2857489
File: 38 KB, 1011x795, 1500396947744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people are actually going to keep holding before, during and after the conference
What part of sell the news you don't understand
Bought at 4 before last conference and sold at 10.
Going to buy again after it dips

>> No.2857494


Blockchain is ded, long live the tangle

Active devs, community gets bigger daily, the technology is new and innovative

>> No.2857500


a lot of singporeans are chinese anyway

>> No.2857525

Do you guys sell it into USDT (Tether) and just wait? How does the process go.

>> No.2857528

buy dips and hodl, thats it.

>> No.2857545

get out of our thread, iota fag.

this is mostly what I do. I have about 50 ANS on bittrex that I trade with just for fun though.

>> No.2857615

Thanks for the advice friend.
I'll try leverage a part of my ans once we reach a little higher.

>> No.2857639


the shutterstock just rounds off the image nicely

>> No.2857645



>> No.2857683

Bitcoin is a network which is centralized and not useful (apart from super secure). IOTA intends to make the world's largest network if I understand correctly, which acts as both a data and value transfer system. Like Monero, it's super underpriced for what it can do atm

>> No.2857737

This, Holding NEO and IOTA for 3 years and I think we will be living like keeeeeengs mateys

>> No.2858276

Hodling NEO, IOTA and XMR, you fags better be right, I want to believe as well

>> No.2858312

>Bitcoin is a network which is centralized
uh, are you retarded

>> No.2858409

i don't see anything there that shows a change of date

>> No.2858415
File: 19 KB, 500x380, 1499493172387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's just spreading false FUD. ignore.

>> No.2858467

Was yesterday's moon the predicted rebrand moon or is there going to be another?

>> No.2858495
File: 15 KB, 328x299, y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh hey that was me nice to meet you

>> No.2858514

Antshares looking like it will blast off again. Not even trolling, I hate this chink coin.

>> No.2858541


It wasn't a moon. I think a moon will come in the next 12 hours. Put 50% of my portfolio in ANS this morning. My reasoning is that all the signs are there, but even it doesn't moon, some action the next month is guaranteed. Bags are simply not gonna happen - but I think I can make a 30-40% profit from this.

>> No.2858551

I cant wait!

>> No.2858560

couple walls but they are being eaten quick. This might be it.

>> No.2858574

holy fuck, real quick

>> No.2858590

wall down

>> No.2858593

Worry not ANS holders. I just sold 34 ANS as a sacrifice to the moon God. The rocketship will be taking off shortly

>> No.2858604


I sometimes sell off some to awaken the fucked up moon gods.

>> No.2858607

Volume building, RSI looks good. Maybe I should buy some of this ChinamenCoin

>> No.2858623

>fucked up and waited too long for some dip
>now it's 325
>if I buy right now 100% guarantee it's gonna dip

I fucking hate my luck

>> No.2858628

idk why but every time i see this tiny little ant lifting up that heavy as twig at the break of dawn i fucking lose it

>> No.2858647

You just missed the dip. Someone bought everything back up.

>> No.2858651


someone could literally bomb a few bitcoin farms and the network would be severely affected

>> No.2858652

Buy now dudd, it's going to shoot towards 400k sats.

>> No.2858670


I was bumped out I got in at 305 today while it was at 270 just a few days ago. But it's not looking nearly as bad now :D Hope we can reach 400k anon.

>> No.2858673


Yeah if they bombed well over 50% of the ledgers at the same time all over the world you dumb fuck.

>> No.2858681

You would more or less have to take down the entire internet to fuck over Bitcoin.

>> No.2858691

So short of an alien EMP, I think we are good.

>> No.2858724

I bought at THE worst time (386k), please be right anons

>> No.2858747

Chill, it will lose a bit and then gain traction and pop past 450 within the next couple of hours.

>> No.2858753

dont think there's enough support to go through 18btc at 330k atm

>> No.2858760

Just fucking bought it and it's started dipping, my life is literally a joke

>> No.2858764


Any vertical sell wall are likely to get pulled as it gets approached.

