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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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28576858 No.28576858 [Reply] [Original]

Less than 24 hours until ASKO main net goes live with their new website. asko.finance is going to make many more millionaires than it already has. Though, the very simple and not shill reeking question is will you be one or not? No seriously, the fact of the matter is that this is going to change everything for the ones that were smart and staked their bags up until the parabolic rush that's imminent. Best part? It's not too late. At least do your own research and come to a conclusion based off facts and not manufactured fud made to drop prices and create windows for whales.

>> No.28576938

whats the purpose of this shill post if you arent gonna post links

>> No.28577204

this. at least post some shitty meme lines to laugh at or something

>> No.28577300

I'm a bag holder retard. Not a fucking shill and the god damn link is right in my post. " asko.finance" is the web address. jesus

>> No.28577554

is it really a 138,509,844 max supply or will staking generate tokens forever

>> No.28577772

staking does not generate anything. there is a 1% fee for each ASKO transaction. that 1% is distributed among stakers, prorata of their % contribution to the pool.

>> No.28577779

Staking gets it's coins from each transaction, later on when the lending goes live it will generate tokens for the stakers

>> No.28577998

From my understanding 138 Million is max.

>> No.28578406

oh wow so anytime someone uses the platform to borrow and stuff token holders make money

>> No.28578498

stakers make money, not holders. (i think?)

>> No.28578517

Now you get it. You get dividends. So get a bag and stake up. All you have to do is HODL. It's still early. But the train will be leaving soon.

>> No.28578556

yeah, thats what I meant, its like owning a bank if it becomes popular, fuck me.

>> No.28578596


That is correct. You have to be staked to receive dividends. It's not hard to do and you can unstake whenever you want. Just be careful because it costs gas to stake and the same for unstaking.

>> No.28578622

a decentralized bank yes. you can own a small portion of that and profit from the gambling addicts that borrow crypto

>> No.28578645

like AAVE doesn't give token holders shit right, just a stupid governance token

>> No.28578702

i already made 750 asko in a day and a half which at 28 cents is 210 dollars, not even staking a giant stack

>> No.28579094

ASKO - Mainnet launches in 3 days along with new site. Low MC, low 102M circulating supply

You can compare ASKO with AAVE. (6.5B Marketcap, Lending platform)

Current Marketcap (USD): 31,367,064

Circulating Supply: 107,455,199

(46)! percent of the tokens are currently staked.

What speaks for ASKO?

• AAVE has 23 assets listed, ASKO will list up to 11 tokens at launch with more to come.

In ASKO you can choose between a high risk pool with a change to be slashed, or a lower risk pool with no chance. -> The rewards being higher in the slash-risk pool. • Tierlending with different risk categories is one big difference from AAVE.
Apart from that, the coin is sitting at 31M MCAP. AAVE is at 6.5B MCAP. (Jesus christ) Let's say Asko is only 5% successful: 10% of AAVE is an x20 from now.

Some very comfy bullpoints:

• Devteam is dorg. (Developer of The Graph, Gnosis, and Balancer). -> Every coin they touched went over 1B Mcap (Proof: https://twitter.com/dOrg_tech/status/1303258902977564672))

• Code is fully audited and passed security audits.

Quillhash Audit: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JwCCkcWnhpiXkaJMhms8WLY_hmzEkrL9/view
• CEO is from US and very based. • Mainnetlaunch and AVOLEND launch is on the 13th of this month (1 day from now)

d0rg Medium post AMA: https://medium.com/@thegeneral1/askobar-network-x-dorg-team-x-american-hito-of-uniswap-army-8be7113c049b

What sets ASKO apart from AAVE and compound?

In AAVE if you’re staking your AAVE in the safety module you may lose up to 1/3rd of your staked amount if there’s a sudden insolvency and the protocol needs to balance it out

In ASKO when you stake you can choose between a high risk pool with a chance to be slashed, or a lower risk pool with no chance

>> No.28579112

Based copy pasta shill

>> No.28580054

God's work, OP

>> No.28580174

whats for ETA for launch tomorrow? want to know when to dump

>> No.28580257

reeks pajeet... oh boy, what ive done...

>> No.28580270

according to my research on the x10 marketing agency ASKO will be using, they are partnered with Binance and can get ASKO listed on Binance, which will absolutely drive up the price. I am excited to see what happens in the upcoming days.

>> No.28580384

3 days? We were told tommorow

>> No.28580438

It's an old pasta, it's still feb 13(tomorrow)

>> No.28580452

it is today, the 13th, in about 18
that copy paste is 2 days old

>> No.28580657

WTF why would you want to lock up your stake and not just want to move it whenever you want like algorand?

>> No.28580721

i have to go through uniswap to get this? i gotta pay $80 in fees for a small bag??

