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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2856819 No.2856819 [Reply] [Original]

Ok biz it's time for one of these threads on a comfy Sunday morning

>highest level of education
>total assets
>total debt
>goals, plans, questions, etc.

>> No.2856837

>high school
>in uni
>start as a wagecuck (or join army if I manage to acquire a green card), build up stock portfolio, finally in 10 years time retire in some cheap asian country and live off dividends

>> No.2856846


>last year of uni studying digital branding
>online marketeer at an insurance company
>1800 eur/month if working fulltime and around one thousand euros for stuff I sell on the side. (not drugs, just reselling)
>30k last month, 15k as of now thanks to the crash - had 200 euro 6 months ago
>around 3-4k - student loan using it to earn more money
>running a start up w/ a guy from my uni, will probably launch in 6-8 months.

Goal: Millionaire by 25

>> No.2856876

Here is mine:

24 almost 25
>highest level of education
masters in accounting
big4 auditor
>total assets
48k and growing bimonthly
>total debt
27k student loans
>goals, plans, questions, etc.
I just want to make it. Live comfortably and ultimately reach freedom

>> No.2856923

>high school diploma
>national conscript military (finishing in two weeks gonna start uni soon)
>sub 1k
>24k in cryptos
>none my parents are wealthy gonna pay for my university education and amenities
>my first 100k within a year, cs major econ minor then go into real estate with my parents. I started with great life stats and if I play my cards right it's not crazy for me to be a millionaire before 30. All my siblings are wealthy and successful as well. I'm just playing cryptos and forex for fun ultimately gonna become a real estate mogul with interest free loans from my parents. I'll just dip my toes in every field since I have such a large safety net and I'm a chink so gonna get that PRC money too, I can do whatever the fuck I want basically

>> No.2856939

>Masters Business
>60k (all given)
>0 debt
>retired when I'm 32 living off of 300k in the stock market

>> No.2856946

Why didn't you include the 300k in your total assets?

>> No.2856951

I don't have it yet :(

>> No.2856965

You will pal. We're gonna make it

>> No.2856967
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>Bachelors in Info Systems
>unemployed, used to be sysadmin
>~$30,000 in savings acct, ~$10,000 in checking, ~$28,000 in cryptos after a $8,000 investment, so I'm worth about $60k total
>$0, lol debtfags
>find a job with a good work/life balance, start becoming financially independent so I don't have to be a wageslave. Buy more Monero.

>> No.2856972
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Wait no wtf I'm 26. Makes a bit of difference.

Still, buy Moonero.

>> No.2856973

>Bachelor's degree
>High school history teacher
>€1,3k a month
>Want to go back to university and get a master's degree in business because money.

>> No.2856988

>24 masters in finance
>I trade, go around the world buying and selling
>depends of the year, last year I made around 40k
>around 300k of inheritance, it is invested in real state in Latin America.
>I owe the RBC around 30k in credit cards, it used to be more though.
>I want to buy a fucking ship and live from one port to another. I dont care if its a sailboat or a yacht, as long as Im in the sea

>> No.2857022
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>>$0, lol debtfags
>not using debt as a leverage

>> No.2857040

how does it feel being a history teacher is it rewarding or just babysitting kids?

>> No.2857041

ewww asia... dude if you are going to a cheap place there are better places. I only go to asia to sell shit

>> No.2857060

Can't think of a relatively better place to retire on cheap than Southeast Asia. Certainly not slavshit countries or some niggerhole.

>> No.2857080

Master's Degree
Head of Digital Marketing (for a 3 persons start up)
$1650/month (living in SEA)
Multiply by 5 my salary for 2019 at most. Moving from SEA should help.

>> No.2857103

code monkey
About $120k
Save more, not be a wage cuck

>> No.2857108

Well at this age they can be quite naughty at times and they constantly get in trouble because of relationships, parents and nights out but trust me, it's waaaaay easier than babysitting kids.
My students like me though. I am their youngest teacher and they feel like I understand them better because of that. And I make sure to show them a lot of videos, internet articles and parts of ebooks. I always stimulate them to do their own research outside class and don't always believe what's in your history books. Overall I do like my job, I feel happy when my students have good results on average. I just don't like the salary and the paperwork after work.

>> No.2857117
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Unfuck myself.