>> No.2858766

Dont know if it will reach that, but probably close at this rate.

>> No.2858797

WTF somebody is buying sell walls above ask price. 0.o BULL WHALE

>> No.2858807

Time to dump and buy again at the bottom...

>> No.2858864

Yup, I'm done shilling and trolling like a retard. Time for bed. Hopefully it waits to blast off until I wake up.

>> No.2858906

>Volume looks good and is increasing
>Went from 6.5K BTC to 4K BTC over the course of four hours
>Is continuing to drop

>> No.2858912

>buy in at 235k
>sell at 238k
See ya later suckas ! I'm out.
enjoy my bags

>> No.2858923

Thanks for buying my bags.

>> No.2858928
File: 18 KB, 480x270, 1499651851786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr this serious coin is just a pump and dump

>> No.2858929

next time try looking at the charts before you buy, if you did you would know it's at a high price right now!

>> No.2858936

I hope you have fun getting dumped on tomorrow.

>> No.2858953
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Plz buy into the FOMO goy, this can only go up up up! No inevitable crash here, oh no...

>> No.2858954

It's manipulated as fuck - Ignores bitcoin + every big rise was a hardcore pump
literally FOMO:the coin
I don't trust it at all

>> No.2858976

Doesn't matter what anyone thinks on here, /biz/ doesn't decide the future of shit.

see you on the moon cunts

>> No.2859087
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im immune to your fud biztard

you can't stop me now

>> No.2859120

NEO is backed by alibaba. fudders are literally retarded

>> No.2859139

this level of zealotry is the biggest fud of all

>> No.2859187

jut be ready to sell in time white barbarians

>> No.2859193
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mein neggers

Doesn't ANS/NEO have some sort of Proof of Stake protocol, similar to BitBean? That is, just holding it produces "gas" or "antcoins"

How does this work, and how do i into it?

Do i have to put my ANS/NEO in an offline wallet? And just let it sit there just like BitBean?

>> No.2859208
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>> No.2859221
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>> No.2859258
File: 12 KB, 474x473, 1483595575843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw BitBean actually has the most professional website, documents, and wallet of any crypto I have ever used
>mfw the developers are actively working to get it into the public eye by convincing businesses to use it for transactions
>mfw you don't even understand how 90% of the shit"""coin"""s in your portfolio could be useful in the future

>> No.2859299

I don't care either. I want it to go up in value and then trade the coin for dollars

>> No.2859410

Crash is imminent, just sold all my ANS

>> No.2859463

I'm keeping 20 ANS, good time to sell i hope, will buy the dip, if it comes..

>> No.2859470

All 10 of em?

>> No.2859516

>Chinks still asleep
>Saw all dat sell volume
Whelp, I just sold my ANS stack
How low should I set my buy orders?

>> No.2859525

draw your own retracements

>> No.2859531

Im thinking under 250k

>> No.2859544

Yeah, it pays out ANC/GAS to your wallet. Just let it sit there, and you'll be credited every so often. You don't even have to actively run the wallet software like bitbean requires.

>> No.2859555
File: 1.21 MB, 480x287, wrong.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another faggot who thinks he's an expert trader.

>> No.2859557

It's actually double topping.....if you needed another sign that it's going to take a big dip in the next few days, there you have it.

>> No.2859592

>double topping
What do you mean? Im new

>> No.2859609

Ignore him. Faggots actually think their "analysis" matters at all in crypto. It's cute.

>> No.2859612

just sold my ans so it's going to moon

>> No.2859636

As someone who is new I strongly urge you to remember to do research based on fundamental analysis and not based on technical analysis.

>> No.2859649

>biz tells me to sell

then it's the easiest decision in my life to hold

>> No.2859663
File: 479 KB, 1855x1171, TDC88xq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hold, amigo, we are going to the moon

this coin is easily 100$ by next year, just like ETH caus this is the chinese ETH!!

