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28570518 No.28570518 [Reply] [Original]

Oldfag here, time to give back to biz so I will spoonfeed noob questions for the next hour. Ask

>> No.28570593

what should i buy

>> No.28570598

How much money do you need to start with to make it?

>> No.28570663

May I ask what are your thoughts on GRT? Could it be a top 10

>> No.28570699
File: 31 KB, 676x676, 1613024859879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were a poorfag with only $2000 in your profile to trade with, what would your strategy be?

>> No.28570724

Look for coins that are memed on biz for longer than two weeks. Months, years. Chainlink was one

A few thousand

>> No.28570734

Prove it. How many LINK are in a suicide stack?

>> No.28570738
File: 310 KB, 690x836, 5BED2C09-FFC4-462E-A2B8-2C51C94C22D1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove you’re an oldfag, what word comes to mind when you see pic related.

>> No.28570771
File: 220 KB, 359x632, 1612117031142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you set up a stop loss for a big sell? If you make it too tight then it might only get partially filled when a crash happens.

Also, is it possible somewhere/somehow to make a dynamic stop loss that will trail the price so you don't have to cancel and make new ones when the price moves?

>> No.28570785

No idea. I'm holding things from years ago.
Multiply it up to 10k doing risky shit, then invest more safely

>> No.28570808

How does one operate in a bear market? I'm not talking about how to prepare for the end of a bull market, I mean well into a bear market are there any good strategies aside from holding?

>> No.28570837

Any thoughts on dash?

>> No.28570881

I'm not proving shit. Take my advice or don't.
I never found any dynamic stop losses. The problem is crypto exchanges are all new and often go under before they get to the complex features.

>> No.28570889

What's the best way to spend gains without directly cashing out?

>> No.28570951

Can you give your perspective on how biz acted during eth vs link and if they are similar?

>> No.28570970

Sell in november and don't fuck with the market at all. Buy btc if you must but nothing else
It was around in 2017 so I wouldn't buy. Get new coins only
Dunno. I'm planning on cashing out

>> No.28570981
File: 145 KB, 831x1008, F18D0234-3A59-40E1-BA08-226CAE7D039F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive got 200k on coinbase 80/20 BTC/ ETH now what do I do?

>> No.28571003

What's the strategy behind synthetic futures? I don't quite get what the goal is

>> No.28571019

You can safely ignore this thread. He’s failed to answer two trivial questions to provide any proof.
At some point he will recommend a shitcoin that he wants you to buy.
Sage goes in all fields.

>> No.28571031
File: 457 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_2021-02-13-14-02-16-520_com.blockfolio.blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I going to make it?

>> No.28571049
File: 16 KB, 590x436, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two questions; first off, everyone says to DYOR - what exactly are you supposed to research to know if a token is a good investment? What are the hallmarks of a good hold, or a good pump, or a foul deal?

Secondly, what are the things I'm pointing at called? What does the big fat rectangle denote, and what do the "wicks" represent? I know they're called candles, but what makes something have a short candle and a long wick, or a short wick and a long candle?

>> No.28571076

What are yield farms and liquidity?
Is it worth it?

>> No.28571127

How bad was mt.gox. I was underrage faggot still in HS at the time. But I remember hearing horror pink stories about how people were robbed of millions.

>> No.28571152

I started after eth mooned, wasn't here at the time.
Depends on how much money you want. That's a good safe portfolio so holding that would be fine. But you could go bigger into some alts
No idea what that is
You can with $20k but you can always fuck it up. Don't get complacent

>> No.28571185

What do you think about rubic and hex?

>> No.28571186

>no solid or direct answers to anything

>> No.28571253

Investors, partnerships, shitty copypasted code, scammy ceos. Also look for what caused moons in the past, even if it's not rational
I wasn't there but it's as bad as you've heard. The market got fucked for years because of that

>> No.28571317

RBC has already 70x'd so I don't want it. But GG to those who bought. Don't know about hex

>> No.28571364
File: 1.02 MB, 1879x1125, 39954E75-3128-48DC-A421-30F7454A2EAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oldfag here
>I started after eth mooned, wasn't here at the time.

>> No.28571365

bought some chainlink on top. Am i retarded

>> No.28571404

Liquidity means are there enough coins in the market to buy/sell. If you have 10 billion of a coin and want to sell it on uniswap, there isn't 10 billion to buy on there. No liquidity

>> No.28571466

Maybe not, but it's a 2017 coin. I'm 50/50 on whether it'll moon again or just go sideways. It's a good coin

>> No.28571500

What coin do you think has the greatest chance for appreciation from here? Was thinking about getting into some polka dot projects since they’re sub 100 mil, but also don’t know how easily accessible they will be to normies

>> No.28571582

Look for coins that cost less than a cent. Normies will rush into those thinking it'll hit 40k like bitcoin will, because they don't understand market cap or circulating supply yet

>> No.28571672

so you think this bullrun is lasting the entire year? That seems optimistic to me, I think it will crash after paper handed normies flood the market with stimulus checks.

>> No.28571795

I think november, with a medium crash over the summer. Normie greed will trump their paper hands when shit goes parabolic every day

>> No.28571905

whats it like when your balls drop 2inch lower than prior years? Do you still have that "spark"

>> No.28572283

3o minutes remaining

>> No.28572465

Got any tips on how to time selling shitcoins?