>> No.28580759

mxc or probit

>> No.28580791

You,vlad and shlomo can Gtfo now and give me my stakes

>> No.28580795

It's not locked up, you can unstake whenever but u have to pay ,1% along with gas fees

>> No.28580811

>x10 marketing agency ASKO will be using

>> No.28580874
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You don't want to miss this,
compare my graph in 16 hours

>> No.28580961


big fud to be frank

>> No.28580995
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>> No.28580999

Give it to me streight, do I dump this shot now before tomkorows events? Or at least unstske so I can be ready to dommp?

>> No.28581095

I unstaked 75% of my stack and split 50/50 between my wallet for uniswap and MXC. in case they announce yet another delay. if they don't and it goes ahead as planned I will restake.

>> No.28581120
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>Paying for gas
Algo is getting all the stablecoins behind your back and youre wasting your time on shitcoins, just saying.

>> No.28581167


>> No.28581172
File: 346 KB, 1298x1108, E805EBE6-1A80-401A-9FCC-3DD372EA950E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only own 9000 askies bros am i gmi?

>> No.28581215

If you hold.

>> No.28581336

How much does it cost to stake approxamitely? So if I have just a few amount of coins like say 1000 I shouldnt stake I should wait for a bigger stake cause its 1% of 1000 coins and gas fee vs if i had 10000 coins its 1% of that and still the same gas fee? So basically staking a small stack is dumb unless the gas fees are small? what are they?

>> No.28581368
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I need some more ETH to stake my ASKO. I wanna get on this ASAP. This is through Metamask; will either purchase generate instant ETH I can use to stake?

>> No.28581404

CEO posted it in the telegram

>> No.28581472

wyre takes like 5 biz days

>> No.28581487

Good idea I think I'll do the same.

>> No.28581501

Should I buy now or wait until after launch?

>> No.28581518
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>> No.28581532

>try to open website
>try to open Twitter
>this account does not exist

Lol real legit

>> No.28581590

tonight is gonna be a wild ride - I have a feeling

>> No.28581654

>How much does it cost to stake approxamitely? So if I have just a few amount of coins like say 1000 I shouldnt stake I should wait for a bigger stake cause its 1% of 1000 coins and gas fee vs if i had 10000 coins its 1% of that and still the same gas fee? So basically staking a small stack is dumb unless the gas fees are small? what are they?
someone answer this.

>> No.28581678


Definitely wait, for max fomo

>> No.28581690

When will asko be $500 a share?
t. 15,000 stack staked

>> No.28581723

Yea exactly, 1% of your stack and the gas fee. Gas fee is dependent on traffic but it's usually higher in the daytime

>> No.28581734

making a probit acct now.... its asking me for a referral code? anyone wanna throw me one maybe we get some bonuses while were at it?

>> No.28581808


>> No.28581810

any estimate of what a typical gas fee is for a stake? Like what is a typical amount you should bother to stake if the fee is like $70-80 it wouldnt be worth it unless you had $5000 or more to stake

>> No.28581815

where do you see the connection with x10 and Binance?

this is going to rocket launch if you can show some kind of connection

>> No.28581824

Considering how stable the price has been for the past two hours, you're probably right.

>> No.28581947


>> No.28582068

I'm hoping we can pull above 30c soon.

>> No.28582086

When it's busy it can get up to $80 or more, at night I heard the rates are way better, like under $50. Typically it's $40-$70 during daytime

>> No.28582148

Thank you for doing the needful sir

>> No.28582200

There was also an unconfirmed binance posting leak but no one knows if it was real

>> No.28582264

ok but what about x10 agency?

>> No.28582437

I'm not sure but x10 is working with binance and has the connections I believe

>> No.28582656

I hear you, but do you have a single link that shows they have worked with Binance?

>> No.28582767

Anon, in about 4-5 hours, gas fees will be their lowest. If you aren't panic-cashing in/out, then try to aim your transactions around then.

>> No.28583002

It's all speculation, no one knows. Some account bought 500 ETH worth of Asko last night and it could be from an exchange

>> No.28583128

you don't friken make it selling after you made a few 10k, just fucking hold and hope it goes into billions like AAVE

>> No.28583254

in the tg this was confirmed as a whale who has it staked currently

godammit I thought you actually had info about x10 and binance

>> No.28584119

and now radio silence, fucking shill

>> No.28584666

If you're still here, you can go to their twitter and see their tweet about their website:


Look at the slide for Partners, x10 right there

>> No.28585271

If this hits $2 I'll be in 6 figures.

>> No.28585325
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not brappers in here. fixed.

>> No.28586360

50.000 asko holder here and comfy as fuck with my dividends. Cannot wait for the Mainnet launch tonight and the big announcement the ceo is about to make! 3x from here this weekend for sure.