>> No.2859670

That 11 btc wall is getting demolished

>> No.2859687


>> No.2859688

Chinks sleeping is not just a meme.
When they wake up you'll see. You'll wish you listened.

>> No.2859703


Implying the Chinese are not awake.

>> No.2859704

It didn't drop last night

>> No.2859720

They really aren't, you can see their presence about 2-3 am GMT every time

Just depends on how much they wanna sell or buy

>> No.2859728

Have you looked at Yunbi?
It's quite active.

>> No.2859736


>chinese boogeyman is gonna steal your gains


>> No.2859753

Did you also notice the price of ANS on yumbi? 7.6$. Now go check on bittrex and figure out why does it drop at 2-3am when chinks wake up.

PD: Sell your shit you dummie.

>> No.2859758

He gives me gains, just not in the morning.

>> No.2859764

Hey fraud niggas let this shit correct itself and set up some massive buy walls so we can get it down to 300k

>> No.2859769

but the rebrand conference mean nothing?

>> No.2859771

>Not understanding you cant arbitrage sell to yunbi.

>> No.2859776

FOMO, sell the news. If you bought ans at 250 like I did you're fine.

>> No.2859782
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>> No.2859795

Anyone got the pic of the antpepe fucking the wojak sculpture?

>> No.2859800

See they're waking up.

>> No.2859802
File: 34 KB, 505x576, 1500549106714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.2859816


>> No.2859847

Why is there no information when the conference starts?

>> No.2859849


after ants takes a giant fucking shit during this next conference you can join me.

>> No.2859890

If you didn't sell above 327k you're a retard.
Say goodbye to your gains.
As for myself, I'll be buying the dip.

>> No.2859897

07/23/2017 10:36:10 PM 07/23/2017 10:34:39 PM Limit Sell 0.00328877

>> No.2859911

Nicely done.

>> No.2859925

jumped out when it dipped to 324 for a minute because there was no floor. I'll hop back in at 300 if it gets that low

>> No.2859931

I shall pop back in at 310.

>> No.2859940


>> No.2859952


>> No.2859959

I sold the half of my ants. dont know if it does down or up

>> No.2859961

Nobody ever said there was, faggots. It's more of an unveiling.

>> No.2859970

Might go up temporarily. Looks like someones trying to pump it.
In a few hours it goes down though.

>> No.2859977

they've been pumping it for hours.

>> No.2859989

Nah man, it's 289k on Yunbi, just sell and buy back in when the two markets equalise at about 310k.

>> No.2860017

That 330k wall seems impenetrable right now, and ANS is below 300k on Yunbi...

>> No.2860021

sold 500 ANS that I bought at 250k

>> No.2860028

10btc to go down 10k
80btc to go up 10k

did good senpai

>> No.2860040

>buy the rumour
>sell the news

I need to pick one and only one, I think I know what to do

>> No.2860048

Sell the rumor.

>> No.2860068

Here comes the big dump. Last warning.

>> No.2860081
File: 81 KB, 962x720, our guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In about 1h 40min Chung Lee and his friends are gonna wake up and dump his bags on you.

>> No.2860084

its probably going to bob around for another hour. its going to gain traction again at 320 unless they pull the orders.

>> No.2860104

Why have you created this thread and warn everyone to sell ans?

>> No.2860110

There is just no support though.
One whale can dump this down to 250k easily, check the volumes needed, not a great deal at all.

Al least not compared to what youd need to get it up to 380k

>> No.2860112

What the fuck do I buy ANS or NEOS? What is the difference between them?

>> No.2860122

>Why have you created this thread
Cause I was bored
>why warn everyone to sell ans
Cause it's going down? I'm such a nice guy.

>> No.2860129

ANS aka NEO.

NEOS is a shitcoin.

>> No.2860141

will it go below 300k?

>> No.2860143

Should I wait til it changes to NEO or dump it now??????

>> No.2860148

Talking out the ass.