>> No.2857137

Asians are autistic as fuck, I dislike niggers and Asians alike, but if I had to choose. At least niggers got salsa and some African countries have excellent food.
Still there is no better cheap place than southamerica, not all of it is a niggerhole. Buenos Aires, Bariloche if you like white places with seasons. Ecuador, Colombia and places in Brazil if you want warmer and more tropical places. Also their women are amazing
Asians are fucking overtaking the world pal, at least us westerners should unite so in the future we wont be big headed tiny penuses yellow aliens.

>> No.2857172

bump. cmon anons lets contribute and get a discussion going. help out and give advice

>> No.2857293
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South Americans may not look like niggers (most of them anyway), but they sure do act the part.
>brb getting mugged or stabbed to death by some gangbangers at night
No thanks

>> No.2857316

BS in Computer Science/Engineering
Software Developer
$61k/yr in low CoL city
Like $5k in my checking
$60k student loans
>refinancing my loans to get a great interest rate, really lucked out in the price for my apartment, will have a lot of discretionary income so I'm trying to get into day trading
How to not get burned? I've been reading a lot about the day trade the past few days

>> No.2857320

Move to Germoney.

Master of Ed.
High School Teacher (Biology, Chemistry, Physics)
3600€ (~2800€net)
50k in stock and savings, +1500€ p.month
0 dept
goals are to work hard, buy some overpriced premium car, take over europe. The usual.

>> No.2857343

Advanced diploma
I'm moving to Australia with my wife for a year before we decide what comes next.

>> No.2857348


>highest level of education
MBA candidate

Medical sales

90 base plus commission (~150k)

>total assets

>total debt

>goals, plans, questions, etc.
Goal: Retire by 50.
Plan: save enough to put both kids through college and retire in time by maximizing 401k and employee stock purchase program along with my wife. Currently saving ~60/year into retirement between the two of us. 36k in 401k + 10k match and about 14k/year in discounted stock. I also have a small hash farm in my garage and am mining ETH and SIGT currently. Crypto will probably pay for college (at least), bring about an even earlier retirement (at plan), buy me rental houses and a 911 4s (over plan), or flop.

>> No.2857354

>Carrer specific Certs (Sec+, CCNA)
>Network defense for gobernment
>65k for 35 hours/week
> 45k crypto
> 0
>Buy a condo and get new job in DC in 2 years once the gf graduates.

>> No.2857357

Germany is great, the only problem is I don't speak the language and it's getting unsafe recently.
Those places are too dangerous, while in Asia you can safely go alone at night even in major cities and it's still pretty safe. I know because I stayed in a city near Shanghai before and never once felt unsafe.

>> No.2857383

whats the debt? mortgage?

>> No.2857388

>highest level of education
Bachelor if Engineering (currently doing my MSc)
Junior sales manager
50k € ($58k) thats before tax etc.
>total assets
1000 €
>total debt
~40k in student debt, car loan, paying off kitchen etc.
>goals, plans, questions, etc.
I DESERVE MOAR!! Should have gone into banking, you can't make mad stacks in the energy field in Germany. But it's too late which is why I'm trying to get into trading and also want to buy a couple of properties to rent. If I only had more time to learn all that shit.

Beamtenjude detektiert

>> No.2857428

>>10th grade
>>dropshipping (ty /biz/)
>> >$5000
>>admission to >top 20 university, finance career, mba, retire in late 40s

>> No.2857470

>Uni going for math major
>carpenter, but learning programming for the slow winters
>$25k to $50k depending on if I get my own license and tools (more if I learn programming and get better at crypto trading), plus a couple big ~90k payouts on the horizon for next year (from custom homes)
>$0, sold my $20 of litecoin at a $0.4 loss just before the big jump kek

I'd like to get my degree and payouts from the houses and figure it out from there, ideally I'd never have to work for anyone again after these next 2 years (but I've been considering grad school). By the time I'm 25 I want to be set. I just want to build my own home and raise the best steaks in the land.

>> No.2857493
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>Head of Digital Marketing
>3 persons start up

>> No.2857534
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Wait so you got into security with only certs?

>> No.2857568

>highest level of education
financial anlyst
>total assets
>total debt
>goals, plans, questions, etc.
About sick of the corporate enviroment. Abou to pay off my mortagage off in full which will drop my living expenses to $800 a month. going to just stack cash and build a nice portfolio and hopefully I wont kill myself in the mean time.