>> No.28572479

What do you wish you could tell yourself starting out

What percentage of a poorfolio should be in stable safe coins vs moonshot bets

When do you take out profits when you have 2xd or 3xd but not sure if its the top yet

Thanks anon

>> No.28572531

Zoom all your charts out to 1 week and think longer term. If you're trying to time sells by hours you're doing it wrong

>> No.28572542

>Look for coins that cost less than a cent.
Where do you even find these coins? Do you have to trawl dextools.io and hope they show up on Uniswap?

>> No.28572657

To study market cycles and understand that bullruns don't last forever.
If you're poor, go big, maybe 70% high risk. We're here to get rich and you need more capital. Derisk at 10k
Coins like to 5x and 10x, I'd look at those points

>> No.28572664
File: 10 KB, 217x320, maxpain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck it kills me to ask in this thread like a fucking retard but I lost everything in the corona crash and I'm trying to make it all back.
what coins are decent this season?

>> No.28572753

biz works fine. All of my current holds came from here and were less than a cent when I bought. You want *real* projects, not nameless shit from uniswap

>> No.28572807

ok nvm, go fuck yourself

>> No.28572843

If I told you exact coins I'd be a shill and I don't want to do that. The key is to study biz long term and learn to differentiate the real info from the scammers. Look through the archives at how past winners were shilled compared to scams

>> No.28572859

I was here. Yes, it gave me the same feeling as back then.

>> No.28572917

If you're not cashing out what's the point?

>> No.28572946

If I'm in crypto since November 2017 and am still down 75% from my initial investment, should I just kys?

>> No.28572982

Hell no. I lost 90% once and I made it back

>> No.28572994

Where to cash out so that I don't pay taxes?

>> No.28573033

>Look through the archives at how past winners were shilled compared to scams
Adding onto this, most winning tokens seem to focus on the technical aspects of the coin and the reputability of the developing team - the difference between Chainlink and Hoge or MCDC, for example.

>> No.28573054

Will siacoin x10 in the next 10 years

>> No.28573055

Not sure what you're asking

>> No.28573125

Should I trade and not report every trade on my tax return

>> No.28573190

What do you think of nucypher?

>> No.28573239

Pay your taxes
Don't buy anything that was around in 2017. 2017 coins aren't bad but 2020 coins are always better chances
If it's trades that are a few bucks like eth gas transactions, then don't bother. But otherwise report them. The taxman will fuck you and you don't want to make retirement money and then lose it at the finish line

>> No.28573309

Haven't heard of it, sorry

>> No.28573386

What a shit ama, fuck you OP

>> No.28573415

To expand on this: coins moon on hope, among other things. For new coins, there's still blind optimism that a project will change the world, and soon. 2017 coins, people already understand them and their likely boundaries

>> No.28573419

were u on gaiaonline

>> No.28573478


>> No.28573684

If a coin I have goes up in price, do I take the profit or wait for a bigger jump in price? Do I sell all of it or only percentage? Do I reinvest into smaller coins or bigger coins (btc/eth?) Am very new.

>> No.28573811

How do i stop being a little bitch, i just started and i've been researching on some coins but i always wait too much, not because of fear per se but for the oportunity cost, thinking that if i invested in this other one maybe i could make more or maybe if a wait for a dip i can make more gains, then when i realize it the one i was looking at goes x5 overnight

>> No.28573848

do you think RLC will every moon?
it ticks all the boxes except the fact that it's a 2017 coin.

>> No.28573867
File: 50 KB, 540x1110, port.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips for a newfag that will invest around $400 per month? I started last month, feeling great.

>> No.28573871

Depends a lot on price and coin situation. I like to bail after 5xs, 10xs, or never.
Sell portions at a time. Maybe 25 or 50%. Keep 10% as a suicide stack if you want.
Reinvest depending on how rich you are. If you're poor, keep up the high risk. If you're rich, btc and eth only.

>> No.28574001

In 2017 nobody gave a fuck how viable a project was. Fucking okcash like 200x'd.

>> No.28574034

Experience or recklessness.
Never researched it, sorry.
Go high risk on alts, you're doing good.

>> No.28574079

how do i buy the real shit coins? outside of coinbase.

>> No.28574096

True but viable projects have a higher chance to moon than than shitty scams. Your goal is to increase your chances as much as you can

>> No.28574189

I think uniswap is the answer right now if you're a burger. It keeps changing as places like binance lock down one by one. I've heard good things about ftx too. Binance US doesn't have everythign but there's more than you'd expect

>> No.28574301

>Go high risk on alts, you're doing good.
Thanks anon, any example of high risk alts?

>> No.28574314

Time's up. God bless, get rich

>> No.28574380

Sorry man you're timestamped past the hour. Someone else answer this for him plz

>> No.28574467

The best way to increase your chances are with coins that have dumped so hard they literally can't dump any more. Established coins have a history, they're reliable, they have years of development under their belt, and they're dirt cheap right now. People look at old projects and see how much people believed in them in the past and want to ride the ride again. It helps that most of them are guaranteed not to dump. New projects are made and the founders dump all over the new investors. Anything that survived 2018 has already been distributed to new whales.

>> No.28574509

It will x10 in the next 10 months. People who use the "but it's a 2017 coin" non-argument are unironically retarded.

>> No.28575042

Sorry I missed your second question. The candles are measures of time. The fat parts mark where the price started and ended. The thin parts represent how far the price went, but didn't end up at.

>> No.28575519