>> No.2860154



>> No.2860167

you buy ans right now, it will be NEO not NEOS. NEOS is some shit coin that doesn't matter and has nothing to do with this.

make an account on bittrex or binance for Ans trades and you need to buy eth from somewhere and send it to your bittrex wallet and buy ans with eth since btc is currently locked on bittrex

>> No.2860176

And why should anyone listen to you

>> No.2860178

really though if it keeps going sideways I can see one last big pump when the rebrand happens

>> No.2860182

the supports anything under 320. its got 40 btc sitting.

it won't get below 320 unless a gook whale is desperate. There isnt going to be enough panic for people to sell under that 320k.

>> No.2860192

And why should anyone listen to you

>> No.2860272

There is no support at all, 320 will be gone soon.

>> No.2860279

I sold and the dump is not happening, as always :(

>> No.2860284

Pretty sure it's happening bro.

>> No.2860292

The fudd in this thread is going through the roof. Laughable

>> No.2860299

We're not doubting the fundamentals of the coin we're just saying the price is falling which it is.

>> No.2860321

I said that 20 minutes ago you smarmy nigger.
That 40 btc buy wall is now 7btc.

It's still at 322 so you can suck my dick until im actually wrong.

>> No.2860326

to add to this if the trend continues, the next stop is around 315 to 309

>> No.2860390

good or bad time to swing trade?

jk,anyone with a brain knows that all this coin is good for is being predictably volatile for chink pump and dumpers

>> No.2860401

is it really though? seems to be quite stable in the 320k region.

>> No.2860409
File: 308 KB, 411x350, Screen Shot 2017-07-20 at 2.34.58 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you're saying 315 and 309 are smaller numbers than 320? fascinating analysis.

>> No.2860431

I agree. There is a huge divergence in price on bittrex compared to yunbi/jubi which combined amounts for more volume then on bittrex

>> No.2860440

kill yourself disney posting cuck

this shits about to drop again

>> No.2860812
File: 40 KB, 646x244, ansprice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2860844

Oh wow my magical knowledge is coming to fruition

How incredible. I wonder what mystical method I used to deduce the future.

>> No.2860879
File: 33 KB, 793x339, Screen Shot 2017-07-23 at 5.32.12 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys, just like I said before, a double top has formed and it's sure to return down below .030 or lower now. Doesn't mean that ans is shit, it's just how the chart is behaving applies to any coin! Happy accumulating!

>> No.2860889
File: 158 KB, 442x300, Screen Shot 2017-03-27 at 11.27.37 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't celebrate too quickly you little fags. we just went back to 320k :)

>> No.2860903


and it's back below .032...what's your point? it's always going to have ups and downs but it's trending downwards, anybody can fucking see that.

>> No.2860904

How dense can you possibly be to think this won't drop to at least 310k?

>> No.2860966

lol 312k right now.

Bend over

>> No.2860969

man its so hard to sell on green bars, then you dont wanna sell on red bars either

>> No.2860992

This shit is gonna moon before the end of July

>> No.2860994

Always compare with the price on yunbi and look at the order book on bittrex. And remember the generally tendency of the chinks to sell when they wake up.

>> No.2861001



don't be giving too much help anon. the mystery is what gives you house advantage.

>> No.2861002

you are wrong!

>> No.2861016


yeah, im not smart or brave enough to fuck around trading

>> No.2861047

Not doubting you but doesn't it need to reach a new high for it to be considered a double top?

>> No.2861065

fucking kek people bought that wall.

>> No.2861090

its up time boys. jump on

>> No.2861098

cant wait to hit 500k again boys

>> No.2861197


WE ABOUT TO HIT 320 again



>> No.2861230

this is fucking pitiful.

rip in peace ants.

>> No.2861234

two green candles appeared. sell walls are down a bit. Another test of .033-.034 coming up? stay tuned

>> No.2861249

The chinkdump is done, we're mooning now

>> No.2861273

>rip in peace

>> No.2861285

Should I cash in all my Ripple for Antshares/NEO?
Ripple seems to be doing fuck all

>> No.2861292

i was talking about the mass of retards trying to cash out at 317 keeping the price down.

