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>> No.28581028
File: 469 KB, 843x803, comfytorn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>0 replies
I'm disgustingly early

>> No.28581255

lmao, only rank #243 on CoinGecko...
this shit is gonna replace XMR

>> No.28581322

it's a governance token, not a privacy transacting token... please go

>> No.28581331

it's fucking crazy i got airdropped 100 torn which is worth $37,000 right now. best airdrop i've ever received. anyone else get the airdrop? how much did you get?

>> No.28581550

Originally I was targeting $5k but this might honestly hit $10k

>> No.28581584

>uni is just a governance token

>> No.28581599

Damn, you got airdropped a make it stack, gg
I didn't get any in the airdrop but I bought lots on day 1, im going to retire with this shit.

>> No.28581704

it deserves to be in the top 100
who the fuck uses XMR when it's delisted everywhere?

whereas ETH is never gonna be delisted and the best way to wash ETH is Tornado.Cash

>> No.28582355

we're testing $400 now.
I tried to shill this in the low $200's, hopefully some anons caught on.
Still a 20x from here

>> No.28582419

XMR on Etherium

This is the next the graph

My bags are packed

>> No.28582638
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tornadoes are cool so i bought an eth's worth


>> No.28582718

ffs anyone with some decent amount of time in ethereum knows that this shit is going to moon hard to the billions territory.

it's funny because this airdrop will make many millionares.

>> No.28582793

Including the amazing farming pools

Chance of a lifetime

>> No.28582816
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>> No.28583012

My regret is that I only bought 70 of these

>> No.28583067

Monero is literally dead

>> No.28583076

Spoonfeed me. Why is this so good?

>> No.28583134

This goes under the top 100 at least

>> No.28583214

can anyone DYOR for me?

>> No.28583356

they are accumulating. Supply Shock!

>> No.28583419

input $eth from 1 address, mix mix mix, pay fee, output $eth to 2nd address
cant see the input address only pool of $eth
fees go to dao, $torn owns/controls the dao
>inb4 top 30 token

>> No.28583446
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>> No.28583463

The token is literally not needed though.

>> No.28583490


Because it is the only privacy protocol on ethereum, you don’t need monero or zcash anymore.

Also the DAO controls half of the tokens.

>> No.28583550

thats bluekirby co-founder of YFI (or just a dev with shitload of followers idc) making a thread about why $TORN is so important. Kirby isn't the one who thinks $TORN is important, also Vitalik Buterin. We are going $1b and theres nothing shady anons here can do about it. just hold, it wont happen in a day

>> No.28583576

fuck just FOMOd goodnight frenz

>> No.28583605
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we hit $400 a few times, only a matter of time till it sticks

>> No.28583616

nobrainer. this is a MONSTER.
must valuable brining project since inception of eth.
Have you ever asked yourself how to cut an on-chain connection path between 2 wallets speaking that the blockchain does not show „sent from 0x4a... to 8x726“? Maybe to launder your funds/make them vanish? THERE your go $TORN Imagine what you can say the gov: „oh i sent my wealth to a contract and its lost“ aka dont sent funds to a smart contract bc otherwise they are lost esp. when keys were burned? - gov is so behind they will never understand the happening.

No one needs an unused privacy mondeo chain. 99% of crypto is build on ETH. We need a ETH chain solution and there you go.

no more spoonfeed


>> No.28583738

It was shilled her literally days ago. How in all hell can you not have this gem on your radar

>> No.28583875

i smell noobs.
Use of ren?
Use of CRV?
Use if 1inch?
Use of UNI?
you know what a protocol token is made to be?

You know how the FIRST laundering eth privacy solution will fly to the moon when the GOV votes in fees for $TORN holders like in ren?
lmao i see you have to learn a lot
Some ppl are so way behind in understanding complexity and usefulness

Ill give you a tip:
Crypto is an own ECOSYSTEM thus rather invest in crypto projects that benefit crypto instead of projects that want to deliver a solution for real life. Hint: aave, yearn, snx, uni, 1inch, crv


add $TORN to this list of you are smart enough and do not only look for breadcrumbs rather than understanding the hole bread/toast package


>> No.28583880

Already topped. This literally cannot go beyond $600

>> No.28583979

now THIS is cope

>> No.28583996

Starting price was 150 this will go clearly in the thousands

>> No.28584011

screencap and cope later when i am proven right

>> No.28584015

afraid of the airdrop desu

lots of people who got tons of torn for free might dump on us

>> No.28584021

$2000-5000. Mark my words

>> No.28584073


>> No.28584107

okay thanks fren im in

>> No.28584127

check price chart on dextools. thats what literally happened the last 4 days. Noobs dumped their airdrop similar to $UNI while smart money accumulated every dip.
Just check the chart and look for the spikes

>> No.28584170

i'm looking at that chart on dextools and man there's no way i'm gonna buy in now lmao

>> No.28584174
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see you in less than a week

>> No.28584200

the airdrop claims have slowed down, that's what was suppressing the price earlier this week

>> No.28584286

bluekirby is NOT a dev or the creator of yfi. he's a piece of shit scam artist. So I'm sure he uses tornado cash all the time.