>> No.2857590

>highest level of education
Prof Bookeeping (AAT), PartQ Accountant (ACCA)
Assistant accountant
>total assets
>total debt
24K car loan and credit cards
>goals, plans, questions, etc.
Qualify and pull a 50K salary and purchase a house

>> No.2857596

51k as a FA with an MBA?


>> No.2857609

>salary 51k
>assets 300k
>has been working for 8 years at most, income of 500k, so expenses could have only been 12k/yr
wtf? trust fund?

>> No.2857628

>Uni in France, last year before I got my license in English, Japanese, economic. knew it wouldn't get me any job with a salary more than 2k/month so started learning coding on the side as well as other skills
>Ubereats delivery, flipping/selling stuff, freelance : 2500€/month
>10k in crypto ( started around May, latefag ) , parents owe me 25k that I won online playing habbo.fr , wasn't old enough to get my own bank account, ended up in theirs, they blew it all . Lol.
> no debt yet but plan to take a 3/4K loan to leverage
> to become millionaire asap and become financially independent, meaning freedom. Being able to do whatever I like whenever I want wherever I want
Also I got health issue after taking a prescribed drug for 6months, planning to sue them with the money I get. Also want to recover

Good luck .

>> No.2857664


I know it's making me angry. allot of talent is moving into the Austin TX area. And my MBA isn't from UT.


I was in the militarty and put all of my money into the stock market in 2009 and rode up the greatest bull market in history.

Free BBA
Free MBA and got paid $1700 a month from GI bill

bought a shitty condo in the best nieghborhood and fixed it up and increased the value 60K and real estate has been increasing in value 10-15% YOY. I also have been airbnbing the spare room and have been pulling about $1200 a month from it, which is the eqivalent to having a rental property.

Plus ive been a frugal bastard may whole life

>> No.2857708

>highest level of education
>total assets
218k usd
>total debt
>goals, plans, questions, etc.

>> No.2857743

College (UK, so education until 18)
OpenVMS engineer
£350k in BTC
No debt
I want to keep trading crypto until I can afford enough houses to just rent out and not work

>> No.2857760

>grocery store wagecuck (soon quitting and going full time uni)
>0k (as of right now. Tuition covered by scholarships, but room and board is 10k)
>to get a computer science degree.
although really I just want to be rich.

>> No.2857777

>highest level of education
will graduate in English Studies
>total assets
about 500€
>total debt
>goals, plans, questions, etc.
all my money is in ARK (about 500€, about 800ARK) so I just hope it moons
I wish to move out and travel much more, I am into backpacking so if I had money I would hitchhike through Europe again, with more money this time though

>> No.2857784

also I want someone to love me :/

>> No.2857793

>2-3 years community college no degree
> Operations Mngr in apparel industry
>62K a year
>assets 0 f up badly but working on it
>debt 15K
>goal/plan invest in crypto, start small online business

>> No.2857797


This is the stupidesst post I have read in a long time.

congrats with being an imbecile, now fuck off kiddo

>> No.2857822


Since I got quads, will someone send me some coins?

P-please rich anon.

>> No.2857855

>218k usd
how? inheritance?

>> No.2857883

how much money did you have to put in the market when you were 22?

>> No.2857962

>highest level of education
almost finished with a B.S. degree, 2 semesters left
>total assets
around $5k plus a car
>total debt
whatever college has cost so far, ~$30k
>goals, plans, questions, etc.
get job, live simply/invest heavily and save up as much as possible until i can either start my own business and be self-employed or retire comfortably

>> No.2858051


I sold my new honda civic and had about 20k that I put into higher risk funds, I'm not sure what my actual gains were because I had no idea really what I was doing I just knew that if you started early you'd be better off.

After all my investing and saving I walked out of a 4 year enlistment with 80K and free education.

>> No.2858058

>highest level of education
secondary school
currently comp sci undergrad
>total assets
£5k savings, £100k crypto
>total debt
~£50k student debt
>goals, plans, questions, etc.
Manage crypto for 5+ years and diversify if/when possible. After uni get a job for experience or go straight to phd.