>> No.2861304
File: 128 KB, 512x512, 1500069376029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"we're going sub 300k" fags btfo

>> No.2861312

im all in ANS and FUN my body is ready

>> No.2861322

literally noone said it was going to 300k in the entire thread

>> No.2861331
File: 44 KB, 1504x92, antsinmypants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did i do xd

>> No.2861344
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not bad, bro

>> No.2861358


>> No.2861369

chinamen woke up and decided to pump hmmmmmmmmm

>> No.2861390
File: 287 KB, 800x600, dahongfei_baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HMMMMM indeed.

>> No.2861399
File: 27 KB, 990x389, Screen Shot 2017-07-23 at 10.11.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it gets past the 35 sell wall its literally Moon Time

>> No.2861407

They're dumping now.

>> No.2861411
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>they're dumping now

>> No.2861421
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>> No.2861438


>> No.2861444

i stand corrected

>> No.2861447


>> No.2861451

you got yellow fever boy.

check yourself

also checked.

>> No.2861457

jesus i just noticed i got dubs / trips every time i posted in this thread lol

seems my luck with the shares aint quite so good

shoulda worn shades

>> No.2861531

sold 2/3 of my ans to trade in other things, left one third for the long term, and just in case a surprise moon decides to fall majora's mask style

>> No.2861604
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>> No.2861609

my first crypto in was buying ants from a friend at ath.
It was a cheap first lesson on crypto

>> No.2861627
File: 62 KB, 400x400, gotta_wear_shades.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you faggots shit the bed at every single red candle. we're fine. we'll always be fine. the moon is our destination. NOTHING WILL STOP US

>> No.2861744


not so much...it's going down to 280k minimum

>> No.2861755

wrong, eat a dick

>> No.2861767


you'll learn. sell your bags now and buy lower....it's what anybody with even half a function brain would do.

>> No.2861770

>he didnt sell the news


>> No.2861936

>nervous sellers

>> No.2862272
File: 409 KB, 1157x772, 1499129801864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when someone finally buys your bags

>> No.2862307

It's not a sell the news situation when the price hardly went up to begin with you faggots.

>> No.2862334


what a relief

>> No.2862402

over the course of a few days it went from $5 to $9.30 what the fuck are you on

>> No.2862589

And now it's tanking again

>> No.2862616

Yo, the conference started already?

>> No.2862639


Nah, you're taking the BTC surge into your numbers. It went from 270k SAT to 310k currently, 340k at its highest. Hardly a moon mission resulting in a 'sell the news'-situation. Do sell though, if this kind of FUD can get it to 270k again, I will buy more with this month's paycheck :D.

>> No.2862646
File: 42 KB, 450x507, i hate star wars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy for 322k
>fall asleep
>wake up
>dip to 308k
>no chance to recover

>> No.2862648

Why would you buy at 320 when 300 is clearly the established floor, if anything you should be looking to buy at 290..

>> No.2862657

I already sold, I'm waiting to buy back in

>> No.2862663

Did you miss the part when I "fall asleep" and not "go to sleep"?

>> No.2862664

>implying the Chinese won't pump their homemade ETH or at least keep it afloat

>> No.2862665


Like the conference before it, the moon happens a few days before then it rockets down

volume is drying up

price is dropping


>> No.2862683


Please sell. Can't wait to lick your tears.

>> No.2862695

please hold and remind us everyday about your dropping net worth

>> No.2862706

The conference is right now anon. Look at the price. If they don't announce a Microsoft or Ali Baba partnership, it's over.

>> No.2862733


Nice logic anon. Seriously though, if you're going to campaign FUD it can be beneficial as well. There's no losing with NEO.

>> No.2862736


I will keep you posted. How is Chaincoin working out for you btw?