>> No.28584327

Will follow RENs footsteps regarding to receive percentages on every trade someone does

>> No.28584497
File: 906 KB, 2052x1060, 6FEB47C6-F3CC-42B9-85BF-CB89D92A92B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those where all airdrop dumps and back-accumulation.


and just another hint: Smart people support other smart people: “As we continue to offer users opportunities to invest in potential “blue chips” of the DeFi space[...]” https://1inch-exchange.medium.com/1inchs-joint-liquidity-mining-program-with-tornado-31077f65645

>> No.28584582

he has none, its going to be in top 30 pretty quickly

>> No.28584585

why? it's trending upwards but hasn't mooned like crazy yet
also seems like a valuable idea generally
I mean you might get a better entry but probably not that much better desu and it also might just go ballistic from here

>> No.28584615
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>> No.28584636

we collect his fees then, coming in next 10 dao proposals

>> No.28584656

>i smell noobs.

i got into crypto 3 weeks ago. i don't even know what a blockchain is.

but yeah i'm sold. maybe waiting for a dip

>> No.28584695

How did you even get the airdrop? On uniswap??

>> No.28584705

were you the anon asking me in the last general when the next dip will be when we were crabbing at ~$250? Pretty sure I told you the dip already happened and explained why.
Ah well, I can't force you to listen.

>> No.28584731

$400 now, might stabilize here or moon more to ath in eth terms, you could split entries but gas fees will wreak you

>> No.28584827

if tho, leave this board bc you will not be able to differentiate between worthless shills and real money gems.

I’m not spoonfeeding more

>> No.28585084

do what you want pajeets, i know i am going to retire thx to this one

>working product
>in development for years
>legit team
>all in dao

this is a no-brainer.




>> No.28585338

No, this wan‘t me. I was instantly bullish but first I thought there would be at least one more dip because masses of dumb people were selling and second the gas fees were pretty high due to rush hour and I had to go to sleep.

I guess I will just fomo in like a retard. This thing is huge.

Who did all these dudes even get their airdrops though? I already didn’t get shit from this 1inch pice of shit recently. now the next one I missed.


>> No.28585371

i did identify MCDC as a scam fwiw.

>> No.28585701

>I’m not spoonfeeding more
they'll fomo in at $1k kek

>> No.28585817

I got 1800 unironically

>> No.28585972
File: 390 KB, 1995x1659, 59AE7DE1-7729-4FCB-9D64-F50E4FE84C94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I ask myself the question why even I bother to share real knowledge here. Feels like being a white hat with no salary. LOL

Anyway....as Arnold said: You have to give something back to the people.

>> No.28586101

pls don't dump on us

>> No.28586313


>> No.28586499

Frens if I buy in now am I still early? My whale trade alerts on this one have been going crazy the last 24 hours.

>> No.28586564

It was already at $440 and went down, I would suggest to wait and see if it can break it or it will go down to $350 area. I think $TORN has just received a lot of attention and the new base is $350

>> No.28586582

i used the tornado cash website to make some private transactions sometime last year. i had no idea there was going to be an airdrop later on for people who used tornado cash. got lucky

amazing dude you already made it

>> No.28586714

> private transactions

which drugs anon?

>> No.28586787

i allready sold over 500 lol without problems
There is enough liquidity on dexes, don't worry

>> No.28586816

It has only been trading for 5 days, what the fuck do you think?

>> No.28587013


This is the right comment. Wait a bit to see if it breaks 400 or stays for now

>> No.28587275

C.R.E.A.M dot finance just got exploited and the attacker is sending a bunch of ETH through Tornado cash to hide it
the hacker also sent the TORN devs 100ETH


top kek

>> No.28587334
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aaaand cream is plummeting right now

>> No.28587455

I'm unironically all in on this and fucking comfy
safe 10x at least sick of chasing rug pulls

>> No.28587462


>> No.28587589

would set orders at 290-350.

>> No.28588077

300 for me. over several accounts. I suspect a lot of the airdrops went to the same person using different accounts.... Beats my uni drops by a margin.

>> No.28588434

Dumped for loosies to put into Jigstack launch. I suggest you do the same.