>> No.2858113

ID might be different but I'm the poster.
Yeah ? I don't seek your approval, what you got besides ad hominem attack ? any argument ? I don't mind elaborating what I said
Don't forget to spend some time outside

>> No.2858136

lmao now you're just reinforcing his comment

>> No.2858147

I don't get it anon

>> No.2858162

>currently in uni, final year in math
>no job
>$80k in cryptos
>no debt
>gonna kill myself within the next 2 years

>> No.2858163

How much would you estimate children cost you?

>> No.2858183

why tho

>> No.2858185

Best response would've been not to respond

>> No.2858188


>> No.2858200

>BS Info Sys
>Security Analyst
>100k+ salary EOY, net worth 0 3 years, net worth 1 mil 5 years

>> No.2858220

stuck in a religious hole. Math taught me to think for myself, and I realized where I stand. And I'd rather do it while I'm still single

>> No.2858229
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phd in mathematics
$300k starting any job I want, hop around every few months
$2 million
One day I hope to be a billionaire

>> No.2858254

what jobs have you done and what uni

>> No.2858310
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4th year Uni- Math&Stats double major. graduate next summer

-Blockchain Dev for an IT first part time
40k part time salary
-Day Trading crpyto

>Total assets
53k (literally my portfolio and some savings)

>total debt
0 (no reason to go into debt yet, paid all student loans)

Make a scam coin or a legit blockchain service. Have you guys shill it and make me rich selling coins while consulting blockchain

>> No.2858320


>> No.2858351

>highest level of education
BS Economics
Field Supervisor Industrial Flooring
$24.5/hr +10 to 30 hrs of overtime
>total assets
>total debt
50k student loans and failed business debt
>goals, plans, questions, etc.
Fixing my credit score to buy/build a duplex. Trying to qualify for an fha loan but questionable work history might + overtime pay might be an issue.

>> No.2858408

How you have 300k with a 51k wage? Please teach me

>> No.2858416

>Believed the college meme but ended up working in the family business as a welder. I want to save as much as possible to invest. I currently have 15k in investments (mainly stock) but would like to start crypto investing. The dream is retire by 50 so I can enjoy life with my future wife.

>> No.2858424

What sort of religious hole are we talking about?

>> No.2858430

I work with math and physics phd. I have a msc on financial mathematics myself.

You dont start with 300k and you wont earn 300k until youre at least 5-10 years into the game, and even then its not guaranteed but only less than 5% make that money

>> No.2858475



>> No.2858525

one where I'd rather be dead than tell my family I don't believe the same things they do.

But anyway, this isn't something I want to discuss with anons on a random internet board

>> No.2858554

Good luck to you. Probably should get some help.

>> No.2858696

>highest level of education
B.S. Mechanical Engineering
Submarine Nuclear Warfare Officer, US Navy
>total assets
~70k, all in savings currently (I go in and out of crypto when I feel the time is right). Shitty car, worth maybe 2k.
>total debt
>goals, plans, questions, etc.
Finish my contract, get out, be a nuclear plant operator for like 10 years and then retire. How do I invest to become a millionaire and live off interest as early as possible?

>> No.2858735

I pay $700-800/mo for full time daycare for my daughter, who is 4. I pay my son's nanny (11mo) about $1000/mo depending on hours ($13/hour)... so $20k/year on childcare one plus additional costs. Probably 35k/year once we factor in extracurricular activities. Swim and karate aren't cheap... food, clothes, parties, etc. we're going to Hawaii for 10 days in September so we had to buy a ticket for our 4 year old.. there goes $500.

Shit adds up quick, but totally worth every cent. I get more meaning from my kids than anything else.

>> No.2858789

That's great to hear that it;s meaningful thanks gives me more perspective

>> No.2858820

Kids fundamentally altered my reality in a good way. Before them all I wanted to do was rip fat bongloads, play LOL (where I accumulated 3000 games as Twitch) or some other video game while finishing a 12 pack a day...

Now I'm sober and want to play with my kids and work harder to be a good dad and give them the life I wish my parents could have given me (they tried hard, but I grew up in a mobile home park with very loving parents, no material resources).

>> No.2858830

>Bachelor's in Biochem
>Loan Specialist at an alternative business lender
>36k plus commission (made 65k last year, not doing good this year, prob about to get let go for low sales)
> Prob maybe only 4k in assets including my car, couch, xbox, tv, etc.
> Make 100k (combined between main job, side business I haven't started yet & Investments)

>Question. How do I find a more stable job /biz/ brahs? Live in San Diego, been in sales since I graduated college. Can't save anything because the money is so sporadic. I'll get a big paycheck and have to use almost all of it to catch up on bills.