>> No.2862853
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>> No.2862877
File: 52 KB, 421x250, 1499321579717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this is turning into a big fat non-event isn't it.

>> No.2862899

I get the feeling it's going to moon as soon as I go to sleep.

>> No.2862901


>> No.2862926
File: 246 KB, 1846x450, 324567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2862929

What exchange can we buy ANT/NEO on and why isn't there a secure desktop wallet?

>> No.2862933



And there is. There's a webwallet as well which will also generate NEOGAS for you.

>> No.2862935

>implying nocoiners can do shit

>> No.2862942



Only issue is that antshares.org/Download redirects to a 404 on neo.org

Where else can I get the wallet? Do I just wait?

>> No.2862962

tfw no rebrand

>> No.2862977
File: 187 KB, 612x612, dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


first link on that page is the neo gui windows wallet

>> No.2862988

I sold most of my Ant's, I feel like buying more to hodl. When is a good time to buy back in?

>> No.2863003
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>> No.2863009


Thanks mate


You should be in for the long haul. Don't you think some of these altcoins will hit $5 or $10 someday? hodl

>> No.2863011
File: 734 KB, 3264x1836, 1498505523637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the other one. If anything we can thank this coin for inventing pink wojacks.

>> No.2863029

So at some point am I going to refresh the Bittrex ANS page and it's going to say NEO and have a new logo? Is this going to happen today or what?

>> No.2863048

>mfw /biz/ is basically ALWAYS fucking wrong
it's so easy to get crypto gains, all I gotta do is check the /biz/ hivemind's opinion and do the opposite

>> No.2863062


Their new twitter account, @antshares is down.

>> No.2863076

if you dont know what do do - > sell/buy the half of the coins

>> No.2863078

Me and the big boy whales are about to dump this guys just giving you all a heads up.

- Merk

>> No.2863087

Me and the big boy whales are about to pump this guys just giving you all a heads up.

- Merk

>> No.2863096

Me and the big boy whales are about to pump and dump this guys just giving you all a heads up.

- Merk

>> No.2863098

Me and the big boy whales are about to pump this guys just giving you all a heads up.

- Merk

>> No.2863101

Me and the big boy whales are about to dump this guys just giving you all a heads up.

- Merk

>> No.2863156

Ok Merk 'n the bois, ill help out.
I'm redy to dump all of my 20 ants.
I'll wait for you guys to start.

>> No.2863167
File: 10 KB, 208x243, 568756456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes gweilo, buy ANS, it is the ETH killer, 1M satoshi in no time! BUY BUY BUY

>> No.2863178
File: 54 KB, 647x451, 1szbav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2863283

Zero effect dump

>> No.2863482

Fuck me bought in at 308 shit iw gonna go crazy, just watch

>> No.2863537
File: 19 KB, 351x359, 502[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What fucking exchange are you all looking at that has denominations in the hundred thousands?

>> No.2863570

new Reddit they have


>> No.2863583

AMA in 3 days on plebbit:

Interaction with the community is crucial. We will therefore hold a two-hour founders' AMA with Da Hongfei & Erik Zhang on Thursday, July 27th, starting 10pm Beijing Time (10am EST, 3pm GMT). Details will be released in a separate announcement.

>> No.2863591
File: 25 KB, 500x375, 1498566215102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2863596

Yes but what time rehersaling?

>> No.2864470

ahah look at the repo, these are some solid fundamentals indeed

>> No.2864657

sooo we're still at 310k. why are people acting like catastrophe has happened. oh right. because they're idiot faggots

>> No.2864869

The catastrophic part is that there is no dip to fuel up the rocket shit you damn nigger

>> No.2865823

You know you're in a solid coin when people pray for a dip in order to buy more at a lower price lmao

>> No.2865880

price in satoshis (.00000001 btc)

300k = .003 btc

>> No.2866779

You fucking garbage scum, your 300k "new floor" is about to get btfo you fucking scamming pieces of shit.