I want to do something where I don't have to deal with shithead customers and have stable pay. enough money to pay bills, put some aside and start a side business. Living on my friend's couch right now. Feelsbadman. What should I do?

>> No.2858838

>how do I invest to become a millionaire
>75K salary
>70K saved
Stop spending so much fucking money. If you have more than 10K in expenses per year, you're never gonna be rich on that salary.

>> No.2858874

Finished college
Gonna do masters in Sept
Salary, not a lot.
Total assets: $70k USD. Split 50/50 between crypto and regular fiat in the bank
Debt: None
Goals: Be rich lol idk happyness?

>> No.2858889

>highest level of education
community college
Software Dev
>total assets
2.2 bitcoins + 1k fiat
>total debt
6k car / 3k CC
>goals, plans, questions, etc.
cash out when I double my intial investment in crypto and then continue to play this game.
not much plans I am pretty comfy with where I am

>> No.2858905

>associate software developer
>~2k, just started work a month ago, decent car should last me 6-7 years
>1,400k credit, 8k to my parents (300 month to them no interest)
>I want to start saving money and invest it, maybe play around with crypto when i have some more play money, I could keep working hard and be very comfortable but i i feel like if I focus I could use this money to make even more money
>I'm buying a tesla as my next car in 5 years, I like playing poker too and I'm good at it so I'm going to see how far that game can take me now that I have money to fund it

>> No.2858927


100k a year and only 2.2 bitcoins

what the fuck are you doing?

>> No.2858948

I've started from zero a year ago, I had debts, helped my parents and I am not good in saving money, yea.

>> No.2858968

> 31
> associates degree
> military
> 68k
> 155k , not sure haven't had house appraised in years, 5k bitcoin, 53k savings
> $8k on car
> retire and move to thailand maybe idk

>> No.2859246

>high school
>Lawyer, Emergency Physician, Astronaut, then Senator

>> No.2859257

How do you become such a wellpaid software dev with only community college? What language/discipline?

>> No.2859273

Wellpaid? It is nothing in SF lol

>> No.2859300

As I thought. I a community college student trying to get my start in SE, but I don't have any real experience. Where do I go from here senpai?

>> No.2859363

You have skills? It is all that matter. If you have get a job. If not get skills.

>> No.2859413

How do I display my skills? I don't know how to get my foot in the door. Were you self taught?

>> No.2859495

Time for a datamining thread? Sure.
I'm 18
Neurosurgeon with a 10 inches cock
I own Madagascar and a few other islands around the world
None. Did I mention the size of my cock?
Why are you such a fagget?

>> No.2859635
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>few thousand from part time jobs
>20k or so in gov't loans
>trying to change fields and get a masters, some plans on the side to start a business. Playing with crypto for fun in the meantime

>> No.2859678

I cant remember writing this

>> No.2859718

>bachelors of arts in faggotry
>tech support
>$10k in crypto, truck worth ~$5k
>$300 on credit cards, lol
>i only desire death

>> No.2859747

dropped out of high school/college at 18, the schooling system here is a bit different
nothing/trading crypto
$1000 in crypto
freelance/online business/crypto/better way to make money

>> No.2859850
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>MS Econ
>Commodity Trader
>110k/yr USD
>300k, 200k liquid, 100k illiqud
>zero, jews BTFO
>own a comfy coffeshop and get out of corporate america. travel for a year after i quit with these mad crypto gainz

>> No.2859869

>here is mine

?? Who else would you be posting for?

>> No.2859882

>>highest level of education
security consultant
2k euros after taxes
>>total assets
85k euros on bank, 145k$ in crypto
>>total debt
>>goals, plans, questions, etc.
buy a nice house with only crypto gains

>> No.2859937
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>>highest level of education
no job
about $200 a month from blog ads, cloud mining, trades, etc...
>>total assets
>>total debt
i don't have debt
>>goals, plans, questions, etc.
start programming college in january, get 10TH hash power on cloud mining and get a part-time job.

>> No.2860316

>cloud mining

wtf is this?

>> No.2860408

>highest level of education
BA in accounting and economics
big4 auditor
>total assets
>total debt
12k student loans
2.2k car loan
>goals, plans, questions, etc.
reach FI